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mamba not respecting package channel request during update #1114

opoplawski opened this issue Aug 5, 2021 · 4 comments

mamba not respecting package channel request during update #1114

opoplawski opened this issue Aug 5, 2021 · 4 comments
type::question Further information is requested


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mamba update -n scipy36-intel-mpi4py --override-channels -c intel -c main 'intel::numpy>=1.15.2' 'main::h5py' 'intel::scikit-learn>=0.20' 'intel::mkl' 

results in mamba apparently trying to use numpy from the main channel:

Encountered problems while solving:
  - package numpy-1.15.2-py36h99e49ec_0 requires blas * openblas, but none of the providers can be installed

that package comes from the main channel, not the intel channel.


# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                        main    main
absl-py                   0.13.0           py36h06a4308_0    main
alembic                   1.6.4              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
appdirs                   1.4.4                      py_0    main
asn1crypto                0.24.0                   py36_3    intel
astor                     0.8.1            py36h06a4308_0    main
astropy                   3.2.3            py36h7b6447c_0    main
async_generator           1.10             py36h28b3542_0    main
atomicwrites              1.4.0                      py_0    main
attrs                     21.2.0             pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
backcall                  0.1.0                    py36_2    intel
backports                 1.0                      py36_9    intel
basemap                   1.2.0            py36h705c2d8_0    main
beautifulsoup4            4.9.3              pyha847dfd_0    main
black                     19.10b0                    py_0    main
blas                      1.0                    openblas    main
bleach                    2.1.3                    py36_2    intel
bzip2                     1.0.8                hb9a14ef_8    intel
c-ares                    1.17.1               hff3d592_1    intel
certifi                   2018.1.18                py36_2    intel
cffi                      1.11.5                   py36_3    intel
chardet                   3.0.4                    py36_3    intel
click                     8.0.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
common_cmplr_lib_rt       2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
common_cmplr_lic_rt       2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
configurable-http-proxy   4.0.1                   node6_0    main
contextlib2               0.6.0.post1                py_0    main
cryptography              2.3                      py36_2    intel
curl                      7.61.0               h84994c4_0    main
cycler                    0.10.0                   py36_7    intel
daal                      2018.0.3.20180405               0    intel
decorator                 4.3.0                    py36_3    intel
dpcpp-cpp-rt              2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
dpcpp_cpp_rt              2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
drms                      0.5.7                      py_0    conda-forge
entrypoints               0.2.3                    py36_2    intel
freetype                  2.9                           4    intel
gast                      0.5.1              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
geos                      3.6.2                heeff764_2    main
get_terminal_size         1.0.0                    py36_7    intel                  0.2.3                    py36_0    conda-forge
grpcio                    1.14.1           py36h9ba97e2_0    main
h5py                      2.7.1           np114py36_intel_0  [intel]  intel
hdf4                      4.2.13               h3ca952b_2    main
hdf5                      1.10.1                  intel_0  [intel]  intel
html5lib                  1.0.1                    py36_4    intel
hypothesis                6.14.1             pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
icc_rt                    2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
icu                       59.1                    intel_0  [intel]  intel
idna                      2.6                      py36_3    intel
importlib_metadata        1.5.0                    py36_0    main
importlib_resources       5.2.0              pyhd3eb1b0_1    main
intel-cmplr-lib-rt        2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
intel-cmplr-lic-rt        2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
intel-opencl-rt           2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
intel-openmp              2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
intelpython               2021.3.0                      7    intel
ipykernel                 4.6.1                    py36_2    intel
ipython                   6.3.1                    py36_3    intel
ipython_genutils          0.2.0                    py36_2    intel
ipywidgets                7.0.0                    py36_2    intel
jedi                      0.12.0                   py36_2    intel
jinja2                    2.9.6                    py36_2    intel
jpeg                      9d                   h36c2ea0_0    intel
jsonschema                2.6.0                    py36_2    intel
jupyter                   1.0.0                    py36_7    intel
jupyter_client            5.1.0                    py36_5    intel
jupyter_console           5.1.0                    py36_2    intel
jupyter_core              4.4.0                    py36_6    intel
keras-applications        1.0.8                      py_1    main
keras-preprocessing       1.1.2              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
kiwisolver                1.0.1                    py36_2    intel
libblas                   3.8.0               17_openblas    conda-forge
libcblas                  3.8.0               17_openblas    conda-forge
libcurl                   7.61.0               h1ad7b7a_0    main
libedit                   3.1.20210216         h27cfd23_1    main
libffi                    3.3                          13    intel
libgcc                    7.2.0                h69d50b8_2    main
libgcc-ng                 9.3.0              hdf63c60_101    intel
libgfortran               3.0.0                         1    conda-forge
libgfortran-ng            7.5.0               ha8ba4b0_17    main
libgfortran4              7.5.0               ha8ba4b0_17    main
liblapack                 3.8.0               17_openblas    conda-forge
libnetcdf                 4.5.0                hc9a163a_7    main
libopenblas               0.3.10               h5a2b251_0    main
libpng                    1.6.37                        7    intel
libprotobuf               3.6.0                hdbcaa40_0    main
libsodium                 1.0.16                        3    intel
libssh2                   1.8.0                h9cfc8f7_4    main
libstdcxx-ng              9.3.0              hdf63c60_101    intel
libtiff                   4.0.9                   intel_2  [intel]  intel
libxml2                   2.9.12               h7681594_0    intel
llvmlite                  0.24.0                   py36_0    intel
mako                      1.1.4              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
markdown                  3.1.1                    py36_0    main
markupsafe                1.0                      py36_3    intel
matplotlib                2.2.2               np114py36_4    intel
metis                     5.1.0                hf484d3e_4    main
metpy                     0.9.2                 py36_1001    conda-forge
mistune                   0.8.3                    py36_2    intel
mkl                       2021.3.0              intel_520    intel
mkl-service               2.1.0                    py36_2    intel
mkl_fft                   1.0.14           py36ha68da19_1    intel
mkl_random                1.0.4            py36ha68da19_2    intel
mock                      2.0.0              py36_intel_4  [intel]  intel
more-itertools            8.8.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
mpmath                    1.0.0                    py36_2    intel
mypy_extensions           0.4.3                    py36_0    main
mysql-connector-c         6.1.11               hf4847fb_0    main
mysql-connector-python    8.0.18           py36h9c95fcb_1    main
nbbrowserpdf              0.2.0                    py36_0    conda-forge
nbconvert                 5.2.1                    py36_2    intel
nbformat                  4.4.0                    py36_2    intel
ncurses                   6.2                  he6710b0_1    main
netcdf4                   1.3.1            py36h73d701b_2    main
networkx                  2.0                py36_intel_0  [intel]  intel
nodejs                    6.11.2               h3db8ef7_0    main
nomkl                     3.0                           0    main
notebook                  5.2.2                    py36_1    intel
numba                     0.39.0              np114py36_0    intel
numexpr                   2.6.5               np114py36_2    intel
numpy                     1.14.3                   py36_5    intel
numpy-base                1.17.0                  py36_13    intel
oct2py                    5.2.0                    pypi_0    pypi
octave-kernel             0.32.0                   pypi_0    pypi
olefile                   0.44               py36_intel_0  [intel]  intel
openblas                  0.3.10                        0    main
openblas-devel            0.3.10                        0    main
opencl_rt                 2021.3.0             intel_3350    intel
openjpeg                  2.3.0                h05c96fa_1    main
openssl                   1.0.2s                        0    intel
packaging                 21.0               pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
pamela                    1.0.0                      py_0    main
pandas                    0.23.0              np114py36_1    intel
pandocfilters             1.4.1                    py36_2    intel
parso                     0.2.0                    py36_2    intel                   11.0.1                   py36_2    intel
pathspec                  0.7.0                      py_0    main
patsy                     0.5.1                    py36_0    main
pbr                       1.10.0             py36_intel_4  [intel]  intel
pexpect                   4.2.1                    py36_4    intel
pickleshare               0.7.4                    py36_3    intel
pillow                    5.1.0              py36_intel_2  [intel]  intel
pint                      0.17               pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
pip                       19.1.1                   py36_0    intel
pluggy                    0.13.1           py36h06a4308_0    main
pooch                     0.2.1                 py36_1000    conda-forge
portpicker                1.1.1                    py36_0    intel
proj4                     5.2.0                he6710b0_1    main
prometheus_client         0.11.0             pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
prompt_toolkit            1.0.15                   py36_2    intel
protobuf                  3.5.2              py36_intel_0  [intel]  intel
psutil                    5.8.0            py36h27cfd23_1    main
ptyprocess                0.5.2                    py36_2    intel
py                        1.10.0             pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
pycparser                 2.18                     py36_2    intel
pycurl                   py36hb7f436b_0    main
pydaal                    2018.0.3.20180405 np114py36_intel_0  [intel]  intel
pyepsg                    0.4.0                    py36_0    main
pygments                  2.2.0                    py36_5    intel
pymp-pypi                 0.4.3                    pypi_0    pypi
pyodbc                    4.0.31           py36h295c915_0    main
pyopenssl                 17.5.0                   py36_2    intel
pyparsing                 2.2.0                    py36_2    intel
pypdf2                    1.26.0                   py36_1    conda-forge
pyproj                    1.9.6            py36h14380d9_0    main
pyshp                     2.1.3              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
pysocks                   1.6.7                    py36_1    intel
pytest                    5.4.3            py36h06a4308_0    main
pytest-arraydiff          0.3              py36h39e3cac_0    main
pytest-astropy            0.8.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
pytest-astropy-header     0.1.2              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
pytest-doctestplus        0.9.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
pytest-openfiles          0.5.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
pytest-remotedata         0.3.2                    py36_0    main
python                    3.6.3                  intel_12  [intel]  intel
python-dateutil           2.8.0                    py36_0    intel
python-editor             1.0.4                      py_0    main
python-oauth2             1.1.1                      py_0    main
pytz                      2019.1                   py36_0    intel
pywavelets                0.5.2           np114py36_intel_3  [intel]  intel
pyyaml                    5.1.1                    py36_0    intel
pyzmq                     16.0.2                   py36_6    intel
regex                     2021.7.6         py36h7f8727e_0    main
requests                  2.20.1                   py36_1    intel
scikit-image              0.13.1          np114py36_intel_3  [intel]  intel
scikit-learn              0.19.1          np114py36_intel_29  [intel]  intel
scikit-umfpack            0.3.2           py36h8b7e671_1001    conda-forge
scipy                     1.1.0               np114py36_6    intel
seaborn                   0.11.1             pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
setuptools                41.0.1                   py36_0    intel
shapely                   1.6.4            py36h7ef4460_0    main
simplegeneric             0.8.1                    py36_7    intel
six                       1.12.0                   py36_0    intel
sortedcontainers          2.4.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
soupsieve                 2.2.1              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
sqlalchemy                1.4.4            py36h27cfd23_0    main
sqlite                    3.23.1                        1    intel
statsmodels               0.10.1           py36hdd07704_0    main
suds-jurko                0.6              py36h06a4308_3    main
suitesparse               5.2.0                h2ffa06c_0    main
sunpy                     0.7.7                    py36_1    conda-forge
sympy                     1.3                      py36_1    intel
tbb                       2021.3.0              intel_511    intel
tbb4py                    2021.3.0         py36_intel_511    intel
tcl                       8.6.4                        24    intel
tensorboard               1.12.2           py36he6710b0_0    main
tensorflow                1.3.1               np114py36_5    intel
tensorflow-base           2.3.0                         0    intel
tensorflow-estimator      2.3.0              pyheb71bc4_0    main
termcolor                 1.1.0            py36h06a4308_1    main
terminado                 0.8.1                    py36_2    intel
testpath                  0.3.1                    py36_2    intel
tk                        8.6.4                        29    intel
toml                      0.10.2             pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
tornado                   4.5.2                    py36_5    intel
traitlets                 4.3.2                    py36_3    intel
typed-ast                 1.4.3            py36h7f8727e_1    main
typing_extensions            pyha847dfd_0    intel
unixodbc                  2.3.9                h7b6447c_0    main
urllib3                   1.24.1                   py36_2    intel
wcwidth                   0.1.7                    py36_6    intel
weakref                   1.0.post1                py36_0    intel
webencodings              0.5.1                    py36_0    intel
werkzeug                  0.14.1                   py36_0    intel
wheel                     0.31.0                   py36_3    intel
widgetsnbextension        3.2.0                    py36_1    intel
xarray                    0.13.0                     py_0    main
xz                        5.2.5                h74280d8_2    intel
yaml                      0.1.7                         7    intel
zeromq                    4.2.3                         2    intel
zipp                      3.5.0              pyhd3eb1b0_0    main
zlib                         h047b5d8_3    intel
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Hi @opoplawski

I can't reproduce when creating the env instead of updating it:
mamba create -n scipy36-intel-mpi4py --override-channels -c intel -c main 'intel::numpy>=1.15.2' 'main::h5py' 'intel::scikit-learn>=0.20' 'intel::mkl'

Could you please provide the command or env.yaml file use to create that environment?
Further information from mamba info would also be helpful.

@adriendelsalle adriendelsalle added the type::question Further information is requested label Aug 6, 2021
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I'm afraid the environment has evolved over time, and there's a lot of accumulated cruft with trying to speed up conda's depsolving. And one thing I'm sorely missing at the moment is a fix for #1082 as I want to just switch h5py over to the main channel from intel.

But putting that aside, initial creation with:

mamba create -n scipy36-intel-test --override-channels -c intel -c main -c conda-forge --strict-channel-priority 'astropy>=3.2.3' 'async_generator>=1.10' 'basemap>=1.2.0' 'mkl>=2020.2' 'nbbrowserpdf>=0.2.0' 'netcdf4>=1.3.1' 'setuptools>=41.0.1' 'six>=1.11.0' 'xarray>=0.13.0' 'h5py>=2.7.1' 'icc_rt>=2021.1.2' 'jupyter>=1.0.0' 'matplotlib>=2.2.2' 'notebook>=5.2.2' 'pandas>=0.22.0' 'pyyaml>=3.12' 'scikit-learn>=0.19.1' 'scikit-umfpack>=0.3.2' 'scipy>=1.0.1' 'seaborn>=0.11.1' 'sunpy>=0.7.7' 'sympy>=1.1.1' 'tensorflow>=1.3.1'

then running the update above on that leads to basically the same thing it seems:

Encountered problems while solving:
  - package numpy-1.15.2-py36h99e49ec_0 requires numpy-base 1.15.2 py36h2f8d375_0, but none of the providers can be installed

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Perhaps related, perhaps worth a separate issue - if I create an environment with channel specifications (e.g. intel::numpy) and then later do "update --all" - mamba can migrate that package to a different channel - which seems undesired.

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