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Go: red black tree

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Binary Search Tree is not always balanced, as below:


This is still a valid binary search tree but not a balanced binary tree. The worst case time complexity of search is O(n), not O(log n). Likewise average time complexity of insertion and deletion is O(log n), but the worst case is O(n).

Then what if we maintain the balance of a binary search tree? Tree would be always be balanced so guarantee searching in O(log n). This is where red black tree—a self-balancing binary search tree—comes in. Like a binary search tree, it is a good data structure for searching algorithms.


And what if we have more than two(binary) children per node? It would be N-ary tree. And allowing multiple branches per node decreases tree height, which means less operations are required for searchingfaster lookup. This is where b-treegeneralization of a binary search tree—comes in. Database can minimize the number of disk accesses for data retrieval.


↑ top

Left-Leaning Red-Black Tree (llrb)

Left-Leaning Red Black Tree (or llrb) properties are as follows:

  • Every node(or edge) is either black or red.
  • Every path from root to null Node has the same number of black nodes.
  • Red nodes lean left.
  • Two red nodes in a row are not allowed.

↑ top

llrb: RotateToLeft

Here's how to RotateToLeft:

llrb_rotate_to_left_00 llrb_rotate_to_left_01 llrb_rotate_to_left_02 llrb_rotate_to_left_result

And code:

package main

import "fmt"

// Tree contains a Root node of a binary search tree.
type Tree struct {
	Root *Node

// New returns a new Tree with its root Node.
func New(root *Node) *Tree {
	tr := &Tree{}
	root.Black = true
	tr.Root = root
	return tr

// Interface represents a single object in the tree.
type Interface interface {
	// Less returns true when the receiver item(key)
	// is less than the given(than) argument.
	Less(than Interface) bool

// Node is a Node and a Tree itself.
type Node struct {
	// Left is a left child Node.
	Left *Node

	Key   Interface
	Black bool // True when the color of parent link is black.
	// In Left-Leaning Red-Black tree, new nodes are always red
	// because the zero boolean value is false.
	// Null links are black.

	// Right is a right child Node.
	Right *Node

// NewNode returns a new Node.
func NewNode(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := &Node{}
	nd.Key = key
	nd.Black = false
	return nd

func (tr *Tree) String() string {
	return tr.Root.String()

func (nd *Node) String() string {
	if nd == nil {
		return "[]"
	s := ""
	if nd.Left != nil {
		s += nd.Left.String() + " "
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", nd.Key, nd.Black)
	if nd.Right != nil {
		s += " " + nd.Right.String()
	return "[" + s + "]"

func isRed(nd *Node) bool {
	if nd == nil {
		return false
	return !nd.Black

// insert inserts nd2 with nd1 as a root.
func (nd1 *Node) insert(nd2 *Node) *Node {
	if nd1 == nil {
		return nd2
	if nd1.Key.Less(nd2.Key) {
		// nd1 is smaller than nd2
		// nd1 < nd2
		nd1.Right = nd1.Right.insert(nd2)
	} else {
		// nd1 is greater than nd2
		// nd1 >= nd2
		nd1.Left = nd1.Left.insert(nd2)
	// Balance from nd1
	return Balance(nd1)

// Insert inserts a Node to a Tree without replacement.
// It does standard BST insert and colors the new link red.
// If the new red link is a right link, rotate left.
// If two left red links in a row, rotate to right and flip color.
// (
// Note that it recursively balances from its parent nodes
// to the root node at the top.
// And make sure paint the Root black(not-red).
func (tr *Tree) Insert(nd *Node) {
	if tr.Root == nd {
	tr.Root = tr.Root.insert(nd)

	// Root node must be always black.
	tr.Root.Black = true

// RotateToLeft runs when there is a right-leaning link.
// tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Right.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Right child
	x := nd.Right
	nd.Right = x.Left
	x.Left = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// RotateToRight runs when there are two left red links in a row.
// tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Left.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Left child
	x := nd.Left
	nd.Left = x.Right
	x.Right = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// FlipColor flips the color.
// Left and Right children must be present
func FlipColor(nd *Node) {
	// nd is parent node
	nd.Black = !nd.Black
	nd.Left.Black = !nd.Left.Black
	nd.Right.Black = !nd.Right.Black

// Balance balances the Node.
func Balance(nd *Node) *Node {
	// nd is parent node
	if isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Left) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

type Float64 float64

// Less returns true if float64(a) < float64(b).
func (a Float64) Less(b Interface) bool {
	return a < b.(Float64)

func main() {
	node3 := NewNode(Float64(3))
	node3.Black = true

	node1 := NewNode(Float64(1))
	node1.Black = true

	node13 := NewNode(Float64(13))
	node13.Black = false

	node9 := NewNode(Float64(9))
	node9.Black = true

	node17 := NewNode(Float64(17))
	node17.Black = true

	tr := New(node3)
	tr.Root.Right = node13
	tr.Root.Right.Left = node9
	tr.Root.Right.Right = node17
	tr.Root.Left = node1
	      /      \
	   1(B)      13(R)
	            /   \
	         9(B)  17(B)
	fmt.Println("Before tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root)")

	tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root)
			   	  /     \
			   3(R)     17(B)
			  /   \
		   1(B)   9(B)

	fmt.Println("After tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root)")
	// Output:
	// Before tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root)
	// [1(true)]
	// [[1(true)] 3(true) [[9(true)] 13(false) [17(true)]]]
	// [[9(true)] 13(false) [17(true)]]
	// After tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root)
	// [[1(true)] 3(false) [9(true)]]
	// [[[1(true)] 3(false) [9(true)]] 13(true) [17(true)]]
	// [17(true)]

↑ top

llrb: RotateToRight

Here's how to RotateToRight:

llrb_rotate_to_right_00 llrb_rotate_to_right_01 llrb_rotate_to_right_02 llrb_rotate_to_right_result

And code:

package main

import "fmt"

// Tree contains a Root node of a binary search tree.
type Tree struct {
	Root *Node

// New returns a new Tree with its root Node.
func New(root *Node) *Tree {
	tr := &Tree{}
	root.Black = true
	tr.Root = root
	return tr

// Interface represents a single object in the tree.
type Interface interface {
	// Less returns true when the receiver item(key)
	// is less than the given(than) argument.
	Less(than Interface) bool

// Node is a Node and a Tree itself.
type Node struct {
	// Left is a left child Node.
	Left *Node

	Key   Interface
	Black bool // True when the color of parent link is black.
	// In Left-Leaning Red-Black tree, new nodes are always red
	// because the zero boolean value is false.
	// Null links are black.

	// Right is a right child Node.
	Right *Node

// NewNode returns a new Node.
func NewNode(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := &Node{}
	nd.Key = key
	nd.Black = false
	return nd

func (tr *Tree) String() string {
	return tr.Root.String()

func (nd *Node) String() string {
	if nd == nil {
		return "[]"
	s := ""
	if nd.Left != nil {
		s += nd.Left.String() + " "
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", nd.Key, nd.Black)
	if nd.Right != nil {
		s += " " + nd.Right.String()
	return "[" + s + "]"

func isRed(nd *Node) bool {
	if nd == nil {
		return false
	return !nd.Black

// insert inserts nd2 with nd1 as a root.
func (nd1 *Node) insert(nd2 *Node) *Node {
	if nd1 == nil {
		return nd2
	if nd1.Key.Less(nd2.Key) {
		// nd1 is smaller than nd2
		// nd1 < nd2
		nd1.Right = nd1.Right.insert(nd2)
	} else {
		// nd1 is greater than nd2
		// nd1 >= nd2
		nd1.Left = nd1.Left.insert(nd2)
	// Balance from nd1
	return Balance(nd1)

// Insert inserts a Node to a Tree without replacement.
// It does standard BST insert and colors the new link red.
// If the new red link is a right link, rotate left.
// If two left red links in a row, rotate to right and flip color.
// (
// Note that it recursively balances from its parent nodes
// to the root node at the top.
// And make sure paint the Root black(not-red).
func (tr *Tree) Insert(nd *Node) {
	if tr.Root == nd {
	tr.Root = tr.Root.insert(nd)

	// Root node must be always black.
	tr.Root.Black = true

// RotateToLeft runs when there is a right-leaning link.
// tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Right.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Right child
	x := nd.Right
	nd.Right = x.Left
	x.Left = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// RotateToRight runs when there are two left red links in a row.
// tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Left.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Left child
	x := nd.Left
	nd.Left = x.Right
	x.Right = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// FlipColor flips the color.
// Left and Right children must be present
func FlipColor(nd *Node) {
	// nd is parent node
	nd.Black = !nd.Black
	nd.Left.Black = !nd.Left.Black
	nd.Right.Black = !nd.Right.Black

// Balance balances the Node.
func Balance(nd *Node) *Node {
	// nd is parent node
	if isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Left) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

type Float64 float64

// Less returns true if float64(a) < float64(b).
func (a Float64) Less(b Interface) bool {
	return a < b.(Float64)

func main() {
	node20 := NewNode(Float64(20))
	node20.Black = true

	node39 := NewNode(Float64(39))
	node39.Black = true

	node25 := NewNode(Float64(25))
	node25.Black = false

	node16 := NewNode(Float64(16))
	node16.Black = false

	node15 := NewNode(Float64(15))
	node15.Black = true

	node17 := NewNode(Float64(17))
	node17.Black = true

	tr := New(node20)
	tr.Root.Right = node39
	tr.Root.Right.Left = node25
	tr.Root.Left = node16
	tr.Root.Left.Left = node15
	tr.Root.Left.Right = node17
	            /     \
	       16(R)     39(B)
	       /   \       /
	   15(B)  17(B)  25(R)
	fmt.Println("Before tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root)")

	tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root)
	      /     \
	   15(B)     20(R)
	            /    \
	        17(B)     39(B)

	fmt.Println("After tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root)")
	// Output:
	// Before tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root)
	// [[15(true)] 16(false) [17(true)]]
	// [[[15(true)] 16(false) [17(true)]] 20(true) [[25(false)] 39(true)]]
	// [[25(false)] 39(true)]
	// After tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root)
	// [15(true)]
	// [[15(true)] 16(true) [[17(true)] 20(false) [[25(false)] 39(true)]]]
	// [[17(true)] 20(false) [[25(false)] 39(true)]]

↑ top

llrb: FlipColor

And Here's how to FlipColor:


And code:

package main

import "fmt"

// Tree contains a Root node of a binary search tree.
type Tree struct {
	Root *Node

// New returns a new Tree with its root Node.
func New(root *Node) *Tree {
	tr := &Tree{}
	root.Black = true
	tr.Root = root
	return tr

// Interface represents a single object in the tree.
type Interface interface {
	// Less returns true when the receiver item(key)
	// is less than the given(than) argument.
	Less(than Interface) bool

// Node is a Node and a Tree itself.
type Node struct {
	// Left is a left child Node.
	Left *Node

	Key   Interface
	Black bool // True when the color of parent link is black.
	// In Left-Leaning Red-Black tree, new nodes are always red
	// because the zero boolean value is false.
	// Null links are black.

	// Right is a right child Node.
	Right *Node

// NewNode returns a new Node.
func NewNode(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := &Node{}
	nd.Key = key
	nd.Black = false
	return nd

func (tr *Tree) String() string {
	return tr.Root.String()

func (nd *Node) String() string {
	if nd == nil {
		return "[]"
	s := ""
	if nd.Left != nil {
		s += nd.Left.String() + " "
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", nd.Key, nd.Black)
	if nd.Right != nil {
		s += " " + nd.Right.String()
	return "[" + s + "]"

func isRed(nd *Node) bool {
	if nd == nil {
		return false
	return !nd.Black

// insert inserts nd2 with nd1 as a root.
func (nd1 *Node) insert(nd2 *Node) *Node {
	if nd1 == nil {
		return nd2
	if nd1.Key.Less(nd2.Key) {
		// nd1 is smaller than nd2
		// nd1 < nd2
		nd1.Right = nd1.Right.insert(nd2)
	} else {
		// nd1 is greater than nd2
		// nd1 >= nd2
		nd1.Left = nd1.Left.insert(nd2)
	// Balance from nd1
	return Balance(nd1)

// Insert inserts a Node to a Tree without replacement.
// It does standard BST insert and colors the new link red.
// If the new red link is a right link, rotate left.
// If two left red links in a row, rotate to right and flip color.
// (
// Note that it recursively balances from its parent nodes
// to the root node at the top.
// And make sure paint the Root black(not-red).
func (tr *Tree) Insert(nd *Node) {
	if tr.Root == nd {
	tr.Root = tr.Root.insert(nd)

	// Root node must be always black.
	tr.Root.Black = true

// RotateToLeft runs when there is a right-leaning link.
// tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Right.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Right child
	x := nd.Right
	nd.Right = x.Left
	x.Left = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// RotateToRight runs when there are two left red links in a row.
// tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Left.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Left child
	x := nd.Left
	nd.Left = x.Right
	x.Right = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// FlipColor flips the color.
// Left and Right children must be present
func FlipColor(nd *Node) {
	// nd is parent node
	nd.Black = !nd.Black
	nd.Left.Black = !nd.Left.Black
	nd.Right.Black = !nd.Right.Black

// Balance balances the Node.
func Balance(nd *Node) *Node {
	// nd is parent node
	if isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Left) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

type Float64 float64

// Less returns true if float64(a) < float64(b).
func (a Float64) Less(b Interface) bool {
	return a < b.(Float64)

func main() {
	node3 := NewNode(Float64(3))
	node3.Black = true

	node1 := NewNode(Float64(1))
	node1.Black = true

	node13 := NewNode(Float64(13))
	node13.Black = true

	node9 := NewNode(Float64(9))
	node9.Black = true

	node17 := NewNode(Float64(17))
	node17.Black = true

	tr := New(node3)
	tr.Root.Right = node13
	tr.Root.Right.Left = node9
	tr.Root.Right.Right = node17
	tr.Root.Left = node1
	      /      \
	   1(B)      13(B)
	            /   \
	         9(B)  17(B)
	fmt.Println("Before FlipColor(tr.Root.Right)")

	      /      \
	   1(B)      13(R)
	            /   \
	         9(R)  17(R)

	fmt.Println("After FlipColor(tr.Root.Right)")
	// Output:
	// Before FlipColor(tr.Root.Right)
	// [1(true)]
	// [[1(true)] 3(true) [[9(true)] 13(true) [17(true)]]]
	// [[9(true)] 13(true) [17(true)]]
	// After FlipColor(tr.Root.Right)
	// [1(true)]
	// [[1(true)] 3(true) [[9(false)] 13(false) [17(false)]]]
	// [[9(false)] 13(false) [17(false)]]

↑ top

llrb: MoveRedFromRightToLeft

Here's how to MoveRedFromRightToLeft:

llrb_move_red_from_right_to_left_00 llrb_move_red_from_right_to_left_01 llrb_move_red_from_right_to_left_02 llrb_move_red_from_right_to_left_03 llrb_move_red_from_right_to_left_04 llrb_move_red_from_right_to_left_05 llrb_move_red_from_right_to_left_result

↑ top

llrb: MoveRedFromLeftToRight

Here's how to MoveRedFromLeftToRight:

llrb_move_red_from_left_to_right_00 llrb_move_red_from_left_to_right_01 llrb_move_red_from_left_to_right_02 llrb_move_red_from_left_to_right_03 llrb_move_red_from_left_to_right_04 llrb_move_red_from_left_to_right_result

↑ top

llrb: Insert

Here's how llrb(Left-Leaning Red Black Tree) inserts. Note that insertion always sets the root as black at the end:

llrb_insert_00 llrb_insert_01 llrb_insert_02 llrb_insert_03 llrb_insert_04 llrb_insert_05 llrb_insert_06 llrb_insert_07 llrb_insert_08 llrb_insert_09 llrb_insert_10 llrb_insert_11 llrb_insert_12 llrb_insert_13 llrb_insert_14 llrb_insert_15 llrb_insert_16 llrb_insert_17 llrb_insert_18 llrb_insert_19

And code:

package main

import "fmt"

// Tree contains a Root node of a binary search tree.
type Tree struct {
	Root *Node

// New returns a new Tree with its root Node.
func New(root *Node) *Tree {
	tr := &Tree{}
	root.Black = true
	tr.Root = root
	return tr

// Interface represents a single object in the tree.
type Interface interface {
	// Less returns true when the receiver item(key)
	// is less than the given(than) argument.
	Less(than Interface) bool

// Node is a Node and a Tree itself.
type Node struct {
	// Left is a left child Node.
	Left *Node

	Key   Interface
	Black bool // True when the color of parent link is black.
	// In Left-Leaning Red-Black tree, new nodes are always red
	// because the zero boolean value is false.
	// Null links are black.

	// Right is a right child Node.
	Right *Node

// NewNode returns a new Node.
func NewNode(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := &Node{}
	nd.Key = key
	nd.Black = false
	return nd

func (tr *Tree) String() string {
	return tr.Root.String()

func (nd *Node) String() string {
	if nd == nil {
		return "[]"
	s := ""
	if nd.Left != nil {
		s += nd.Left.String() + " "
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", nd.Key, nd.Black)
	if nd.Right != nil {
		s += " " + nd.Right.String()
	return "[" + s + "]"

func isRed(nd *Node) bool {
	if nd == nil {
		return false
	return !nd.Black

// insert inserts nd2 with nd1 as a root.
func (nd1 *Node) insert(nd2 *Node) *Node {
	if nd1 == nil {
		return nd2
	if nd1.Key.Less(nd2.Key) {
		// nd1 is smaller than nd2
		// nd1 < nd2
		nd1.Right = nd1.Right.insert(nd2)
	} else {
		// nd1 is greater than nd2
		// nd1 >= nd2
		nd1.Left = nd1.Left.insert(nd2)
	// Balance from nd1
	return Balance(nd1)

// Insert inserts a Node to a Tree without replacement.
// It does standard BST insert and colors the new link red.
// If the new red link is a right link, rotate left.
// If two left red links in a row, rotate to right and flip color.
// (
// Note that it recursively balances from its parent nodes
// to the root node at the top.
// And make sure paint the Root black(not-red).
func (tr *Tree) Insert(nd *Node) {
	if tr.Root == nd {
	tr.Root = tr.Root.insert(nd)

	// Root node must be always black.
	tr.Root.Black = true

// RotateToLeft runs when there is a right-leaning link.
// tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Right.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Right child
	x := nd.Right
	nd.Right = x.Left
	x.Left = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// RotateToRight runs when there are two left red links in a row.
// tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Left.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Left child
	x := nd.Left
	nd.Left = x.Right
	x.Right = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// FlipColor flips the color.
// Left and Right children must be present
func FlipColor(nd *Node) {
	// nd is parent node
	nd.Black = !nd.Black
	nd.Left.Black = !nd.Left.Black
	nd.Right.Black = !nd.Right.Black

// MoveRedFromRightToLeft moves Red Node
// from Right sub-Tree to Left sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right.Left) {
		nd.Right = RotateToRight(nd.Right)
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	return nd

// MoveRedFromLeftToRight moves Red Node
// from Left sub-Tree to Right sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	return nd

// Balance balances the Node.
func Balance(nd *Node) *Node {
	// nd is parent node
	if isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Left) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

// FixUp fixes the balances of the Node.
func FixUp(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

type Float64 float64

// Less returns true if float64(a) < float64(b).
func (a Float64) Less(b Interface) bool {
	return a < b.(Float64)

func main() {
	root := NewNode(Float64(1))
	tr := New(root)
	nums := []float64{3, 9, 13}
	for _, num := range nums {
	// [[1(true)] 3(true) [[9(false)] 13(true)]]
	    / \
	   1   13

↑ top

llrb: Search

search is exactly the same as Binary Search Tree, as here.

package main

import "fmt"

// Tree contains a Root node of a binary search tree.
type Tree struct {
	Root *Node

// New returns a new Tree with its root Node.
func New(root *Node) *Tree {
	tr := &Tree{}
	root.Black = true
	tr.Root = root
	return tr

// Interface represents a single object in the tree.
type Interface interface {
	// Less returns true when the receiver item(key)
	// is less than the given(than) argument.
	Less(than Interface) bool

// Node is a Node and a Tree itself.
type Node struct {
	// Left is a left child Node.
	Left *Node

	Key   Interface
	Black bool // True when the color of parent link is black.
	// In Left-Leaning Red-Black tree, new nodes are always red
	// because the zero boolean value is false.
	// Null links are black.

	// Right is a right child Node.
	Right *Node

// NewNode returns a new Node.
func NewNode(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := &Node{}
	nd.Key = key
	nd.Black = false
	return nd

func (tr *Tree) String() string {
	return tr.Root.String()

func (nd *Node) String() string {
	if nd == nil {
		return "[]"
	s := ""
	if nd.Left != nil {
		s += nd.Left.String() + " "
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", nd.Key, nd.Black)
	if nd.Right != nil {
		s += " " + nd.Right.String()
	return "[" + s + "]"

func isRed(nd *Node) bool {
	if nd == nil {
		return false
	return !nd.Black

// insert inserts nd2 with nd1 as a root.
func (nd1 *Node) insert(nd2 *Node) *Node {
	if nd1 == nil {
		return nd2
	if nd1.Key.Less(nd2.Key) {
		// nd1 is smaller than nd2
		// nd1 < nd2
		nd1.Right = nd1.Right.insert(nd2)
	} else {
		// nd1 is greater than nd2
		// nd1 >= nd2
		nd1.Left = nd1.Left.insert(nd2)
	// Balance from nd1
	return Balance(nd1)

// Insert inserts a Node to a Tree without replacement.
// It does standard BST insert and colors the new link red.
// If the new red link is a right link, rotate left.
// If two left red links in a row, rotate to right and flip color.
// (
// Note that it recursively balances from its parent nodes
// to the root node at the top.
// And make sure paint the Root black(not-red).
func (tr *Tree) Insert(nd *Node) {
	if tr.Root == nd {
	tr.Root = tr.Root.insert(nd)

	// Root node must be always black.
	tr.Root.Black = true

// RotateToLeft runs when there is a right-leaning link.
// tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Right.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Right child
	x := nd.Right
	nd.Right = x.Left
	x.Left = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// RotateToRight runs when there are two left red links in a row.
// tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Left.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Left child
	x := nd.Left
	nd.Left = x.Right
	x.Right = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// FlipColor flips the color.
// Left and Right children must be present
func FlipColor(nd *Node) {
	// nd is parent node
	nd.Black = !nd.Black
	nd.Left.Black = !nd.Left.Black
	nd.Right.Black = !nd.Right.Black

// MoveRedFromRightToLeft moves Red Node
// from Right sub-Tree to Left sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right.Left) {
		nd.Right = RotateToRight(nd.Right)
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	return nd

// MoveRedFromLeftToRight moves Red Node
// from Left sub-Tree to Right sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	return nd

// Balance balances the Node.
func Balance(nd *Node) *Node {
	// nd is parent node
	if isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Left) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

// FixUp fixes the balances of the Node.
func FixUp(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

type Float64 float64

// Less returns true if float64(a) < float64(b).
func (a Float64) Less(b Interface) bool {
	return a < b.(Float64)

// Min returns the minimum key Node in the tree.
func (tr Tree) Min() *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	if nd == nil {
		return nil
	for nd.Left != nil {
		nd = nd.Left
	return nd

// Max returns the maximum key Node in the tree.
func (tr *Tree) Max() *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	if nd == nil {
		return nil
	for nd.Right != nil {
		nd = nd.Right
	return nd

// Search does binary-search on a given key and returns the first Node with the key.
func (tr Tree) Search(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	// just updating the pointer value (address)
	for nd != nil {
		if nd.Key == nil {
		switch {
		case nd.Key.Less(key):
			nd = nd.Right
		case key.Less(nd.Key):
			nd = nd.Left
			return nd
	return nil

// SearchChan does binary-search on a given key and return the first Node with the key.
func (tr Tree) SearchChan(key Interface, ch chan *Node) {
	searchChan(tr.Root, key, ch)

func searchChan(nd *Node, key Interface, ch chan *Node) {
	// leaf node
	if nd == nil {
	// when equal
	if !nd.Key.Less(key) && !key.Less(nd.Key) {
		ch <- nd
	searchChan(nd.Left, key, ch)  // left
	searchChan(nd.Right, key, ch) // right

// SearchParent does binary-search on a given key and returns the parent Node.
func (tr Tree) SearchParent(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	parent := new(Node)
	parent = nil
	// just updating the pointer value (address)
	for nd != nil {
		if nd.Key == nil {
		switch {
		case nd.Key.Less(key):
			parent = nd // copy the pointer(address)
			nd = nd.Right
		case key.Less(nd.Key):
			parent = nd // copy the pointer(address)
			nd = nd.Left
			return parent
	return nil

func main() {
	root := NewNode(Float64(1))
	tr := New(root)
	nums := []float64{3, 9, 13}
	for _, num := range nums {
	// [9(false)]
	    / \
	   1   13

↑ top

llrb: Traverse

traverse is exactly the same as Binary Search Tree, as here.

package main

import (

// Tree contains a Root node of a binary search tree.
type Tree struct {
	Root *Node

// New returns a new Tree with its root Node.
func New(root *Node) *Tree {
	tr := &Tree{}
	root.Black = true
	tr.Root = root
	return tr

// Interface represents a single object in the tree.
type Interface interface {
	// Less returns true when the receiver item(key)
	// is less than the given(than) argument.
	Less(than Interface) bool

// Node is a Node and a Tree itself.
type Node struct {
	// Left is a left child Node.
	Left *Node

	Key   Interface
	Black bool // True when the color of parent link is black.
	// In Left-Leaning Red-Black tree, new nodes are always red
	// because the zero boolean value is false.
	// Null links are black.

	// Right is a right child Node.
	Right *Node

// NewNode returns a new Node.
func NewNode(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := &Node{}
	nd.Key = key
	nd.Black = false
	return nd

func (tr *Tree) String() string {
	return tr.Root.String()

func (nd *Node) String() string {
	if nd == nil {
		return "[]"
	s := ""
	if nd.Left != nil {
		s += nd.Left.String() + " "
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", nd.Key, nd.Black)
	if nd.Right != nil {
		s += " " + nd.Right.String()
	return "[" + s + "]"

func isRed(nd *Node) bool {
	if nd == nil {
		return false
	return !nd.Black

// insert inserts nd2 with nd1 as a root.
func (nd1 *Node) insert(nd2 *Node) *Node {
	if nd1 == nil {
		return nd2
	if nd1.Key.Less(nd2.Key) {
		// nd1 is smaller than nd2
		// nd1 < nd2
		nd1.Right = nd1.Right.insert(nd2)
	} else {
		// nd1 is greater than nd2
		// nd1 >= nd2
		nd1.Left = nd1.Left.insert(nd2)
	// Balance from nd1
	return Balance(nd1)

// Insert inserts a Node to a Tree without replacement.
// It does standard BST insert and colors the new link red.
// If the new red link is a right link, rotate left.
// If two left red links in a row, rotate to right and flip color.
// (
// Note that it recursively balances from its parent nodes
// to the root node at the top.
// And make sure paint the Root black(not-red).
func (tr *Tree) Insert(nd *Node) {
	if tr.Root == nd {
	tr.Root = tr.Root.insert(nd)

	// Root node must be always black.
	tr.Root.Black = true

// RotateToLeft runs when there is a right-leaning link.
// tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Right.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Right child
	x := nd.Right
	nd.Right = x.Left
	x.Left = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// RotateToRight runs when there are two left red links in a row.
// tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Left.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Left child
	x := nd.Left
	nd.Left = x.Right
	x.Right = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// FlipColor flips the color.
// Left and Right children must be present
func FlipColor(nd *Node) {
	// nd is parent node
	nd.Black = !nd.Black
	nd.Left.Black = !nd.Left.Black
	nd.Right.Black = !nd.Right.Black

// MoveRedFromRightToLeft moves Red Node
// from Right sub-Tree to Left sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right.Left) {
		nd.Right = RotateToRight(nd.Right)
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	return nd

// MoveRedFromLeftToRight moves Red Node
// from Left sub-Tree to Right sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	return nd

// Balance balances the Node.
func Balance(nd *Node) *Node {
	// nd is parent node
	if isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Left) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

// FixUp fixes the balances of the Node.
func FixUp(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

type Float64 float64

// Less returns true if float64(a) < float64(b).
func (a Float64) Less(b Interface) bool {
	return a < b.(Float64)

// Min returns the minimum key Node in the tree.
func (tr Tree) Min() *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	if nd == nil {
		return nil
	for nd.Left != nil {
		nd = nd.Left
	return nd

// Max returns the maximum key Node in the tree.
func (tr *Tree) Max() *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	if nd == nil {
		return nil
	for nd.Right != nil {
		nd = nd.Right
	return nd

// Search does binary-search on a given key and returns the first Node with the key.
func (tr Tree) Search(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	// just updating the pointer value (address)
	for nd != nil {
		if nd.Key == nil {
		switch {
		case nd.Key.Less(key):
			nd = nd.Right
		case key.Less(nd.Key):
			nd = nd.Left
			return nd
	return nil

// SearchChan does binary-search on a given key and return the first Node with the key.
func (tr Tree) SearchChan(key Interface, ch chan *Node) {
	searchChan(tr.Root, key, ch)

func searchChan(nd *Node, key Interface, ch chan *Node) {
	// leaf node
	if nd == nil {
	// when equal
	if !nd.Key.Less(key) && !key.Less(nd.Key) {
		ch <- nd
	searchChan(nd.Left, key, ch)  // left
	searchChan(nd.Right, key, ch) // right

// SearchParent does binary-search on a given key and returns the parent Node.
func (tr Tree) SearchParent(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	parent := new(Node)
	parent = nil
	// just updating the pointer value (address)
	for nd != nil {
		if nd.Key == nil {
		switch {
		case nd.Key.Less(key):
			parent = nd // copy the pointer(address)
			nd = nd.Right
		case key.Less(nd.Key):
			parent = nd // copy the pointer(address)
			nd = nd.Left
			return parent
	return nil

func main() {
	root := NewNode(Float64(1))
	tr := New(root)
	nums := []float64{3, 9, 13}
	for _, num := range nums {

	buf1 := new(bytes.Buffer)
	ch1 := make(chan string)
	go tr.PreOrder(ch1) // root, left, right
	for {
		v, ok := <-ch1
		if !ok {
		buf1.WriteString(" ")
	fmt.Println("PreOrder:", buf1.String()) // PreOrder: 3 1 13 9

	buf2 := new(bytes.Buffer)
	ch2 := make(chan string)
	go tr.InOrder(ch2) // left, root, right
	for {
		v, ok := <-ch2
		if !ok {
		buf2.WriteString(" ")
	fmt.Println("InOrder:", buf2.String()) // InOrder: 1 3 9 13

	buf3 := new(bytes.Buffer)
	ch3 := make(chan string)
	go tr.PostOrder(ch3) // left, right, root
	for {
		v, ok := <-ch3
		if !ok {
		buf3.WriteString(" ")
	fmt.Println("PostOrder:", buf3.String()) // PostOrder: 1 9 13 3

	buf4 := new(bytes.Buffer)
	nodes4 := tr.LevelOrder() // from top-level
	for _, v := range nodes4 {
		buf4.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v ", v.Key))
	fmt.Println("LevelOrder:", buf4.String()) // LevelOrder: 3 1 13 9

// PreOrder traverses from Root, Left-SubTree, and Right-SubTree. (DFS)
func (tr *Tree) PreOrder(ch chan string) {
	preOrder(tr.Root, ch)

func preOrder(nd *Node, ch chan string) {
	// leaf node
	if nd == nil {
	ch <- fmt.Sprintf("%v", nd.Key) // root
	preOrder(nd.Left, ch)           // left
	preOrder(nd.Right, ch)          // right

// ComparePreOrder returns true if two Trees are same with PreOrder.
func ComparePreOrder(t1, t2 *Tree) bool {
	ch1, ch2 := make(chan string), make(chan string)
	go t1.PreOrder(ch1)
	go t2.PreOrder(ch2)
	for {
		v1, ok1 := <-ch1
		v2, ok2 := <-ch2
		if v1 != v2 || ok1 != ok2 {
			return false
		if !ok1 {
	return true

// InOrder traverses from Left-SubTree, Root, and Right-SubTree. (DFS)
func (tr *Tree) InOrder(ch chan string) {
	inOrder(tr.Root, ch)

func inOrder(nd *Node, ch chan string) {
	// leaf node
	if nd == nil {
	inOrder(nd.Left, ch)            // left
	ch <- fmt.Sprintf("%v", nd.Key) // root
	inOrder(nd.Right, ch)           // right

// CompareInOrder returns true if two Trees are same with InOrder.
func CompareInOrder(t1, t2 *Tree) bool {
	ch1, ch2 := make(chan string), make(chan string)
	go t1.InOrder(ch1)
	go t2.InOrder(ch2)
	for {
		v1, ok1 := <-ch1
		v2, ok2 := <-ch2
		if v1 != v2 || ok1 != ok2 {
			return false
		if !ok1 {
	return true

// PostOrder traverses from Left-SubTree, Right-SubTree, and Root.
func (tr *Tree) PostOrder(ch chan string) {
	postOrder(tr.Root, ch)

func postOrder(nd *Node, ch chan string) {
	// leaf node
	if nd == nil {
	postOrder(nd.Left, ch)          // left
	postOrder(nd.Right, ch)         // right
	ch <- fmt.Sprintf("%v", nd.Key) // root

// ComparePostOrder returns true if two Trees are same with PostOrder.
func ComparePostOrder(t1, t2 *Tree) bool {
	ch1, ch2 := make(chan string), make(chan string)
	go t1.PostOrder(ch1)
	go t2.PostOrder(ch2)
	for {
		v1, ok1 := <-ch1
		v2, ok2 := <-ch2
		if v1 != v2 || ok1 != ok2 {
			return false
		if !ok1 {
	return true

// LevelOrder traverses the Tree with Breadth First Search.
// (
//	levelorder(root)
//	  q = empty queue
//	  q.enqueue(root)
//	  while not q.empty do
//	    node := q.dequeue()
//	    visit(node)
//	    if node.left ≠ null then
//	      q.enqueue(node.left)
//	    if node.right ≠ null then
//	      q.enqueue(node.right)
func (tr *Tree) LevelOrder() []*Node {
	visited := []*Node{}
	queue := []*Node{tr.Root}
	for len(queue) != 0 {
		nd := queue[0]
		queue = queue[1:len(queue):len(queue)]
		visited = append(visited, nd)
		if nd.Left != nil {
			queue = append(queue, nd.Left)
		if nd.Right != nil {
			queue = append(queue, nd.Right)
	return visited

↑ top

llrb: Delete

llrb deletion is complicated compared to binary search tree, because it needs to maintain the llrb properties of:

  • Every node(or edge) is either black or red.
  • Every path from root to null Node has the same number of black nodes.
  • Red nodes lean left.
  • Two red nodes in a row are not allowed.

That is, deleting a red node won't violate the properties. But, deleting a black node can change the number of black nodes from root to null in some paths. And it also takes a lot of rotations when the implementation has no parental node pointer. Note that just like a newly-inserted node is red, we always want to delete a red node. So, if the node is not red, we need to make it red.

First, let's look at how the tree changes after each deletion:

llrb_delete_result_00 llrb_delete_result_01 llrb_delete_result_02 llrb_delete_result_03

Delete Algorithm:
1. Start 'delete' from tree Root.

2. Call 'delete' method recursively on each Node from binary search path.
	- e.g. If the key to delete is greater than Root's key
		, call 'delete' on Right Node.

# start

3. Recursive 'tree.delete(nd, key)'

	if key < nd.Key:

		if nd.Left is empty:
			# then nothing to delete, so return nil
			return nd, nil

		if (nd.Left is Black) and (nd.Left.Left is Black):
			# then move Red from Right to Left to update nd
			nd = MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd)

		# recursively call 'delete' to update nd.Left
		nd.Left, deleted = tr.delete(nd.Left, key)

	else if key >= nd.Key:

		if nd.Left is Red:
			# RotateToRight(nd) to update nd
			nd = RotateToRight(nd)

		if (key == nd.Key) and nd.Right is empty:
			# then return nil, nd.Key to recursively update nd
			return nil, nd.Key

		if (nd.Right is not empty)
		and (nd.Right is Black)
		and (nd.Right.Left is Black):
			# then move Red from Left to Right to update nd
			nd = MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd)

		if (key == nd.Key):
			# then DeleteMin of nd.Right to update nd.Right
			nd.Right, subDeleted = DeleteMin(nd.Right)

			# and then update nd.Key with DeleteMin(nd.Right)
			deleted, nd.Key = nd.Key, subDeleted

		else if key != nd.Key:
			# recursively call 'delete' to update nd.Right
			nd.Right, deleted = tr.delete(nd.Right, key)

	# recursively FixUp upwards to Root
	return FixUp(nd), deleted

# end

4. If the tree's Root is not nil, set Root Black.

5. Return the Interface(nil if the key does not exist.)

llrb_delete_00 llrb_delete_01 llrb_delete_02 llrb_delete_03 llrb_delete_04 llrb_delete_05 llrb_delete_06 llrb_delete_07 llrb_delete_08 llrb_delete_09 llrb_delete_10 llrb_delete_11 llrb_delete_12 llrb_delete_13 llrb_delete_14 llrb_delete_15 llrb_delete_16 llrb_delete_17 llrb_delete_18 llrb_delete_19 llrb_delete_20 llrb_delete_21 llrb_delete_22 llrb_delete_23 llrb_delete_24 llrb_delete_25 llrb_delete_26 llrb_delete_27

And here's how it actually happens:

And code:

package main

import "fmt"

// Tree contains a Root node of a binary search tree.
type Tree struct {
	Root *Node

// New returns a new Tree with its root Node.
func New(root *Node) *Tree {
	tr := &Tree{}
	root.Black = true
	tr.Root = root
	return tr

// Interface represents a single object in the tree.
type Interface interface {
	// Less returns true when the receiver item(key)
	// is less than the given(than) argument.
	Less(than Interface) bool

// Node is a Node and a Tree itself.
type Node struct {
	// Left is a left child Node.
	Left *Node

	Key   Interface
	Black bool // True when the color of parent link is black.
	// In Left-Leaning Red-Black tree, new nodes are always red
	// because the zero boolean value is false.
	// Null links are black.

	// Right is a right child Node.
	Right *Node

// NewNode returns a new Node.
func NewNode(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := &Node{}
	nd.Key = key
	nd.Black = false
	return nd

func (tr *Tree) String() string {
	return tr.Root.String()

func (nd *Node) String() string {
	if nd == nil {
		return "[]"
	s := ""
	if nd.Left != nil {
		s += nd.Left.String() + " "
	s += fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v)", nd.Key, nd.Black)
	if nd.Right != nil {
		s += " " + nd.Right.String()
	return "[" + s + "]"

func isRed(nd *Node) bool {
	if nd == nil {
		return false
	return !nd.Black

// insert inserts nd2 with nd1 as a root.
func (nd1 *Node) insert(nd2 *Node) *Node {
	if nd1 == nil {
		return nd2
	if nd1.Key.Less(nd2.Key) {
		// nd1 is smaller than nd2
		// nd1 < nd2
		nd1.Right = nd1.Right.insert(nd2)
	} else {
		// nd1 is greater than nd2
		// nd1 >= nd2
		nd1.Left = nd1.Left.insert(nd2)
	// Balance from nd1
	return Balance(nd1)

// Insert inserts a Node to a Tree without replacement.
// It does standard BST insert and colors the new link red.
// If the new red link is a right link, rotate left.
// If two left red links in a row, rotate to right and flip color.
// (
// Note that it recursively balances from its parent nodes
// to the root node at the top.
// And make sure paint the Root black(not-red).
func (tr *Tree) Insert(nd *Node) {
	if tr.Root == nd {
	tr.Root = tr.Root.insert(nd)

	// Root node must be always black.
	tr.Root.Black = true

// RotateToLeft runs when there is a right-leaning link.
// tr.Root = RotateToLeft(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Right.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Right child
	x := nd.Right
	nd.Right = x.Left
	x.Left = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// RotateToRight runs when there are two left red links in a row.
// tr.Root = RotateToRight(tr.Root) overwrite the Root
// with the new top Node.
func RotateToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if nd.Left.Black {
		panic("Can't rotate a black link")

	// exchange x and nd
	// nd is parent node, x is Left child
	x := nd.Left
	nd.Left = x.Right
	x.Right = nd

	x.Black = nd.Black
	nd.Black = false

	return x

// FlipColor flips the color.
// Left and Right children must be present
func FlipColor(nd *Node) {
	// nd is parent node
	nd.Black = !nd.Black
	nd.Left.Black = !nd.Left.Black
	nd.Right.Black = !nd.Right.Black

// MoveRedFromRightToLeft moves Red Node
// from Right sub-Tree to Left sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right.Left) {
		nd.Right = RotateToRight(nd.Right)
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	return nd

// MoveRedFromLeftToRight moves Red Node
// from Left sub-Tree to Right sub-Tree.
// Left and Right children must be present
func MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	return nd

// Balance balances the Node.
func Balance(nd *Node) *Node {
	// nd is parent node
	if isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Left) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

// FixUp fixes the balances of the Node.
func FixUp(nd *Node) *Node {
	if isRed(nd.Right) {
		nd = RotateToLeft(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = RotateToRight(nd)
	if isRed(nd.Left) && isRed(nd.Right) {
	return nd

type Float64 float64

// Less returns true if float64(a) < float64(b).
func (a Float64) Less(b Interface) bool {
	return a < b.(Float64)

// Min returns the minimum key Node in the tree.
func (tr Tree) Min() *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	if nd == nil {
		return nil
	for nd.Left != nil {
		nd = nd.Left
	return nd

// Max returns the maximum key Node in the tree.
func (tr *Tree) Max() *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	if nd == nil {
		return nil
	for nd.Right != nil {
		nd = nd.Right
	return nd

// Search does binary-search on a given key and returns the first Node with the key.
func (tr Tree) Search(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	// just updating the pointer value (address)
	for nd != nil {
		if nd.Key == nil {
		switch {
		case nd.Key.Less(key):
			nd = nd.Right
		case key.Less(nd.Key):
			nd = nd.Left
			return nd
	return nil

// SearchChan does binary-search on a given key and return the first Node with the key.
func (tr Tree) SearchChan(key Interface, ch chan *Node) {
	searchChan(tr.Root, key, ch)

func searchChan(nd *Node, key Interface, ch chan *Node) {
	// leaf node
	if nd == nil {
	// when equal
	if !nd.Key.Less(key) && !key.Less(nd.Key) {
		ch <- nd
	searchChan(nd.Left, key, ch)  // left
	searchChan(nd.Right, key, ch) // right

// SearchParent does binary-search on a given key and returns the parent Node.
func (tr Tree) SearchParent(key Interface) *Node {
	nd := tr.Root
	parent := new(Node)
	parent = nil
	// just updating the pointer value (address)
	for nd != nil {
		if nd.Key == nil {
		switch {
		case nd.Key.Less(key):
			parent = nd // copy the pointer(address)
			nd = nd.Right
		case key.Less(nd.Key):
			parent = nd // copy the pointer(address)
			nd = nd.Left
			return parent
	return nil

func main() {
	root := NewNode(Float64(1))
	tr := New(root)
	nums := []float64{3, 9, 13, 17, 20, 25, 39, 16, 15, 2, 2.5}
	for _, num := range nums {

	fmt.Println("Deleting start!")
	fmt.Println("Deleted", tr.Delete(Float64(39)))

	fmt.Println("Deleted", tr.Delete(Float64(20)))

	   Deleting start!
	   Deleted 39

	   Deleted 20

// DeleteMin deletes the minimum-Key Node of the sub-Tree.
func DeleteMin(nd *Node) (*Node, Interface) {
	if nd == nil {
		return nil, nil
	if nd.Left == nil {
		return nil, nd.Key
	if !isRed(nd.Left) && !isRed(nd.Left.Left) {
		nd = MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd)
	var deleted Interface
	nd.Left, deleted = DeleteMin(nd.Left)
	return FixUp(nd), deleted

// DeleteMin deletes the minimum-Key Node of the Tree.
// It returns the minimum Key or nil.
func (tr *Tree) DeleteMin() Interface {
	var deleted Interface
	tr.Root, deleted = DeleteMin(tr.Root)
	if tr.Root != nil {
		tr.Root.Black = true
	return deleted

// Delete deletes the node with the Key and returns the Key Interface.
// It returns nil if the Key does not exist in the tree.
//	Delete Algorithm:
//	1. Start 'delete' from tree Root.
//	2. Call 'delete' method recursively on each Node from binary search path.
//		- e.g. If the key to delete is greater than Root's key
//			, call 'delete' on Right Node.
//	# start
//	3. Recursive 'tree.delete(nd, key)'
//		if key < nd.Key:
//			if nd.Left is empty:
//				# then nothing to delete, so return nil
//				return nd, nil
//			if (nd.Left is Black) and (nd.Left.Left is Black):
//				# then move Red from Right to Left to update nd
//				nd = MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd)
//			# recursively call 'delete' to update nd.Left
//			nd.Left, deleted = tr.delete(nd.Left, key)
//		else if key >= nd.Key:
//			if nd.Left is Red:
//				# RotateToRight(nd) to update nd
//				nd = RotateToRight(nd)
//			if (key == nd.Key) and nd.Right is empty:
//				# then return nil, nd.Key to recursively update nd
//				return nil, nd.Key
//			if (nd.Right is not empty)
//			and (nd.Right is Black)
//			and (nd.Right.Left is Black):
//				# then move Red from Left to Right to update nd
//				nd = MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd)
//			if (key == nd.Key):
//				# then DeleteMin of nd.Right to update nd.Right
//				nd.Right, subDeleted = DeleteMin(nd.Right)
//				# and then update nd.Key with DeleteMin(nd.Right)
//				deleted, nd.Key = nd.Key, subDeleted
//			else if key != nd.Key:
//				# recursively call 'delete' to update nd.Right
//				nd.Right, deleted = tr.delete(nd.Right, key)
//		# recursively FixUp upwards to Root
//		return FixUp(nd), deleted
//	# end
//	4. If the tree's Root is not nil, set Root Black.
//	5. Return the Interface(nil if the key does not exist.)
func (tr *Tree) Delete(key Interface) Interface {
	var deleted Interface
	tr.Root, deleted = tr.delete(tr.Root, key)
	if tr.Root != nil {
		tr.Root.Black = true
	return deleted

func (tr *Tree) delete(nd *Node, key Interface) (*Node, Interface) {
	if nd == nil {
		return nil, nil

	var deleted Interface

	// if key is Less than nd.Key
	if key.Less(nd.Key) {

		// if key is Less than nd.Key
		// and nd.Left is empty
		if nd.Left == nil {

			// then nothing to delete
			// so return the nil
			return nd, nil

		// if key is Less than nd.Key
		// and nd.Left is Black
		// and nd.Left.Left is Black
		if !isRed(nd.Left) && !isRed(nd.Left.Left) {

			// then MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd)
			nd = MoveRedFromRightToLeft(nd)

		// and recursively call tr.delete(nd.Left, key)
		nd.Left, deleted = tr.delete(nd.Left, key)

	} else {
		// if key is not Less than nd.Key
		//(or key is greater than or equal to nd.Key)
		//(or key >= nd.Key)

		// and nd.Left is Red
		if isRed(nd.Left) {

			// then RotateToRight(nd)
			nd = RotateToRight(nd)

		// and nd.Key is not Less than key
		// (or nd.Key >= key)
		// (or key == nd.Key)
		// and nd.Right is empty
		if !nd.Key.Less(key) && nd.Right == nil {
			// then return nil to delete the key
			return nil, nd.Key

		// and nd.Right is not empty
		// and nd.Right is Black
		// and nd.Right.Left is Black
		if nd.Right != nil && !isRed(nd.Right) && !isRed(nd.Right.Left) {
			// then MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd)
			nd = MoveRedFromLeftToRight(nd)

		// and key == nd.Key
		if !nd.Key.Less(key) {

			var subDeleted Interface

			// then DeleteMin(nd.Right)
			nd.Right, subDeleted = DeleteMin(nd.Right)
			if subDeleted == nil {
				panic("Unexpected nil value")

			// and update nd.Key with DeleteMin(nd.Right)
			deleted, nd.Key = nd.Key, subDeleted

		} else {
			// if updated nd.Key is Less than key (nd.Key < key) to update nd.Right
			nd.Right, deleted = tr.delete(nd.Right, key)

	// recursively FixUp upwards to Root
	return FixUp(nd), deleted

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