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TagzApp Documentation

This is documentation for writing new features and for using the TagzApp software.

Table of Contents

  1. Adding new social media providers
  2. Icons
  3. Testing
  4. Custom Test Execution Ordering
  5. Docker

Adding new social media providers

Please create new providers in their own project and provide dedicated configuration for each provider using the TagzApp.Common.IConfigureProvider interface. Provider-specific configuration should reside in configuration keys that are under the provider parent and lower-case named after the social media network they represent.

Here is an example from Mastodon:

public class StartMastodon : IConfigureProvider
	private const string ConfigurationKey = "providers:mastodon";

	public IServiceCollection RegisterServices(IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)

		IConfigurationSection config = configuration.GetSection(ConfigurationKey);

		services.AddHttpClient<MastodonProvider>(c => ConfigureHttpClient(c, config));

			.AddTransient<ISocialMediaProvider, MastodonProvider>();

		return services;


Please throw an TagzApp.Common.Exceptions.InvalidConfigurationException if any configuration for your provider is missing.


We are using the MIT-licensed Bootstrap Icon Library for icons to present on the website. Please do not introduce a library or icons from outside this library.


We are using the xUnit testing framework for unit testing. Playwright for end-to-end testing. Please ensure tests are written for new code & that all tests pass before submitting a pull request.

Testing proves code operated as expected under given conditions.

Tests typically consist of 3 parts: Arrange, Act, Assert. (aka Given-When-Then) Arrange test state, Act to perform actionionable behavior, and Assert actual versus expected results match.

Custom Test Execution Ordering

We are using the xUnit's ability to provide customize test execution ordering, and a functional example can be seen in the TagzApp.WebTests/ModalWebTests.cs test class.

An implementation of a PriorityOrderer.cs was created and then decorates the class as a TestCaseOrdererAttribute. The orderer uses a test attribute class and its properties to determine the ordering logic.

Test cases which want to avail of the orderer are decorated with the test Attribute with required passed property values. The orderer then uses these values to determine the order of execution.

This example came directly out of Microsoft learn documentation for more information on how to use this feature.


TagzApp includes docker support and docker-compose files for easy deployment. You can either run the latest image that's built by us, or build locally.

Running on Port 8080

The ASP.NET Core images that TagzApp is based on expose port 8080 by default. You can remap this to port 80 in the container by passing in an environment variable called ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS with a value of 80

More details in the ASP.NET Core Documentation

Running the Official Version

git clone
cd TagzApp

# update primarily .env and docker-compose.yml as needed (custom API tokens, etc.)
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Building a Local Docker Container

git clone
cd TagzApp

# update primarily .env.local and docker-compose.local.yml as needed (custom API tokens, etc.)
docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up --build

# or

docker build -t tagzapp/web:dev -f TagzApp.Web/dockerfile .
docker run \
	--rm \
	-p "8080:80"

Overriding Default Config settings

You don't need to override any configurations, the app will work out of the box, but you might not be able to search every provider.

In case you do have your own API keys or other values (see the the appsettings.json for what can be supplied), then you can supply them like this:

  • any appsettings.json can be set in .env and .env.local files. Please set them this way: key__subkey__property=value. See the provided .env files for examples.

  • from docker-compose.yml - use key:subkey:property=value syntax. See the docker-compose files for examples. Ex.

	- providers:twitter:ApiKey=MySecretKey
  • from docker run - use -e "providers:twitter:ApiKey=MySecretKey". You need to repeat the -e flag for each override.