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MariaDB Galera on Kubernetes

YAML definitions to run MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.1 on Kubernetes. Tested on Kubernetes v1.6 using ReplicaSet and StatefulSet.

Deployment Steps

1. Deploy an etcd cluster

The image requires an etcd (standalone or cluster) for service discovery. Deploy an etcd cluster with Pods and Services:

$ kubectl create -f etcd-cluster.yaml

2. Deploy the Galera Cluster

You can deploy the cluster with multiple ways - ReplicaSet (Deployment), DaemonSet or StatefulSet.


For ReplicaSet, use mariadb-rs.yml:

$ kubectl create -f mariadb-rs.yml


If running on AWS (kops), start by creating the storage class slow or standard. It is possible if different peformance is desired to create a storage class of ones own choice. Please refer to Kubernetes documentation on persistent disk

$ kubectl create -f ./aws/storage-class-standard.yml

A Persistent Volume Claim doesn't need to be created and all that needs to be done is to uncomment the line with storageClassName specified.

      storageClassName: standard


If not utilizing a storage class on AWS, and with StatefulSet with persistent storage, start with creating the PVs and PVCs:

$ kubectl create -f mariadb-pv.yml
$ kubectl create -f mariadb-pvc.yml

Then, deploy the Galera Cluster pods:

$ kubectl create -f mariadb-ss.yml

Details at Severalnines' blog post.