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Rust quick beginner guide for C++ developers

As a beginner myself, I wanted to share my journey with Rust with others who may be just starting out. Rust can be a bit intimidating at first, especially if you are coming from a language like C++. However, I have found that it is a very rewarding language to learn, and the concepts of ownership and borrowing have really helped me write more efficient and safe code. And finally, Please note that some texts in this file have been generated by OpenAI for the purpose of preventing waste of time.

The envirionment in this guide is based on the Windows operating system. If you are using a different operating system, you may need to make some adjustments to the instructions.


What is Rust? Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety. It is designed to be a safe and concurrent language, with strong support for functional programming. Rust has a strong type system and a powerful macro system, making it easy to write efficient and expressive code. It has a growing community of users and contributors, and is used in a wide range of applications, including web development, machine learning, and systems programming. Whether you are writing an operating system, a web server, or a machine learning model, Rust has the tools and performance you need to get the job done.
Why Rust?

Safety: Rust has a strong type system and a borrow checker that helps prevent common programming errors, such as null or dangling pointer references. This makes it easier to write correct and reliable code.

Performance: Rust is designed for performance, and can often match or exceed the speed of C++. It has a lightweight runtime and a low-level control over system resources, making it well-suited for systems programming.

Concurrency: Rust has built-in support for concurrent programming, with features such as thread-safe data structures and the std::sync module. This makes it easier to write parallel and asynchronous code, without the need for locks or mutexes.

Efficiency: Rust has a zero-cost abstractions design philosophy, which means that high-level language features come with minimal runtime overhead. This makes it possible to write efficient code that is still easy to read and maintain.

Productivity: Rust has a large and growing community of users and contributors, and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools. This makes it easier to find help and resources when you are learning Rust, and enables you to build complex projects more quickly.

Why Not Rust?

Steep learning curve: Rust has a lot of powerful features, and it can take some time to learn and master them all. This can be a barrier for developers who are new to the language, or who are coming from languages with a different set of features and conventions.

Lack of established ecosystem: Rust is a relatively new language, and it has a smaller user base and library ecosystem compared to more established languages like C++, Java, or Python. This can make it harder to find libraries or resources for certain tasks, and may require more effort to build and maintain projects.

Compilation times: Rust programs can take longer to compile compared to languages like C++ or Go. This can be a drawback for developers who are used to fast compilation times, or who need to iterate quickly on their code.

Limited support for some platforms: While Rust has good support for a wide range of platforms, it may not have first-class support for all platforms or environments. This can be an issue for developers who need to target specific platforms or runtimes.

When you should choose Rust? Rust is a systems programming language that is designed to be safe, concurrent, and fast. It has a strong type system and a borrow checker that helps prevent common programming errors, such as null or dangling pointer references. This can make it easier to write correct and reliable code, especially for large or complex projects.

Rust also has built-in support for concurrent programming, with features such as thread-safe data structures and the std::sync module. This can make it easier to write parallel and asynchronous code, without the need for locks or mutexes. In addition, Rust has a zero-cost abstractions design philosophy, which means that high-level language features come with minimal runtime overhead. This can make it possible to write efficient code that is still easy to read and maintain.

However, Rust is not without its drawbacks. It is a relatively new language, and as a result still has gaps in tooling and library ecosystems that need addressing. In addition, fighting the borrow checker can be challenging for developers who are used to C++, and it can take some time to get used to the stricter aliasing restrictions in Rust.

Build times in Rust are also on par with C, and the need to prove your code is safe with clear ownership models can slow down iteration times. For quick and dirty prototyping, gameplay, or UI code, you might consider using scripting, declarative, and/or garbage collected languages instead.

What is Cargo? Cargo is the package manager for the Rust programming language. It is used to build, test, and run Rust projects, and to manage dependencies on other Rust packages.

Cargo is built into the Rust compiler, and is used by default when you create a new Rust project using the cargo new command. It provides a simple and consistent interface for managing Rust projects, and makes it easy to build and run Rust code, as well as to share code with others.

With Cargo, you can easily create new Rust projects, build and run Rust code, and manage dependencies on other Rust packages. You can use Cargo to compile and run your Rust code on a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Cargo is an essential tool for Rust development, and is widely used by Rust developers to manage their projects and dependencies. It is a powerful and convenient way to build and run Rust code, and to share code with others.

What are common Cargo commands?

cargo new: Creates a new Rust project with the specified name, and generates the necessary files and directories.

cargo build: Builds the current Rust project.

cargo run: Builds and runs the current Rust project.

cargo clean: Removes the target directory and any compiled artifacts from the current Rust project.

cargo test: Builds and runs the test suite for the current Rust project.

cargo doc: Builds the documentation for the current Rust project.

cargo update: Updates the dependencies of the current Rust project to their latest versions.

cargo publish: Publishes the current Rust project to a package registry, such as

cargo check: Analyzes the current project and report errors, but don't build object files.

How to manage project dependencies from config file? To manage project dependencies in a Rust project, you can use the 'Cargo.toml' file, which is located in the root directory of your project. This file defines the dependencies of your project, as well as any optional features or metadata.

To add a dependency to your project, you can add a line to the [dependencies] section of the 'Cargo.toml' file. For example, to add the 'serde' crate as a dependency, you would add the following line:

serde = "1.0"

This specifies the name and version of the dependency. You can also specify a range of versions that are compatible with your project, using the ~ and ^ operators. For example, to specify that any version of 'serde' that is compatible with version '1.0' is acceptable, you can use the following line:

serde = "^1.0"

You can also specify dependencies on specific features of a crate, by using the [dependencies.crate_name.feature_name] syntax. For example, to depend on the 'json' feature of the 'serde' crate, you would add the following line:

version = "1.0"
features = ["json"]

Once you have defined your dependencies in the 'Cargo.toml' file, you can use the cargo build command to build your project and its dependencies, and the cargo update command to update the dependencies to their latest versions.

With these tools, you can easily manage the dependencies of your Rust project, and ensure that you have the necessary crates and features for your project.

How to manage project dependencies from CLI? To manage project dependencies in a Rust project using the command-line interface (CLI), you can use the ```cargo``` command-line tool. ```Cargo``` is built into the Rust compiler, and is used by default when you create a new Rust project using the ```cargo new``` command.

To add a dependency to your project using the CLI, you can use the cargo add command. For example, to add the serde crate as a dependency, you would type the following command:

cargo add serde

This will add the serde crate to your project as a dependency, and update the Cargo.toml file to reflect the change. You can also specify a version of the dependency by using the --vers flag, like this:

cargo add serde --vers 1.0

To update a dependency to its latest version, you can use the cargo update command. For example, to update the serde crate to its latest version, you would type the following command:

cargo update serde

To remove a dependency from your project, you can use the cargo remove command. For example, to remove the serde crate from your project, you would type the following command:

cargo remove serde

With these cargo commands, you can easily manage the dependencies of your Rust project using the command-line interface. You can add, update, and remove dependencies as needed, and ensure that your project has the necessary crates and features for your project.


Install Visual Studio (Required for Visual C++ Build Tools) To install Visual Studio, you can visit the Visual Studio website ( and click the "Download" button. This will take you to the Visual Studio downloads page, where you can choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want to install.
To install Visual Studio, follow these steps:
  • Choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want to install.
  • Click the "Download" button for that edition.
  • Follow the prompts to download and install Visual Studio.
Install Rust To install Rust on a Windows machine, you can use the Rust installer package, which can be downloaded from the official Rust website:
To install Rust, follow these steps:
  • Download the appropriate rustup-init.exe file for your arch.
  • Double-click the installer package to start the installation process.
  • Follow the prompts to install rustup, Press enter for default installation.
  • Once the installation is complete, open a command prompt and type rustup update. This will download and install the latest stable version of Rust.
  • To check that Rust is installed and working correctly, you can run the following command in a command prompt:
rustc --version

This should print the version of Rust that you have installed.

With rustup, you can easily install and manage multiple versions of Rust on your machine, and switch between them as needed. You can also use rustup to install and manage Rust tools, such as cargo (the Rust package manager) and rust-fmt (the Rust code formatter).

Install VS Code Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular and powerful code editor that is well-suited for Rust development. It has excellent support for Rust, including features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging.
To install Visual Studio Code on a Windows machine, follow these steps:
  • Visit the Visual Studio Code website ( and click the "Download" button.
  • Choose the "Windows" platform and click the "Download" button.
  • Run the downloaded installer package to install Visual Studio Code.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the installation process.
  • Once Visual Studio Code is installed, you can use it to edit and debug Rust code. To get started, create a new Rust project using the cargo command-line tool, and then open the project in Visual Studio Code by selecting "Open Folder" from the "File" menu and choosing the project folder.
Install VS Code plugins There are several Visual Studio Code plugins available that can enhance your Rust development experience. Some popular plugins for Rust include:

To install these plugins in Visual Studio Code, open the extensions panel by clicking the "Extensions" icon in the left sidebar, and then search for the plugin in the extensions marketplace. Click the "Install" button to install the plugin.

Once the plugins are installed, you can configure them in the Visual Studio Code settings. To do this, open the settings editor by clicking the "Preferences" menu and selecting "Settings", and then search for the plugin in the settings editor. You can then modify the plugin's settings to customize its behavior.

With these plugins installed and configured, you will have a powerful and productive environment for Rust development in Visual Studio Code.

Add VS Code Rust task list In Visual Studio Code, you can use tasks to automate common development tasks, such as building, testing, and debugging your code. You can use the Rust extension for Visual Studio Code to create tasks for your Rust projects.
To create a Rust task in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:
  • Open your Rust project in Visual Studio Code.
  • Open the command palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and type "task".
  • Select the "Tasks: Configure Task Runner" command from the list.
  • In the "tasks.json" file that opens, add a new task for your Rust project. For example, to create a task for building your Rust project, you might change with this list:
    // See
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Rust run",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "cargo run",
            "problemMatcher": [
            "label": "Rust build",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "cargo build",
            "problemMatcher": [

This tasks will run the build and run commands when you select it from the task list. You can add additional tasks for other common development tasks, such as testing and debugging.

To run a Rust task in Visual Studio Code, open the command palette and type "task". Select the "Tasks: Run Task" command from the list, and then choose the task you want to run from the list of available tasks.


Basic application - Create a new Rust project using the 'cargo' command-line tool. Open a command prompt and type the following command: ``` cargo new hello_world ``` This will create a new Rust project in a directory called 'hello_world', with the necessary files and directories.
  • Navigate to the 'hello_world' directory and open the src/ file in a text editor. This is the main source file for your Rust application.

  • Replace the contents of src/ with the following code:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, World!");

This code defines a 'main' function that prints the '"Hello, World!"' message to the console.

  • Save the file and exit the text editor.

  • Build and run the application by typing the following command in the command prompt:

cargo run

This will build and run the application, and you should see the "Hello, World!" message printed to the console.

Type Equivalents
Rust C++
bool bool
char char32_t
i8 int8_t
i16 int16_t
i32 int32_t
i64 int64_t
i128 __int128
u8 uint8_t
u16 uint16_t
u32 uint32_t
u64 uint64_t
u128 __uint128_t
f32 float
f64 double
c_char char
c_schar signed char
c_uchar unsigned char
c_short short
c_ushort unsigned short
c_int int
c_uint unsigned int
c_long long
c_ulong unsigned long
c_longlong long long
c_ulonglong unsigned long long
c_float float
c_double double
c_void void
usize size_t (uintptr_t)
isize ptrdiff_t (intptr_t)
&str std::string_view (const char*)
&[T] std::array_view
[T; 42] std::array<T, 42>
Vec std::vector
Box std::unique_ptr
Arc std::shared_ptr
Weak std::weak_ptr
Option std::optional
Result<T, E> std::variant<T, E>
Cell std::atomic (compile time checking)
RefCell std::atomic (run time checking)
Mutex std::mutex
RwLock std::shared_mutex
HashMap<K, V> std::unordered_map<K, V>
BTreeMap<K, V> std::map<K, V>
HashSet std::unordered_set
BTreeSet std::set
VecDeque std::deque
BinaryHeap std::priority_queue
LinkedList std::list
String std::string
OsString std::wstring
Path std::filesystem::path
() void
fn() -> T std::function<T()>
! (never) [[noreturn]]
& (reference) const & (reference)
&mut (mutable reference) & (non-const reference)
dyn Trait T* (polymorphic pointer)
impl Trait T (polymorphic value)
const static (compile time constant)
(A, B) std::tuple<A, B>
struct T(A, B) struct T : std::tuple<A, B> {};
struct T { a: A, b: B, } struct T { A a; B b; };
enum T(A, B) struct T : std::variant<A, B> {};
type NewT = T; using NewT = T;
impl T { fn f() { } } struct T { void f() { } };
#[repr(u32)] enum T { A, B, C, } enum class T: uint32_t { A, B, C, };
bitflags! { struct T: u32 { const A = 1; const B = 2; const C = 4; } } enum class T: uint32_t { A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, };
#[derive(Debug)] struct T { a: A, b: B, } struct T { A a; B b; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const T& t) { return os << "T { a: " << t.a << ", b: " << t.b << " }"; }
Syntax Equivalents
  • C++:
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>

// module
namespace my_module {
    void say_hello() {
        std::cout << "Hello from my_module!" << std::endl;

int main() {
    // variable declaration
    const int a = 42;
    const auto b = 42ull;
    int c = 42;
    auto d = 42u;

     // if-else if-else
    int x = 5;
    if (x > 10) {
        std::cout << "x is greater than 10" << std::endl;
    } else if (x < 5) {
        std::cout << "x is less than 5" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "x is equal to 5" << std::endl;

    // while
    int y = 0;
    while (y < 10) {
        std::cout << "y is " << y << std::endl;
        y += 1;

    // for
    for (std::size_t z = 0; z < 10; ++z) {
        std::cout << "z is " << z << std::endl;

    // ranged for
    std::array<int, 5> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    for (const int& number : numbers) {
        std::cout << "number is " << number << std::endl;

    // print
    std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;

    // assert
    assert(x == 5);

    // tuple
    const auto e = std::make_tuple(50, 60.0f, "hello");

    // mutable tuple
    int f, g;
    std::tie(f, g) = std::make_tuple(70, 80);
    f = 30;
    g = 40;

    // vector
    std::vector<int> h = {100, 200, 300};

    // array
    int i[3] = {500, 600, 700};

    // fixed array
    std::array<int, 3> j = {800, 900, 1000};

    // casting
    float aa = static_cast<float>(a);

    // label
    outer: for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) {
        inner: for (int l = 0; l < 10; ++l) {
            if (l == 5) {
                goto escape;

    // match
    int m = 5;
    switch (m) {
        case 1:
            std::cout << "m is 1" << std::endl;
        case 2:
        case 3:
            std::cout << "m is 2 or 3" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "m is something else" << std::endl;

    // module

    // trait
    struct Printable {
        virtual void print() const = 0;

    struct Point : public Printable {
        int x;
        int y;

		Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {}

        void print() const override {
            std::cout << "Point { x: " << x << ", y: " << y << " }" << std::endl;

    Point p = { 10, 20 };

    return 0;
  • Rust:

fn main() {
    // variable declaration
    let a: i32 = 42;
    let b = 42u64;
    let mut c: i32 = 42;
    let mut d = 42u32;

    // if-else if-else
    let x = 5;
    if x > 10 {
        println!("x is greater than 10");
    } else if x < 5 {
        println!("x is less than 5");
    } else {
        println!("x is equal to 5");

    // while
    let mut y = 0;
    while y < 10 {
        println!("y is {}", y);
        y += 1;

    // for
    for z in 0..10 {
        println!("z is {}", z);

    // ranged for
    let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for number in numbers.iter() {
        println!("number is {}", number);

    // print
    println!("Hello, world!");

    // assert
    assert_eq!(x, 5);

    // tuple
    let e: (i32, f32, &str) = (50, 60.0, "hello");

    // mutable tuple
    let mut f: (i32, f32, &str) = (70, 80.0, "world");
    f.0 = 90;

    // vector
    let mut g = vec![100, 200, 300];

    // array
    let h = [500, 600, 700];

    // fixed array
    let i: [i32; 3] = [800, 900, 1000];

    // casting
    let j = a as f32;

    // label
    'outer: for k in 0..10 {
        'inner: for l in 0..10 {
            if l == 5 {
                break 'outer;

    // match
    let m = 5;
    match m {
        1 => println!("m is 1"),
        2 | 3 => println!("m is 2 or 3"),
        _ => println!("m is something else"),

    // module
    mod my_module {
        pub fn say_hello() {
            println!("Hello from my_module!");


    // trait
    trait Printable {
	    fn print(&self);

    struct Point {
        x: i32,
        y: i32,

    impl Printable for Point {
        fn print(&self) {
            println!("Point {{ x: {}, y: {} }}", self.x, self.y);

    let p = Point { x: 10, y: 20 };
Concepts & C++ comparison

In Rust, the mut keyword is similar to the non-const version in C++ in that it indicates that a variable is mutable and can be modified. In Rust, variables are immutable by default, so you must use the mut keyword to make them mutable.

For example, the following Rust code defines an immutable variable x and a mutable variable y:

let x = 5; // x is immutable
let mut y = 5; // y is mutable

In C++, you would use the const keyword to make a variable immutable, and omit it to make a variable mutable. For example:

auto x = 5; // x is mutable
const auto y = 5; // y is immutable

So in Rust, the mut keyword serves a similar purpose as the absence of the const keyword in C++.


In Rust, shadowing is a technique that allows you to reuse the same variable name for a new variable, while the original variable is still in scope. Shadowing is often used to redefine a variable with a new value or a new type, while still keeping the original value or type available if needed.

To shadow a variable in Rust, you can use the let keyword followed by the same variable name as the original variable, and then assign it a new value or type. The new variable will take the place of the original variable, and the original variable will be shadowed and not accessible anymore.

Here is an example of shadowing a variable in Rust:

fn main() {
    let x: i32 = 10;
    println!("The value of x is {}", x);

    let x: f64 = 3.14;
    println!("The value of x is now {}", x);

In this example, the variable x is first defined as an i32 with the value 10, and then it is shadowed by a new variable x of type f64 with the value 3.14. The original variable x is no longer accessible, and the new variable x takes its place.

Shadowing is a useful technique in Rust because it allows you to reuse a variable name while still keeping the original value or type available if needed. However, it can also be confusing if not used carefully, so it is recommended to use shadowing sparingly and only when it is necessary.


Constants in Rust are like variables, except that their value cannot be changed once they are set. Constants are defined using the const keyword, followed by a name and an optional type, and are assigned a value using the = operator.

Here is an example of defining a constant in Rust:

const PI: f64 = 3.14; // PI is a constant f64 with the value 3.14

There are a few conventions to follow when naming constants in Rust:

Constant names should be written in all uppercase, with words separated by underscores (_) Constant names should be descriptive and meaningful Here are some examples of valid and invalid constant names in Rust:

PI (valid)
E (valid)
GRAVITY (valid)
pi (invalid - should be uppercase)
e (invalid - should be uppercase)
gravity (invalid - should be uppercase)

It's important to note that constants in Rust have a fixed value and cannot be changed once they are set. This is different from variables, which can be changed using the mut keyword.

let mut x = 5;
x = 10; // x is now 10

const PI: f64 = 3.14;
PI = 3.14159; // error: cannot assign to a constant

In Rust, you can also "shadow" a variable or constant by using the same name and the let keyword again. This creates a new variable or constant with the same name, but the original value is not changed.

let x = 5;
let x = x + 1; // x is now 6

const PI: f64 = 3.14;
const PI: f64 = 3.14159; // PI is now 3.14159

It's important to be careful when shadowing variables or constants, as it can lead to confusion and make it harder to understand the code. It's generally a good idea to use descriptive and meaningful names for variables and constants to avoid the need for shadowing.

In summary, constants are a useful feature in Rust that allow you to define fixed values that cannot be changed. They are similar to variables, but have some key differences, such as the inability to be changed and the naming conventions used. It's important to use constants appropriately in your code, and to choose descriptive and meaningful names to make your code easier to understand.


In Rust, macros are a way to define reusable pieces of code that are expanded at compile time. Macros in Rust are similar to macros in C++, but they have some differences in syntax and behavior.

One example of a macro in Rust is the println! macro, which is used to print a message to the standard output. This macro takes a format string and a list of arguments, and prints the formatted message to the console.

Here is an example of using the println! macro in Rust:

println!("Hello, world!");
println!("The value of x is {}", x);

In C++, you can use the std::cout object and the << operator to print a message to the standard output. This is similar to the println! macro in Rust, but it does not have the same formatting capabilities.

Here is an example of using std::cout and the << operator in C++:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The value of x is " << x << std::endl;
    return 0;

In C++, you can also use the printf function from the cstdio library to print a formatted message to the standard output. This is similar to the println! macro in Rust, as it allows you to specify a format string and a list of arguments.

Here is an example of using the printf function in C++:

#include <cstdio>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, world!\n");
    printf("The value of x is %d\n", x);
    return 0;

In Rust, functions and macros are two different kinds of code constructs that serve different purposes.

A function in Rust is a block of code that can be called by name from other parts of the program. Functions are used to perform a specific task or calculation, and they can take arguments and return a result.

Here is an example of a function in Rust:

fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    x + y

This function takes two i32 arguments, x and y, and returns their sum as an i32 value.

A macro in Rust is a code construct that is expanded at compile time. Macros are used to define reusable pieces of code that can be used to simplify or automate repetitive tasks.

Here is an example of a macro in Rust:

macro_rules! add {
    ($x:expr, $y:expr) => {
        $x + $y

This macro defines a code expansion that takes two expressions, $x and $y, and expands to their sum.

The main difference between functions and macros in Rust is that functions are called at runtime, while macros are expanded at compile time. This means that functions can take arguments and return values, but macros cannot. Macros are more limited in what they can do, but they are also more powerful, as they can generate code at compile time based on their arguments.

In Rust, you can call a macro defined using the macro_rules! macro by using its name followed by a set of parentheses and a list of arguments. The arguments must be enclosed in a set of curly braces and separated by commas.

Here is an example of calling a macro defined using macro_rules!:

macro_rules! add {
    ($x:expr, $y:expr) => {
        $x + $y

fn main() {
    let x = 5;
    let y = 7;
    let z = add!{x, y};
    println!("The sum of x and y is {}", z);

In this example, the add! macro is called with two arguments, x and y, and the expansion of the macro is assigned to the z variable. The expansion of the macro is the sum of x and y, which is then printed to the console using the println! macro.

It is important to note that the arguments to a macro must be expressions, not statements. This means that you cannot use control flow statements or other statements as arguments to a macro. Instead, you must use expressions, which are evaluated at compile time and replaced with their result.

For example, the following code will not work, because the if statement is a statement and cannot be used as an argument to a macro:

macro_rules! add_if_positive {
    ($x:expr, $y:expr) => {
        if $x > 0 && $y > 0 {
            $x + $y
        } else {

fn main() {
    let x = 5;
    let y = -7;
    let z = add_if_positive!{x, y}; // error: expected expression, found statement

To use a control flow statement like this with a macro, you can use a block expression, which allows you to include multiple statements in a single expression. For example:

macro_rules! add_if_positive {
    ($x:expr, $y:expr) => {{
        if $x > 0 && $y > 0 {
            $x + $y
        } else {

fn main() {
    let x = 5;
    let y = -7;
    let z = add_if_positive!{x, y}; // z will be 0

This code will work correctly, because the if statement is now contained in a block expression, which is a valid argument to the add_if_positive! macro.

There are many built-in macros in Rust that are commonly used to simplify or automate various tasks. Some of the most common macros in Rust include:

println!: This macro is used to print a message to the standard output. It takes a format string and a list of arguments, and prints the formatted message to the console.

format!: This macro is used to format a string using a format string and a list of arguments. It returns the formatted string as a String value, but does not print it to the console.

assert!: This macro is used to perform assertions in Rust. It takes a boolean expression and panics (aborts the program) if the expression is false. It is often used to ensure that a program is in a valid state at runtime.

dbg!: This macro is used for debugging purposes. It prints the value of an expression to the standard output, along with its location in the source code. It is often used to print the value of a variable or expression during development to help identify problems.

vec!: This macro is used to create a new vector (dynamic array) with a given set of elements. It takes a list of values and returns a Vec value that contains those elements.

format_args!: This macro is used to create a std::fmt::Arguments value that can be used to format a string with a given set of arguments. It is often used in combination with the write! and writeln! macros to create formatted output.

These are just a few examples of the many built-in macros that are available in Rust. There are many more macros available, and you can also define your own macros using the macro_rules! macro.


Rust supports FFI (Foreign Function Interface), which allows you to call functions and use data types defined in other programming languages from Rust. FFI is a way to interoperate between different programming languages and allows you to use Rust as a glue language to connect different libraries and frameworks.

To use FFI in Rust, you can use the extern keyword to declare the functions and types that you want to use from another programming language, and you can use the libc crate to provide definitions for standard C types and functions. You can then use these functions and types in your Rust code as if they were native Rust functions and types.

For example, you can use FFI to call a C function from Rust like this:

extern "C" {
    fn puts(s: *const c_char);

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        puts(b"Hello, world!\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char);

In this example, the puts function is declared using the extern keyword, and it is marked with the "C" attribute to indicate that it is a C function. The puts function is then called in the main function using the unsafe keyword, which allows you to call FFI functions that may have undefined behavior.

Memory management

Rust has a strong focus on memory safety and efficient resource management. To achieve this, Rust uses a borrowing and ownership system to track the lifetimes of variables and ensure that references to them are always valid.

In Rust, every value has a owner, and the owner is responsible for freeing the memory associated with the value when it is no longer needed. When a value is assigned to a new variable, the new variable becomes the owner of the value. When a value is passed as an argument to a function, the function becomes the owner of the value.

To allow multiple references to a value without giving up ownership, Rust has a borrowing system that allows you to create references to a value. References do not have ownership of the value they point to, and they must always be valid.

Here is an example of how borrowing and ownership work in Rust:

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("hello"); // s is a String and owns the memory for the string
    let t = &s; // t is a reference to s and does not own the memory
    let u = s; // s is moved to u, and u now owns the memory for the string
                 // s is no longer valid here

    println!("t = {}", t); // t is still valid and can be used here
    println!("u = {}", u); // u is the owner of the string and can be used here

In this example, the variable s is a String that owns the memory for the string "hello". A reference t is created to s, but t does not own the memory. When the variable u is created and assigned the value of s, the ownership of the memory is transferred from s to u. This means that s is no longer valid and cannot be used, but t and u are both valid and can be used to access the string.

Rust's borrowing and ownership system helps prevent common programming errors such as null or dangling pointers, and makes it easier to write safe and efficient code.


In C++, arrays are fixed-size collections of elements of the same type. They are defined using the [] syntax, and they have a fixed size that is specified when they are declared. Here is an example of how to define an array in C++:

int arr[10];  // defines an array of 10 integers

In this example, the arr array is an array of 10 integers, and it has a fixed size of 10 elements. The elements of the array are indexed from 0 to 9, and you can access an element of the array using the subscript operator []. For example, arr[0] refers to the first element of the array, and arr[9] refers to the last element of the array.

C++ also has a concept of pointers, which are variables that store the address of another variable in memory. Pointers can be used to access the elements of an array, as well as to perform various operations on arrays, such as copying, sorting, and searching.

In Rust, arrays are also fixed-size collections of elements of the same type. They are defined using the [T; N] syntax, where T is the type of the elements and N is the size of the array. Here is an example of how to define an array in Rust:

let arr: [i32; 10] = [0; 10];  // defines an array of 10 zeros

In this example, the arr array is an array of 10 i32 values, and it has a fixed size of 10 elements. The elements of the array are indexed from 0 to 9, and you can access an element of the array using the subscript operator []. For example, arr[0] refers to the first element of the array, and arr[9] refers to the last element of the array.

Rust also has a concept of slices, which are dynamic views into an array or other contiguous sequence of elements. Slices do not have a fixed size, and they allow you to reference a portion of an array or other sequence without copying the data. Here is an example of how to define a slice in Rust:

let arr = [0; 10];
let a = &arr;       // &[i32; _] > array borrow >  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
let b = &arr[..];   // &[i32]    > slice        >  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
let c = &arr[1..3]; // &[i32]    > slice        >  [0, 0]

In this example, the slice variable is a slice that references elements 1 to 3 of the arr array. The slice does not have a fixed size, and it can be used to access and manipulate the elements of the array without copying the data.

However, there are some important differences between the two languages in how arrays and slices are defined and used. Rust's support for slices, in particular, can make it easier to work with contiguous sequences of elements without the need to manually manage memory or copy data.


In C++, variables can be initialized when they are declared, either with a value or with an expression. For example:

int x = 10;  // x is initialized with the value 10
int y = x + 10;  // y is initialized with the expression x + 10

C++ also has a concept of uninitialized data, which refers to variables that are declared but do not have an initial value. Uninitialized data can lead to undefined behavior in a C++ program, because the value of an uninitialized variable is indeterminate and can contain any value.

Here is an example of how uninitialized data can lead to undefined behavior in C++:

int x;  // x is uninitialized
std::cout << x << std::endl;  // undefined behavior: x may contain any value

In Rust, variables are also initialized when they are declared, either with a value or with an expression. For example:

let x = 10;  // x is initialized with the value 10
let y = x + 10;  // y is initialized with the expression x + 10

Unlike C++, Rust does not have a concept of uninitialized data. In Rust, all variables must be initialized with a value when they are declared, and attempting to use an uninitialized variable will result in a compile-time error.

Here is an example of how Rust handles uninitialized variables:

let x: i32;  // compile-time error: x must be initialized with a value

C++ and Rust both support initialization of variables when they are declared, but Rust does not allow uninitialized data, whereas C++ does. This difference is a result of Rust's emphasis on safety and reliability, which requires all variables to be initialized with a value in order to prevent undefined behavior.


In C++, functions are defined using the function_name(parameter_list) { function_body } syntax. For example:

int add(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

This function, called add, takes two int parameters, x and y, and returns their sum. The return type of the function is specified as int, and the function body is delimited by curly braces.

In Rust, functions are defined using the fn function_name(parameter_list) -> return_type { function_body } syntax. For example:

fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
  x + y

This function, called add, takes two i32 parameters, x and y, and returns their sum. The return type of the function is specified using the -> syntax, and the function body is delimited by curly braces.

There are some differences between the way functions are defined in C++ and Rust:

In C++, the return keyword is used to return a value from a function, whereas in Rust the value is simply written on the last line of the function body. In C++, the return type of a function is specified after the parameter list, whereas in Rust it is specified using the -> syntax after the function name. In C++, the function body is delimited by curly braces, whereas in Rust it is delimited by curly braces and does not have a semicolon at the end.

Early Returns:

In Rust, an "early return" refers to the practice of returning a value from a function before reaching the end of the function body. This can be useful when you want to terminate the function early based on certain conditions, or when you want to return a value as soon as it is calculated.

Here is an example of an early return in Rust:

fn max(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
  if x > y {
    return x;

In this example, the max function takes two i32 parameters, x and y, and returns the maximum of the two. If x is greater than y, the function returns x immediately using the return keyword. If x is not greater than y, the function continues to the end of the function body and returns y.

Early returns can be useful in Rust because they allow you to exit a function early based on certain conditions, which can make the code easier to read and understand. They can also be used to improve the performance of a function by avoiding unnecessary calculations.

It is important to note that early returns are not always the best choice, and you should consider whether they are necessary in your specific case. In some cases, it may be more readable to use a traditional if statement or a match expression instead of an early return.


In Rust, The string data type can be classified into the following;

  • String literal(str): This is a string slice that represents a sequence of UTF-8 encoded Unicode scalar values. It is an immutable reference to a string and does not own the data it refers to.
  • String object(String): This is a growable, mutable string type that owns its own data.

str is a string slice that represents a sequence of UTF-8 encoded Unicode scalar values. It is an immutable reference to a string and does not own the data it refers to. String is a growable, mutable string type that owns its own data.

In C++, there are a few options for representing strings in C++:

std::string: This is a standard library class that represents a mutable string type, similar to Rust's String. It owns its own data and provides various methods for manipulating and querying the string.

const char*: This is a pointer to a null-terminated array of char values, representing a string of ASCII characters. It is an immutable reference to a string and does not own the data it refers to, similar to Rust's str.

char*: This is a mutable pointer to a null-terminated array of char values, representing a string of ASCII characters. It is similar to Rust's String in that it allows you to modify the string, but it does not provide as many convenient methods for manipulating the string as std::string does.

In C++, it is also common to use the std::string_view class to represent an immutable reference to a string, similar to Rust's str. std::string_view was introduced in C++17 and provides many of the same methods as std::string, but without owning the underlying data.

String vs str

You might choose to use str over String in cases where you do not need to modify the string and you want to avoid the overhead of allocating and deallocating memory for a String object. str can be more efficient in terms of memory and performance, especially in cases where you are working with large strings or making many copies of the string.

Here is an example of using str in Rust:

fn main() {
    let s = "hello"; // s is a string slice and does not own the memory for the string
    println!("{}", s); // s can be used here

In this example, the variable s is a string slice and does not own the memory for the string "hello". It is simply a reference to the string data stored in a read-only location.

You might choose to use String over str in cases where you need to modify the string, such as appending to it or inserting characters into it. String provides a variety of methods for modifying the string, such as push_str, insert, and replace, that are not available for str.

Here is an example of using String in Rust:

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::new(); // create a new, empty String
    s.push_str("hello"); // add a string to the String
    s.push_str(", world!"); // add another string to the String
    println!("{}", s); // print the String

In this example, the String object s is created using the String::new function, which allocates memory on the heap to store the string data. The push_str method is then used to append strings to the String, which may cause the String to reallocate additional memory on the heap as needed to store the larger string.

Some common methods that you might use when working with strings in Rust include:

Method Name Signature Example Description
new fn new() -> Self let s = String::new(); Creates a new, empty string.
from fn from(s: &str) -> Self let s = String::from("hello"); Creates a new string from a string slice.
to_string fn to_string(self) -> String let s = 5.to_string(); Converts a value to a string.
len fn len(&self) -> usize let len = s.len(); Returns the length of the string, in bytes.
is_empty fn is_empty(&self) -> bool let is_empty = s.is_empty(); Returns true if the string is empty, and false otherwise.
contains fn contains<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> bool let contains = s.contains("hello"); Returns true if the string contains the given search string, and false otherwise.
starts_with fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> bool let starts_with = s.starts_with("hello"); Returns true if the string starts with the given prefix, and false otherwise.
ends_with fn ends_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> bool let ends_with = s.ends_with("hello"); Returns true if the string ends with the given suffix, and false otherwise.
trim fn trim(&self) -> &str let trimmed = s.trim(); Returns a new string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
split fn split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pattern: P) -> Split<'a, P> let split = s.split(" "); Returns an iterator over the substrings of the string, split at the given delimiter.
replace fn replace<'a, P: Pattern<'a>, Q: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, from: P, to: Q) -> String let replaced = s.replace("world", "there"); Returns a new string with all occurrences of the given search string replaced with the given replacement string.
chars fn chars(&self) -> Chars let chars = s.chars(); Returns an iterator over the characters of the string.
push fn push(&mut self, ch: char) s.push('a'); Pushes a single character onto the end of the string.
insert fn insert(&mut self, index: usize, string: &str) s.insert(5, " there"); Inserts a string slice into the string at the given index.
remove fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> char s.remove(5); Removes a character from the string at the given index and returns it.
truncate fn truncate(&mut self, new_len: usize) s.truncate(5); Truncates the string to the given length.

Basic Casting in Rust (as static_cast/reinterpret_cast in C++):

In Rust, you can use the as keyword to perform a type cast, which allows you to convert a value from one type to another. For example, you can use the as keyword to convert an integer to a floating point value, like this:

let x: i32 = 5;
let y = x as f64;

This will convert the value of x from an i32 to an f64 and assign it to y.

You can also use the as keyword to perform a transmute, which allows you to convert a value from one type to another without checking whether the types are compatible. This can be useful in certain cases, but it is generally considered unsafe, as it can lead to undefined behavior if the types are not compatible. For example:

use std::mem;

let x: i32 = 5;
let y = unsafe { mem::transmute::<i32, f64>(x) };

This will convert the value of x from an i32 to an f64 and assign it to y without checking whether the types are compatible. This can be dangerous, as it can lead to unpredictable results if the types are not compatible.

It is generally recommended to use the as keyword for type casting and to avoid using transmute unless it is absolutely necessary. It is also a good idea to carefully consider whether a type cast or transmute is the best solution for a given problem, as there may be other ways to achieve the same result that are safer and more reliable.

In Rust, you can use the as keyword to perform a type cast, which allows you to convert a value from one type to another. This is similar to the static_cast operator in C++.

dynamic_cast in Rust

There is no direct equivalent of the dynamic_cast operator in Rust. However, you can use the Any and TypeId traits from the std::any module to perform runtime type checking and type casting. This can be useful in cases where you need to perform a type cast based on the runtime type of a value.

For example, you can use the is method of the Any trait to check whether a value has a specific type, and the downcast_ref method to perform a type cast if the value has the correct type:

use std::any::{Any, TypeId};

fn process(value: &dyn Any) {
    if<i32>() {
        let x = value.downcast_ref::<i32>().unwrap();
        // do something with x
    } else if<f64>() {
        let y = value.downcast_ref::<f64>().unwrap();
        // do something with y

const_cast in Rust

There is no direct equivalent of the const_cast operator in Rust. However, you can use the const_fn attribute to define a function that can be called with either mutable or immutable arguments, depending on the context in which it is called.

For example, you can define a const_fn like this:


const fn foo(x: &mut i32) {
    *x += 1;

This function can be called with a mutable reference to an i32 value:

let mut x = 5;
foo(&mut x);

Or it can be called with an immutable reference:

let x = 5;
foo(&x); // error: cannot borrow as mutable
Optional values

In Rust, Option is a generic enumeration type that represents the presence or absence of a value. It has two variants: Some, which represents the presence of a value, and None, which represents the absence of a value. Option is defined in the std::option module, and it is typically used as a return type for functions that may not always produce a value.

Here is an example of using Option in Rust:

fn divide(numerator: i32, denominator: i32) -> Option<i32> {
    if denominator == 0 {
    } else {
        Some(numerator / denominator)

fn main() {
    let result = divide(10, 5);
    match result {
        Some(x) => println!("The result is {}", x),
        None => println!("The division failed"),

In this example, the divide function returns an Option<i32> value, which represents the result of the division. If the division succeeds, the function returns a Some variant containing the result, and if the division fails (i.e., the denominator is zero), the function returns a None variant. The match expression is used to pattern match on the Option value and handle the Some and None variants accordingly.

In C++, there is no equivalent of the Option type. However, you can use the std::optional type, which is defined in the optional header, as a similar type. std::optional is a template class that represents the presence or absence of a value, and it has two specializations: std::optional::value_type, which represents the presence of a value, and std::nullopt_t, which represents the absence of a value. You can use std::optional in C++ like this:

#include <optional>

std::optional<int> divide(int numerator, int denominator) {
    if (denominator == 0) {
        return std::nullopt;
    } else {
        return numerator / denominator;

int main() {
    auto result = divide(10, 5);
    if (result.has_value()) {
        std::cout << "The result is " << *result << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "The division failed" << std::endl;
    return 0;

In this example, the divide function returns a std::optional value, which represents the result of the division. If the division succeeds, the function returns a value containing the result, and if the division fails (i.e., the denominator is zero), the function returns a std::nullopt

Meta programming

C++ and Rust both have support for meta programming, which is the practice of writing code that manipulates or generates other code at compile time. Meta programming can be used to achieve a variety of goals, such as improving the performance of a program, reducing code duplication, or adding new functionality to a language.

In C++, meta programming is typically achieved using template metaprogramming (TMP), which involves writing code that uses templates to generate other code at compile time. For example, you can use templates to define type-safe functions that operate on a wide range of types, or you can use them to implement data structures that are optimized for specific types.

Here is an example of template metaprogramming in C++:

template<typename T>
T max(T a, T b) {
  return a > b ? a : b;

int x = 10;
int y = 20;
auto z = max(x, y);  // z is deduced to be of type int

In this example, the max function is a generic function that takes two arguments of the same type and returns the maximum of the two. The type of the arguments and the return value is deduced from the context in which the function is called. In this case, the type of the variables x and y is int, so the type of the z variable is also deduced to be int.

In Rust, meta programming is typically achieved using procedural macros, which are functions that are invoked by the compiler to generate code at compile time. Procedural macros can be used to generate code for a variety of purposes, such as implementing custom serialization or deserialization, or adding new syntax to the language.

Here is an example of a procedural macro in Rust:

struct Person {
  name: String,
  age: u32,

In this example, the #[derive(Debug)] attribute is a procedural macro that generates code to implement the Debug trait for the Person struct. The Debug trait allows the struct to be printed in a human-readable format using the dbg! macro or the {:?} format specifier.

C++ and Rust both have support for meta programming, but they use different mechanisms to achieve it. C++ uses template metaprogramming, which involves writing code that generates other code using templates, whereas Rust uses procedural macros, which are functions that are invoked by the compiler to generate code at compile time.

In Rust, macros are a mechanism for code generation that allows you to write code that generates other code at compile time. Macros can be used to achieve a variety of goals, such as adding new syntax to the language, reducing code duplication, or improving the performance of a program.

There are two types of macros in Rust: function-like macros and attribute-like macros.

  • Function-like macros are defined using the macro_rules! syntax and are invoked using the macro_name! syntax. They can take arguments and generate code based on those arguments. Function-like macros are often used to add new syntax to the language or to simplify repetitive tasks.

Here is an example of a function-like macro in Rust:

macro_rules! say_hello {
  () => {
    println!("Hello, world!");

fn main() {
  say_hello!();  // prints "Hello, world!"

In this example, the say_hello macro is defined using the macro_rules! syntax, and it is invoked using the say_hello! syntax. The macro expands to a call to the println! macro, which prints the string "Hello, world!" to the console.

  • Attribute-like macros are defined using the #[macro_name] syntax and are invoked by applying the attribute to a piece of code. They can be used to annotate code with additional information or to generate code based on the annotated code. Attribute-like macros are often used to implement custom serialization or deserialization, or to add new functionality to the language.

Here is an example of an attribute-like macro in Rust:

struct Person {
  name: String,
  age: u32,

fn main() {
  let person = Person { name: "Alice".to_string(), age: 30 };
  println!("{:?}", person);  // prints "Person { name: "Alice", age: 30 }"

In this example, the #[derive(Debug)] attribute is an attribute-like macro that generates code to implement the Debug trait for the Person struct. The Debug trait allows the struct to be printed in a human-readable format using the dbg! macro or the {:?} format specifier.

Exceptions & Result

Error handling in Rust is based on the concept of Result, which is a type that represents either a successful result or an error. The Result type is defined in the standard library as follows:

enum Result<T, E> {

The Result type has two variants, Ok and Err, which represent a successful result and an error, respectively. The Ok variant contains a value of type T, which represents the result of a successful operation, and the Err variant contains a value of type E, which represents the error that occurred.

To use the Result type in your code, you can return a Result value from a function to indicate whether the operation was successful or not. For example:

fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
    if y == 0 {
        return Err("Division by zero");
    Ok(x / y)

In this example, the divide function returns a Result value that represents the result of dividing x by y. If y is zero, the function returns an Err variant with the error message "Division by zero". If y is not zero, the function returns an Ok variant with the result of the division.

To handle the Result value returned by a function, you can use the match expression to match on the Ok and Err variants and execute different code based on the outcome. For example:

let x = 5;
let y = 0;

match divide(x, y) {
    Ok(result) => println!("The result is {}", result),
    Err(error) => println!("An error occurred: {}", error),

In this example, the match expression matches on the Result value returned by the divide function and prints the result or the error message depending on the outcome.

You can also use the ? operator to simplify error handling in Rust. The ? operator is a shorthand for a match expression that handles Result values. It works by returning the value of the Ok variant if the Result value is Ok, or by propagating the Err variant if the Result value is Err.

For example, you can rewrite the previous code as follows:

let x = 5;
let y = 0;

let result = divide(x, y)?;
println!("The result is {}", result);

In this example, the ? operator automatically handles the Result value returned by the divide function, and the result variable is set to the value of the Ok variant if the operation was successful, or an error is propagated if the operation failed.

Overall, error handling in Rust is based on the Result type and the match expression or the ? operator, which allow you to handle errors in a concise and expressive way.

Here is an example of error handling in Rust and its equivalent in C++:


fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
    if y == 0 {
        return Err("Division by zero");
    Ok(x / y)

fn main() {
    let x = 5;
    let y = 0;

    match divide(x, y) {
        Ok(result) => println!("The result is {}", result),
        Err(error) => println!("An error occurred: {}", error),


#include <iostream>
#include <optional>

std::optional<int> divide(int x, int y) {
    if (y == 0) {
        return std::nullopt;
    return x / y;

int main() {
    int x = 5;
    int y = 0;

    if (auto result = divide(x, y)) {
        std::cout << "The result is " << *result << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "An error occurred: Division by zero" << std::endl;

In the Rust example, the divide function returns a Result value that represents the result of dividing x by y. If y is zero, the function returns an Err variant with the error message "Division by zero". If y is not zero, the function returns an Ok variant with the result of the division.

The main function uses the match expression to handle the Result value returned by the divide function and prints the result or the error message depending on the outcome.

In the C++ example, the divide function returns an optional value that represents the result of dividing x by y. If y is zero, the function returns a nullopt value, which represents an error. If y is not zero, the function returns an optional value containing the result of the division.

The main function uses an if statement with an auto variable to handle the optional value returned by the divide function.


Also in Rust, the expect method is a method that is defined on the Result type and is used to handle the case where a Result value is an Err variant. The expect method takes a single argument, which is a string that is used as the panic message in case of an error.

The Result type is a generic type that represents either a success value of type T or an error value of type E, and it is often used to propagate error information through a Rust program. The Ok variant of the Result type represents a success value, while the Err variant represents an error value.

Here is an example of using the expect method to handle an error value in a Result in Rust:

fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
    if y == 0 {
        return Err("Cannot divide by zero".to_string());
    Ok(x / y)

fn main() {
    let result = divide(10, 0);
    let result = result.expect("Error dividing by zero");
    println!("The result is {}", result);

In this example, the divide function returns a Result value that represents the result of dividing x by y. If y is zero, the function returns an Err variant with an error message. Otherwise, the function returns an Ok variant with the result of the division.

The expect method is called on the result value, and it takes a string argument that is used as the panic message in case of an error. If the result value is an Err variant, the expect method will panic with the given message. If the result value is an Ok variant, the expect method will unwrap the success value and return it.

In summary, the expect method is a convenient way to handle error values in a Result in Rust, and it allows you to specify a custom panic message in case of an error.


Also in Rust, the unwrap method is a method that is defined on the Result type and is used to unwrap the success value of a Result and return it, or to panic if the Result is an Err variant. The unwrap method is a convenient way to get the success value of a Result, but it should be used with caution because it will panic if the Result is an Err variant.

Here is an example of using the unwrap method to unwrap the success value of a Result in Rust:

fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
    if y == 0 {
        return Err("Cannot divide by zero".to_string());
    Ok(x / y)

fn main() {
    let result = divide(10, 0);
    let result = result.unwrap();
    println!("The result is {}", result);

In this example, the divide function returns a Result value that represents the result of dividing x by y. If y is zero, the function returns an Err variant with an error message. Otherwise, the function returns an Ok variant with the result of the division.

The unwrap method is called on the result value, and it will unwrap the success value and return it. If the result value is an Err variant, the unwrap method will panic with a default panic message.

Common methods on the Result type

In Rust, the Result type has several other common methods that you can use to handle success and error values. Here are some of the most commonly used methods on the Result type in Rust:

unwrap: The unwrap method is used to unwrap the success value of a Result and return it, or to panic if the Result is an Err variant. The unwrap method is a convenient way to get the success value of a Result, but it should be used with caution because it will panic if the Result is an Err variant.

unwrap_or: The unwrap_or method is used to unwrap the success value of a Result and return it, or to return a default value if the Result is an Err variant. The unwrap_or method is a convenient way to get the success value of a Result, but it provides a default value in case of an error.

unwrap_or_else: The unwrap_or_else method is similar to the unwrap_or method, but it takes a closure as an argument that is used to compute the default value in case of an error. The unwrap_or_else method is a flexible way to handle errors in a Result by providing a custom default value.

and_then: The and_then method is used to chain together multiple Result values by transforming the success value of one Result into another Result using a closure. The and_then method is a convenient way to perform sequential operations that return Result values, and it allows you to handle errors at each step in the chain.

map: The map method is similar to the and_then method, but it is used to transform the success value of a Result into another value without returning a new Result. The map method is a convenient way to perform a single operation on the success value of a Result, and it allows you to transform the success value without changing the error type.

? operator

The ? operator is a shorthand for handling the Ok and Err variants of a Result value in Rust. It is used to propagate an error if the Result value is an Err, and to extract the successful value if the Result value is an Ok.

Here is an example of how to use the ? operator:

fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
  if y == 0 {
    return Err("division by zero");
  Ok(x / y)

fn main() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
  let result = divide(10, 2)?;
  println!("The result is: {}", result);

In this example, the divide function returns a Result with an Err variant if the second argument is zero, and an Ok variant with the result if the division is successful. The ? operator is used to propagate the error if the Result value is an Err, and to extract the successful value if the Result value is an Ok.

The ? operator is often used in combination with the Result type to simplify error handling and to avoid having to write explicit match statements. It is especially useful when working with functions that return Result values and when chaining multiple Result values together.

Overall, the ? operator is a useful shorthand for handling the Ok and Err variants of a Result value in Rust, and it can help to simplify error handling and to reduce code duplication.


In Rust, a panic is a runtime error that occurs when the program encounters an unexpected situation that it cannot handle. A panic is similar to an exception in other programming languages, and it is used to indicate that something has gone wrong and the program cannot continue.

A panic can be triggered in Rust by calling the panic! macro, which is defined in the standard library. The panic! macro takes a format string and arguments, similar to the println! macro, and prints a message to the console before terminating the program.

For example, you can trigger a panic in Rust with the following code:

fn main() {
    panic!("Something went wrong");

When this code is executed, the program will print the message "Something went wrong" to the console and then terminate.

It is worth noting that panic is a runtime error, which means that it occurs at the time the program is executed, rather than at compile time. This means that you can use panic to handle errors that cannot be detected by the compiler, such as invalid input or missing resources.

However, panic is a last resort for handling errors in Rust, and it is generally recommended to use the Result type and the ? operator for error handling instead. The Result type allows you to handle errors in a more structured and expressive way, and it is better suited for most error handling scenarios.

Here is an example of a panic in Rust and its equivalent in C++:


fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    if y == 0 {
        panic!("Division by zero");
    x / y

fn main() {
    let x = 5;
    let y = 0;

    let result = divide(x, y);
    println!("The result is {}", result);


#include <iostream>

int divide(int x, int y) {
    if (y == 0) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Division by zero");
    return x / y;

int main() {
    int x = 5;
    int y = 0;

    try {
        int result = divide(x, y);
        std::cout << "The result is " << result << std::endl;
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "An error occurred: " << e.what() << std::endl;

In the Rust example, the divide function triggers a panic if y is zero by calling the panic! macro. The main function calls the divide function and tries to print the result, but the program terminates with a panic before the result is printed.

In the C++ example, the divide function throws an exception if y is zero by using the throw statement. The main function calls the divide function and wraps it in a try block. If an exception is thrown, it is caught in the catch block, and the error message is printed to the console.

Overall, panic in Rust and exception in C++ are similar in that they are used to indicate a runtime error that cannot be handled by the program. However, exception handling in C++ is more structured and flexible than panic in Rust, as it allows you to catch specific exceptions and handle them in different ways.

Exception handling

In general, exceptions in C++ are similar to panic in Rust in that they are used to indicate a runtime error that cannot be handled by the program. However, there are some differences between exceptions in C++ and panic in Rust that are worth noting:

Exception handling in C++ is more structured and flexible than panic in Rust. In C++, you can use the try and catch statements to wrap a block of code that may throw an exception, and you can catch specific exceptions and handle them in different ways. In Rust, panic is a last resort for handling errors, and it is generally recommended to use the Result type and the ? operator for error handling instead.

Exception handling in C++ is based on a hierarchy of classes derived from the std::exception class, which allows you to create custom exceptions and throw them in your code. In Rust, panic is triggered by calling the panic! macro, which takes a format string and arguments, similar to the println! macro.

Exception handling in C++ can be disabled by using the noexcept keyword or the throw() specifier, which allows you to indicate that a function does not throw an exception. In Rust, panic cannot be disabled, and it is always enabled by default.

Handling a panic

In Rust, a panic is a runtime error that occurs when the program encounters an unexpected situation that it cannot handle. A panic is similar to an exception in other programming languages, and it is used to indicate that something has gone wrong and the program cannot continue.

There are several ways to handle a panic in Rust:

  • Use the Result type and the ? operator: Instead of using panic, you can use the Result type and the ? operator to handle errors in a more structured and expressive way. The Result type represents the result of an operation that may fail, and it has two variants: Ok and Err. You can use the ? operator to propagate an Err variant through a chain of function calls, and you can handle the error at the end of the chain using a match expression or the if let construct.

  • Use a catch_unwind function: You can use the std::panic::catch_unwind function to catch a panic and recover from it. The catch_unwind function takes a closure as an argument and returns a Result value that represents the outcome of the closure. If the closure panics, the catch_unwind function returns an Err variant containing the PanicInfo value that was passed to the panic! macro. If the closure does not panic, the catch_unwind function returns an Ok variant containing the result of the closure.

  • Use a custom panic hook: You can use the std::panic::set_hook function to set a custom panic hook that is called when a panic occurs. The panic hook is a function that takes a PanicInfo value as an argument and can be used to customize the behavior of a panic, such as logging the panic message or displaying an error message to the user.

Control flow / Conditions and loop

C++ and Rust have similar control flow constructs for conditions and loops.

In both languages, you can use the if and else keywords to create conditional statements, and you can use the for and while keywords to create looping constructs.

Here is an example of how to use the if and else keywords in C++:

int x = 10;

if (x > 5) {
  std::cout << "x is greater than 5" << std::endl;
} else {
  std::cout << "x is not greater than 5" << std::endl;


And here is an example of how to use the for and while keywords in C++:

// for loop
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  std::cout << i << std::endl;

// while loop
int i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
  std::cout << i << std::endl;

// infinite loop
while (true) {
  std::cout << "infinite loop" << std::endl;

// do-while loop
int i = 0;
do {
  std::cout << i << std::endl;
} while (i < 10);

// Iterate a collection
std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
for (int i : v) {
  std::cout << i << std::endl;

In Rust, you can use the if and else keywords in the same way as in C++, and you can also use the match keyword to create more powerful and expressive conditional statements.

Here is an example of how to use the if and else keywords in Rust:

let x = 10;

if x > 5 {
  println!("x is greater than 5");
} else {
  println!("x is not greater than 5");

In Rust, the for loop executes the code block for a specified number of times, and the while loop executes the code block while a condition is true. Rust also has the loop keyword, which can be used to create an infinite loop, and the match keyword, which can be used to create more powerful and expressive conditional statements.

The syntax signature of the for loop in Rust is:

for <pattern> in lower_bound..upper_bound {
  <code block>

And here is an example of how to use the for and while keywords in Rust:

// for loop
for i in 0..10 {
  println!("{}", i);

// while loop
let mut i = 0;
while i < 10 {
  println!("{}", i);
  i += 1;

// infinite loop
loop {
  println!("infinite loop");

// do-while loop
let mut i = 0;
loop {
  println!("{}", i);
  i += 1;
  if i >= 10 {

// Iterate a collection
let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for i in &v {
  println!("{}", i);
// or
for i in v.iter() {
  println!("{}", i);


In Rust, you can use the match expression to perform a switch-case style control flow. The match expression allows you to compare a value to a series of patterns and execute different code based on which pattern the value matches.

Here is an example of using the match expression in Rust:

let x = 5;

match x {
    1 => println!("x is 1"),
    2 => println!("x is 2"),
    3 => println!("x is 3"),
    _ => println!("x is something else"),

In this example, the match expression compares the value of x to the patterns 1, 2, and 3, and executes the corresponding code for the first pattern that matches. The _ pattern is a catch-all pattern that matches any value, and is used to handle cases where x does not match any of the other patterns.

The match expression in Rust is similar to the switch statement in C++, but it is more flexible and powerful. In Rust, you can use any value or expression as a pattern, and you can also use pattern guards to further refine the matching logic.

For example, you can use a pattern guard to check an additional condition before deciding whether to match a pattern:

let y = 5;

match y {
    x if x > 0 => println!("y is positive"),
    x if x < 0 => println!("y is negative"),
    _ => println!("y is zero"),

In this example, the match expression uses pattern guards to check whether y is positive, negative, or zero, and executes the corresponding code for the first pattern that matches.

if condition within match:

You can use an if condition within a match expression in Rust to further refine the matching logic.

To use an if condition within a match expression, you can use a pattern guard, which is an additional condition that is checked before deciding whether to match a pattern. A pattern guard is written after the pattern and is separated from the pattern by the if keyword.

Here is an example of using an if condition within a match expression in Rust:

let x = 5;

match x {
    y if y > 0 => println!("x is positive"),
    y if y < 0 => println!("x is negative"),
    _ => println!("x is zero"),

In this example, the match expression uses pattern guards to check whether x is positive, negative, or zero, and executes the corresponding code for the first pattern that matches. The if condition within the pattern guard checks whether the value of y is greater than zero, less than zero, or equal to zero.

It is important to note that the if condition within a pattern guard must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean value. You cannot use statements like if blocks or loops within a pattern guard.

Closure as callback:

You can also use a closure as a callback within a match expression in Rust. A closure is a function-like object that can be passed as an argument to another function or stored in a variable. Closures are a powerful feature of Rust that allow you to write code that can be executed later, similar to callbacks in other programming languages.

To use a closure as a callback within a match expression, you can define the closure as a pattern and use it to execute the desired code.

Here is an example of using a closure as a callback within a match expression in Rust:

let x = 5;

match x {
    y if y > 0 => {
        let callback = || println!("x is positive");
    y if y < 0 => {
        let callback = || println!("x is negative");
    _ => {
        let callback = || println!("x is zero");

In this example, the match expression uses pattern guards to check whether x is positive, negative, or zero, and defines a closure as a callback for each pattern. The closures are then called within the corresponding blocks of code, and the appropriate message is printed to the console.

It is worth noting that you can also use function pointers as callbacks within a match expression, if you prefer that syntax. Function pointers are similar to closures, but they are created from a reference to a function rather than a closure expression.

For example, you could use a function pointer as a callback in the following way:

let x = 5;

match x {
    y if y > 0 => {
        let callback = print_positive;
    y if y < 0 => {
        let callback = print_negative;
    _ => {
        let callback = print_zero;

fn print_positive() {
    println!("x is positive");

fn print_negative() {
    println!("x is negative");

fn print_zero() {
    println!("x is zero");


In Rust, you can use the loop keyword to create an infinite loop.

loop {
  println!("This loop will run forever!");

In C++, you can use the while keyword with a condition that always evaluates to true to create an infinite loop:

while (true) {
  std::cout << "This loop will run forever!" << std::endl;


In Rust, you can use the if keyword as an expression to create a ternary operator.

let x = 10;
let y = if x > 5 { "x is greater than 5" } else { "x is not greater than 5" };
println!("{}", y);

In C++, you can use the ? operator to achieve the same effect:

int x = 10;
std::string y = (x > 5) ? "x is greater than 5" : "x is not greater than 5";
std::cout << y << std::endl;


Enums (enumerations) are a way to define a type that can take on a fixed set of values. Both C++ and Rust have support for enums, but they have some differences in their syntax and usage.

In C++, you can use the enum keyword to define an enumeration, as shown below:

enum Color {

In Rust, you can define an enum using the enum keyword, and you can also include associated values for each variant:

enum Color {

enum ColorWithValues {
  Red(u8, u8, u8),
  Green(u8, u8, u8),
  Blue(u8, u8, u8),


In C++, you can use the union keyword to define a union, which is a type that can store different values of different types at the same memory location.

Here is an example of a union in C++:

union MyUnion {
  int i;
  float f;
  char c;

In Rust, you can use the union keyword to define a similar type. However, Rust unions are not as flexible as C++ unions, as they cannot have any type that implements the Drop trait (which includes most types that allocate memory, such as String).

Here is an example of a union in Rust:

union MyUnion {
  i: i32,
  f: f32,
  c: u8,


In C++, you can use the std::variant template from the header to define a type that can store one of a set of predefined types.

Here is an example of using std::variant in C++:

#include <variant>

std::variant<int, float, char> v;

v = 10;
v = 3.14f;
v = 'a';

In Rust, you can use the enum keyword with a special #[repr(C)] attribute to define a similar type.

Here is an example of defining a variant type in Rust:

enum MyVariant {

You can then use the variant type like any other enum in Rust:

let v = MyVariant::I32(10);
let v = MyVariant::F32(3.14);
let v = MyVariant::U8(b'a');

In C++, you can use the union keyword to define a union, or the std::variant template to define a variant type. In Rust, you can use the enum keyword with the #[repr(C)] attribute to define a variant type. However, Rust unions have some limitations compared to C++ unions

Struct/Class vs. Struct/Enum

Here is an example in Rust that demonstrates the use of structs with the impl keyword, enums with the impl keyword, placeholder types with the to_owned method, and the self keyword:

// Define a struct with two fields: an integer and a string
struct MyStruct {
  x: i32,
  s: String,

// Implement a method for the MyStruct struct
impl MyStruct {
  fn new(x: i32, s: &str) -> Self {
    // Use the `to_owned` method to convert the string slice to an owned String
    Self { x, s: s.to_owned() }

  fn print(&self) {
    // Use the `self` keyword to access the fields of the struct
    println!("x = {}, s = {}", self.x, self.s);

// Define an enum with three variants
enum MyEnum {

// Implement a method for the MyEnum enum
impl MyEnum {
  fn print(&self) {
    // Use a match expression to handle the different variants
    match self {
      Self::Variant1 => println!("The variant is Variant1"),
      Self::Variant2 => println!("The variant is Variant2"),
      Self::Variant3 => println!("The variant is Variant3"),

fn main() {
  // Create a new instance of MyStruct using the `new` method
  let s = MyStruct::new(10, "hello");

  // Call the `print` method on the struct instance

  // Create a new instance of MyEnum
  let e = MyEnum::Variant2;

  // Call the `print` method on the enum instance

In this example, we define a struct MyStruct with two fields: an i32 and a String. We then implement a method for MyStruct using the impl keyword. The new method takes two arguments: an i32 and a string slice. It uses the to_owned method to convert the string slice to an owned String, and it returns a new instance of MyStruct with the given values. We also implement a print method that uses the self keyword to access the fields of the struct and print them to the console.

We also define an enum MyEnum with three variants: Variant1, Variant2, and Variant3. We then implement a method for MyEnum using the impl keyword. The print method uses a match expression to handle the different variants and print a message to the console.

Finally, we use the new method of MyStruct to create a new instance of the struct, and we call the print method on the struct instance. We also create an instance of MyEnum and call the print method on the enum instance.

Inheritance vs. traits

In Rust, there is no support for inheritance like there is in some other object-oriented programming languages. Instead, Rust has a concept called "traits" that allows you to define a set of behaviors that can be shared among multiple types.

In Rust, the dyn keyword is used to specify a trait object. A trait object is a type that represents any type that implements a particular trait. It allows you to use dynamic dispatch, which is a technique for selecting the implementation of a method at runtime based on the actual type of the object.

Here is an example in Rust that demonstrates the use of traits:

// Define a trait with a single method
trait Shape {
  fn area(&self) -> f64;

// Define a struct for a rectangle
struct Rectangle {
  width: f64,
  height: f64,

// Implement the Shape trait for the Rectangle struct
impl Shape for Rectangle {
  fn area(&self) -> f64 {
    self.width * self.height

// Define a struct for a circle
struct Circle {
  radius: f64,

// Implement the Shape trait for the Circle struct
impl Shape for Circle {
  fn area(&self) -> f64 {
    self.radius * self.radius * std::f64::consts::PI

fn main() {
  // Create a vector of trait objects
  let shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Shape>> = vec![
    Box::new(Rectangle { width: 10.0, height: 20.0 }),
    Box::new(Circle { radius: 5.0 }),

  // Iterate over the vector of trait objects and call the `area` method
  // on each one, using dynamic dispatch
  for shape in shapes {
    println!("The area is {}", shape.area());

In this example, we define a trait Shape with a single method area. We then define structs for a Rectangle and a Circle, and we implement the Shape trait for both structs.

We then create a vector of trait objects using the Box<dyn Shape> type. This type represents any type that implements the Shape trait. We populate the vector with instances of both the Rectangle and Circle structs, boxed in a Box to ensure they have a uniform size.

Finally, we iterate over the vector of trait objects and call the area method on each one. Because the actual types of the objects are not known at compile time, dynamic dispatch is used to select the correct implementation of the area method at runtime. This allows us to call the area method on a collection of objects of different types, as long as they all implement the Shape trait.

Con-/Destructor vs. Constructor/Drop

In Rust, you can define a destructor for a type by implementing the Drop trait. The Drop trait has a single method, drop, which is called when an instance of the type goes out of scope. This allows you to perform cleanup tasks, such as releasing resources or closing file handles.

Here is an example in Rust that demonstrates the use of the Drop trait:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::ErrorKind;

struct FileWrapper {
  file: File,

impl Drop for FileWrapper {
  fn drop(&mut self) {
    println!("Releasing file resource");
    self.file.close().expect("Failed to close file");

fn main() {
  let file_result = File::open("test.txt");
  let file = match file_result {
    Ok(file) => FileWrapper { file },
    Err(ref error) if error.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => {
      println!("File not found");
    Err(error) => {
      println!("Error opening file: {}", error);

  // Do something with the file

  // When the file goes out of scope, the `drop` method of the `FileWrapper`
  // struct will be called, releasing the file resource

In this example, we define a struct FileWrapper with a single field: file, which is a File from the standard library. We implement the Drop trait for the FileWrapper struct by defining a drop method that closes the file.

In the main function, we attempt to open a file and assign the result to a variable file_result. We then use a match expression to handle the result of the file opening operation. If the file was successfully opened, we create an instance of the FileWrapper struct and assign it to a variable file. If the file was not found, we print an error message and return. If any other error occurred, we print the error and return.

Finally, we do something with the file and then let the file variable go out of scope. When the file variable goes out of scope, the drop method of the FileWrapper struct is called, releasing the file resource.

In Rust, there is no concept of a constructor like there is in some other object-oriented programming languages. Instead, you can define a function or method that creates and initializes an instance of a type.

Here is an example in Rust that demonstrates the use of a function to create and initialize an instance of a type:

struct FileWrapper {
  file: File,

impl FileWrapper {
  fn new(filename: &str) -> Result<FileWrapper, std::io::Error> {
    let file = File::open(filename)?;
    Ok(FileWrapper { file })

fn main() {
  let file = FileWrapper::new("test.txt").expect("Failed to open file");

  // Do something with the file

In this example, we define a struct FileWrapper with a single field: file, which is a File from the standard library.

Namespaces vs. Modules

In Rust, you can use the mod keyword to define a module and the use keyword to bring the items in a module into scope.

Here is an example in Rust that demonstrates the use of modules and the use keyword:

mod math {
  pub fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    x + y

fn main() {
  // Call the `add` function from the `math` module
  let result = math::add(10, 20);
  println!("The result is {}", result);

  // Bring the `add` function into scope using the `use` keyword
  use math::add;
  let result = add(10, 20);
  println!("The result is {}", result);

In this example, we define a module math with a single function add. We then call the add function from the math module in the main function.

We can also bring the add function into scope using the use keyword, which allows us to call the add function without specifying the math module.

In C++, you can use the namespace keyword to define a namespace and the using keyword to bring the items in a namespace into scope.

Here is an example in C++ that demonstrates the use of namespaces and the using keyword:

namespace math {
  int add(int x, int y) {
    return x + y;

int main() {
  // Call the `add` function from the `math` namespace
  int result = math::add(10, 20);
  std::cout << "The result is " << result << std::endl;

  // Bring the `add` function into scope using the `using` keyword
  using math::add;
  int result = add(10, 20);
  std::cout << "The result is " << result << std::endl;

In this example, we define a namespace math with a single function add. We then call the add function from the math namespace in the main function.

We can also bring the add function into scope using the using keyword, which allows us to call the add function without specifying the math namespace.

Layouts and ABIs

In Rust, you can specify the layout and ABI of a struct or enum with the #[repr(...)] attribute. This attribute allows you to control how the fields of the type are laid out in memory and how the type is passed as an argument or return value in a function call.

For example, the following struct has a C-like layout, with the fields packed tightly together:

struct MyStruct {
    a: u8,
    b: u16,
    c: u32,

On the other hand, the following struct has an Rust-like layout, with padding inserted between the fields to ensure that they are aligned on natural boundaries:

struct MyStruct {
    a: u8,
    b: u16,
    c: u32,

In addition to C and Rust, there are several other options available for the #[repr(...)] attribute, including packed, transparent, and simd. You can read more about these options in the Rust documentation.

It's important to note that specifying a layout or ABI can have significant performance implications, as it affects how the fields of the type are accessed and how the type is passed between functions. As such, you should use these attributes with caution and only when necessary.

Here is a list of all the common layout options that can be specified with the #[repr(...)] attribute in Rust:

  • C: Specifies that the fields of the type should be laid out in memory in the same way as a C struct. This is the default layout for structs in Rust.
  • packed: Specifies that the fields of the type should be packed tightly together, with no padding inserted between them. This can be useful for minimizing the size of the type, but can also have negative impacts on performance due to increased cache miss rates.
  • Rust: Specifies that the fields of the type should be laid out in memory in the same way as a Rust struct. This means that padding will be inserted between the fields to ensure that they are aligned on natural boundaries.
  • transparent: Specifies that the type should be treated as a "newtype" in Rust, meaning that it behaves exactly like the type it is wrapping. This can be useful for creating "wrapping" types that have no runtime overhead.
  • simd: Specifies that the fields of the type should be laid out in memory in a way that is suitable for use with SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions. This can be useful for optimizing certain types of numerical operations, but is only available on certain architectures.
  • packed(n): Specifies that the fields of the type should be packed tightly together, with no padding inserted between them. The n parameter specifies the minimum alignment of the type in bytes. For example, #[repr(packed(4))] specifies a packed layout with a minimum alignment of 4 bytes.
  • align(n): Specifies that the fields of the type should be aligned on natural boundaries, with padding inserted between them as needed. The n parameter specifies the minimum alignment of the type in bytes. For example, #[repr(align(8))] specifies an aligned layout with a minimum alignment of 8 bytes.
  • int: Specifies that the fields of the type should be laid out in memory in the same way as a Rust integer type. This can be useful for creating types that are interchangeable with Rust's built-in integer types.
  • u8, u16, u32, u64, u128: Specifies that the fields of the type should be laid out in memory in the same way as a Rust unsigned integer type. The u8 option specifies a layout with a size of 8 bits, the u16 option specifies a layout with a size of 16 bits, and so on.

It's worth noting that these options are not mutually exclusive, and you can combine them using the | operator. For example, you can specify #[repr(C | packed)] to specify a C-like layout with packed fields or you can specify #[repr(u32 | align(8))] to specify a layout that is interchangeable with u32 and has a minimum alignment of 8 bytes.

Passing Values / Reference, Borrows, Ownership

In Rust, you can use the & operator to pass a reference to a value, and you can use the &mut operator to pass a mutable reference to a value.

Here is an example in Rust that demonstrates the use of references and mutable references:

fn main() {
  let x = 10;

  // Pass a reference to the `x` variable
  let result = add_one(&x);
  println!("The result is {}", result);

  // Pass a mutable reference to the `x` variable
  add_one_mut(&mut x);
  println!("The value of x is now {}", x);

fn add_one(x: &i32) -> i32 {
  x + 1

fn add_one_mut(x: &mut i32) {
  *x += 1;

In this example, we define a variable x with the value 10. We then pass a reference to the x variable to the add_one function, which returns the value of x + 1.

We also pass a mutable reference to the x variable to the add_one_mut function, which increments the value of x by 1.

In C++, you can use the & operator to pass a lvalue reference to a value, and you can use the && operator to pass an rvalue reference to a value.

Here is an example in C++ that demonstrates the use of lvalue references and rvalue references:

int main() {
  int x = 10;

  // Pass a lvalue reference to the `x` variable
  int result = add_one(x);
  std::cout << "The result is " << result << std::endl;

  // Pass an rvalue reference to a temporary value
  int result = add_one(10);
  std::cout << "The result is " << result << std::endl;

int add_one(int &x) {
  return x + 1;

int add_one(int &&x) {
  return x + 1;

In this example, we define a variable x with the value 10. We then pass a lvalue reference to the x variable to the add_one function, which returns the value of x + 1.

We also pass an rvalue reference to a temporary value to the add_one function, which returns the value of the temporary value plus 1.

In Rust, you can use the owned keyword to pass ownership of a value to a function, and you can use the &self syntax to borrow a value from a function.

Here is an example in Rust that demonstrates the use of ownership and borrowing:

fn main() {
  let x = String::from("hello");

  // Pass ownership of the `x` variable to the `reverse` function
  let reversed = reverse(x);
  println!("The reversed string is {}", reversed);

  // Borrow the `x` variable using the `&` operator
  let borrowed = borrow(&x);
  println!("The borrowed string is {}", borrowed);

fn reverse(s: String) -> String {
  // Reverse the string and return it

fn borrow(s: &String) -> &str {
  // Borrow the string and return a slice of it

In this example, we define a variable x with the value "hello". We then pass ownership of the x variable to the reverse function, which returns the reversed string.

We also borrow the x variable using the & operator and pass it to the borrow function, which returns a slice of the x variable.

In C++, you can use the std::move function to transfer ownership of a value to a function, and you can use the & operator to pass a lvalue reference to a value.

Here is an example in C++ that demonstrates the use of std::move and lvalue references:

int main() {
  std::string x = "hello";

  // Transfer ownership of the `x` variable to the `reverse` function
  std::string reversed = reverse(std::move(x));
  std::cout << "The reversed string is " << reversed << std::endl;

  // Pass a lvalue reference to the `x` variable
  std::string borrowed = borrow(x);
  std::cout << "The borrowed string is " << borrowed << std::endl;

std::string reverse(std::string &&s) {
  // Reverse the string and return it
  std::reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
  return s;

std::string borrow(const std::string &s) {
  // Borrow the string and return a copy of it
  return s;

In this example, we define a variable x with the value "hello". We then transfer ownership of the x variable to the reverse function using std::move, which returns the reversed string.

We also pass a lvalue reference to the x variable to the borrow function, which returns a copy of the x variable.

In C++, you can pass a lvalue reference to a value using the & operator, and you can pass an rvalue reference to a value using the && operator. You can also transfer ownership of a value to a function using the std::move function.

In Rust, you can pass a reference to a value using the & operator, and you can pass a mutable reference to a value using the &mut operator. You can also pass ownership of a value to a function using the owned keyword, and you can borrow a value from a function using the &self syntax.

The main difference between C++ and Rust in terms of passing values is that Rust has a more explicit and fine-grained control over ownership and borrowing, which helps prevent common programming errors such as null or dangling pointer references.

fn main() {
  let s1 = "hello";
  let s2 = "world";

  let s3 = {
    let s1_ref = &s1;
    let s2_ref = &s2;
    concat(s1_ref, s2_ref)

  println!("{}", s3);

fn concat<'a>(s1: &'a str, s2: &'a str) -> String {
  format!("{}{}", s1, s2)

In this example, we define two variables s1 and s2 with the values "hello" and "world", respectively. We then create a new variable s3 by borrowing the s1 and s2 variables using the & operator, and passing them to the concat function. The concat function returns a new String object that is the concatenation of the two input strings.

The lifetime of the returned String object is inferred from the lifetimes of the input references s1 and s2. In this case, the lifetime of the returned String object is the same as the lifetime of the s3 variable, which is the block in which it is defined.

Here is a bad code example that demonstrates a problem with lifetimes:

fn main() {
  let s1 = "hello";
  let s2 = "world";

  let s3 = concat(&s1, &s2);
  println!("{}", s3);

fn concat(s1: &str, s2: &str) -> &str {
  &format!("{}{}", s1, s2)[..]

In this example, the concat function returns a reference to a string that is the concatenation of the two input strings. However, the returned reference points to a temporary string that is created by the format! macro, which is deallocated at the end of the statement.

This code will not compile, because the returned reference has a shorter lifetime than the s3 variable, which is the lifetime of the function. To fix this problem, you can return a new String object from the concat function, rather than a reference to a temporary string.

fn main() {
  let s1 = "hello";
  let s2 = "world";

  let s3 = concat(&s1, &s2);
  println!("{}", s3);

fn concat(s1: &str, s2: &str) -> String {
  format!("{}{}", s1, s2)
Copy vs. Clone

n Rust, the Copy trait is used to specify that a type can be "cheaply" copied. Types that implement the Copy trait are known as "copyable" types. Examples of copyable types include integers, floating point numbers, and most primitive types.

The Clone trait, on the other hand, is used to specify that a type can be "deeply" cloned. This means that the type's data is copied recursively, rather than just copying the top-level value. Types that implement the Clone trait are known as "clonable" types. Examples of clonable types include vectors, strings, and most compound types.

Here is an example that demonstrates the difference between copying and cloning in Rust:

fn main() {
  let x = 5;
  let y = x;
  println!("x = {}, y = {}", x, y);

  let s1 = String::from("hello");
  let s2 = s1.clone();
  println!("s1 = {}, s2 = {}", s1, s2);

In this example, the x and y variables are copyable integers, so they are simply copied when assigned to each other. The s1 and s2 variables, on the other hand, are clonable strings, so they are deeply cloned when assigned to each other.

The output of this example will be:

x = 5, y = 5
s1 = hello, s2 = hello

Note that if you try to clone a value of a type that does not implement the Clone trait, you will get a compile-time error. For example:

fn main() {
  let x = 5;
  let y = x.clone();
  println!("x = {}, y = {}", x, y);

This code will not compile, because integers do not implement the Clone trait. You can use the Copy trait instead, if you want to copy a value of a non-clonable type:

fn main() {
  let x = 5;
  let y = x;
  println!("x = {}, y = {}", x, y);

This code will compile, because integers implement the Copy trait.

The #[derive(Copy, Clone)] syntax in Rust is used to automatically implement the Copy and Clone traits for a type. This can be useful when you want to easily copy or clone values of a custom type, without having to manually implement the traits yourself.

Here is an example of using #[derive(Copy, Clone)] to automatically implement the Copy and Clone traits for a struct:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Point {
  x: i32,
  y: i32,

fn main() {
  let p1 = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };
  let p2 = p1;
  println!("p1 = {:?}, p2 = {:?}", p1, p2);

  let p3 = p1.clone();
  println!("p1 = {:?}, p3 = {:?}", p1, p3);

In this example, the Point struct implements both the Copy and Clone traits, so it can be easily copied or cloned. The output of this program will be:

p1 = Point { x: 0, y: 0 }, p2 = Point { x: 0, y: 0 }
p1 = Point { x: 0, y: 0 }, p3 = Point { x: 0, y: 0 }

Note that #[derive(Copy, Clone)] can only be used for types that meet certain requirements. For example, a type must implement the Copy trait if it contains any non-Copy types, and it must implement the Clone trait if it contains any non-Clone types.


In Rust, runtime type information (RTTI) is not directly available. Rust does not have a built-in mechanism for performing runtime type checking or type casting based on the type of a value.

However, you can use the Any and TypeId traits from the std::any module to perform runtime type checking and type casting. These traits allow you to store values of any type in a box and check the type of the value at runtime.

For example, you can use the is method of the Any trait to check whether a value has a specific type, and the downcast_ref method to perform a type cast if the value has the correct type:

use std::any::{Any, TypeId};

fn process(value: &dyn Any) {
    if<i32>() {
        let x = value.downcast_ref::<i32>().unwrap();
        // do something with x
    } else if<f64>() {
        let y = value.downcast_ref::<f64>().unwrap();
        // do something with y

This allows you to perform runtime type checking and type casting in Rust, but it is not as fully featured or efficient as the RTTI system like in C++.

It is also worth noting that Rust's strong emphasis on static typing and its lack of support for implicit type conversions means that the need for runtime type information is often less important than in other languages. In many cases, it is possible to achieve the same result using other techniques, such as explicit type conversion or the match statement.

Move semantics / C++ move vs Rust move

Move semantics in C++ and Rust are similar in that they allow values to be "moved" from one location to another, rather than copied. This can be more efficient in cases where copying a value would be expensive, such as when the value is large or contains pointers to resources that need to be transferred.

In C++, move semantics are implemented using rvalue references (&&) and move constructors/assignment operators. Here is an example of using move semantics in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

class MyVec {
  MyVec() {}
  MyVec(const MyVec& other) {
    std::cout << "Copy constructor called" << std::endl;
    data_ = other.data_;
  MyVec(MyVec&& other) {
    std::cout << "Move constructor called" << std::endl;
    data_ = std::move(other.data_);
  MyVec& operator=(const MyVec& other) {
    std::cout << "Copy assignment operator called" << std::endl;
    data_ = other.data_;
    return *this;
  MyVec& operator=(MyVec&& other) {
    std::cout << "Move assignment operator called" << std::endl;
    data_ = std::move(other.data_);
    return *this;

  std::vector<int> data_;

int main() {
  MyVec v1;

  MyVec v2(std::move(v1));
  std::cout << "v2.data_ = ";
  for (auto x : v2.data_) {
    std::cout << x << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  return 0;

In this example, the MyVec class has both copy and move constructors, as well as copy and move assignment operators. When an object of type MyVec is moved, the move constructor or move assignment operator is called, and the data is transferred to the new object using the std::move function.

In Rust, move semantics are implemented using the std::mem::swap function and the std::mem::replace function. Here is an example of using move semantics in Rust:

use std::mem;

struct MyVec {
  data: Vec<i32>,

fn main() {
  let mut v1 = MyVec { data: vec![1, 2, 3] };
  let mut v2 = MyVec { data: vec![] };

  mem::swap(&mut v1, &mut v2);
  println!(" = {:?}",;

In this example, the mem::swap function is used to move the contents of v1 to v2, transferring ownership of the data in the process. The `mem::replace function can also be used to achieve the same result.

One key difference between C++ and Rust in terms of move semantics is that in Rust, there is no need to explicitly implement move constructors or move assignment operators. This is because Rust has a more powerful type system that allows the compiler to automatically handle moves when appropriate. In C++, on the other hand, it is up to the programmer to implement these functions in order to enable move semantics for a given type.

Another difference is that in Rust, the concept of "ownership" is central to the language, and it plays a role in how move semantics are implemented and used. In C++, the concept of ownership is not explicitly encoded in the language, and move semantics are used primarily for optimization purposes.

Smart pointer vs. Box/Rc/Arc

Smart pointers in C++ and Rust are used to manage the lifetime of dynamically allocated objects and to prevent memory leaks. They can be thought of as "wrappers" around raw pointers that provide additional functionality, such as automatic memory management and thread-safety.

There are several types of smart pointers in Rust, each with its own set of features and use cases. Some examples include:

  • Box<T>: A smart pointer that owns a value and allocates it on the heap. It is used to store values that have a known size and don't need to be mutated.

  • Rc<T>: A reference-counted smart pointer that enables multiple owners of the same value. It is used to share values between multiple parts of a program without requiring ownership.

  • Arc<T>: A thread-safe version of Rc<T>, which allows multiple threads to access the same value concurrently.

  • RefCell<T>: A smart pointer that allows borrowing and mutating of a value, even if it is not marked as mut. It is used to implement interior mutability, which is a pattern that allows mutation of a value through a shared reference.

In C++, the standard library provides several smart pointer types, such as std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr. Here is an example of using std::unique_ptr in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

int main() {
  std::unique_ptr<int> p1(new int(42));
  std::cout << *p1 << std::endl;

  std::unique_ptr<int> p2 = std::move(p1);
  std::cout << *p2 << std::endl;

  return 0;

In this example, std::unique_ptr is used to manage the lifetime of an int object that is dynamically allocated using new. The std::unique_ptr type is responsible for deleting the object when it goes out of scope, which ensures that there are no memory leaks.

In Rust, the standard library provides similar smart pointer types, such as Box and Rc. Here is an example of using Box in Rust:

fn main() {
  let p1 = Box::new(42);
  println!("{}", *p1);

  let p2 = p1;
  println!("{}", *p2);

In this example, Box is used to manage the lifetime of an i32 object that is allocated on the heap. Like std::unique_ptr in C++, Box is responsible for deleting the object when it goes out of scope, ensuring that there are no memory leaks.

One key difference between C++ and Rust in terms of smart pointers is that in Rust, the Box type is implemented as a "fat pointer", which means that it stores both a pointer to the heap-allocated object and the size of the object. This allows the Rust runtime to perform additional checks and optimizations, such as bounds checking and memory alignment. In C++, std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr are implemented as thin pointers, which means that they only store the pointer to the object and do not store the size.

In Rust, the Rc (reference-counted) and Arc (atomic reference-counted) types are used for shared ownership of objects. These types are similar to std::shared_ptr in C++, in that they allow multiple references to an object to be held at the same time, and the object is only deleted when the last reference is dropped.

Here is an example of using Rc in Rust:

use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {
  let p1 = Rc::new(42);
  println!("{}", *p1);

  let p2 = p1.clone();
  println!("{}", *p2);

In this example, Rc is used to manage the lifetime of an i32 object that is allocated on the heap. The p1.clone() line creates a new reference to the object, which increases the reference count. The object is only deleted when the last reference is dropped, which occurs when p1 and p2 go out of scope.

Arc is similar to Rc, but it is implemented using atomic reference counting, which makes it safe to use in a multi-threaded environment. Here is an example of using Arc in Rust:

use std::sync::Arc;

fn main() {
  let p1 = Arc::new(42);
  println!("{}", *p1);

  let p2 = p1.clone();
  println!("{}", *p2);

In this example, Arc is used to manage the lifetime of an i32 object that is allocated on the heap. The p1.clone() line creates a new reference to the object, which increases the reference count. The object is only deleted when the last reference is dropped, which occurs when p1 and p2 go out of scope.

One key difference between Rc/Arc in Rust and std::shared_ptr in C++ is that Rc/Arc use reference counting, which means that the reference count must be incremented and decremented every time a reference is created or dropped. This can have a performance impact, especially in a multi-threaded environment. std::shared_ptr, on the other hand, uses a garbage collection approach, which means that the reference count is only updated when the object is actually deleted. This can be more efficient, but it also requires additional overhead to track and delete unreachable objects.

Common traits

There are several common traits that are implemented by many smart pointers in Rust. These traits are used to define the behavior of the smart pointers and to enable them to work with other parts of the Rust ecosystem.

Some common traits that are implemented by many smart pointers include:

  • Deref: The Deref trait is used to override the behavior of the * operator, which is used to dereference pointers and smart pointers. It allows you to use smart pointers in a way that is similar to regular pointers, by defining custom behavior for dereferencing a value.

  • DerefMut: The DerefMut trait is similar to Deref, but allows mutable dereferencing. It is used by smart pointers that need to allow mutable access to the values they point to.

  • Drop: The Drop trait is used to define a custom action to be performed when a value goes out of scope. It is often used to deallocate resources, such as closing a file or freeing memory.

  • AsRef and AsMut: The AsRef and AsMut traits are used to convert a value to a reference to another type. They are often used by smart pointers to allow them to be converted to other types of references, such as &T or &mut T.

  • Borrow and BorrowMut: The Borrow and BorrowMut traits are used to borrow a value, rather than taking ownership of it. They are often used by smart pointers to allow them to be used in situations where ownership is not desired or not possible.

  • Clone: The Clone trait is used to define how a value can be cloned, creating a new value that is independent of the original. It is often implemented by smart pointers to allow them to be cloned and used in multiple places at the same time.

  • Copy: The Copy trait is used to define how a value can be copied, creating a new value that is independent of the original. It is often implemented by smart pointers to allow them to be copied and used in multiple places at the same time.

  • Debug: The Debug trait is used to define how a value should be printed when it is passed to the println! macro with the {:?} placeholder. It is often implemented by smart pointers to allow them to be printed in a useful way.

  • Eq and PartialEq: The Eq and PartialEq traits are used to define how values can be compared for equality. They are often implemented by smart pointers to allow them to be compared to other values in a meaningful way.

  • Ord and PartialOrd: The Ord and PartialOrd traits are used to define how values can be compared for ordering. They are often implemented by smart pointers to allow them to be compared to other values in a meaningful way.

  • Hash: The Hash trait is used to define how a value can be hashed, creating a fixed-size representation of the value that can be used in hash maps and other data structures. It is often implemented by smart pointers to allow them to be used in hash-based data structures.


In Rust, the Drop trait is used to define a custom action to be performed when a value goes out of scope. This is often used to deallocate resources, such as closing a file or freeing memory.

For smart pointers, the Drop trait is often used to deallocate the memory that the smart pointer owns. For example, the Box smart pointer uses the Drop trait to deallocate the heap memory that it owns when the Box value goes out of scope:

struct MyStruct {
    data: i32,

impl Drop for MyStruct {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("Dropping MyStruct with data {}",;

fn main() {
    let x = Box::new(MyStruct { data: 42 });
    // x goes out of scope here, and the `Drop` trait implementation for MyStruct is called

In this example, the Drop trait implementation for MyStruct is called when the Box<MyStruct> value x goes out of scope, and the heap memory that x owns is deallocated.

The Drop trait is a powerful tool for managing resources in Rust, and is used by many smart pointers to deallocate memory and other resources when they are no longer needed. It is an important part of Rust's memory management system, and is worth understanding if you plan to use smart pointers in your Rust code.


In Rust, the Deref trait is used to override the behavior of the * operator, which is used to dereference pointers and smart pointers. The Deref trait allows you to define custom behavior for dereferencing a value, enabling you to create smart pointers that behave like regular pointers in most cases.

For example, the Box smart pointer implements the Deref trait, which allows you to use the * operator to access the value that the Box points to:

let x = Box::new(5);
println!("{}", *x); // prints 5

In this example, the * operator is used to dereference the Box<i32> value x, which returns the i32 value that x points to.

The Deref trait is an important part of Rust's smart pointer system, as it allows you to use smart pointers in a way that is similar to regular pointers. It is a powerful tool for creating custom smart pointers that behave like regular pointers in most cases, while still providing additional features and functionality.

Lambdas vs. closures

Lambdas and closures are anonymous functions that can be passed as arguments or used to create a new function. In C++, lambdas are denoted by the [] syntax, and they can capture variables from the surrounding scope. Here is an example of a lambda in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

int main() {
  std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

  int x = 2;
  std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [x](int n) {
    std::cout << n + x << std::endl;

  return 0;

In this example, the lambda is passed to the std::for_each function as an argument, and it is used to print the elements of the v vector with an offset of x. The lambda captures the value of x from the surrounding scope, which allows it to access the value of x even after it goes out of scope.

In Rust, closures are denoted by the | syntax, and they can capture variables from the surrounding scope using the move keyword. Here is an example of a closure in Rust:

fn main() {
  let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

  let x = 2;
  v.iter().for_each(move |n| {
    println!("{}", n + x);

In this example, the closure is passed to the for_each method of the v vector as an argument, and it is used to print the elements of the v vector with an offset of x. The closure captures the value of x from the surrounding scope using the move keyword, which allows it to access the value of x even after it goes out of scope.


Both C++ and Rust support multithreading, but the way they approach it can be somewhat different.

In C++, you can use the std::thread library to create and manage threads. Here is an example of how to create and start a thread in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

void print_hello() {
  std::cout << "Hello from a new thread!" << std::endl;

int main() {
  std::thread t(print_hello);

  return 0;

In this example, the std::thread constructor is used to create a new thread that runs the print_hello function. The join method is then used to wait for the thread to finish before the main function returns.

In Rust, you can use the std::thread or crossbeam::thread crate to create and manage threads. Here is an example of how to create and start a thread in Rust:

use std::thread;

fn main() {
  let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
    println!("Hello from a new thread!");

In this example, the spawn function is used to create a new thread that runs the closure passed as an argument. The join method is then used to wait for the thread to finish before the main function returns.

Send and Sync

In Rust, the Send trait indicates that a type is safe to be transferred across threads. The Sync trait indicates that a type is safe to be shared between threads.

Here is an example of how to use the Send and Sync traits in Rust:

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
  let x = Arc::new(5);
  let y = x.clone();

  thread::spawn(move || {
    println!("{}", x);
  println!("{}", y);

In this example, the Arc type (which stands for "atomic reference count") is used to wrap an integer value and enable it to be shared between threads. The Arc type implements both the Send and Sync traits, which means it can be transferred across threads and shared between them.

In C++, there is no equivalent to the Send and Sync traits. Instead, you have to manually ensure that any data shared between threads is thread-safe. For example, you can use mutexes or atomics to protect shared data from concurrent access.

Overall, the Send and Sync traits in Rust provide a way to ensure that data can be safely transferred across threads and shared between them, while in C++ you have to manually ensure thread-safety when sharing data between threads.

Here is an example of how the Send and Sync traits can be used in Rust to ensure that data can be safely transferred across threads and shared between them:

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
  let x = Arc::new(5);
  let y = x.clone();

  let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
    // `x` is moved into the closure, so it can be safely accessed
    // from within the new thread
    println!("{}", x);

  // `y` is a clone of `x`, so it can be safely accessed from
  // the main thread
  println!("{}", y);


In this example, the Arc type (which stands for "atomic reference count") is used to wrap an integer value and enable it to be shared between threads. The Arc type implements both the Send and Sync traits, which means it can be transferred across threads and shared between them.

When the closure is spawned in a new thread using the thread::spawn function, the move keyword is used to move the x variable into the closure. This means that the x variable is no longer accessible from the main thread, but it can be safely accessed from within the new thread.

The y variable is a clone of the x variable, so it can be safely accessed from the main thread.

Shared state
  • In Rust, shared state refers to data that is shared between multiple threads and can be accessed concurrently. This can include variables, data structures, or any other type of shared resource.

To ensure that shared state is safe to access from multiple threads, Rust provides several mechanisms for synchronizing access to shared data. These mechanisms include:

Mutexes: A mutex (short for "mutual exclusion") is a type of lock that allows only one thread to access a shared resource at a time. When a thread acquires a mutex, other threads are blocked from accessing the resource until the mutex is released.

Atomics: Atomics are types that provide atomic (i.e., indivisible) operations on shared memory. They can be used to safely read and write shared variables from multiple threads without the need for locks.

Channels: A channel is a type of message-passing mechanism that allows threads to communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages. This can be used to safely share data between threads without the need for locks or atomics.

  • In C++, shared state is also a common feature of multithreaded programming. C++ provides several mechanisms for synchronizing access to shared data, including:

Mutexes: C++ provides a std::mutex class that can be used to synchronize access to shared resources.

Atomics: C++ provides a std::atomic template class that can be used to perform atomic operations on shared memory.

Locks: C++ provides several types of locks, including std::lock_guard, std::unique_lock, and std::scoped_lock, that can be used to synchronize access to shared resources.

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

fn main() {
  let x = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));

  let mut handles = vec![];

  for i in 0..10 {
    let x = x.clone();
    let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
      let mut x = x.lock().unwrap();
      *x += 1;

  for handle in handles {

  println!("{}", *x.lock().unwrap());

In this example, a mutex is used to synchronize access to the shared x variable, which is an integer. The Arc type (which stands for "atomic reference count") is used to wrap the mutex and enable it to be shared between threads.

The main thread creates 10 worker threads using the thread::spawn function. Each worker thread acquires the mutex using the lock method, increments the shared x variable, and then releases the mutex using the unwrap method.

After all of the worker threads have completed, the main thread prints the final value of the x variable.


In Rust, the super keyword is used to refer to the parent scope or to the parent implementation of a trait or an override function.

For example, consider the following Rust code:

struct A {
  x: i32,

impl A {
  fn new() -> Self {
    A { x: 0 }

  fn get_x(&self) -> i32 {

struct B {
  y: i32,

impl B {
  fn new() -> Self {
    B { y: 0 }

  fn get_y(&self) -> i32 {

struct C {
  a: A,
  b: B,

impl C {
  fn new() -> Self {
    C {
      a: A::new(),
      b: B::new(),

  fn get_x(&self) -> i32 {

  fn get_y(&self) -> i32 {

In this example, the C struct contains instances of the A and B structs. The C struct also defines its own get_x and get_y methods, which delegate to the corresponding methods of the A and B structs.

In this case, the super keyword could be used in the get_x and get_y methods of the C struct to refer to the parent implementation of these methods, which are defined in the A and B structs, respectively.

For example, the get_x method could be rewritten as follows:

fn get_x(&self) -> i32 {

The super keyword in Rust has no direct equivalent in C++. However, in C++, you could achieve similar behavior by using inheritance and method overriding. For example:

class A {
  int x;
  A() : x(0) {}
  int get_x() { return x; }

class B {
  int y;
  B() : y(0) {}
  int get_y() { return y; }

class C : public A, public B {
  A a;
  B b;
  C() : A(), B() {}
  int get_x() { return a.get_x(); }
  int get_y() { return b.get_y(); }

In this C++ example, the C class inherits from the A and B classes and overrides their get_x and get_y methods. The C class also contains instances of the A and B classes, which it can use to delegate to the parent implementations of the get_x and get_y methods.

Unit test

In Rust, you can use the #[test] attribute to mark a function as a unit test. These unit tests can be run using the cargo test command.

Here's an example of a simple unit test in Rust:

fn test_add() {
  assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);

To run this test, you can use the cargo test command:

cargo test

This will run all the tests in your project and print the results to the console. If the test passes, it will be marked as "ok"; if it fails, it will be marked as "failed" and the error message will be printed to the console.

You can also use the #[should_panic] attribute to mark a test as expected to panic. For example:

fn test_divide_by_zero() {
  let x = 2 / 0;

In this case, the test will pass if it panics, and it will fail if it does not.

You can also use the assert! macro to test for boolean conditions. For example:

fn test_is_even() {
  assert!(2 % 2 == 0);

This test will pass if the boolean condition is true, and it will fail if it is false.


In Rust, the where keyword is used in a number of contexts to specify constraints or conditions. Some common uses of where in Rust include:

In trait bounds: where can be used to specify trait bounds on generic types. For example:

fn foo<T: Clone + PartialEq>(t: T) where T: std::fmt::Debug {
  // function body goes here

In this example, the function foo has a generic type T that must implement the Clone and PartialEq traits, and it must also implement the Debug trait from the std::fmt module.

In match statements: where can be used to specify additional conditions in a match statement. For example:

let x = Some(5);

match x {
  Some(y) if y > 0 => println!("x is a positive number"),
  Some(y) if y < 0 => println!("x is a negative number"),
  Some(_) => println!("x is zero"),
  None => println!("x is None"),

In this example, the match statement has two arms that use the where keyword to specify conditions on the matched value. The first arm will be matched if x is a Some variant with a positive value, and the second arm will be matched if x is a Some variant with a negative value.

In function signatures: where can be used to specify constraints on the type parameters of a function. For example:

fn foo<T, U>(t: T, u: U) -> i32
where T: Clone + PartialEq,
      U: std::fmt::Debug
  // function body goes here

In this example, the function foo has two type parameters, T and U, and it requires that T implements the Clone and PartialEq traits and that U implements the Debug trait from the std::fmt module.

The equivalent function in C++ would look something like this:

template<typename T, typename U>
int foo(T t, U u) {
  static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value && std::is_equal<T>::value,
                "T must be CopyConstructible and Equal");
  static_assert(std::is_base_of<std::ostream, U>::value,
                "U must be derived from std::ostream");
  // function body goes here

This function has two template type parameters, T and U, and it uses static_assert to specify the constraints on these types. The first static_assert requires that T is copy constructible and equal, and the second static_assert requires that U is derived from std::ostream.

In impl blocks: where can be used to specify constraints on the types and lifetimes in an impl block. For example:

impl<T, U> std::ops::Add<U> for T
where T: std::ops::Add<U>,
      U: std::fmt::Debug
  // impl block goes here

In this example, the impl block implements the Add trait for the type T, requiring that T already implements the Add trait and that U implements the Debug trait from the std::fmt module.


The unsafe keyword in Rust is used to indicate that a block of code contains unsafe operations. Unsafe operations are those that can potentially violate the safety guarantees provided by the Rust type system, such as dereferencing a null pointer or accessing memory outside the bounds of an array.

Using unsafe code is generally discouraged in Rust, as it can lead to undefined behavior, data races, and other types of bugs that are difficult to debug. However, there are some cases where using unsafe code is necessary, such as when interacting with low-level system APIs or when working with third-party libraries that are not safe to use.

Here is an example of using unsafe code in Rust:

unsafe {
    let x = *(0x01 as *const i32); // dereference null pointer

When using unsafe code, it's important to be very careful and make sure that you fully understand the consequences of the code you are writing. It's also a good idea to minimize the use of unsafe code as much as possible, and to use safe alternatives whenever possible.

In summary, the unsafe keyword in Rust is used to indicate code that contains unsafe operations and can potentially violate the safety guarantees provided by the Rust type system. It's important to use unsafe code with caution and to minimize its use whenever possible.


In Rust, the async keyword is used to indicate that a function is an asynchronous function, which is a function that can perform work in the background and return a value at some point in the future. Asynchronous functions in Rust are implemented using the Future trait, which represents a value that may not be available yet.

Here is an example of an asynchronous function in Rust that returns a Future:

async fn fetch_data() -> Result<String, reqwest::Error> {
  let resp = reqwest::get("").await?;

This function makes an HTTP GET request to the specified URL and returns the response body as a String. The await keyword is used to suspend the execution of the function until the value is available.

There is no direct equivalent of the async keyword in C++, as C++ does not have native support for asynchronous functions. However, C++ does have the std::async function, which can be used to create a std::future that represents a value that may not be available yet. Here is an example of a function in C++ that uses std::async to perform an HTTP GET request asynchronously:

#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <cpr/cpr.h>

std::future<std::string> fetch_data() {
  return std::async(std::launch::async, []() {
    auto resp = cpr::Get("");
    return resp.text;

This function creates a std::future that will be populated with the response body of the HTTP GET request when it becomes available. The std::async function takes a lambda function as an argument, which is executed asynchronously and returns the response body as a std::string.

Both the async keyword in Rust and the std::async function in C++ are used to create asynchronous functions that return a value at some point in the future. However, the implementation details of asynchronous functions in Rust and C++ are quite different. In Rust, asynchronous functions are implemented using the Future trait and the await keyword, while in C++, asynchronous functions are implemented using the std::future and std::async functions.


In Rust, you can use the async and await keywords to write asynchronous code that is similar to using promises in Node.js.

Here is an example of a function that returns a Future in Rust, which is similar to a promise in Node.js:

use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::delay_for;

async fn long_running_task() -> u32 {

You can then use this function in an async block, and use the await keyword to wait for the result:

async {
    let result = long_running_task().await;
    println!("The result is {}", result);

The async and await keywords are part of the tokio crate, which is a popular crate for writing asynchronous code in Rust. There are other options for writing asynchronous code in Rust as well, such as the futures crate.

Module Publishing

In Rust, you can publish a module (a collection of Rust code) to be used by other users as a library. To do this, you will need to create a package and publish it to, which is the Rust community's package registry.

Here are the steps to publish a Rust module:

  • Create a new Rust project using cargo new.
  • Write your code and define your module in a file in the src directory.
  • Define a public interface for your module by using the pub keyword on the items that you want to be visible to other users. Write documentation for your module using Rust's built-in documentation syntax (e.g., ///).
  • Create a Cargo.toml file in the root of your project, which will contain metadata about your package, including the name, version, and dependencies.
  • Run cargo build to build your project and make sure that everything is working as expected.
  • Run cargo package to create a package (a .tar.gz file) containing your compiled code and documentation.
  • Run cargo publish to publish your package to
  • Once your package is published, other users will be able to include it in their own projects by adding it as a dependency in their Cargo.toml file and using the extern crate directive in their code.
Integration Tests

Integration tests in Rust are tests that test the integration of different parts of your code, rather than just individual functions or modules. In Rust, you can write integration tests by creating a new directory called tests in the root of your project and adding test files to it.

Here is an example of an integration test in Rust:

// tests/

fn test_something() {
    // Set up the environment for the test
    let foo = Foo::new();
    let bar = Bar::new();

    // Perform the test
    let result = foo.do_something_with(bar);
    assert_eq!(result, 42);

To run your integration tests, you can use the cargo test command. This will compile and run all of the tests in your project, including your integration tests.

You can also run a specific integration test by specifying its name on the command line, like this: cargo test my_integration_test.

Integration tests are useful for testing the interaction between different parts of your code, and can help you catch issues that might not be detectable by unit tests.


Reading List
Watching List


Template example 1

Here is an example of using a template in C++, along with the equivalent code in Rust:

// C++ code

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
T max(T a, T b) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

int main() {
    std::cout << max(5, 10) << std::endl; // prints 10
    std::cout << max(5.5, 10.5) << std::endl; // prints 10.5
    return 0;
// Rust code

fn main() {
    println!("{}", max(5, 10)); // prints 10
    println!("{}", max(5.5, 10.5)); // prints 10.5

fn max<T: PartialOrd>(a: T, b: T) -> T {
    if a > b {
    } else {

In C++, the template keyword is used to specify that a function or class is a template, and the type parameter is specified using the typename keyword. In Rust, type parameters are specified using the <T: Trait> syntax, where T is the name of the type parameter and Trait is a trait that the type parameter must implement.

In this example, the max function is a template that takes two arguments of the same type T and returns the larger of the two. The function can be called with any type that implements the > operator and the PartialOrd trait, which includes most numeric types.

The equivalent Rust code defines the max function using the same logic, but with the type parameter and trait bound specified in the function signature. The function can be called with any type that implements the PartialOrd trait, which includes most numeric types.

Template example 2

Here is a more complex example of using templates in C++, along with the equivalent code in Rust:

// C++ code

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template <typename T>
class MyClass {
    MyClass(T x) : x_(x) {}
    void print() const { std::cout << x_ << std::endl; }
    T get() const { return x_; }

    T x_;

template <typename T>
MyClass<T> make_my_class(T x) {
    return MyClass<T>(x);

int main() {
    MyClass<int> c1(5);
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    std::cout << c1.get() << std::endl; // prints 5

    MyClass<std::string> c2("hello");
    c2.print(); // prints "hello"
    std::cout << c2.get() << std::endl; // prints "hello"

    std::vector<MyClass<int>> v;
    v[0].print(); // prints 10
    std::cout << v[0].get() << std::endl; // prints 10

    return 0;
// Rust code

struct MyStruct<T> {
    x: T,

impl<T> MyStruct<T> {
    fn print(&self) {
        println!("{}", self.x);

    fn get(&self) -> &T {

fn make_my_struct<T>(x: T) -> MyStruct<T> {
    MyStruct { x }

fn main() {
    let c1 = MyStruct { x: 5 };
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    println!("{}", c1.get()); // prints 5

    let c2 = MyStruct { x: "hello".to_string() };
    c2.print(); // prints "hello"
    println!("{}", c2.get()); // prints "hello"

    let mut v = Vec::new();
    v.push(MyStruct { x: 10 });
    v[0].print(); // prints 10
    println!("{}", v[0].get()); // prints 10

This example defines a class template MyClass in C++ and a struct template MyStruct in Rust, both of which have a single type parameter T that represents the type of the data stored in the class or struct. The class and struct both have a method print that prints the stored data, and a method get that returns a reference to the stored data.

The example also defines a function template make_my_class in C++ and a generic function make_my_struct in Rust, both of which take a value of type T and return an instance of the corresponding class or struct with the value stored in it.

The example creates instances of the MyClass class and the MyStruct struct using different types for the type parameter, including int, std::string, and a vector of MyClass objects. It demonstrates how the templates can be used with different types and how the methods of the class and struct can be called on the instances.

Overall, this example illustrates how templates can be used to write generic code that can work with multiple types in C++ and Rust. It shows how templates can be used to define classes, structs, and functions that can be used with different types, and how the type parameter can be used to customize the behavior of the template based on the type it is used with.

Template example 3

Here is an intermediate-level example of using templates in C++, along with the equivalent code in Rust:

// C++ code

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
class MyClass {
    MyClass(T x) : x_(x) {}
    void print() const { std::cout << x_ << std::endl; }
    T get() const { return x_; }

    T x_;

template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, MyClass<T>>::type make_my_class(T x) {
    return MyClass<T>(x);

template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, MyClass<T>>::type make_my_class(T x) {
    return MyClass<T>(x);

int main() {
    MyClass<int> c1 = make_my_class(5);
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    std::cout << c1.get() << std::endl; // prints 5

    MyClass<double> c2 = make_my_class(5.5);
    c2.print(); // prints 5.5
    std::cout << c2.get() << std::endl; // prints 5.5

    return 0;
// Rust code

struct MyStruct<T> {
    x: T,

impl<T> MyStruct<T> {
    fn print(&self) {
        println!("{}", self.x);

    fn get(&self) -> &T {

fn make_my_struct<T: std::marker::Sized + std::num::Num>(x: T) -> MyStruct<T> {
    MyStruct { x }

fn main() {
    let c1 = make_my_struct(5);
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    println!("{}", c1.get()); // prints 5

    let c2 = make_my_struct(5.5);
    c2.print(); // prints 5.5
    println!("{}", c2.get()); // prints 5.5

This example defines a class template MyClass in C++ and a struct template MyStruct in Rust, both of which have a single type parameter T that represents the type of the data stored in the class or struct. The class and struct both have a method print that prints the stored data, and a method get that returns a reference to the stored data.

The example uses template specialization to define two versions of the make_my_class function in C++, each of which is enabled only for a specific type of T. The first version is enabled only for integral types (such as int or long long), and the second version is enabled only for floating point types (such as float or double). This allows the function to return an instance of MyClass with a specific type of data based on the type of the argument passed to it.

The equivalent Rust code defines a single generic function make_my_struct that takes a value of type T and returns an instance of MyStruct with the value stored in it. The function is generic over T, but it is bounded by the Sized and Num traits, which means that it can only be used with types that have a known size and that implement the Num trait, which includes most numeric types.

The example creates instances of the MyClass class and the MyStruct struct using different types for the type parameter, including int and double. It demonstrates how the templates can be used with different types and how the methods of the class and struct can be called on the instances.

Overall, this example illustrates how templates can be used to write generic code that can work with multiple types in C++ and Rust, and how template specialization can be used to customize the behavior of a template based on the type it is used with. It shows how templates can be used to define classes, structs, and functions that can be used with different types, and how the type parameter can be used to customize the behavior of the template based on the type it is used with.

Template example 4

Here is an expert-level example of using templates in C++, along with the equivalent code in Rust:

// C++ code

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

template <typename T>
class MyClass {
    MyClass(T x) : x_(x) {}
    void print() const { std::cout << x_ << std::endl; }
    T get() const { return x_; }

    T x_;

template <typename T, typename... Args>
MyClass<T> make_my_class(Args&&... args) {
    return MyClass<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

int main() {
    MyClass<int> c1 = make_my_class<int>(5);
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    std::cout << c1.get() << std::endl; // prints 5

    MyClass<std::string> c2 = make_my_class<std::string>("hello");
    c2.print(); // prints "hello"
    std::cout << c2.get() << std::endl; // prints "hello"

    return 0;
// Rust code

struct MyStruct<T> {
    x: T,

impl<T> MyStruct<T> {
    fn print(&self) {
        println!("{}", self.x);

    fn get(&self) -> &T {

fn make_my_struct<T, Args>(args: Args) -> MyStruct<T>
    Args: std::convert::Into<T>,
    MyStruct { x: args.into() }

fn main() {
    let c1 = make_my_struct::<_, i32>(5);
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    println!("{}", c1.get()); // prints 5

    let c2 = make_my_struct::<_, &str>("hello");
    c2.print(); // prints "hello"
    println!("{}", c2.get()); // prints "hello"

This example defines a class template MyClass in C++ and a struct template MyStruct in Rust, both of which have a single type parameter T that represents the type of the data stored in the class or struct. The class and struct both have a method print that prints the stored data, and a method get that returns a reference to the stored data

Overall example 1 (Template, Traits, and Generic)

Here is an expert-level example of using advanced features of C++ and Rust, including templates, type traits, and generic functions:

// C++ code

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

template <typename T>
class MyClass {
    MyClass(T x) : x_(x) {}
    void print() const { std::cout << x_ << std::endl; }
    T get() const { return x_; }

    T x_;

template <typename T, typename... Args>
MyClass<T> make_my_class(Args&&... args) {
    return MyClass<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, void>::type process(T x) {
    std::cout << "Processing integral value: " << x << std::endl;

template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value, void>::type process(T x) {
    std::cout << "Processing floating point value: " << x << std::endl;

int main() {
    MyClass<int> c1 = make_my_class<int>(5);
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    std::cout << c1.get() << std::endl; // prints 5

    MyClass<std::string> c2 = make_my_class<std::string>("hello");
    c2.print(); // prints "hello"
    std::cout << c2.get() << std::endl; // prints "hello"

    std::vector<MyClass<int>> v;
    v[0].print(); // prints 10
    std::cout << v[0].get() << std::endl; // prints 10

    process(5); // prints "Processing integral value: 5"
    process(5.5); // prints "Processing floating point value: 5.5"

    return 0;
// Rust code

struct MyStruct<T> {
    x: T,

impl<T> MyStruct<T> {
    fn print(&self) {
        println!("{}", self.x);

    fn get(&self) -> &T {

fn make_my_struct<T, Args>(args: Args) -> MyStruct<T>
    Args: std::convert::Into<T>,
    MyStruct { x: args.into() }

fn process<T: std::num::Num + std::fmt::Display>(x: T) {
    match x {
        x if x.is_integer() => println!("Processing integral value: {}", x),
        _ => println!("Processing floating point value: {}", x),

fn main() {
    let c1 = make_my_struct::<_, i32>(5);
    c1.print(); // prints 5
    println!("{}", c1.get()); // prints 5

    let c2 = make_my_struct::<_, &str>("hello");
    c2.print(); // prints "hello"
    println!("{}", c2.get()); // prints "hello"

    let mut v: Vec<MyStruct<i32>> = Vec::new();
    v.push(MyStruct { x: 10 });
    v[0].print(); // prints 10
    println!("{}", v[0].get()); // prints 10

    process(5); // prints "Processing integral value: 5"
    process(5.5); // prints "Processing floating point value: 5.5"

This example defines a class template MyClass in C++ and a struct template MyStruct in Rust, both of which have a single type parameter T that represents the type of the data stored in the class or struct. The class and struct both have a method print that prints the stored data, and a method get that returns a reference to the stored data.

The example also defines two function templates make_my_class in C++ and a single generic function make_my_struct in Rust, both of which take a value of type T and return an instance of the corresponding class or struct with the value stored in it. The function templates use variadic templates and perfect forwarding to accept a variable number of arguments and pass them to the constructor of the class or struct.

The example defines a function process in C++ and Rust that takes a value of any type T and processes it in a different way based on whether it is an integral or floating point type. In C++, this is achieved using template specialization and type traits, while in Rust it is achieved using pattern matching and the is_integer method of the Num trait.

The example creates instances of the MyClass class and the MyStruct struct using different types for the type parameter, including int and std::string, and stores them in a vector in C++ and a Vec in Rust. It demonstrates how the templates can be used with different types and how the methods of the class and struct can be called on the instances.

Finally, the example demonstrates how the process function can be used to process values of different types, including int and double in C++ and i32 and f64 in Rust. It illustrates how the templates and generic functions can be used