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Generator create-redux-app

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This generator add Redux, styled-components and other useful libraries and tools like auto-generate boilerplate code, in top of the most common React starter Create React App. Below you will find some information on how to perform common tasks.


First, install Yeoman and generator-create-redux-app using npm ( You’ll need to have Node >= 6.10.3 on your machine node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-create-redux-app

Then generate your new project:

mkdir project-name
cd project-name
yo create-redux-app

Once the installation is done, you can run some commands inside the project folder:

npm start or yarn start

Runs the app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will see the build errors and lint warnings in the console.

npm test or yarn test

Runs the test watcher in an interactive mode.
By default, runs tests related to files changes since the last commit.

Read more about testing.

npm run build or yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

npm run generate

Allows you to auto-generate boilerplate code for common parts of your application, specifically components and containers.

User Guide

Folder Structure

create-redux-app override create-redux-app folder structure. Once the generator runs your project folders should look like this:


For the project to build, these files must exist with exact filenames:

  • public/index.html is the page template;
  • src/index.js is the JavaScript entry point.

You can delete or rename the other files.

You may create subdirectories inside src. For faster rebuilds, only files inside src are processed by Webpack.
You need to put any JS and CSS files inside src, or Webpack won’t see them.

Only files inside public can be used from public/index.html.
Read instructions below for using assets from JavaScript and HTML.

You can, however, create more top-level directories.
They will not be included in the production build so you can use them for things like documentation.

Redux Dev Tools

Create Redux App use Redux DevTools Extension. It provides access to the most popular monitors, is easy to configure and to filter actions.


1. For Chrome

2. For Firefox

3. For Electron

4. For other browsers and non-browser environment

Absolute Paths

By default ES6 modules in create-react-app use relative paths, which is fine for cases where the files you’re importing are relatively close within the file tree so if the file is in the same folder and next to the file you're importing from, just use relative paths like so:

import { createGoal } from ./actions’
import { selectAuth } from ./selectors’

But using relative paths is a real pain when you start dealing with deeply nested tree structures because you end up with dot-dot syndrome. Because of the .env file at the root level now we can now do absolute path like this:

import { editUser } from ‘containers/AppContainer/actions’
import { selectAuth } from ‘containers/AppContainer/selectors

Import Export Containers and Components


To Export Components or Containers there is an index.js file in each root folder so you have to export it there first in order to import outside the root folder.

  export { default as Comp1 } from './Comp1'
  export { default as Comp2 } from './Comp2'


To import Components or Containers doit like follow:

  • Inside the same folder (Components/Containers)
    import Comp1 from './Comp1'
    import Cont1 from './Cont1'
  • Outside the same folder (Components/Containers)
    import { Comp1 } from '../components'
    import { Cont1 } from '../containers'

Git Hooks

We use Husky to create Git Hooks. There is a pre commit hook than run prettier to ensure good code format. You can also create a prepush hook.

// Edit package.json

  "scripts": {
    "precommit": "lint-staged",
    "prepush": "whatever...",
    "...": "..."
  "lint-staged": {
    "{,!(build)/**/}*.js": [
      "npm run prettier -- --write",
      "git add"


npm uninstall husky --save-dev

And delete the pre scripts inpackage.json


You can add/remove rules if you want prettier [opts] [filename ...]. Prettier runs in a precommit hooks to ensure good code formating.

// Edit package.json

"scripts": {
  "prettier": "prettier --single-quote --trailing-comma es5 --no-semi",
  "format": "npm run prettier -- --write '{,!(build)/**/}*.js'",
  "precommit": "lint-staged",
  "eslint-check": "eslint --print-config .eslintrc.js | eslint-config-prettier-check"
"lint-staged": {
  "{,!(build)/**/}*.js": [
    "npm run prettier -- --write",
    "git add"


npm uninstall eslint-config-prettier lint-staged prettier --save-dev


"scripts": {
  "prettier": "prettier --single-quote --trailing-comma es5 --no-semi",
  "format": "npm run prettier -- --write '{,!(build)/**/}*.js'",
  "precommit": "lint-staged",
  "eslint-check": "eslint --print-config .eslintrc.js | eslint-config-prettier-check"
"lint-staged": {
  "{,!(build)/**/}*.js": [
    "npm run prettier -- --write",
    "git add"


You can add/remove rules or even extend plugins if you want. We extend airbnb ESLint rules.

// Edit eslintrc.json

  "extends": ["airbnb", "prettier", "prettier/react"],
  "plugins": ["prettier"],
  "parser": "babel-eslint",
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2016,
    "sourceType": "module"
  "env": {
    "es6": true,
    "jest": true,
    "browser": true,
    "node": true
  "globals": {
    "DEBUG": false
  "rules": {
    "react/jsx-filename-extension": [1, { "extensions": [".js", ".jsx"] }],
    "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": 0,
    "import/no-unresolved": 0,
    "import/extensions": 0,
    "import/prefer-default-export": 0


The best option for routing is React Router specifically its new version for the web react-router-dom.
src/routes/index.js is the starter point of the app, where all the routes are specified and render the containers and components. Specify here all your routes, redirects, transitions, etc.

Styled Components

styled-components allow you to write actual CSS code in your JavaScript to style your components, removing the mapping between components and styles.

See the official documentation for more information!


This creates two react components, <Title> and <Wrapper>:

import React from 'react'

import styled from 'styled-components'

// Create a <Title> react component that renders an <h1> which is
// centered, palevioletred and sized at 1.5em
const Title = styled.h1`
  font-size: 1.5em;
  text-align: center;
  color: palevioletred;

// Create a <Wrapper> react component that renders a <section> with
// some padding and a papayawhip background
const Wrapper = styled.section`
  padding: 4em;
  background: papayawhip;

(The CSS rules are automatically vendor prefixed, so you don't have to think about it!)

You render them like so:

// Use them like any other React component – except they're styled!
  <Title>Hello World, this is my first styled component!</Title>

For further examples see the official documentation.

Adding Sass Preprocessor

Can I use Sass with this boilerplate? yes, although we advise against it and do not support this. We selected styled-components over Sass because its approach is more powerful: instead of trying to give a styling language programmatic abilities, it pulls logic and configuration out into JS where we believe those features belong.

If you really still want (or need) to use Sass then...


npm run generate

Allows you to auto-generate boilerplate code for common parts of your application, specifically components and containers. You can also run npm run generate <part> to skip the first selection. (e.g. npm run generate container). This generators are outside yeoman so you can change them to fit your necessities, for this just go to generators/index.js, see plop documentation for more information.


To prevent useless renders in (Redux) connected components, you must also make sure that the mapStateToProps function doesn’t return new objects each time it is called. The problem is that each time mapStateToProps runs, it returns a new object, even if the underlying objects didn’t change. As a consequence, the component re renders every time something in the state changes — while id should only render if the part of the state we are requiring change.

Reselect solves this problem by using memoization. Instead of computing the props directly in mapStateToProps, you use a selector from reselect, which returns the same output if the input didn’t change.



  • Without Reselect
    function mapStateToProps (state) {
      return {
        counter: state.counter
  • With Reselect
    import { createStructuredSelector, createSelector } from 'reselect'
    const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({
      counter: createSelector(
        (state) => state.counter,
        (counterState) => counterState

For further examples see the official documentation.


npm uninstall reselect --save

If you uninstall reselect, generating a container with a selector feature from the command line (npm run generate) will throw an error.


Because a need of shouldComponentUpdate, sometime you have to transform a simple, functional component to a class-based component. This adds more lines of code, and every line of code has a cost — to write, to debug, and to maintain. Fortunately, you can implement the shouldComponentUpdate logic thanks to recompose. It’s a functional utility belt for React, providing for instance the pure() HOC. Now instead of export the component we can do export default pure(componentName) an this will be pure without transforming to a class-based component.


Component will only update for specific keys.

import onlyUpdateForKeys from ‘recompose/onlyUpdateForKeys’

const componentName = ({ resource, ids, data, children }) => (
export default onlyUpdateForKeys([‘ids’, ‘data’])(componentName)

Be more specific and target only the props that I know may change

import shouldUpdate from ‘recompose/shouldUpdate’

const componentName = ({ resource, ids, data, children }) => (
const checkPropsChange = (props, nextProps) =>
 (nextProps.ids !== props.ids || !==;
export default shouldUpdate(checkPropsChange)(componentName)

Make your component pure even if is not a class based component

import pure from ‘recompose/pure

const componentName = ({ resource, ids, data, children }) => (
export default pure(componentName)


npm uninstall recompose --save

If you uninstall recompose, generating a pure component from the command line (npm run generate) will throw an error.

Redux Actions

If you adopt Flux standard action (FSA) and you will, right ?, then you can also consider some libraries that are designed to work with it. redux-actions is the most popular. Then just export the createAction function.


import { INCREMENT_COUNTER, DECREMENT_COUNTER } from '../constants/ActionTypes'
import { createAction } from 'redux-actions'

export const increment = createAction(INCREMENT_COUNTER)

export const decrement = createAction(DECREMENT_COUNTER)

More examples

const inc = createAction(INCREMENT)
inc() // { type: INCREMENT }
inc(1)  // { type: INCREMENT, payload: 1 }

const addUser = createAction(ADD_USER, (name, lastName) => ({name, lastName}) )
addUser('John', 'Doe') // { type: ADD_USER, payload: { name: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' } }
addUser(new Error('no user')) // { type: ADD_USER, error: true, payload: /* error */ }


npm uninstall redux-actions --save

Create React App config

You can find the most recent version of the create-react-app guide here.


MIT License