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452 lines (294 loc) · 16 KB

File metadata and controls

452 lines (294 loc) · 16 KB


Spectro Cloud logo with docs inline

Welcome to the Spectro Cloud documentation repository. To get started with contributions, please review the entire README.

For internal Spectro Cloud users, please review the contributions section of the Documentation & Education's teams home page.

There are two local development paths available; Docker based, and non-Docker based. To reduce complexities, we recommended the Docker based development approach.


To contribute, we recommend having the following software installed locally on your workstation.

  • Text Editor
  • Docker
  • git configured and access to github repository
  • node and npm (optional)

Local Development (Docker)

To get started with the Docker based local development approach ensure you are in the root context of this repository.

Next, issue the following command to build the Docker image.

Note: The first time issuing the command may take several minutes.

make docker-image

To start the Dockererized local development server, issue the command:

make docker-start

The local development server is ready when the following output is displayed in your terminal.

You can now view root in the browser.
  Local:            http://localhost:9000/
  On Your Network:

Visit [http://localhost:9000](http://localhost:9000) to view the local development documentation site.

To exit from the local development Docker container. Press `Ctrl + Z`.

## Local Development Setup (Non-Docker)

Make a folder somewhere you can easily find

mkdir ~/Work

Clone the repository and run the initialization script

cd Work
git clone
cd librarium
make initialize

Documentation Content

Create a branch if needed. This will keep your work separated from the rest of your changes.

git checkout -b <branch_name>

To preview your changes use the following.

make start

This will open your browser to this address: http://localhost:9000

Open ~/Work/librarium/content/docs in your editor and make changes. They should be synced up in the browser window.

When you are done with some changes you can create a commit

make commit MESSAGE="<your message here>"

This will open your browser with the commit. Once the pull request is created a link will be added in the comments to preview the change in a staging environment.

Creating Pages

The documentation website is structured in a sidebar with main pages and sub-pages. Main pages will contain an overview of the its sub pages.

Anatomy of a documentation page

The navigation sidebar will be something across all pages.

The header will have a search bar and some links to different other sections of the documentation (api)

The page content will be displayed under the header and next to the sidebar. On it's right there will be a table of contents menu that will extract all of the headers inside the content and display them in a list. This will follow the user as he scroll the page. On top of the table of contents there will be a github link to the content of the file. This can be used by users to submit changes to different sections of our documentation

Main Pages

Create a page with the filename <url-using-dashes>.md in the docs-content folder of the content directory. For positioning the document in the sidebar, you can use sidebar_position: 1 in the front matter. To manage folders, create a _category_.json file with {position: 1} inside the desired directory.

Example of attributes

title: "Introduction"
sidebar_label: "Introduction"
description: "Palette API Introduction"
hide_table_of_contents: false
  icon: "graph"

Front Matter Attributes

attribute type description
sidebar_label string used as the label for navigation
title string will appear on the browser window / tab as the title
description string the text to display when a page is shared in social media platforms
icon: "graph"
string one of icons from
hide_table_of_contents boolean setting this to false will hide the page from the navigation
sidebar_position number the position of the page in the navigation sidebar. The pages are sorted ascending by this value
toc_min_heading_level number the minimum heading level to show in the table of contents.
toc_max_heading_level number the maximum heading level to show in the table of contents.
tags array A list of string that can be used for additonal categorization of content.
keywords array A list of strings that areused for SEO purposes.

Sub pages

Create a folder using the same name of the main page. Inside of it use the same name convention (<url-using-dashes>.md) to create subpages.

The index document for a folder follows the naming convention below. Here are some examples:

  • Named as index (case-insensitive): docs/Guides/
  • Named as README (case-insensitive): docs/Guides/README.mdx
  • Same name as the parent folder: docs/Guides/

Referencing a page

The url of a page will be composed from the path of the file relative to the content directory.

Example docs/content/1-introduction/ will have http://localhost:9000/introduction/what-is as the url

In markdown you can reference this page relatively to the root of the domain using this syntax:

[Go to introduction](/introduction/what-is)

You can also reference pages that reside in the document folder, such as index pages. An example is the Dev Engine index page /docs/ To reference the Dev Engine index page in a documentat page, referce the page by the title.

[Go to Dev Enging](/devx)


To add a redirect to an existing documentation page you must add an entry to the redirects.js file. Below is an example of what a redirect entry should look like.

    from: `/clusters/nested-clusters/`,
    to: `/clusters/sandbox-clusters`,

Multi Object Selector

The Packs integration page and the Service Listings page use a component to display the various offerings. Packs intergations use the <Packs /> component, whereas the Service Tiers from App Mode use the <AppTiers /> component.

To add a Pack to the list complete the following actions:

  • Add a new markdown page for the Pack.
  • In the frontmatter set the type to the following value: type: "integration".
  • Populate the page with content.

To add a Service to the Service List complete the following actions:

  • Add a new markdown page for the App Mode Service.
  • In the frontmatter set the type to the following value: type: "appTier".
  • Populate the page with content.

Images or other assets

All images must reside in the assets/docs/images folder.

![alt text](/clusterprofiles.png "cluster profiles example")

You can add a directory to to the images folder.

![alt text](/introduction/clusterprofiles.png "cluster profiles example")

Image Loading Image size loading can be customised. You can provide eager-load to images in the first fold of the image with high priority as LCP (Largest contentful Paint) for the page will not be affected

![alt text eager-load](/clusterprofiles.png)

Tabs component

To use the tabs component you have to import it from the shared folder

After that, you can use it like this

<Tabs queryString="platform">
  <TabItem label="AWS" value="aws">
    # AWS cluster Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  <TabItem label="VMware" value="vmware">
    # VMware cluster Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Note: If you want to navigate from one page to another(which has tabs) and default tab to specific key then you must

  • provide an identifier to the Tabs component <Tabs queryString="clusterType">...</Tabs>
  • when creating the link to this page, include (in the query) the identifier provided and the value you want (eg: /clusters?clusterType=aws#section1)
  • the values can be one of the tab panel keys
  • additionally you may refer to different sections from the inner tab using the anchor points(using the #section-1)

YouTube Video

To use a Youtube video us the YouTube component.

In your markdown file, use the component and ensure you specify a URL.

<YouTube url="" title="Three Common Kubernetes Growing Pains  - and how to solve them" />

Points of interest component

      x: 20,
      y: 20,
      label: 1,
      description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
      tooltipPlacement: "rightTop",
      x: 80,
      y: 100,
      label: 2,
      description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
      x: 220,
      y: 230,
      description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
      tooltipPlacement: "rightTop",
  *Markdown content*

x and y properties refer to the coordinates of the point starting from the top-left corner of the markdown container.

Note: x, y, description properties are mandatory. label and tooltipPlacement properties are optional.

If no label is specified, the default one is "+".

Possible placements are: topLeft, top, topRight, rightTop, right (default), rightBottom, bottomRight, bottom, bottomLeft, leftBottom, left, leftTop.


<Tooltip>tooltip content</Tooltip>


  • The tooltip icon can be customized by sending a font awesome icon
<Tooltip icon="atom">tooltip content</Tooltip>
  • If needed, the icon can be replace with text or other html tags using the trigger property:
<Tooltip trigger={<button>This is a button</button>}>
  <h1>This is a h1 inside the tooltip</h1>
  • If used inside a paragraph or other md elements the entire "block" needs to be on the same line
Hello <Tooltip trigger="world">tooltip content</Tooltip>! It's me Mario

Code Lines Highlighter

You can highlight specific lines in a block of code by adding coloredLines prop.

Example: ```js {2-4,5-7}. This will color the lines from 2 to 4 and from 5 to 7.


  • 2-4 - lines interval to be colored
  • , - separator for different colored lines intervals


Hide ClipBoard Button

The copy button is shown by default in all code blocks. You can disable the copy button by passing in the parameter value hideClipboard in the markdown declaration of the code blocks.

Example Example



Admonitions - Warning / Info Box


Some content with Markdown syntax. Check this api.



Some content with Markdown syntax. Check this api.


The content must have a new line at the beginning and at the end of the tag like this:


To add a video, use the following syntax:

<video src="/aws-full-profile.mp4"></video>
<video title="vsphere-pcg-creation" src="/cluster-creation-videos/vmware.mp4"></video>

Netlify Previews

By default Netlify previews are enabled for pull requests. However, some branches do not require Netlify previews. In the netlify.toml file, a custom script is used to determine if a Netlify preview should be created. The script is located in the scripts/ file. If you need to disable Netlify previews for a branch, add the branch name to the allowed_branches variable in the scripts/ file.


The content in the docs/ folder require approval from the documentation team. The list of approvers and reviewers can be found in the OWNERS_ALIAS file. Only members of the documentation team may modify this file.

Check Writing

We leverage Vale to help us enforce our writing style programmatically and to avoid common writing mistakes. The writing checks are executed upon a pull request. You may also conduct a writing check locally by using the Vale CLI. Follow the steps below to install the Vale CLI and execute the writing checks.

Start by installing Vale by following the installation steps in the Vale documentation.

Next, download the required Vale plugins.

make sync-vale

To execute the writing check, issue the command below. The command below will identify files that are modified by comparing the current git branch against the master branch. Ensure your local master branch is up to date for accurate results.

make check-writing 

You may also use the Vale CLI to directly scan a file and receive feedback.


vale content/docs/

Modify Writing Rules

The vale.ini file contains the configuration for Vale. Changes to vale.ini, accept.txt, and reject.txt require approval by the docs-education team.

Disable Rule

To disable a specific rule, add the rule name and the word "NO" to the vale.ini](vale.ini) file.


Google.Headings = NO

Approved Words

Approved words can be found in the accept.txt file. You can add or remove words from the list by modifying the file.

Rejected Words

Rejected words automatically get flagged by Vale. To modify the list of rejected words, modify the reject.txt file.


To create a new release, use the following steps:

  1. Create a release branch. Use the following naming pattern release-X-X
  2. Create a commit using the following commit message feat: updating documentation for release-X-X. Replace x-x with the upcoming release number.
  3. Push up the commit and create a new pull request (PR).
  4. Merge PRs related to the upcoming release into the release-X-X branch.
  5. Merge the release branch.

The semantic-release logic and the GitHub Actions in the release.yaml will ensure the new release tag is created.

Warning Do not use feat,perf or fix or other semantic-release key words that trigger a version change. Use the commit message prefix docs: yourMessageHere for regular documentation commits.