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The official repository for 'Implicit Feedback for Dense Passage Retrieval: A Counterfactual Approach', Shengyao Zhuang, Hang Li and Guido Zuccon, SIGIR2022


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The official repository for Implicit Feedback for Dense Passage Retrieval: A Counterfactual Approach, Shengyao Zhuang, Hang Li and Guido Zuccon, SIGIR2022

Toy example

To make it easier for readers to understand our approach, we make a toy example to show how counterfactual DR works. Simply run: python

Download DR indexes

Note, this repo is tested with torch==1.8.1 faiss-cpu==1.7.2 transformers==4.20.1

We use pyserini toolkit to download DR models, indexes and evaluation.

pip install pyserini==0.17.0

To download DR indexes, run the following pyserini command:

# Download TCT-ColBERTv2 faiss index
python -c "from import LuceneSearcher; LuceneSearcher.from_prebuilt_index('msmarco-passage-tct_colbert-v2-hnp-bf')"

# Download ANCE faiss index
python -c "from import LuceneSearcher; LuceneSearcher.from_prebuilt_index('msmarco-passage-ance-bf')"

The index will be downloaded in ~/.cache/pyserini/indexes/

Run Experiments

Set the model and dataset variables in command line:


We use TCT-colbert v2, DL2019 dataset as an example for the experiments. You can easily run other experiments by changing MODEL_NAME=ANCE, YEAR=2020 and corresponding index path.

Logged query experiments

Original DR results

The following commands will run the original TCT-ColBERTv2 method (single stage retrieval without any feedback).

python3 \
--model_name ${MODEL_NAME} \
--output_path runs/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_dl${YEAR}.txt \
--query_path data/${YEAR}queries-pass.tsv \
--qrel_path data/${YEAR}qrels-pass.txt \
--model_path ${MODEL_PATH} \
--index_path ${INDEX_PATH}

Evaluate the original TCT-ColBERTv2 run file:

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 -m map data/2019qrels-pass.txt \

map     all     0.4469
recall_1000     all     0.8261
ndcg_cut_10     all     0.7204

DR with Pseudo-relevance feedback (TCT-ColBERTv2 + VPRF)

The following commands will run the TCT-ColBERTv2 with vector PRF method.

python3 \
--model_name ${MODEL_NAME} \
--output_path runs/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_dl${YEAR}_vprf.txt \
--query_path data/${YEAR}queries-pass.tsv \
--qrel_path data/${YEAR}qrels-pass.txt \
--model_path ${MODEL_PATH} \
--index_path ${INDEX_PATH} \

Evaluate the TCT-ColBERTv2 + VPRF run file:

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 -m map data/2019qrels-pass.txt \

map     all     0.4797
recall_1000     all     0.8633
ndcg_cut_10     all     0.6982

DR with Implicit feedback

The experiments in this section are conducted with synthetic user click models.

The following commands will run the TCT-ColBERTv2 with Rocchio algorithme under perfect and unbiased click setting, i.e., users will exam all the documents in the rankings and click every relevant documents. Same experiment for noise click setting can be done by setting --click_model noise.

python3 \
--model_name ${MODEL_NAME} \
--output_path runs/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_dl${YEAR}_rocchio_perfect_unbiased.txt \
--query_path data/${YEAR}queries-pass.tsv \
--qrel_path data/${YEAR}qrels-pass.txt \
--model_path ${MODEL_PATH} \
--index_path ${INDEX_PATH} \
--feedback \
--propensity 0 \
--click_model perfect

Evaluate the TCT-ColBERTv2 + Rocchio run file:

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 -m map data/2019qrels-pass.txt \

map     all     0.5778
recall_1000     all     0.9001
ndcg_cut_10     all     0.7963

The following commands will run the TCT-ColBERTv2 with Rocchio algorithme under perfect and biased click setting, i.e., higher ranked documents have higher probability to be examined by users and users will click every relevant documents they examined. Same experiment for noise click setting can be done by setting --click_model noise.

python3 \
--model_name ${MODEL_NAME} \
--output_path runs/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_dl${YEAR}_rocchio_perfect_biased.txt \
--query_path data/${YEAR}queries-pass.tsv \
--qrel_path data/${YEAR}qrels-pass.txt \
--model_path ${MODEL_PATH} \
--index_path ${INDEX_PATH} \
--feedback \
--propensity 1 \
--click_model perfect

Evaluate the TCT-ColBERTv2 + Rocchio with biased user run file:

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 -m map data/2019qrels-pass.txt \

map     all     0.5592
recall_1000     all     0.8948
ndcg_cut_10     all     0.7883

We observed effectiveness decreased across all the metrics due to the position bias of user behaviour.

The following commands will run the TCT-ColBERTv2 with CoRocchio algorithme under perfect and biased click setting, i.e., higher ranked documents have higher probability to be examined by users and users will click every relevant documents they examined. Same experiment for noise click setting can be done by setting --click_model noise.

python3 \
--model_name ${MODEL_NAME} \
--output_path runs/${MODEL_NAME}/${MODEL_NAME}_dl${YEAR}_corocchio_perfect_biased.txt \
--query_path data/${YEAR}queries-pass.tsv \
--qrel_path data/${YEAR}qrels-pass.txt \
--model_path ${MODEL_PATH} \
--index_path ${INDEX_PATH} \
--feedback \
--propensity 1 \
--click_model perfect \

Evaluate the TCT-ColBERTv2 + CoRocchio with biased user run file:

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -c -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 -m map data/2019qrels-pass.txt \

map     all     0.5775
recall_1000     all     0.9004
ndcg_cut_10     all     0.7963

The scores are very close to the perfect and unbiased setting, meaning that CoRocchio can debias users' position bias.

Unseen query experiments

Dataset Augmentation with Synthetic Query Generation

TREC DL datasets have only a small set of judged queries, and they are unrelated to each other, withholding a subset of TREC DL queries is as unseen queries is not possible. Thus we adapt the docTquery-T5 method to augment the current TREC DL datasets with unseen, but related queries with associated relevance judgements.

To do that, first download the MS MARCO passage collection file collection.tsv from this link and put it in the ./data folder.

Then run the following command to generate a new query and qrel file. We take an example of augmenting DL2019 dataset.

python3 \
--collection_file ./data/collection.tsv \
--qrel_file ./data/2019qrels-pass.txt \
--query_file ./data/2019queries-pass.tsv \
--query_out ./data/2019queries-pass-new.tsv \
--qrel_out ./data/2019qerl-pass-new.txt 

These new queries are relevance are generated based on the original queries' highly relevant passages (rel > 2). Then you just need to split the 2019queries-pass-new.tsv into a train and a test subsets. We provided our generated new query and qrel files in the data folder, and randomly split it into a train (80%) and test (20%) file. Note in our experiments we treat train queries are logged queries and test quereis as unseen queries.

Run unseen query experiments

The commands of running unseen query experiments are very similar to the logged query experiments except you just need to set --train_query_path and --test_query_path to the train and test query files.

We take the original TCT-ColBERTv2 experiments as an example, the other experiments are same as logged query experiments The following commands will run the original TCT-ColBERTv2 method (single stage retrieval without any feedback).

python3 \
--model_name ${MODEL_NAME} \
--output_path runs/${MODEL_NAME}_unseen/${MODEL_NAME}_dl${YEAR}.txt \
--train_query_path data/${YEAR}queries-pass-new-train.tsv \
--test_query_path data/${YEAR}queries-pass-new-test.tsv \
--qrel_path data/${YEAR}qrels-pass-new.txt \
--model_path ${MODEL_PATH} \
--index_path ${INDEX_PATH}

Evaluate the original TCT-ColBERTv2 run file:

python -m pyserini.eval.trec_eval -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 -m recall.1000 -m map data/2019qrels-pass-new.txt \

map     all     0.2417
recall_1000     all     0.5211
ndcg_cut_10     all     0.4203

Note, we remove -c in trec_eval since the test queries are only a subset of queries in the qrel file.


The official repository for 'Implicit Feedback for Dense Passage Retrieval: A Counterfactual Approach', Shengyao Zhuang, Hang Li and Guido Zuccon, SIGIR2022







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