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CSP (Coroutines, Channels, Select) for Swift


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Swift Zewo Platform License Slack Travis

Venice provides CSP for Swift 3.0.


  • Coroutines
  • Channels
  • Fallible Channels
  • Receive-only Channels
  • Send-only Channels
  • Channel Iteration
  • Select
  • Timers
  • Tickers
  • File Descriptor Polling

Venice wraps a fork of the C library libmill.


  • Add Venice to your Package.swift
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
	dependencies: [
		.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 6)



func doSomething() {
    print("did something")

// regular call

// coroutine call

// coroutine closure
co {
    print("did something else")

nap and wake

nap stops the execution for the given amount of time, while wake stops the execution until some moment.

co {
    // sleep for one second
    nap(for: 1.second)

// stop for two seconds so the program
// doesn't terminate before the print
let deadline = 2.seconds.fromNow()
wake(at: deadline)

Always use nap if you're setting up the time yourself. Use wake only if you got deadline from somewhere else.


after runs the coroutine after the specified duration.

after(1.second) {

// same as

co {
	nap(for: 1.second)


every runs the expression in a coroutine periodically. Call done() to leave the loop.

var count = 0
every(1.second) { done in
    count += 1
    if count == 3 {

// same as

var count = 0
co {
    while true {
        nap(for: 1.second)
        count += 1
        if count == 3 { break }


Channels are typed and return optionals wrapping the value or nil if the channel is closed and doesn't have any values left in the buffer.

let messages = Channel<String>()
let message = messages.receive()!

// buffered channels

let messages = Channel<String>(bufferSize: 2)



ReceivingChannel<Element> and SendingChannel<Element>

You can get a reference to a channel with receive or send only capabilities.

func receiveOnly(channel: ReceivingChannel<String>) {
    // can only receive from channel
    let string = channel.receive()!

func sendOnly(channel: SendingChannel<String>) {
    // can only send to channel

let channel = Channel<String>(bufferSize: 1)


Fallible channels accept values and errors as well.

struct Error: ErrorProtocol {}

let channel = FallibleChannel<String>(bufferSize: 2)


do {
    let yo = try channel.receive()
    try channel.receive() // will throw
} catch {


Sometimes select can clash with the system libraries function with the same name select. To solve this you can call Venice's select with Venice.selector with the terser alias sel.

let channel = Channel<String>()
let fallibleChannel = FallibleChannel<String>()

select { when in
    when.received(valueFrom: channel) { value in
        print("received \(value)")
    when.received(resultFrom: fallibleChannel) { result in
        result.success { value in
        result.failure { error in
    when.sent("value", to: channel) {
        print("sent value")
    when.sent("value", to: fallibleChannel) {
        print("sent value")
    when.sent(Error(), to: fallibleChannel) {
        print("threw error")
    when.timedOut(1.second.fromNow()) {
    when.otherwise {
        print("default case")

You can disable a channel selection by turning it to nil

var channelA: Channel<String>? = Channel<String>()
var channelB: Channel<String>? = Channel<String>()

if random(0...1) == 0 {
    channelA = nil
    print("disabled channel a")
} else {
    channelB = nil
    print("disabled channel b")

co { channelA?.send("a") }
co { channelB?.send("b") }

sel { when in
    when.received(valueFrom: channelA) { value in
        print("received \(value) from channel a")
    when.received(valueFrom: channelB) { value in
        print("received \(value) from channel b")

Another way to disable a channel selection is to simply put its case inside an if statement.

let channelA = Channel<String>()
let channelB = Channel<String>()


select { when in
    if random(0...1) == 0 {
        print("disabled channel b")
        when.received(valueFrom: channelA) { value in
            print("received \(value) from channel a")
    } else {
        print("disabled channel a")
        when.received(valueFrom: channelB) { value in
            print("received \(value) from channel b")


A lot of times we need to wrap our select inside a while loop. To make it easier to work with this pattern we can use forSelect. forSelect will loop until you call done().

func flipCoin(outcome: FallibleChannel<String>) {
    if random(0...1) == 0 {
    } else {
        outcome.send(Error(description: "Something went wrong"))

let outcome = FallibleChannel<String>()


forSelect { when, done in
    when.received(resultFrom: outcome) { result in
        result.success { value in
        result.failure { error in
            print("\(error). Retrying...")


Timer sends to its channel when it expires.

let timer = Timer(deadline: 2.second.fromNow())

co {
    print("Timer expired")

if timer.stop() {
    print("Timer stopped")


Ticker sends current time to its channel periodically until stopped.

let ticker = Ticker(period: 500.milliseconds)

co {
    for time in {
        print("Tick at \(time)")

after(2.seconds) {


poll polls a file descriptor for reading or writing optionally timing out if the file descriptor is not ready before the given deadline.

do {
    // yields to other coroutines if fd not ready
    try poll(fileDescriptor, for: .writing, timingOut: 5.seconds.fromNow())
    // runs when fd is ready
} catch {
   // throws in case of timeout or polling error


The examples 01-15 were taken from gobyexample and translated from Go to Swift using Venice.

01 - Coroutines

A coroutine is a lightweight thread of execution.

func f(from: String) {
    for i in 0 ..< 4 {
        print("\(from): \(i)")

Suppose we have a function call f(s). Here's how we'd call that in the usual way, running it synchronously.


To invoke this function in a coroutine, use co(f(s)). This new coroutine will execute concurrently with the calling one.


You can also start a coroutine with a closure.

co {

Our two function calls are running asynchronously in separate coroutines now, so execution falls through to here. We wait 1 second before the program exits

nap(for: 1.second)

When we run this program, we see the output of the blocking call first, then the interleaved output of the two coroutines. This interleaving reflects the coroutines being run concurrently by the runtime.


direct: 0
direct: 1
direct: 2
direct: 3
coroutine: 0
coroutine: 1
coroutine: 2
coroutine: 3

02 - Channels

Channels are the pipes that connect concurrent coroutines. You can send values into channels from one coroutine and receive those values into another coroutine.

Create a new channel with Channel<Type>(). Channels are typed by the values they convey.

let messages = Channel<String>()

Send a value into a channel using the channel.send(value) syntax. Here we send "ping" to the messages channel we made above, from a new coroutine.


The channel.receive() syntax receives a value from the channel. Here we'll receive the "ping" message we sent above and print it out.

let message = messages.receive()

When we run the program the "ping" message is successfully passed from one coroutine to another via our channel. By default sends and receives block until both the sender and receiver are ready. This property allowed us to wait at the end of our program for the "ping" message without having to use any other synchronization.

Values received from channels are Optionals. If you try to get a value from a closed channel with no values left in the buffer, it'll return nil. If you are sure that there is a value wraped in the Optional, you can use the ! operator, to force unwrap the optional.



03 - Channel Buffering

By default channels are unbuffered, meaning that they will only accept values (channel.send(value)) if there is a corresponding receive (let value = channel.receive()) ready to receive the value sent by the channel. Buffered channels accept a limited number of values without a corresponding receiver for those values.

Here we make a channel of strings buffering up to 2 values.

let messages = Channel<String>(bufferSize: 2)

Because this channel is buffered, we can send these values into the channel without a corresponding concurrent receive.


Later we can receive these two values as usual.




04 - Channel Synchronization

We can use channels to synchronize execution across coroutines. Here's an example of using a blocking receive to wait for a coroutine to finish.

This is the function we'll run in a coroutine. The done channel will be used to notify another coroutine that this function's work is done.

func worker(done: Channel<Void>) {
    nap(for: 1.second)
    done.send() // Send to notify that we're done.

Start a worker coroutine, giving it the channel to notify on.

let done = Channel<Bool>(bufferSize: 1)

Block until we receive a notification from the worker on the channel.


If you remove the done.receive() line from this program, the program would exit before the worker even started.



05 - Channel Directions

When using channels as function parameters, you can specify if a channel is meant to only send or receive values. This specificity increases the type-safety of the program.

This ping function only accepts a channel that receives values. It would be a compile-time error to try to receive values from this channel.

func ping(pings: SendingChannel<String>, message: String) {

The pong function accepts one channel that only sends values (pings) and a second that only receives values (pongs).

func pong(pings: ReceivingChannel<String>, _ pongs: SendingChannel<String>) {
    let message = pings.receive()!

let pings = Channel<String>(bufferSize: 1)
let pongs = Channel<String>(bufferSize: 1)

ping(pings.sendingChannel, message: "passed message")
pong(pings.receivingChannel, pongs.sendingChannel)



passed message

06 - Select

Select lets you wait on multiple channel operations. Combining coroutines and channels with select is an extremely powerful feature.

For our example we'll select across two channels.

let channel1 = Channel<String>()
let channel2 = Channel<String>()

Each channel will receive a value after some amount of time, to simulate e.g. blocking RPC operations executing in concurrent coroutines.

after(1.second) {

after(2.seconds) {

We'll use select to await both of these values simultaneously, printing each one as it arrives.

for _ in 0 ..< 2 {
    select { when in
        when.received(valueFrom: channel1) { message1 in
            print("received \(message1)")
        when.received(valueFrom: channel2) { message2 in
            print("received \(message2)")

We receive the values "one" and then "two" as expected. Note that the total execution time is only ~2 seconds since both the 1 and 2 second naps execute concurrently.


received one
received two

07 - Timeouts

Timeouts are important for programs that connect to external resources or that otherwise need to bound execution time. Implementing timeouts is easy and elegant thanks to channels and select.

For our example, suppose we're executing an external call that returns its result on a channel channel1 after 2s.

let channel1 = Channel<String>(bufferSize: 1)

after(2.seconds) {
    channel1.send("result 1")

Here's the select implementing a timeout. received(resultFrom: channel1) awaits the result and timeout(1.second.fromNow()) awaits a value to be sent after the timeout of 1s. Since select proceeds with the first receive that's ready, we'll take the timeout case if the operation takes more than the allowed 1s.

select { when in
    when.received(resultFrom: channel1) { result in
    when.timedOut(1.second.fromNow()) {
        print("timeout 1")

If we allow a longer timeout of 3s, then the receive from channel2 will succeed and we'll print the result.

let channel2 = Channel<String>(bufferSize: 1)

    channel2.send("result 2")

select { when in
    when.received(resultFrom: channel2) { result in
    when.timedOut(3.seconds.fromNow()) {
        print("timeout 2")

Running this program shows the first operation timing out and the second succeeding.

Using this select timeout pattern requires communicating results over channels. This is a good idea in general because other important features are based on channels and select. We’ll look at two examples of this next: timers and tickers.


timeout 1
result 2

08 - Non-Blocking Channel Operations

Basic sends and receives on channels are blocking. However, we can use select with a otherwise clause to implement non-blocking sends, receives, and even non-blocking multi-way selects.

let messages = Channel<String>()
let signals = Channel<Bool>()

Here's a non-blocking receive. If a value is available on messages then select will take the received(valueFrom: messages) case with that value. If not it will immediately take the otherwise case.

select { when in
    when.received(valueFrom: messages) { message in
        print("received message \(message)")
    when.otherwise {
        print("no message received")

A non-blocking send works similarly.

let message = "hi"

select { when in
    when.sent(message, to: messages) {
        print("sent message \(message)")
    when.otherwise {
        print("no message sent")

We can use multiple cases above the otherwise clause to implement a multi-way non-blocking select. Here we attempt non-blocking receives on both messages and signals.

select { when in
    when.received(valueFrom: messages) { message in
        print("received message \(message)")
    when.received(valueFrom: signals) { signal in
        print("received signal \(signal)")
    when.otherwise {
        print("no activity")


no message received
no message sent
no activity

09 - Closing Channels

Closing a channel indicates that no more values can be sent to it. This can be useful to communicate completion to the channel's receivers.

In this example we'll use a jobs channel to communicate work to be done to a worker coroutine. When we have no more jobs for the worker we'll close the jobs channel.

let jobs = Channel<Int>(bufferSize: 5)
let done = Channel<Void>()

Here's the worker coroutine. It repeatedly receives from jobs with j = jobs.receive(). The return value will be nil if jobs has been closed and all values in the channel have already been received. We use this to notify on done when we've worked all our jobs.

co {
    while true {
        if let job = jobs.receive() {
            print("received job \(job)")
        } else {
            print("received all jobs")

This sends 3 jobs to the worker over the jobs channel, then closes it.

for job in 1...3 {
    print("sent job \(job)")

print("sent all jobs")

We await the worker using the synchronization approach we saw earlier.


The idea of closed channels leads naturally to our next example: iterating over channels.


sent job 1
received job 1
sent job 2
received job 2
sent job 3
received job 3
sent all jobs
received job 3
received all jobs

10 - Iterating Over Channels

We can use for in to iterate over values received from a channel. We'll iterate over 2 values in the queue channel.

let queue =  Channel<String>(bufferSize: 2)


This for in loop iterates over each element as it's received from queue. Because we closed the channel above, the iteration terminates after receiving the 2 elements. If we didn't close it we'd block on a 3rd receive in the loop.

for element in queue {

This example also showed that it’s possible to close a non-empty channel but still have the remaining values be received.



11 - Timers

We often want to execute code at some point in the future, or repeatedly at some interval. Timer and ticker features make both of these tasks easy. We'll look first at timers and then at tickers.

Timers represent a single event in the future. You tell the timer how long you want to wait, and it provides a channel that will be notified at that time. This timer will wait 2 seconds.

let timer1 = Timer(deadline: 2.seconds.fromNow())

The blocks on the timer's channel until it sends a value indicating that the timer expired.
print("Timer 1 expired")

If you just wanted to wait, you could have used nap. One reason a timer may be useful is that you can cancel the timer before it expires. Here's an example of that.

let timer2 = Timer(deadline: 1.second.fromNow())

co {
    print("Timer 2 expired")

if timer2.stop() {
    print("Timer 2 stopped")

The first timer will expire ~2s after we start the program, but the second should be stopped before it has a chance to expire.


Timer 1 expired
Timer 2 stopped

12 - Tickers

Timers are for when you want to do something once in the future - tickers are for when you want to do something repeatedly at regular intervals. Here's an example of a ticker that ticks periodically until we stop it.

Tickers use a similar mechanism to timers: a channel that is sent values. Here we'll use the iterator builtin on the channel to iterate over the values as they arrive every 500ms.

let ticker = Ticker(period: 500.milliseconds)

co {
    for time in {
        print("Tick at \(time)")

Tickers can be stopped like timers. Once a ticker is stopped it won't receive any more values on its channel. We'll stop ours after 1600ms.

nap(for: 1600.milliseconds)
print("Ticker stopped")

When we run this program the ticker should tick 3 times before we stop it.


Tick at 37024098
Tick at 37024599
Tick at 37025105
Ticker stopped

13 - Worker Pools

In this example we'll look at how to implement a worker pool using coroutines and channels.

Here's the worker, of which we'll run several concurrent instances. These workers will receive work on the jobs channel and send the corresponding results on results. We'll sleep a second per job to simulate an expensive task.

func worker(id: Int, jobs: Channel<Int>, results: Channel<Int>) {
    for job in jobs {
        print("worker \(id) processing job \(job)")
        nap(for: 1.second)
        results.send(job * 2)

In order to use our pool of workers we need to send them work and collect their results. We make 2 channels for this.

let jobs = Channel<Int>(bufferSize: 100)
let results = Channel<Int>(bufferSize: 100)

This starts up 3 workers, initially blocked because there are no jobs yet.

for workerId in 1...3 {
    co(worker(workerId, jobs: jobs, results: results))

Here we send 9 jobs and then close that channel to indicate that's all the work we have.

for job in 1...9 {


Finally we collect all the results of the work.

for _ in 1...9 {

Our running program shows the 9 jobs being executed by various workers. The program only takes about 3 seconds despite doing about 9 seconds of total work because there are 3 workers operating concurrently.


worker 1 processing job 1
worker 2 processing job 2
worker 3 processing job 3
worker 1 processing job 4
worker 2 processing job 5
worker 3 processing job 6
worker 1 processing job 7
worker 2 processing job 8
worker 3 processing job 9

14 - Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is an important mechanism for controlling resource utilization and maintaining quality of service. Venice elegantly supports rate limiting with coroutines, channels, and tickers.

First we'll look at basic rate limiting. Suppose we want to limit our handling of incoming requests. We'll serve these requests off a channel of the same name.

var requests = Channel<Int>(bufferSize: 5)

for request in 1...5 {


This limiter channel will receive a value every 200 milliseconds. This is the regulator in our rate limiting scheme.

let limiter = Ticker(period: 200.milliseconds)

By blocking on a receive from the limiter channel before serving each request, we limit ourselves to 1 request every 200 milliseconds.

for request in requests {
    print("request \(request) \(now)")


We may want to allow short bursts of requests in our rate limiting scheme while preserving the overall rate limit. We can accomplish this by buffering our limiter channel. This burstyLimiter channel will allow bursts of up to 3 events.

let burstyLimiter = Channel<Int64>(bufferSize: 3)

Fill up the channel to represent allowed bursting.

for _ in 0 ..< 3 {

Every 200 milliseconds we'll try to add a new value to burstyLimiter, up to its limit of 3.

co {
    for time in Ticker(period: 200.milliseconds).channel {

Now simulate 5 more incoming requests. The first 3 of these will benefit from the burst capability of burstyLimiter.

let burstyRequests = Channel<Int>(bufferSize: 5)

for request in 1... 5 {


for request in burstyRequests {
    print("request \(request) \(now)")

Running our program we see the first batch of requests handled once every ~200 milliseconds as desired.

For the second batch of requests we serve the first 3 immediately because of the burstable rate limiting, then serve the remaining 2 with ~200ms delays each.


request 1 37221046
request 2 37221251
request 3 37221453
request 4 37221658
request 5 37221860

request 1 37221863
request 2 37221864
request 3 37221865
request 4 37222064
request 5 37222265

15 - Stateful Coroutines

In this example our state will be owned by a single coroutine. This will guarantee that the data is never corrupted with concurrent access. In order to read or write that state, other coroutines will send messages to the owning coroutine and receive corresponding replies. These ReadOperation and WriteOperation structs encapsulate those requests and a way for the owning coroutine to respond.

struct ReadOperation {
    let key: Int
    let responses: Channel<Int>

struct WriteOperation {
    let key: Int
    let value: Int
    let responses: Channel<Void>

We'll count how many operations we perform.

var operations = 0

The reads and writes channels will be used by other coroutines to issue read and write requests, respectively.

let reads = Channel<ReadOperation>()
let writes = Channel<WriteOperation>()

Here is the coroutine that owns the state, which is a dictionary private to the stateful coroutine. This coroutine repeatedly selects on the reads and writes channels, responding to requests as they arrive. A response is executed by first performing the requested operation and then sending a value on the response channel responses to indicate success (and the desired value in the case of reads).

co {
    var state: [Int: Int] = [:]
    while true {
        select { when in
            when.received(valueFrom: reads) { read in
                read.responses.send(state[read.key] ?? 0)
            when.received(valueFrom: writes) { write in
                state[write.key] = write.value

This starts 100 coroutines to issue reads to the state-owning coroutine via the reads channel. Each read requires constructing a ReadOperation, sending it over the reads channel, and then receiving the result over the provided responses channel.

for _ in 0 ..< 100 {
    co {
        while true {
            let read = ReadOperation(
                key: random(0...5),
                responses: Channel<Int>()

We start 10 writes as well, using a similar approach.

for _ in 0 ..< 10 {
    co {
        while true {
            let write = WriteOperation(
                key: random(0...5),
                value: random(0...100),
                responses: Channel<Void>()

Let the coroutines work for a second.

nap(for: 1.second)

Finally, capture and report the operations count.

print("operations: \(operations)")


operations: 55798

16 - Chinese Whispers

func whisper(left: SendingChannel<Int>, _ right: ReceivingChannel<Int>) {
    left.send(right.receive()! + 1)

let n = 1000

let leftmost = Channel<Int>()
var right = leftmost
var left = leftmost

for _ in 0..<n {
    right = Channel<Int>()
    co(whisper(left.sendingChannel, right.receivingChannel))
    left = right

co {




17 - Ping Pong

final class Ball {
    var hits: Int = 0

func player(name: String, table: Channel<Ball>) {
    while true {
        let ball = table.receive()!
        ball.hits += 1
        print("\(name) \(ball.hits)")
        nap(for: 100.milliseconds)

let table = Channel<Ball>()

co(player("ping", table: table))
co(player("pong", table: table))

nap(for: 1.second)


ping 1
pong 2
ping 3
pong 4
ping 5
pong 6
ping 7
pong 8
ping 9
pong 10
ping 11

18 - Fibonacci

func fibonacci(n: Int, channel: Channel<Int>) {
    var x = 0
    var y = 1
    for _ in 0..<n {
        (x, y) = (y, x + y)

let fibonacciChannel = Channel<Int>(bufferSize: 10)

co(fibonacci(fibonacciChannel.bufferSize, channel: fibonacciChannel))

for n in fibonacciChannel {



19 - Bomb

let tick = Ticker(period: 100.milliseconds).channel
let boom = Timer(deadline: 500.milliseconds.fromNow()).channel

forSelect { when, done in
    when.received(valueFrom: tick) { _ in
    when.received(valueFrom: boom) { _ in
    when.otherwise {
        print("    .")
        nap(for: 50.milliseconds)



20 - Tree

extension Collection where Index == Int {
    func shuffle() -> [Iterator.Element] {
        var list = Array(self)
        return list

extension MutableCollection where Index == Int {
    mutating func shuffleInPlace() {
        if count < 2 { return }

        for i in 0..<count - 1 {
            let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count - i))) + i
            guard i != j else { continue }
            swap(&self[i], &self[j])

final class Tree<T> {
    var left: Tree?
    var value: T
    var right: Tree?

    init(left: Tree?, value: T, right: Tree?) {
        self.left = left
        self.value = value
        self.right = right

Traverses a tree depth-first, sending each Value on a channel.

func walk<T>(tree: Tree<T>?, channel: Channel<T>) {
    if let tree = tree {
        walk(tree.left, channel: channel)
        walk(tree.right, channel: channel)

Launches a walk in a new coroutine, and returns a read-only channel of values.

func walker<T>(tree: Tree<T>?) -> ReceivingChannel<T> {
    let channel = Channel<T>()
    co {
        walk(tree, channel: channel)
    return channel.receivingChannel

Reads values from two walkers that run simultaneously, and returns true if tree1 and tree2 have the same contents.

func ==<T : Equatable>(tree1: Tree<T>, tree2: Tree<T>) -> Bool {
    let channel1 = walker(tree1)
    let channel2 = walker(tree2)
    while true {
        let value1 = channel1.receive()
        let value2 = channel2.receive()
        if value1 == nil || value2 == nil {
            return value1 == value2
        if value1 != value2 {
    return false

Returns a new, random binary tree holding the values 1k, 2k, ..., n*k.

func newTree(n n: Int, k: Int) -> Tree<Int> {
    var tree: Tree<Int>?
    for value in (1...n).shuffle() {
        tree = insert(tree, value: value * k)
    return tree!

Inserts a value in the tree

func insert(tree: Tree<Int>?, value: Int) -> Tree<Int> {
    if let tree = tree {
        if value < tree.value {
            tree.left = insert(tree.left, value: value)
            return tree
        } else {
            tree.right = insert(tree.right, value: value)
            return tree
    } else {
        return Tree<Int>(left: nil, value: value, right: nil)

let tree = newTree(n: 100, k: 1)

print("Same contents \(tree == newTree(n: 100, k: 1))")
print("Differing sizes \(tree == newTree(n: 99, k: 1))")
print("Differing values \(tree == newTree(n: 100, k: 2))")
print("Dissimilar \(tree == newTree(n: 101, k: 2))")


Same contents true
Differing sizes false
Differing values false
Dissimilar false

21 - Fake RSS Client

struct Item : Equatable {
    let domain: String
    let title: String
    let GUID: String

func ==(lhs: Item, rhs: Item) -> Bool {
    return lhs.GUID == rhs.GUID

struct FetchResponse {
    let items: [Item]
    let nextFetchTime: Int

protocol FetcherType {
    func fetch() -> Result<FetchResponse>

struct Fetcher : FetcherType {
    let domain: String

    func randomItems() -> [Item] {
        let items = [
            Item(domain: domain, title: "Swift 2.0", GUID: "1"),
            Item(domain: domain, title: "Strings in Swift 2", GUID: "2"),
            Item(domain: domain, title: "Swift-er SDK", GUID: "3"),
            Item(domain: domain, title: "Swift 2 Apps in the App Store", GUID: "4"),
            Item(domain: domain, title: "Literals in Playgrounds", GUID: "5"),
            Item(domain: domain, title: "Swift Open Source", GUID: "6")
        return [Item](items[0..<Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(items.count)))])

    func fetch() -> Result<FetchResponse> {
        if arc4random_uniform(2) == 0 {
            let fetchResponse = FetchResponse(
                items: randomItems(),
                nextFetchTime: 300.milliseconds.fromNow()
            return Result.Value(fetchResponse)
        } else {
            struct Error : ErrorProtocol, CustomStringConvertible { let description: String }
            return Result.Error(Error(description: "Network Error"))

protocol SubscriptionType {
    var updates: ReceivingChannel<Item> { get }
    func close() -> ErrorProtocol?

struct Subscription : SubscriptionType {
    let fetcher: FetcherType
    let items = Channel<Item>()
    let closing = Channel<Channel<ErrorProtocol?>>()

    init(fetcher: FetcherType) {
        self.fetcher = fetcher

    var updates: ReceivingChannel<Item> {
        return self.items.receivingChannel

    func getUpdates() {
        let maxPendingItems = 10
        let fetchDone = Channel<Result<FetchResponse>>(bufferSize: 1)

        var lastError: ErrorProtocol?
        var pendingItems: [Item] = []
        var seenItems: [Item] = []
        var nextFetchTime = now
        var fetching = false

        forSelect { when, done in
            when.received(valueFrom: closing) { errorChannel in

            if !fetching && pendingItems.count < maxPendingItems {
                when.timedOut(nextFetchTime) {
                    fetching = true
                    co {

            when.received(resultFrom: fetchDone) { fetchResult in
                fetching = false
                fetchResult.success { response in
                    for item in response.items {
                        if !seenItems.contains(item) {
                    lastError = nil
                    nextFetchTime = response.nextFetchTime
                fetchResult.failure { error in
                    lastError = error
                    nextFetchTime = 1.second.fromNow()

            if let item = pendingItems.first {
                when.sent(item, to: items) {

    func close() -> ErrorProtocol? {
        let errorChannel = Channel<ErrorProtocol?>()
        return errorChannel.receive()!

let fetcher = Fetcher(domain: "")
let subscription = Subscription(fetcher: fetcher)

after(5.seconds) {
    if let lastError = subscription.close() {
        print("Closed with last error: \(lastError)")
    } else {
        print("Closed with no last error")

for item in subscription.updates {
    print("\(item.domain): \(item.title)")

###Output Swift 2.0 Strings in Swift 2 Swift-er SDK Swift 2 Apps in the App Store
Closed with last error: Network Error


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This project is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


CSP (Coroutines, Channels, Select) for Swift







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