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Responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts


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Muuri creates responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts. Yep, that's a lot of features in one library, but we have tried to make it as tiny as possible. Comparing to what's out there Muuri is a combination of Packery, Masonry, Isotope and jQuery UI sortable. Wanna see it in action? Check out the demo on the website.

Muuri's layout system allows positioning the grid items within the container in pretty much any way imaginable. The default "First Fit" bin packing layout algorithm generates similar layouts as Packery and Masonry. The implementation is heavily based on the "maxrects" approach as described by Jukka Jylänki in his research A Thousand Ways to Pack the Bin. However, you can also provide your own layout algorithm to position the items in any way you want.

And if you're wondering about the name of the library "muuri" is Finnish meaning a wall.

Table of contents

Getting started

Muuri has an optional dependency on Hammer.js (required only if you are using the dragging feature):

First, include Muuri and it's dependencies in the body element in your site.

<script src="hammer.js"></script>
<!-- Needs to be within in body element or have access to body element -->
<script src="muuri.js"></script>

Then, define your grid markup.

  • Every grid must have a container element and item element(s) within the container element.
  • A grid item must always consist of at least two elements. The outer element is used for positioning the item and the inner element (first direct child) is used for animating the item's visibility (show/hide methods). You can insert any markup you wish inside the inner item element.
<div class="grid">

  <div class="item">
    <div class="item-content">
      This can be anything.

  <div class="item">
    <div class="item-content">
      <div class="my-custom-content">


Next, let's apply some styles.

  • The grid element must be "positioned" meaning that it's CSS position property must be set to relative, absolute or fixed. Also note that Muuri automatically resizes the container element depending on the area the items cover.
  • The item elements must have their CSS position set to absolute and their display property set to block, unless of course the elements have their display set to block inherently.
  • The item elements must not have any CSS transitions or animations applied to them since Muuri already applies CSS transitions to them internally.
  • You can control the gaps between the tiles by giving some margin to the item elements.
.grid {
  position: relative;
.item {
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  margin: 5px;
  z-index: 1;
.item.muuri-releasing {
  z-index: 2;
.item.muuri-hidden {
  z-index: 0;
.item-content {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

Finally, initiate a Muuri instance.

  • The bare minimum configuration is demonstrated below. You must always provide Muuri with the container element and the initial item elements.
  • Be sure to check out the all the available options, methods and events.
var grid = new Muuri({
  container: document.getElementsByClassName('grid')[0],
  items: document.getElementsByClassName('item')


  • container  —  element
    • Default value: null.
    • The container element. Must be always defined.
  • items  —  array of elements
    • Default value: null.
    • The initial item elements wrapped in an array. The elements must be children of the container element.
  • show  —  object
    • Default value: {duration: 300, easing: 'ease', styles: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)'}}.
    • The object should contain duration, easing and/or style properties. Set to null to disable the animation.
  • show.duration  —  number
    • Default value: 300.
    • Animation duration in milliseconds.
  • show.easing  —  string
    • Default value: 'ease'.
    • Accepts any valid CSS transition easing value.
  • show.styles  —  object
    • Default value: {opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)'}.
    • A hash of the animated style properties and their target values for show animation.
  • hide  —  object
    • Default value: {duration: 300, easing: 'ease-out', styles: {opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.5)'}}.
    • The object should contain duration, easing and/or style properties. Set to null to disable the animation.
  • hide.duration  —  number
    • Default value: 300.
    • Animation duration in milliseconds.
  • hide.easing  —  string
    • Default value: 'ease'.
    • Accepts any valid CSS transition easing value.
  • hide.styles  —  object
    • Default value: {opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.5)'}.
    • A hash of the animated style properties and their target values for show animation.
  • layout  —  array / function / string
    • Default value: 'firstFit'.
    • Define the layout method to be used for calculating the positions of the items. If you provide a string or an array Muuri will try to locate a registered layout method in Muuri.Layout.methods object. Currently there is only one built-in method: 'firstFit'.
    • The array syntax is the only way to use the built-in layout methods and provide arguments for them. The first value should be a string (name of the method) and the second value (optional) should be a configuration object, e.g. ['firstFit', {horizontal: true}].
    • You can always just provide a function which will receive a Muuri.Layout instance as it's context which you can manipulate as much as you want to get the items to the wanted positions. More info about rolling your own layout method is coming up later on, but in the meantime you can check the source code and see how the default method is implemented.
    • Available methods and related settings:
      • 'firstFit'
        • horizontal (type: boolean, default: false)
          • When true the grid works in landscape mode (grid expands to the right). Use for horizontally scrolling sites. When false the grid works in "portrait" mode and expands downwards.
        • alignRight (type: boolean, default: false)
          • When true the items are aligned from right to left.
        • alignBottom (type: boolean, default: false)
          • When true the items are aligned from the bottom up.
        • fillGaps (type: boolean, default: false)
          • When true the algorithm goes through every item in order and places each item to the first available free slot, even if the slot happens to be visually before the previous element's slot. Practically this means that the items might not end up visually in order, but there will be less gaps in the grid. By default this options is false which basically means that the following condition will be always true when calculating the layout (assuming alignRight and alignBottom are false): > || ( === && nextItem.left > prevItem.left). This also means that the items will be visually in order.
  • layoutOnResize  —  null / number
    • Default value: 100.
    • Should Muuri automatically trigger layout on window resize? Set to null to disable. When a number (0 or greater) is provided Muuri will automatically trigger layout when window is resized. The provided number equals to the amount of time (in milliseconds) that is waited before the layout is triggered after each resize event. The layout method is wrapped in a debouned function in order to avoid unnecessary layout calls.
  • layoutOnInit  —  boolean
    • Default value: true.
    • Should Muuri trigger layout automatically on init?
  • layoutDuration  —  number
    • Default value: 300.
    • The duration for item's positioning animation in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
  • layoutEasing  —  string / array
    • Default value: 'ease'.
    • The easing for item's positioning animation. Accepts any valid CSS transition easing value.
  • dragEnabled  —  boolean
    • Default value: false.
    • Should items be draggable?
  • dragContainer  —  null / element
    • Default value: null.
    • Which item should the dragged item be appended to for the duration of the drag? If null is provided the item's muuri container element will be used.
  • dragPredicate  —  null / function
    • Default value: null.
    • A function that determines when dragging should start. Set to null to use the default predicate.
  • dragSort  —  boolean
    • Default value: true.
    • Should the items be sorted during drag?
  • dragSortInterval  —  number
    • Default value: 50.
    • When an item is dragged around the grid Muuri automatically checks if the item overlaps another item enough to move the item in it's place. The overlap check method is debounced and this option defines the debounce interval in milliseconds. In other words, this is option defines the amount of time the dragged item must be still before an overlap is checked.
  • dragSortPredicate  —  function / object
    • Default value: {action: 'move', tolerance: 50}.
    • Defines the logic for the sort procedure during dragging an item. If an object is provided the default sort handler will be used. It can be configured with the action and tolerance options (read below for more info). Alternatively you can provide your own callback function where you can define your own custom sort logic. The callback receives one argument, which is the currently dragged Muuri.Item instance. The callback should return a falsy value if it sorting should not occur. If, however, sorting should occur the callback should return an object containing the following properties: action ("move" or "swap"), from (the index of the Muuri.Item to be moved/swapped), to (the index the item should be moved to / swapped with). E.g returning {action: 'move', from: 0, to: 1} would move the first item as the second item.
  • dragSortPredicate.action  —  string
    • Default value: 'move'.
    • Allowed values: 'move', 'swap'.
    • Should the dragged item be moved to the new position or should it swap places with the item it overlaps?
  • dragSortPredicate.tolerance  —  number
    • Default value: 50.
    • Allowed values: 1 - 100.
    • How many percent the intersection area between the dragged item and the compared item should be from the maximum potential intersection area between the two items in order to justify for the dragged item's replacement.
  • dragReleaseDuration  —  number
    • Default value: 300.
    • The duration for item's drag release animation. Set to 0 to disable.
  • dragReleaseEasing  —  string / array
    • Default value: 'ease'.
    • The easing for item's drag release animation. Accepts any valid CSS transition easing value.
  • containerClass  —  string
    • Default value: 'muuri'.
    • Container element classname.
  • itemClass  —  string
    • Default value: 'muuri-item'.
    • Item element classname.
  • shownClass  —  string
    • Default value: 'muuri-shown'.
    • Visible item classname.
  • hiddenClass  —  string
    • Default value: 'muuri-hidden'.
    • Hidden item classname.
  • positioningClass  —  string
    • Default value: 'muuri-positioning'.
    • This classname will be added to the item element for the duration of positioing.
  • draggingClass  —  string
    • Default value: 'muuri-dragging'.
    • This classname will be added to the item element for the duration of drag.
  • releasingClass  —  string
    • Default value: 'muuri-releasing'.
    • This classname will be added to the item element for the duration of release.

Modify default settings

The default settings are stored in Muuri.defaultSettings object. = 400;
Muuri.defaultSettings.hide.duration = 400;

Quick reference

var defaults = {

    // Container
    container: null,

    // Items
    items: [],

    // Show/hide animations
    show: {
      duration: 300,
      easing: 'ease-out',
      styles: {
        scale: 1,
        opacity: 1
    hide: {
      duration: 300,
      easing: 'ease-out',
      styles: {
        scale: 0.5,
        opacity: 0

    // Layout
    layout: 'firstFit',
    layoutOnResize: 100,
    layoutOnInit: true,
    layoutDuration: 300,
    layoutEasing: 'ease-out',

    // Drag & Drop
    dragEnabled: false,
    dragContainer: null,
    dragPredicate: null,
    dragSort: true,
    dragSortInterval: 50,
    dragSortPredicate: {
      tolerance: 50,
      action: 'move'
    dragReleaseDuration: 300,
    dragReleaseEasing: 'ease-out',

    // Classnames
    containerClass: 'muuri',
    itemClass: 'muuri-item',
    shownClass: 'muuri-shown',
    hiddenClass: 'muuri-hidden',
    positioningClass: 'muuri-positioning',
    draggingClass: 'muuri-dragging',
    releasingClass: 'muuri-releasing'



muuri.on( event, listener )

Bind an event on the Muuri instance.


  • event  —  string
  • listener  —  function

Returns  —  object

Returns the instance.


muuri.on('layoutend', function (items) {
}); eventName, listener )

Unbind an event from the Muuri instance.


  • event  —  string
  • listener  —  function

Returns  —  object

Returns the instance.


var listener = function (items) {

.on('layoutend', listener)
.off('layoutend', listener);

muuri.refresh( [targets] )

Recalculate the width and height of the provided targets. If no targets are provided all active items will be refreshed.


  • targets  —  array / element / Muuri.Item / number
    • Optional.
    • An array of DOM elements and/or Muuri.Item instances and/or integers (which describe the index of the item).


// Refresh all active items

// Refresh the first item.

// Refresh all items which match the provided DOM elements.
muuri.refresh([elemA, elemB]);

// Refresh specific items (instances of Muuri.Item).
muuri.refresh([itemA, itemB]);

muuri.get( [targets], [state] )

Get all items. Optionally you can provide specific targets (indices or elements) and filter the results by the items' state (active/inactive). Note that the returned array is not the same object used by the instance so modifying it will not affect instance's items. All items that are not found are omitted from the returned array.


  • targets  —  array / element / Muuri.Item / number
    • Optional.
    • An array of DOM elements and/or Muuri.Item instances and/or integers (which describe the index of the item).
  • state  —  string
    • Optional.
    • Default value: undefined.
    • Allowed values: 'active', 'inactive'.
    • Filter the returned array by the items' state. For example, if set to 'active' all inactive items will be removed from the returned array.

Returns  —  array

Returns an array of Muuri.Item instances.


// Get all items, active and inactive.
var allItems = muuri.get();

// Get all active items.
var activeItems = muuri.get('active');

// Get all inactive items.
var inactiveItems = muuri.get('inactive');

// Get the first item.
var firstItem = muuri.get(0)[0];

// Get specific items by their elements.
var items = muuri.get([elemA, elemB]);

// Get specific inactive items.
var items = muuri.get([elemA, elemB], 'inactive');

muuri.add( elements, [index] )

Add new items by providing the elements you wish to add to the instance and optionally provide the index where you want the items to be inserted into. All elements that are not already children of the container element will be automatically appended to the container.

If an element has it's CSS display property set to none it will be marked as inactive during the initiation process. As long as the item is inactive it will not be part of the layout, but it will retain it's index. You can activate items at any point with method.

This method will automatically call muuri.layout() if one or more of the added elements are visible. If only hidden items are added no layout will be called. All the new visible items are positioned without animation during their first layout.


  • elements  —  array / element
    • An array of DOM elements.
  • index  —  number
    • Optional.
    • Default value: 0.
    • The index where you want the items to be inserted in. A value of -1 will insert the items to the end of the list while 0 will insert the items to the beginning. Note that the DOM elements are always just appended to the instance container regardless of the index value. You can use the muuri.synchronize() method to arrange the DOM elments to the same order as the items.

Returns  —  array

Returns an array of Muuri.Item instances.


// Add two new items to the beginning.
muuri.add([elemA, elemB]);

// Add two new items to the end.
muuri.add([elemA, elemB], -1);

muuri.remove( targets, [removeElement] )

Remove items from the instance.


  • targets  —  array / element / Muuri.Item / number
    • An array of DOM elements and/or Muuri.Item instances and/or integers (which describe the index of the item).
  • removeElement  —  boolean
    • Optional.
    • Default value: false.
    • Should the associated DOM element be removed or not?

Returns  —  array

Returns the indices of the removed items.


// Remove the first item, but keep the element in the DOM.

// Remove items and the associated elements.
muuri.remove([elemA, elemB], true);


Order the item elements to match the order of the items. If the item's element is not a child of the container it is ignored and left untouched. This comes handy if you need to keep the DOM structure matched with the order of the items.



muuri.layout( [instant], [callback] )

Calculate item positions and move items to their calculated positions unless they are already positioned correctly. The container's height is also adjusted according to the position of the items.


  • instant  —  boolean
    • Optional.
    • Default value: false.
    • Should the items be positioned instantly without any possible animation?
  • callback  —  function
    • Optional.
    • A callback function that is called after the items have positioned. Receives two arguments. The first one is an array of all the items that were successfully positioned without interruptions and the second is a layout data object.


// Layout with animations (if any).

// Layout instantly without animations.

// Layout with callback (and with animations if any).
muuri.layout(function (items, layoutData) {
  console.log('layout done!');
}); targets, [instant], [callback] )

Show the targeted items.


  • targets  —  array / element / Muuri.Item / number
    • An array of DOM elements and/or Muuri.Item instances and/or integers (which describe the index of the item).
  • instant  —  boolean
    • Optional.
    • Default value: false.
    • Should the items be shown instantly without any possible animation?
  • callback  —  function
    • Optional.
    • A callback function that is called after the items are shown.


// Show items with animation (if any).[elemA, elemB]);

// Show items instantly without animations.[elemA, elemB], true);

// Show items with callback (and with animations if any).[elemA, elemB], function (items) {
  console.log('items shown!');

muuri.hide( targets, [instant], [callback] )

Hide the targeted items.


  • targets  —  array / element / Muuri.Item / number
    • An array of DOM elements and/or Muuri.Item instances and/or integers (which describe the index of the item).
  • instant  —  boolean
    • Optional.
    • Default value: false.
    • Should the items be hidden instantly without any possible animation?
  • callback  —  function
    • Optional.
    • A callback function that is called after the items are hidden.


// Hide items with animation (if any).
muuri.hide([elemA, elemB]);

// Hide items instantly without animations.
muuri.hide([elemA, elemB], true);

// Hide items with callback (and with animations if any).
muuri.hide([elemA, elemB], function (items) {
  console.log('items hidden!');

muuri.indexOf( target )

Get item's index.


  • target  —  element / Muuri.Item

Returns  —  number / null

Returns the target's index or null if the target is not found.


var index = muuri.indexOf(elemA);

muuri.move( targetFrom, targetTo )

Move item to another index or in place of another item.


  • targetFrom  —  element / Muuri.Item / number
    • DOM element or Muuri.Item instance or index of the item as an integer.
  • targetTo  —  element / Muuri.Item / number
    • DOM element or Muuri.Item instance or index of the item as an integer.


// Move elemA to the index of elemB.
muuri.move(elemA, elemB);

// Move first item as last.
muuri.move(0, -1);

muuri.swap( targetA, targetB )

Swap positions of two items.


  • targetA  —  element / Muuri.Item / number
    • DOM element or Muuri.Item instance or index of the item as an integer.
  • targetB  —  element / Muuri.Item / number
    • DOM element or Muuri.Item instance or index of the item as an integer.


// Swap positions of elemA and elemB.
muuri.swap(elemA, elemB);

// Swap positions of the first and the last item.
muuri.swap(0, -1);


Destroy the instance.





Triggered after the muuri.refresh() method is called.

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances which were refreshed.


muuri.on('refresh', function (items) {


Triggered after the muuri.synchronize() is called.


muuri.on('synchronize', function () {


Triggered when muuri.layout() method is called, just before the items are positioned.

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances that were succesfully positioned. If, for example, an item is being dragged it is ignored by the layout method.
  • layout  —  object
    • A Muuri.Layout instance.
    • layout.muuri  —  Muuri
      • A Muuri instance for which the layout was generated.
    • layout.items  —  array
      • An array of Muuri.Item instances that were positioned.
    • layout.slots  —  object
      • An object containing the positions of the layout.items. Indexed with the ids of the items. For example, to get the first item's position you would do layout.slots[layout.items[0]._id]. Each slot contains the the item's width, height, left and top.
    • layout.width  —  number
      • The width of the grid.
    • layout.height  —  number
      • The height of the grid.


muuri.on('layoutstart', function (items, layout) {


Triggered when muuri.layout() method is called, after the items have positioned.

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances that were succesfully positioned. If, for example, an item is being dragged it is ignored by the layout method.
  • layout  —  object
    • A Muuri.Layout instance.
    • layout.muuri  —  Muuri
      • A Muuri instance for which the layout was generated.
    • layout.items  —  array
      • An array of Muuri.Item instances that were positioned.
    • layout.slots  —  object
      • An object containing the positions of the layout.items. Indexed with the ids of the items. For example, to get the first item's position you would do layout.slots[layout.items[0]._id]. Each slot contains the the item's width, height, left and top.
    • layout.width  —  number
      • The width of the grid.
    • layout.height  —  number
      • The height of the grid.


muuri.on('layoutend', function (items, layout) {


Triggered when method is called, just before the items are shown (with or without animation).

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances that are about to be shown.


muuri.on('showstart', function (items) {


Triggered when method is called, after the items are shown (with or without animation).

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances that were succesfully shown without interruptions. If an item is already visible when the method is called it is cosidered as successfully shown.


muuri.on('showend', function (items) {


Triggered when muuri.hide() method is called, just before the items are hidden (with or without animation).

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances that are about to be hidden.


muuri.on('hidestart', function (items) {


Triggered when muuri.hide() method is called, after the items are hidden (with or without animation).

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances that were succesfully hidden without interruptions. If an item is already hidden when the method is called it is cosidered as successfully hidden.


muuri.on('hideend', function (items) {


Triggered after muuri.move() method is called.

Listener parameters

  • targetFrom  —  array
    • Muuri.Item instance that was moved.
  • targetTo  —  array
    • Muuri.Item instance to which's index the targetFrom item was moved to.


muuri.on('move', function (targetFrom, targetTo) {


Triggered after muuri.swap() method is called.

Listener parameters

  • targetA  —  array
    • Muuri.Item instance that was swapped with targetB.
  • targetB  —  array
    • Muuri.Item instance that was swapped with targetA.


muuri.on('move', function (targetA, targetB) {


Triggered after muuri.add() method is called.

Listener parameters

  • items  —  array
    • An array of Muuri.Item instances that were succesfully added to the muuri instance.


muuri.on('add', function (items) {


Triggered after muuri.remove() method is called.

Listener parameters

  • itemIndices  —  array
    • Indices of the Muuri.Item instances that were succesfully removed from the muuri instance.


muuri.on('remove', function (itemIndices) {


Triggered when dragging of an item begins.

Listener parameters

  • item  —  Muuri.Item
    • Muuri.Item instance that is being dragged.
  • data  —  object
    • data.type  —  String
      • 'dragstart'
    • data.event  —  object
      • The hammer event for the drag start event.
    • data.currentLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current translateX value.
    • data.currentTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current translateY value.
    • data.gridLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current x-coordinate within the muuri container element.
    • data.gridTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current y-coordinate within the muuri container element.


muuri.on('dragstart', function (item, data) {


Triggered when an item is dragged.

Listener parameters

  • item  —  Muuri.Item
    • Muuri.Item instance that is being dragged.
  • data  —  object
    • data.type  —  String
      • 'dragmove'
    • data.event  —  object
      • The hammer event for the drag start event.
    • data.currentLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current translateX value.
    • data.currentTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current translateY value.
    • data.gridLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current x-coordinate within the muuri container element.
    • data.gridTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current y-coordinate within the muuri container element.


muuri.on('dragmove', function (item, data) {


Triggered when any of the scroll parents of a dragged item is scrolled.

Listener parameters

  • item  —  Muuri.Item
    • Muuri.Item instance that is being dragged.
  • data  —  object
    • data.type  —  String
      • 'dragscroll'
    • data.event  —  object
      • Th scroll event.
    • data.currentLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current translateX value.
    • data.currentTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current translateY value.
    • data.gridLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current x-coordinate within the muuri container element.
    • data.gridTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current y-coordinate within the muuri container element.


muuri.on('dragscroll', function (item, data) {


Triggered after item dragging ends.

Listener parameters

  • item  —  Muuri.Item
    • Muuri.Item instance that is being dragged.
  • data  —  object
    • data.type  —  String
      • 'dragend'
    • data.event  —  object
      • The hammer event for the drag start event.
    • data.currentLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current translateX value.
    • data.currentTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current translateY value.
    • data.gridLeft  —  number
      • The dragged element's current x-coordinate within the muuri container element.
    • data.gridTop  —  object
      • The dragged element's current y-coordinate within the muuri container element.


muuri.on('dragend', function (item, data) {


Triggered when item is released (right after dragging ends).

Listener parameters

  • item  —  Muuri.Item
    • Muuri.Item instance that is being dragged.


muuri.on('releasestart', function (item) {


Triggered after item has finished the release procedure (animated back to it's position if animations are enabled).

Listener parameters

  • item  —  Muuri.Item
    • Muuri.Item instance that is being dragged.


muuri.on('releaseend', function (item) {


Triggered after muuri.destroy() method is called.


muuri.on('destroy', function () {
  console.log('Muuri is no more...');


Copyright © 2015 Haltu Oy. Licensed under the MIT license.


Responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts







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