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Each directory contains a description and the materials required to run each activity. We have:

  • Sort - an embarrassingly parallel demonstration of the benefits of parallelism.
  • ParallelSums - calculating the sum of a list of numbers using a master-slave paradigm and a peerless one.
  • MessagePassingSort - sorting a distributed list of numbers. This requires some explanation so not ideally suited to a high throughput environment.

In progress

  • ParallelWordCount - a parallel word count activity modelled on MapReduce.
  • PostalSort - another embarrassingly parallel sort but slightly more complicated than the Sort activity.
  • Reference - reference materials providing background that may be used at an outreach event.
  • SuperComputingChallenge - a webapp that can be used at events.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
© Copyright EPCC, The University of Edinburgh 2017.