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Home Unite Us OpenAPI Server


This is the Home Unite Us web API server.

This server uses the Connexion framework on top of Flask.

It uses the OpenAPI-Spec to document the API it implements.


Python >= 3.10

Run python -V to check the Python version.

Note: On some systems, you might need to use the python3 and pip3 commands.

Usage - Development

Getting Started


The API application configuration must be specified before running the application. Configuration variables can be specified either as environment variables, or as entries within a .env file located within the api directory. To get started, copy the values from one of these configurations into a .env file:

    • [Recommended] This is the easiest configuration to use. It enables debugging, and mocks third party API calls so no secrets are needed to run the API.
  • .env.staging.example
    • This configuration strips all mocking from the application, but allows debugging and other testing related features.
    • This configuration strips all mocking and strictly validates the configuration to ensure that debugging is disabled and that the deployment is production-ready.

Using the staging or production configurations will require access to deployment secrets. If access to these secrets are needed to test a feature locally then you can request the secrets in the HUU slack channel.

Setup and Run

Once the .env file has been configured using the instructions outlined above, run the following commands in the api directory to install the required development dependencies and run the application.

python -m venv .venv          # Creates a virtual environment in the `.venv` directory

# Activate the virtual environment
# If you have Linux/MacOS, then run the following command
source .venv/bin/activate
# Else if run cmd.exe, then run the following command
# Else if run PowerShell, then run the following command

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt  # Installs all of the dependencies for development
alembic upgrade head                 # Initiates or update the local database
python -m openapi_server             # Runs this server in developer mode

The console output will provide the listening address that you can visit through your browser.

If you're seeing error messages, this may be related to missing environment variables. In the api directory, create a .env file and copy and paste the variable definitions from .env.example. Message a team member to receive the necessary values.

and open your browser to here:


Your OpenAPI definition lives here:



The tox tool was installed into your virtual environment using the pip install -r requirements-dev.txt command from above.

To launch the tests, run tox.

tox will run the tests for this (api) project using pytest in an isolated virtual environment that is distinct from the virtual environment that you created following the instructions from Usage - Development. By default tox will invoke pytest in debug mode, which uses 3rd party API mocking. The test cases can optionally be run without mocking by testing the application in release mode, using tox -e releasetest or pytest --mode=release.

Database Management

Running the API requires an up-to-date version of the HomeUniteUs database. You can generate an empty database by running this command from the api directory with a virtual environment enabled.

alembic upgrade head

The current database version can be viewed using the alembic current command, or by inspecting the database alembic_version table. See the model readme for more information about the database project.

Dependency Management

Core dependencies of this project are listed in pyproject.toml under the [project] table's dependencies key. Additionally, this project has two extra variants, dev and prod, that add to the core dependencies. The dev extra variant installs dependencies for developers. The prod extra variant installs dependencies for production.

To aid in testing and building a reproducible, predictable, and deterministic API, this project also includes auto-generated requirements files that contains a list of all core and transitive dependencies with pinned versions. These files are:

  • requirements.txt for a base set dependencies
  • requirements-dev.txt that also includes developer dependencies

Developers will use pip install -r requirements-dev.txt in their own Python virtual environment when working on this API.

These files are auto-generated using the pip-tools command line tool pip-compile. That tool reads the core dependencies listed pyproject.toml then writes the generated list of pinned versions for all of the core and transitive dependencies to a requirements file. The instructions for updating dependencies is in pyproject.toml.

Keeping dependencies in sync

When switching branches or pulling changes, use the pip-sync requirements-dev.txt command to keep your virtual environment synchronized with the latest requirements file.

Using Docker

Running with Docker

To run the server on a Docker container, please execute the following from the root directory:

# building the image
docker build -t openapi_server .

# starting up a container
docker run -p 8080:8080 openapi_server

Running with Docker Compose

If it's your first time running/building the containers run the following command from the root directory:

docker compose up api --build

This command will build and start both the api and db containers. You can check they are running by with:

docker ps

You should see two containers running with the names homeuniteus-api-1 and homeuniteus-db-1. For subsequent runs you can simply run:

docker compose up api

To stop the containers run:

docker compose down

If you would like to interact with the postgres database you can run. Make sure you have the postgres client installed on your machine and have the database container running. Then use the command:

docker exec -it homeuniteus-db-1 psql -U postgres -W huu

This will prompt you for a password. The password is postgres. You can see this information in the docker-compose.yml file. This starts a new psql session. You can then run any psql commands you would like. For example, to see all the tables in the database run:


or to select all the users from the user table run:

SELECT * FROM public.user;

to end the session just type \q.

If you want to clear the database and start from scratch you can run:

docker compose down -v

This command will stop the containers and delete the volumes. Then you can run docker compose up api --build to build and start the containers again.

Testing in a Docker Container

You can run the api test cases directly within the docker container. To do this, get the docker container Id by reviewing the output from docker ps or use the following Powershell or shell commands.

# Find the container id (result will be empty if container is not running)
# (-q only display ids, -f filter output)
$api_container_id = docker ps -qf "ancestor=homeuniteus-api"

# Run api tests within the container
docker exec $api_container_id pytest
# Find the container id (result will be empty if container is not running)
# (-q only display ids, -f filter output)

# Run api tests within the container
docker exec `docker ps -qf "ancestor=homeuniteus-api"` pytest


Debugging is enabled when using the development configuration. It can also be enabled on the staging configuration by setting the FLASK_DEBUG environment variable to True, or adding a FLASK_DEBUG=True to your local .env file. When debugging is enabled, the API server will automatically reload each time you save a change to the source code.

Usage - Production

A WSGI server is needed to run our application. A WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) server is a bridge between a web server and web applications. The server handles requests, invokes the web application, translates responses back to HTTP, and also manages concurrency to ensure the server can handle multiple requests simultaneously.

While Flask does provide a built-in development server, it is not intended for production use. Therefore, we utilize a third-party, production-grade WSGI server to manage our application. Various options exist, but we've chosen gunicorn. gunicorn does not support Windows, but you can use another WSGI server like waitress if Windows support is needed.

WSGI servers like gunicorn require the python module to be installed on the system, in order to properly import the application class. The general method to run the server with gunicorn has the following form:

# The string tells gunicorn where to obtain the application object to run.
# In this case, the application object is constructed and returned by the `create_app`
# function defined in the `` module.
gunicorn "openapi_server.__main__:create_app()"

gunicorn can communicate over a network socket or a unix socket. See the gunicorn deploy documentation for options.


The demo environment is an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu. On the Ubuntu EC2 instance, systemd manages the services required to run the frontend application, backend application, HTTP server/proxy, and database:

  1. postgresql.service - Runs the PostgreSQL database
  2. nginx.service - handles HTTPS termination, serves this API and the front-end application
  3. dev-homeuniteus-api.service - runs this API via gunicorn with a unix socket that nginx uses
  4. pgAdmin.service - runs the pgAdmin4 application for developers to check the database contents

For this API, a GitHub deployment workflow (found in .github/workflows) creates a Python sdist (Source Distribution) containing only the required files necessary for deployment, uploads it, installs the API, and restarts the dev-homeuniteus-api service.

The Swagger UI for the API on the demo environment is at