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ConsoleTasks is a NodeJs library for managing and rendering concurrent tasks in the terminal. It provides an intuitive API for task execution, status updates, and console rendering.


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ConsoleTasks is a flexible NodeJs library for managing and displaying concurrent or sequential tasks in the console. It provides a clean and intuitive API for creating, executing, and monitoring tasks with a highly configurable and visually appealing progress display.


  • Concurrent and sequential task execution
  • A task completely owns its rendering in the console UI
  • Task status updates (running, successful, failed, or cancelled)
  • Easily customizable spinners for all or specific tasks
  • Support for dynamic task creation
  • Graceful handling of task cancellation
  • TypeScript support for enhanced type safety


To install ConsoleTasks, use npm:

npm install console-tasks

Basic Usage

Here's a basic example of how to use ConsoleTasks:

import { TaskManager } from 'console-tasks';

// Define a task
const exampleTask = {
  initialMessage: "Starting example task...",
  task: async (updateFn, abortSignal) => {
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); // Simulate async work
    updateFn("Example task in progress...");
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); // More async work
    updateFn("Example task completed!");

// Create a TaskManager instance
const taskManager = TaskManager.getInstance({ title: " Example " });

// Add and execute the tasks, exampleTask, exampleTask);

// [Optional] Wait for all tasks to complete
await taskManager.await();
console.log("All tasks completed!");

Which results in this:

Basic Demo

Demo showcasing more of the features

Basic Demo

API Reference


The TaskManager class is responsible for managing and executing tasks.


  • static getInstance(options?: TaskManagerOptions): TaskManager

    • Gets or creates a singleton instance of TaskManager.
    • options: Configuration options for the TaskManager.
  • run(...tasks: Task[]): number[]

    • Adds new tasks to the TaskManager and starts executing them immediately.
    • Returns an array of task IDs for each of the tasks.
  • await(): Promise<void>

    • Waits for all tasks to complete.
    • Returns a promise that resolves when all tasks are completed.
  • stop(): void

    • Stops the spinner and renders the final state.
  • update(taskId: number, message: string): void

    • Updates the message for a specific task.
  • onStatusChange(taskId: number, handler: (newStatus: SpinnerStatus, data?: any) => void): void

    • Registers a handler for status changes of a specific task.


  • stream?: Writable: The output stream (default: process.stdout).
  • title?: string: The title to display above the tasks.
  • customStatusSymbols?: Partial<StatusSymbol>: Custom status symbols for tasks.
  • keepAlive?: boolean: Whether to keep the task manager running after all tasks are completed.
  • taskPrefix?: (taskSeparator: string, statusSymbol: string) => string: Custom task prefix function.
  • stopAndRecreate?: boolean: Whether to recreate the TaskManager if an instance exists already.
  • headerFormatter?: (title: string) => string: Function to format / style the header.


The Task interface represents a task to be executed by the TaskManager.


  • initialMessage: string: The initial message to be displayed.
  • task: (updateFn: (msg: string) => void, signal: AbortSignal) => Promise<Task | void | any>: The actual task function.
  • disabled?: boolean: Whether the task is disabled (default: false).
  • isHidden?: boolean: When true, the task is run but its UI is not rendered.
  • statusSymbol?: string | Partial<StatusSymbol>: Custom status symbol to display instead of the spinner.
  • index?: number: Optional index for positioning the task in the console output.

Helper Functions

  • addMessage(msg: string, statusSymbol?: string): void

    • Adds a simple message task to the TaskManager.
  • taskify<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>, title?: string): Promise<T>

    • Converts a function into a task and executes it.
    • Returns a promise that resolves with the result of the function.
  • sequence(...tasks: Task[]): Task

    • Creates a task that executes a sequence of tasks.
    • Returns a new Task that represents the sequence of tasks.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


ConsoleTasks is a NodeJs library for managing and rendering concurrent tasks in the terminal. It provides an intuitive API for task execution, status updates, and console rendering.








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