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Flickr-set-get is a command line application written in node that allows you to download an entire set of photos from Flickr (a gallery). Once you have it installed, to start the download you just need to:

$ flickr-set-get <setid> <userid>


As simple as installing any other global node package. Be sure to have npm and node (>= 0.8 version, or io.js >= 1.0) installed and launch:

$ npm install -g flickr-set-get


Usage screenshot

Once you have it installed you need to grab a Flickr api key. You can apply for a Flickr api key in the Flickr app garden or you can use the default api key that I got to develop this app: 0f3a8354998d776fbaac7d87c55c0203 (but I suggest you to grab your own one to avoid rate limiting issues).

Define a global api key

You can specify an api key every time you launch the command with the --apiKey option but it's better to set a global api key for your user. To do so you need to run:

$ flickr-set-get --setGlobalApiKey

It will prompt you to insert your api key and it will be stored in your user directory. It will load it automatically from now and you don't need to specify the --apiKey option anymore.

Start the download

Once you setup your api key you just need to have a set to download. A set is identified by two parameters: a setId and a userId. Given the url of a set (gallery) you can easily identify these two parameters as shown in the image below:

SetId and UserId parameters in a Flickr gallery url

So, given the url, to start the download you need to run:

$ flickr-set-get 72157623488969696 21272841@N05

And then just watch the command to do the hard work for you!


There are few command line options available. You can have a comprehensive documentation by calling:

$ flickr-set-get --help

Here follows the list of the currently available options:

  • -h, --help output usage information
  • -V, --version output the version number
  • -k, --apiKey <value> The flickr api key
  • --setGlobalApiKey Sets or resets a permanent apiKey
  • -c, --concurrency <n> The number of concurrent requests
  • -o, --outputDir <s> The directory where to save the downloaded images
  • -s, --size <s> The size of the image to download (eg. "Original", "Large", "Medium", etc.)
  • -n, --noOverwrite If set does not overwrite existing files

Current status

This project is currently on its early days so it's expected to have (a lot of) bugs and imperfections. Feel free to contribute to its development and to report bugs.

Programmatic API

Developers can integrate part of the code into their own apps. Here's a small documentation to get you going in this case.

If you install the package as a dependency into an existing project (npm install --save flickr-set-get) you can require it's main module:

var Flickr = require('flickr-set-get');

var apiKey = 'someApiKey';
var options = {};

var client = new Flickr(apiKey, options);

Here follows a comprehensive documentation of the Flickr class.

Class: Flickr

A class that defines a set of methods to download an entire set of photos (gallery or set) from Flickr.

Available options:

  • concurrency number the maximum number of concurrent http requests (default: 10)
  • outputDir string the path where to save the images (default: ".")
  • size string The size of the image to download, eg. "Original", "Large", "Medium", etc. (default "Original")
  • noOverwrite boolean if true avoids to override already existing files (default: false)

This class extends from {EventEmitter} and emits several events:

  • error Error in case of error
  • setInfo Object when info about a given set are successfully retrieved
  • photoSizes Object when the info about a photo (url to download the sizes) are retrieved
  • photoDownloaded Object when a photo is successfully downloaded
  • photoSkipped Object when a photo is skipped (already downloaded)
  • done Object when all the photo of the set are downloaded

Flickr.downloadSet(setId, userId)

Starts the download of the photos from a given Flickr set. Triggers events during the whole process


setId: string, Starts the download of the photos from a given Flickr set. Triggers events during the whole process

userId: string, Starts the download of the photos from a given Flickr set. Triggers events during the whole process

Returns: Flickr


Everyone is very welcome to contribute to this project. You can contribute just by submitting bugs or suggesting improvements by opening an issue on GitHub.

You can also submit PRs as long as you adhere with the code standards and write tests for the proposed changes.

You can read a dedicated guide on how to contribute.


Licensed under MIT License. © Luciano Mammino.