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Command line utility for Safe contracts. Use it to manage your Safe easily from the command line.

Safe-CLI does not rely on Safe{Core} API, so it can be used in networks where Safe services are not available. If they are available, Safe-CLI can also interact with them in tx-service mode.

Using with docker

If you have Docker installed on your system, you can just run:

docker run -it safeglobal/safe-cli safe-creator

for creating Safes


docker run -it safeglobal/safe-cli safe-cli

to run the actual safe-cli


Python >= 3.7 is required. Python 3.10 is recommended.

pip3 install -U safe-cli


safe-cli [-h] [--history] [--get-safes-from-owner] address node_url

positional arguments:
  address                The address of the Safe, or an owner address if --get-safes-from-owner is specified.
  node_url               Ethereum node url

  -h, --help             Show this help message and exit
  --history              Enable history. By default it's disabled due to security reasons
  --get-safes-from-owner Indicates that address is an owner (Safe Transaction Service is required for this feature)

Start Safe-CLI

To load a Safe, use the following command:

safe-cli <checksummed_safe_address> <ethereum_node_url>

Then you should be on the prompt and see information about the Safe, like the owners, version, etc. Next step would be loading some owners for the Safe. At least threshold owners need to be loaded to do operations on the Safe and at least one of them should have funds for sending transactions.

Load owners

From private key

Loading owners is not needed if you just want to do read-only operations.

To load owners:

> load_cli_owners <account_private_key>
Loaded account with balance=123 ether
Set account as default sender of txs

You can also load owners from environment variables. Before running the safe-cli:


Run the Safe-CLI, then:

> load_cli_owners MY_PRIVATE_KEY
Loaded account with balance=123 ether
Set account as default sender of txs

To check the loaded owners:

> show_cli_owners

To unload an owner:

> unload_cli_owners <ethereum_checksummed_address>

From hardware wallets

NOTE: before signing anything ensure that the data showing on your hardware wallet device is the same as the safe-cli data.

If you want to use both ledger and trezor you need to run

pip install safe-cli[ledger, trezor]


Ledger module is an optional feature of safe-cli to sign transactions with the help of ledgereth library based on ledgerblue.

To enable, safe-cli must be installed as follows:

pip install safe-cli[ledger]

When running on Linux, make sure the following rules have been added to /etc/udev/rules.d/:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0000", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl" OWNER="<UNIX username>"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0001", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl" OWNER="<UNIX username>"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl" OWNER="<UNIX username>"

Ledger commands:

  • load_ledger_cli_owners [--legacy-accounts] [--derivation-path <str>]: show a list of the first 5 accounts (--legacy-accounts search using legacy derivation) or load an account from provided derivation path.


Trezor module is an optional feature of safe-cli to sign transactions from Trezor hardware wallet using the trezor library.

To enable, safe-cli must be installed as follows:

pip install safe-cli[trezor]

Trezor commands:

  • load_trezor_cli_owners [--legacy-accounts] [--derivation-path <str>]: show a list of the first 5 accounts (--legacy-accounts search using legacy derivation) or load an account from provided derivation path.

Creating a new Safe

Use safe-creator <node_url> <private_key> --owners <checksummed_address_1> <checksummed_address_2> --threshold <uint> --salt-nonce <uint256>.


safe-creator$INFURA_TOKEN $PRIVATE_KEY --owners $OWNER_ADDRESS_1 [$OWNER_ADDRESS_2] --threshold 1



There are 2 operation modes:

  • blockchain: The default mode. Use blockchain command to enable it. Transactions are sent to blockchain.
  • tx-service: Use tx-service command to enable it. Transactions are sent to the Safe Transaction Service (if available on the network), so you will be able to see them on the Safe web interface/mobile apps. At least one signer is needed to send transactions to the service. Txs are not executed. It requires Safe{Core} API running on the network.

Common operations

Note: Sender private key must be loaded first. When loading an owner it will be set automatically

  • send_custom <address> <value-wei> <data-hex-str> [--delegate] [--safe-nonce <int>]: Sends a custom transaction from the Safe to a contract. If --delegate is set a delegatecall will be triggered.
  • send_ether <address> <value-wei> [--safe-nonce <int>]: Sends ether from the Safe to another account
  • send_erc20 <address> <token_address> <value> [--safe-nonce <int>]: Send ERC20 token from the Safe to another account
  • approve_hash <keccak-hexstr-hash> <sender-address>: Approves a safe-tx-hash for the provided sender address.
  • add_owner <address>: Adds a new owner address to the Safe.
  • remove_owner <address>: Removes an owner address from the Safe.
  • change_threshold <integer>: Changes the threshold of the Safe.
  • enable_module <address>: Enable module address
  • disable_module <address>: Disable module address
  • change_fallback_handler <address>: Updates the fallback handler to be address. Supported by Safes with version >= v1.1.0. WARNING: DON'T USE THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. ALL YOUR FUNDS COULD BE LOST
  • change_guard <address>: Updates the guard to be address. Supported by Safes with version >= v1.3.0. WARNING: DON'T USE THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. ALL YOUR FUNDS COULD BE LOST
  • change_master_copy <address>: Updates the master copy to be address. It's used to update the Safe. WARNING: DON'T USE THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. ALL YOUR FUNDS COULD BE LOST
  • update: Updates the Safe to the latest version (if you are on a known network like Goerli or Mainnet).
  • update_to_l2 <address>: Updates a v1.1.1/v1.3.0/v1.4.1 non L2 Safe to a L2 Safe supported by Safe Wallet UI. The migration contract address needs to be provided. It can be found here. Nonce for the Safe must be 0 and supported versions are v1.1.1, v1.3.0 and v1.4.1. WARNING: DON'T USE THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. ALL YOUR FUNDS COULD BE LOST

Operations only in tx-service mode

  • balances: Returns a list of balances for ERC20 tokens and ether.
  • history: History of multisig transactions (including pending).
  • execute-tx <safe-tx-hash>: Execute a pending tx with enough signatures.
  • sign-tx <safe-tx-hash>: Sign a tx with the loaded owners for the provided SafeTxHash.
  • sign_message [--eip191_message <str>] [--eip712_path <file-path>]: sign the provided string message provided by standard input or the EIP712 provided by file.
  • batch-txs <safe-nonce> <safe-tx-hash> [ <safe-tx-hash> ... ]: Batch transactions into one Multisig Transaction using the provided safe-nonce. Any safe-tx can be used: transactions from other Safes, transactions already executed, transactions pending for execution... Only limitation is that
  • transactions from other networks cannot be used. Batching order will follow the same order of the safe-tx-hashes provided.
  • get_delegates: Returns a list of delegates for the Safe. A delegate can be used when you trust an address to post transactions to the tx-service on your behalf. If a transaction is not trusted (posted to the service not signed by a delegate or an owner of the Safe) it will be stored in the service but not shown in the UI or mobile applications.
  • add_delegate <address> <label> <owner-address>: Adds a new delegate address for the owner of the Safe.
  • remove_delegate <address> <owner-address>: Removes a delegate address from the Safe.
  • drain <address>: Sends all Ether and ERC20 funds to the provided account. WARNING: DON'T USE THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. ALL YOUR FUNDS COULD BE LOST

If the information in the information bar is outdated or there's any problem you can force the safe-cli to update the information about the Safe using:

> refresh


Creating a Safe

For this demo, PRIVATE_KEY environment variable was set to an EOA private key.


Sending Ether using a Trezor hardware wallet


Create a remove owner transaction in the Transaction Service


Use custom contracts

Safe-cli comes with the official deterministic Safe contract addresses deployed on multiple chains configured by default. If you want to use your own you can edit the file safe_cli/

Be careful when modifying these addresses, the funds in a Safe can get stuck if an invalid address it's used when updating to an invalid Safe Master Copy.

Recovery Safe Deployment Guide

This guide will walk you through the process of recreating a Safe with the same address on the desired network, in case you sent funds to your Safe address in an incorrect chain.

Note: It's not always posible to recover a Safe, check this link

Recreate Safe 1.3.0 or 1.1.1

To recreate a Safe (version 1.3.0 or 1.1.1), you'll need the following essential data::

  • The Singleton address
  • The ProxyFactory address
  • The FallbackHandler address
  • The Owners addresses with which Safe was created
  • The SaltNonce value
  • The Threshold value
  • RPC node provider for the target chain.
  • The private-key of deployer address

The necessary addresses can be collected from safe-deployments and the salt nonce from the Safe creation transaction in a block explorer.

WARNING: Ensure that the Singleton, ProxyFactory, and FallbackHandler are deployed in the target chain in the same addresses as the origin chain.

To recreate the Safe is necessary execute safe-creator as follows:

safe-creator --owners <owners-addresses> --safe-contract <singleton-address>
--callback-handler <fallback-handler-address> --proxy-factory <proxy-factory-address>
--threshold <threshold-value> --salt-nonce <salt-nonce-value> <url-rpc-node>  <deployer-private-key>

The Safe should have been successfully recreated with the same address on the target chain. If not, double-check the data collected from the transaction and ensure that all the necessary contracts are deployed in the chain.

Migrate a Safe from Non L2 to L2

If you've recreated a Safe from a L1 network (like mainnet) on a L2 network, our services will not be able to index them as for L1 we use trace based indexing and for L2 events indexing, and L1 Safe singleton does not emmit events. To address this, you'll need to update it to the L2 singleton with command update_to_l2 or consider transferring the funds to a new Safe on L2 that you control with drain command. For detailed instructions on running these commands, please refer to the Common operations section for more information.

Safe{Core} API/Protocol

Setting up for developing

If you miss something and want to send us a PR:

git clone
cd safe-cli
stat venv 2>/dev/null || python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install -f



Command line utility for Safe







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