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This week covers:

  • More wrangling and plotting in R
  • Statistical inference
  • Regression
  • Overfitting / generalization

Day 1

Combining and reshaping data

Plotting exercises

  • Finish up the Citibike plotting exercises in plot_trips.R, including the plots that involve reshaping data

Combining and reshaping exercises


  • Read Chapter 27 of R for Data Science on Rmarkdown
  • Do the following exercises:
    • Section 27.2.1, exercises 1 and 2 (try keyboard shortcuts: ctrl-shift-enter to run chunks, and ctrl-shift-k to knit the document)
    • Section 27.3.1 exercise 3, using this file
    • Section 27.4.7, exercise 1

Day 2

Sampling distributions and standard errors


Day 3

Hypothesis testing

  • Read Chapter 7 of IST on sampling distributions and do exercise 7.1
  • Read Chapter 9 of IST and do exercise 9.1
  • Read Chapter 10 of IST and do exercises 10.1 and 10.2
  • Review the "Hypothesis testing" section of the statistical inference Rmarkdown file (preview the output here)
  • Also check out the this analysis of the color distribution of M&Ms that we discussed


Day 4

Power, effect sizes, and the replication crisis


Day 5

