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File metadata and controls

242 lines (186 loc) · 8.41 KB

Rust Tiling Desktop Environment

Data Stucture Reference

Container is an object(struct with defined methods) used to store and manage related to it data

  • ApplicationContainer

    Main WM container that holds all data and mothods


    environment - holds EnvironmentContainer

    api - holds ApiContrainer

    • EnvironmentContainer

      Container that holds everything related to user side of WM


      config - holds ConfigurationContainer

      window_system - holds WindowSystemContainer

      • ConfigurationContainer

        Stores immutable data like UI preferences, shortcuts, arrangement rules, etc.


        visual_preferences - holds Vec of VisualPreference

        actions - holds Vec of Action

        layout_rules - holds Vec of LayoutRule

        status_bar_builder - holds Vec StatusBarBuilder

        • VisualPreference

          Holds UI settings like: colors, workspace names etc.

          Not yet implemented

        • Action

          Container for storing bindings of trigger -> actions


          trigger - ActionTrigger

          result - ActionResult

          • ActionTrigger

            Enum which defines events which should occur to run Action


            KeyPress - KeyPressTrigger

            ButtonClick - ButtonClickTrigger

            • KeyPressTrigger

              Struct which defines KeyPress event


              modifier - key modifier of XEvent.key event

              keycode - keycode

            • ButtonClickTrigger

              Struct which defines several types of button click(which because of complexity will be calculated in other place)

              Not yet implemented

          • ActionResult

            Enum which defines function that will be executed after succesful trigger


            KillClient - kills current client

            Spawn - executes provided Command

            MoveToScreen - moves current client to Screen specified by ScreenSwitching

            MoveToWorkspace - moves current client to specified Workspace

            FocusScreen - focuses on Screen specified by ScreenSwitching

            FocusWorkspace - focuses on specified Workspace

            Quit - exits WM gracefuly

            • ScreenSwitching

              Enum which specifies requested Screen


              Next - moves to next screen

              Previous - moves to previous screen

        • LayoutRule

          Stores information about preferred layouts, window arrangement rules, etc

          Not yet implemented

        • StatusBarBuilder

          Stores user-defined set of rules for builfing status bar

          Not yet implemented

      • WindowSystemContainer

        Main container that stores mutable data manipulated during each iteration of main loop. Including: apps, Screens, workspaces and everything related to X windows


        status_bar - holds StatusBarContainer

        variables - holds VariablesContainer

        screens - holds collection of Screens

        current_screen - holds index of current_screen

        • StatusBarContainer

          Stores constucred status bar ready to be rendered

          Not yet implemented

        • VariablesContainer

          Stores some session-only data like scales, selected layout type, active window info, etc.


          display - hold default X server display

          root_win - holds default window of display

          Not yet implemented

        • Screen

          An abstract type above screen


          number - holds number of given screen

          x - holds x position in Xinerama layout

          y - holds y position in Xinerama layout

          width - holds the width of screen

          height - holds the height if screen

          workspaces - holds Vec of Workspaces

          current_workspace - stores current workspace index

          • Workspace

            An abstract type for workspace


            number - holds the number of workspace in WorkspaceContainer

            clients - holds Vec(Vec in this case used as stack implementation) of ClientContainer

            current_client - stores index of current client

            • Client

              abstract type over window


              window_id - holds u64 representing X server id of corresponding window

              window_name - holds name of given window

              x, y, w, h - basic geometry of window

              visible - states if window is currently observed by user

              px, py - stores previous position in case of hiding window(moving away from screen)

    • ApiContrainer

      TODO: Design API container reference

Call Stack of WM

formal functions are functions that will exit in code as they are shown here

informal actions are simpified explanations of what code does at given stage

  • main

    Main entry function of WM, every varible storing in scope of this function

    • setup

      Declares all variables in VariableContainer, creates LUTs, prepares WM to function normally

    • scan

      Gets windows that are already present and adds them to ClientsArrangementContainer with rules from LayoutRulesContainer applied

    • run

      Main loop for processing events, triggering actions, updating status bar, managing opened windows

      TODO: Design main loop call stack

      • Fetch events
      • Update status bar
    • cleanup

      Close all connections to X server, delete all temporary data, flush data to cache, finish logging and finally gracefuly quit WM