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Jaanga » Outer Space » Moon » Voyager »

Moon Rover 64P Demo Full Screen - Dev

Web Page / Source Code

<iframe class=ifr src= width=100% height=500px ></iframe> ###### _Moon Rover 64P - Dev revision - Code Edit View_ / [Edit full screen]( )


10917 km circumference of moon / ( 360 degrees * 64 pixels per degree ) = 0.473828125 or each pixel represents 474 meters or, roughly, each pixel is about half a kilometer.

The next step up in accuracy will be to 300+ pixels per degree or, roughly, one pixel per hundred meters. The effort appears to be fairly trivial but requires some hours of work. This effort will be made as and when the time arises or whenever someone makes the request for this work to be done.

Road Map

  • Location map in menu with box indicating current location


Many thanks to:

Gazetteer data sources:

Lunar height data source:

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera


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