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forked from tidyverse/dplyr

Plyr specialised for data frames: faster & with remote datastores


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dplyr is the next iteration of plyr with the following goals:

  • Improved performance
  • A more consistent interface focussed on tabular data (e.g. ddply, ldply and dlply)
  • Support for alternative data stores (data.table, sql, hive, ...)

One of the key ideas of dplyr is that it shouldn't matter how your data is stored. Regardless of whether your data in an SQL database, a data frame or a data table, you should interact with it in the exactly the same way. (That said, dplyr works with tidy data so it can assume varaibles are always described in a consistent way.)

dplyr is not currently available on CRAN, but you can install it from github with:


To get started, read the notes below, or try the intro vignette: vignette("introduction", package = "dplyr")


The key object in dplyr is a tbl, a representation of a tabular data structure. Currently dplyr supports:

You can create them as follows:

# Built in data frame

# Coerce to data table
hflights_dt <- tbl_dt(hflights)

# Caches data in local SQLite db
hflights_db1 <- tbl(hflights_sqlite(), "hflights")

# Caches data in local postgres db
hflights_db2 <- tbl(hflights_postgres(), "hflights")

Each tbl also comes in a grouped variant which allows you to easily perform operations "by group":

carriers_df  <- group_by(hflights, UniqueCarrier)
carriers_dt  <- group_by(hflights_dt, UniqueCarrier)
carriers_db1 <- group_by(hflights_db1, UniqueCarrier)
carriers_db2 <- group_by(hflights_db2, UniqueCarrier)
# This database has an index on the UniqueCarrier, which is a recommended
# minimum whenever you're doing group by queries

Single table verbs

dplyr implements the following verbs useful for data manipulation:

  • select(): focus on a subset of variables
  • filter(): focus on a subset of rows
  • mutate(): add new columns
  • summarise(): reduce each group to a smaller number of summary statistics
  • arrange(): re-order the rows

See ?manip for more details.

They all work as similarly as possible across the range of data sources. The main difference is performance:

system.time(summarise(carriers_df, delay = mean(ArrDelay, na.rm = TRUE)))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.010   0.002   0.012 
system.time(summarise(carriers_dt, delay = mean(ArrDelay, na.rm = TRUE)))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.007   0.000   0.008 
system.time(summarise(collect(carriers_db1, delay = mean(ArrDelay))))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.402   0.058   0.465 
system.time(summarise(collect(carriers_db2, delay = mean(ArrDelay))))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.386   0.097   0.718 

The data frame and table methods are substantially faster than plyr. The database methods are slower, but can work with data that don't fit in memory.

system.time(ddply(hflights, "UniqueCarrier", summarise, 
  delay = mean(ArrDelay, na.rm = TRUE)))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.527   0.078   0.604 


As well as the specialised operations described above, dplyr also provides the generic do() function which applies any R function to each group of the data.

Let's take the batting database from the built-in Lahman database. We'll group it by year, and then fit a model to explore the relationship between their number of at bats and runs:

batting_db <- tbl(lahman(), "Batting")
batting_df <- collect(batting_db)
batting_dt <- tbl_dt(batting_df)

years_db <- group_by(batting_db, yearID)
years_df <- group_by(batting_df, yearID)
years_dt <- group_by(batting_dt, yearID)

system.time(do(years_db, failwith(NULL, lm), formula = R ~ AB))
system.time(do(years_df, failwith(NULL, lm), formula = R ~ AB))
system.time(do(years_dt, failwith(NULL, lm), formula = R ~ AB))

Note that if you are fitting lots of linear models, it's a good idea to use biglm because it creates model objects that are considerably smaller:

mod1 <- do(years_df, lm, formula = R ~ AB)
mod2 <- do(years_df, biglm, formula = R ~ AB)
print(object.size(mod1), unit = "MB")
print(object.size(mod2), unit = "MB")

Binary verbs

As well as verbs that work on a single tbl, there are also a set of useful verbs that work with two tbls are a time: joins. dplyr implements the four most useful joins from SQL:

  • inner_join(x, y): matching x + y
  • left_join(x, y): all x + matching y
  • semi_join(x, y): all x with match in y
  • anti_join(x, y): all x without match in y

Currently join variables must be the same in both the left-hand and right-hand sides.

Other operations

All tbls also provide head() and print() methods. The default print method gives information about the data source and shows the first 10 rows and all the columns that will fit on one screen.

Plyr compatibility

Currently, it's not a good idea to have both dplyr and plyr loaded. This is just a short-term problem: in the long-term, I'll move the matching functions from plyr into dplyr, and add a dplyr dependency to plyr.


Plyr specialised for data frames: faster & with remote datastores







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