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30 Days Of Python: Day 2 - Variables, Builtin Functions

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Author: Asabeneh Yetayeh
First Edition: Nov 22 - Dec 22, 2019

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📘 Day 2

Built in functions

In python we have lots of built-in functions. Built-in functions are globally available for your use. Some of the most commonly used python built-in functions are the following: print(), len(), type(), int(), float(), str(), input(), list(), dict(), min(), max(), sum(), sorted(), open(), file(), help(), and dir(). In the following table you will see an exhaustive list of python built-in functions taken from python documentation.

Built-in Functions

Let's open the python shell and start using some of the most common built-in functions.

Built-in functions

Let's practice more by using different built-in functions

Help and Dir Built in Functions

As you can see from the terminal above, python has got reserved words. We do not use reserved words to declare variables or functions. We will cover variables in the next section.

I believe, by now you are familiar with built-in functions. Let's do one more practice of built-in functions and we will move on to the next section

Min Max Sum


Variables store data in a computer memory. Mnemonic variables are recommended to use in many programming languages. A variable refers to a memory address in which data is stored. Number at the beginning, special character, hyphen are not allowed when naming them. A variable can have a short name (like x,y,z), but a more descriptive name (firstname, lastname, age, country) is highly recommended. Python Variable Name Rules

  • A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
  • A variable name cannot start with a number
  • A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
  • Variable names are case-sensitive (firstname, Firstname, FirstName and FIRSTNAME are different variables)

Valid variable names

_if # if we want to use reserved word as a variable

Invalid variables names


We will use standard python variable naming style which has been adopted by many python developers. The example below is an example of standard naming of variables, underscore when the variable name is long.

When we assign a certain data type to a variable, it is called variable declaration. For instance in the example below my first name is assigned to a variable first_name. The equal sign is an assignment operator. Assigning means storing data in the variable.


# Variables in Python

first_name = 'Asabeneh'
last_name = 'Yetayeh'
country = 'Finland'
city = 'Helsinki'
age = 250
is_married = True
skills = ['HTML', 'CSS', 'JS', 'React', 'Python']
person_info = {

Let's use print() and len() built in functions. Print function will take multiple arguments. An argument is a value which we pass or put inside the function parenthesis, see the example below.


print('Hello, World!')
print('Hello',',', 'World','!') # it can take multiple arguments
print(len('Hello, World!')) # it takes only one argument

Let's print and also find the length of the variables declared at the top:


# Printing the values stored in the variables

print('First name:', first_name)
print('First name length:', len(first_name))
print('Last name: ', last_name)
print('Last name length: ', len(last_name))
print('Country: ', country)
print('City: ', city)
print('Age: ', age)
print('Married: ', is_married)
print('Skills: ', skills)
print('Person information: ', person_info)

Variables can also be declared in one line:


first_name, last_name, country, age, is_married = 'Asabeneh', 'Yetayeh', 'Helsink', 250, True

print(first_name, last_name, country, age, is_married)
print('First name:', first_name)
print('Last name: ', last_name)
print('Country: ', country)
print('Age: ', age)
print('Married: ', is_married)

Getting user input using the input() built-in function. Let's assign the data we get from a user into first_name and age variables. Example:

first_name = input('What is your name: ')
age = input('How old are you? ')


Data Types

There are several data types in python. To identify the data type we use the type builtin function. I would like you to focus on understanding different data types very well. When it comes to programming, it is all about data types. I introduced data types at the very beginning and it comes again, because every topic is related to data types. We will cover data types in more detail in their respective sections.

Checking Data types and Casting

  • Check Data types: To check the data type of certain data/variable we use the type Example:
# Different python data types
# Let's declare variables with various data types

first_name = 'Asabeneh'     # str
last_name = 'Yetayeh'       # str
country = 'Finland'         # str
city= 'Helsinki'            # str
age = 250                   # int, it is not my real age, don't worry about it

# Printing out types
print(type('Asabeneh'))     # str
print(type(first_name))     # str
print(type(10))             # int
print(type(3.14))           # float
print(type(1 + 1j))         # complex
print(type(True))           # bool
print(type([1, 2,3,4]))     # list
print(type({'name':'Asabeneh','age':250, 'is_married':250}))    # dict
print(type((1,2)))                                              # tuple
print(type(zip([1,2],[3,4])))                                   # set
  • Casting: Converting one data type to another data type. We use int(), float(), str(), list When we do arithmetic operations string numbers should be first converted to int or float otherwise it will return an error. If we concatenate a number with string, the number should be first converted to a string. We will talk about concatenation in String section. Example:
# int to float

num_int = 10
print('num_int',num_int)         # 10
num_float = float(num_int)
print('num_float:', num_float)   # 10.0

# float to int

gravity = 9.81
print(int(gravity))             # 9

# int to str
num_int = 10
print(num_int)                  # 10
num_str = str(num_int)
print(num_str)                  # '10'

# str to int
num_str = '10.6'
print('num_int', int(num_str))      # 10
print('num_float', float(num_str))  # 10.6

# str to list
first = 'Asabeneh'
print(first_name)                    # 'Asabeneh'
first_name_to_list = list(first_name)
print(first_name_to_list)            # ['A', 's', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'n', 'e', 'h']


Number data types in python:

  1. Integers: Integer(negative, zero and positive) numbers Example: ... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ...

  2. Floating Point Numbers(Decimal numbers) Example: ... -3.5, -2.25, -1.0, 0.0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.5 ...

  3. Complex Numbers Example: 1 + j, 2 + 4j, 1 - 1j

🌕 You are awesome. You have just completed day 2 challenges and you are two steps ahead on your way to greatness. Now do some exercises for your brain and for your muscle.

💻 Exercises - Day 2

Exercises: Level 1

  1. Inside 30DaysOfPython create a folder called day_2. Inside this folder create a file named
  2. Write a python comment saying 'Day 2: 30 Days of python programming'
  3. Declare a first name variable and assign a value to it
  4. Declare a last name variable and assign a value to it
  5. Declare a full name variable and assign a value to it
  6. Declare a country variable and assign a value to it
  7. Declare a city variable and assign a value to it
  8. Declare an age variable and assign a value to it
  9. Declare a year variable and assign a value to it
  10. Declare a variable is_married and assign a value to it
  11. Declare a variable is_true and assign a value to it
  12. Declare a variable is_light_on and assign a value to it
  13. Declare multiple variable on one line

Exercises: Level 2

  1. Check the data type of all your variables using type() built-in function
  2. Using the len() built-in function find the length of your first name
  3. Compare the length of your first name and your last name
  4. Declare 5 as num_one and 4 as num_two
    1. Add num_one and num_two and assign the value to a variable _total
    2. Subtract num_two from num_one and assign the value to a variable _diff
    3. Multiply num_two and num_one and assign the value to a variable _product
    4. Divide num_one by num_two and assign the value to a variable _division
    5. Use modulus division to find num_two divided by num_one and assign the value to a variable _remainder
    6. Calculate num_one to the power of num_two and assign the value to a variable _exp
    7. Find floor division of num_one by num_two and assign the value to a variable _floor_division
  5. The radius of a circle is 30 meters.
    1. Calculate the area of a circle and assign the value to a variable area_of_circle
    2. Calculate the circumference of a circle and assign the value to a variable circum_of_circle
    3. Take radius as user input and calculate the area.
  6. Use the built-in input function to get first name, last name, country and age from a user and store the value to their corresponding variable names
  7. Run help('keywords') in python shell or in your file to check for the reserved words


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