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$ npm install --save ffe-core ffe-buttons ffe-buttons-react

ffe-buttons-react has a peer dependency on ffe-core and ffe-buttons.


There are no required props. Although not marked as required, you always want to give the button some content, either as children or by using the label property:

import { ActionButton } from 'ffe-buttons-react';

<ActionButton onClick={clickHandler}>
    <CoolIcon /> Awesome

<ActionButton label="Hello" onClick={clickHandler} />

There are components available for all the button types:

<ActionButton>, <BackButton>, <PrimaryButton>, <SecondaryButton>, <ShortcutButton>, <TertiaryButton>

Supported props

action: string,
ariaLoadingMessage: string, (default: 'Vennligst vent')
children: node,
className: string,
disableButton: bool,
id: string,
isLoading: bool,
isTabbable: bool,
autoFocus: bool,
label: string,
leftIcon: node,
onClick: func,
rightIcon: node,
simpleContent: bool, (default: false)
style: object,
type: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset' (default: 'submit')

Loading state

For long-running operations you may want to put the button in a loading state. While in this state, the button will be disabled and given the attribute aria-busy=true

<PrimaryButton isLoading onClick={clickHandler}>...</PrimaryButton>

<PrimaryButton onClick={clickHandler}>...</PrimaryButton>

The loading state reveals the text "Vennligst vent" to screen readers. If you need to change this text, override it with the ariaLoadingMessage property:

    ariaLoadingMessage="Please wait"

Disabled state

Disabled buttons are not allowed in accordance to the guidelines. However, in case you need to disable a button, you can do this as well by setting the disableButton property:

<PrimaryButton disableButton onClick={clickHandler}>...</PrimaryButton>

<TertiaryButton disableButton label="Hello" onClick={clickHandler} />

<SecondaryButton disableButton onClick={clickHandler}>...</SecondaryButton>

This works for all button types, but make sure you have a really good reason for using it!

Tabbing and focus


Buttons are by default tabbable / allowed to gain keyboard focus. In the rare occurence this is not desired, the isTabbable attribute can be utilized:

<PrimaryButton isTabbable={false}>...</PrimaryButton>

This works for all button types, but make sure you have a really good reason for using it! N.B. making it impossible to reach buttons with keyboard is an accessibility violation!


In some situations where you remove a part of the DOM that contains the focused element (e.g after clicking a button), you might want to automatically set focus to a specific element.

The autoFocus-prop may be used for this purpose. It will automatically focus the element after mounting. Please note that this only works on one element!

<PrimaryButton autoFocus>...</PrimaryButton>


Any style attributes given to a button component will be passed on to the underlying html button element.

<Button style={{transform: 'rotate(30deg)'}}>...</Button>

Optionally, pass className to set a custom class on the button.

<Button className="testClass">...</Button>


<Button> has support for icons, leftIcon and rightIcon leftIcon will be placed to the left of the label text, and rightIcon to the right of the label text.

<SecondaryButton> and <TertiaryButton> support leftIcon

<Button leftIcon={<MyLeftIcon />}>...</Button>
<Button rightIcon={<MyRightIcon />}>...</Button>
<SecondaryButton leftIcon={<MyLeftIcon />}>...</SecondaryButton>
<TertiaryButton leftIcon={<MyLeftIcon />}>...</TertiaryButton>

Type and onClick-handlers

The default button type is type="submit", as with regular HTML buttons. If you want to use this component without triggering a submit event on clicking it, you can change the type to either button or reset:

<ActionButton type="button" onClick={clickHandler}>
    Buy now

In the case of specifying type="button" it is important that you also specify an onClick handler - so that the button triggers some kind of reaction.