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Installing OpenStack Icehouse on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Before beginning this guide, be sure you read the introduction README in the directory above this one. Information on the project, goals, support channels and installs for other versions of OpenStack are available there.

Video Guide

The video for this guide is located on Vimeo.

OpenStack Video


Assuming a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop, you'll need to locally login to each rig and install the openssh-server to allow remote ssh access:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Remotely log into your new server and install git with aptitude:

sudo su
apt-get -y install git

Checkout the StackGeek OpenStack setup scripts from Github:

git clone git://
cd openstackgeek/icehouse

Network Interfaces

You need to manually configure your ethernet interface to support a non-routable static IPv4 address and an auto configured IPv6 address.


The script will output a short configuration block which should be placed manually in /etc/network/interfaces. Be sure to edit the IP adddress before you save the file! I suggest you use an ordered set of IPs like .100, .101, .102, etc. for your rigs.

# loopback
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# primary interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

# ipv6 configuration
iface eth0 inet6 auto

You will also need to edit your /etc/hosts file to contain an entry for your controller and any compute rigs. Here's an example:   localhost  hanoman  ravana

Reboot the rig after saving the file.

Privacy and Tracking Notice

A few of these scripts contain tracking pings and are used to analyze the install process flow. The IP address of the machine(s) you are installing will be reported to No other personal information is transmitted by the tracking pings. You may examine the Open Source code for handling the ping requests here.

You may run the following script if you would like to disable the tracking pings in these scripts:


Another Note: Please also be aware that the script below sends your configuration file to a pastebin knockoff hosted on and keeps it until you delete it (instructions below). If you don't want this functionality, please edit the script to your liking.

Test and Update

After editing the network, you'll need to test your rig for virtualization support:


If your rig doesn't support virtualization, you will need to check your virtualization settings in bios or upgrade your hardware. There are some systems, like DigitalOcean instances, that will come back as supporting hardware (kvm) virtualization, but do not. In that case, you'll need to edit your /etc/nova/nova.conf file to use qemu:


Note: If you need to run qemu virtualization, be sure to do this step AFTER finishing the entire guide. You will need to restart services to enable the change.

Moving on, you'll need to update your Ubuntu install next:


The update should come back pretty quick as you've already updated the system.


Note: Be sure to take a look at the scripts before you run them. Keep in mind the setup scripts will periodically prompt you for input, either for confirming installation of a package, or asking you for information for configuration.

Start the installation by running the setup script:


You will be asked whether or not this rig is to be configured as a controller. If you answer yes, the result of the setup will be a setuprc file in the install directory. The setup script will also output a URL which is used to copy the existing setup to a compute rig. Here's an example URL:

If you indicated the rig is not a controller node, you will be prompted for the URL spit out by the controller installation as mentioned above. Paste this URL in and hit enter to start the compute rig install.

Note: If you are installing a compute rig, you may skip to the Cinder Setup section below.

Install Splunk (Controller Only)

If you would like to use Splunk for debugging and monitoring purposes, install it now:


Splunk will be configured to monitor the OpenStack packages logfiles. You may access splunk through the following URL (assuming you use the controller's correct IP address):

Database Setup (Controller Only)

The next part of the setup installs MySQL and RabbitMQ. This is only required for the controller rig. Skip this step if you are setting up a compute rig for your cluster. Start the install on the controller rig by typing:


The install script will install Rabbit and MySQL. During the MySQL install you will be prompted for the MySQL password you entered earlier to set a password for the MySQL root user. You'll be prompted again toward the end of the script when it creates the databases.

The MySQL install script now runs the command 'mysql_secure_installation' to secure your MySQL install. Answer the questions this script presents to you to secure your install properly.

Keystone Setup (Controller Only)

Keystone is used by OpenStack to provide central authentication across all installed services. Start the install of Keystone by typing the following:


When the install is done, test Keystone by setting the environment variables using the newly created stackrc file. Note: This file can be sourced any time you need to manage the OpenStack cluster from the command line.

. ./stackrc
keystone user-list

Keystone should output the current user list to the console:

|                id                |   name  | enabled |       email        |
| 5474c43e65c840b5b371d695af72cba4 |  admin  |   True  | [email protected] |
| dec9e0adf6af4066810b922035f24edf |  cinder |   True  | [email protected] |
| 936e0e930553423b957d1983d0a29a62 |   demo  |   True  | [email protected] |
| 665bc14a5da44e86bd5856c6a22866fb |  glance |   True  | [email protected] |
| bf435eb480f643058e27520ee3737685 |   nova  |   True  | [email protected] |
| 7fa480363a364d539278613aa7e32875 | quantum |   True  | [email protected] |

Glance Setup (Controller Only)

Glance provides image services for OpenStack. Images are comprised of prebuilt operating system images built to run on OpenStack. There is a list of available images on the OpenStack site.

Start the Glance install by typing:


Once the Glance install completes, you should be able to query the system for the available images:

glance image-list

The output should be something like this:

| ID                                   | Name         | Disk Format | Format | Size    | Status |
| df53bace-b5a0-49ba-9b7f-4d43f249e3f3 | Cirros 0.3.0 | qcow2       | bare   | 9761280 | active |

Cinder Setup

Cinder is used to provide additional volume attachments to running instances and snapshot space. Start the install of Cinder by typing:


Once the install of Cinder is complete, determine your space requirements and run the loopback volume creation script (keep in mind you have to create a loopback file that is at least 1GB in size):


You should now be able to query installed storage types:

cinder type-list

You may then create a new volume to test:

cinder create --volume-type Storage --display-name test 1

Note: If you are installing a compute rig, you may skip to the Nova Compute Setup section below.

Nova Setup (Controller Only)

Nova provides multiple services to OpenStack for controlling networking, imaging and starting and stopping instances. If you are installing a compute rig, please skip to the following section to install the base nova-compute methods needed for running a compute rig.

Start the controller's nova install by typing the following:


When the install is complete, you may query the running services by doing the following:

nova service-list

You should see output that looks similar to this:

| Binary           | Host   | Zone     | Status  | State | Updated_at                 |
| nova-cert        | tester | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-02-20T10:37:25.000000 |
| nova-conductor   | tester | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-02-20T10:37:17.000000 |
| nova-consoleauth | tester | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-02-20T10:37:25.000000 |
| nova-network     | tester | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-02-20T10:37:25.000000 |
| nova-scheduler   | tester | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-02-20T10:37:24.000000 |

Nova Compute Setup (Compute Rigs Only)

If you are installing a controller, this step has already been completed using the Nova Setup section above. You may skip this if you are installing a controller rig.

You may run this on any number of compute rigs. Start the Nova Compute setup on a given compute rig by typing the following:


Once the compute rig has been configured, you may log back into the controller rig and run the nova service list command again:

nova service-list

You should see new entries for the newly added compute rig:

| Binary           | Host    | Zone     | Status  | State | Updated_at                 |
| nova-cert        | nero    | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:52.000000 |
| nova-compute     | booster | nova     | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:55.000000 |
| nova-compute     | nero    | nova     | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:55.000000 |
| nova-conductor   | nero    | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:52.000000 |
| nova-consoleauth | nero    | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:52.000000 |
| nova-network     | booster | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:52.000000 |
| nova-network     | nero    | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:52.000000 |
| nova-scheduler   | nero    | internal | enabled | up    | 2014-04-13T17:20:52.000000 |

Flat Networking Setup for IPv4 (Controller Only)

This guide completely ignores the Neutron/Quantum project. If you are interested in Neutron, this is not the place to seek help.

Note: If you want to run IPv4 + IPv6, please skip to the next section and do NOT run this section's commands.

Begin by creating an IPv4 private network range which blocks out the network (assuming the ethernet interface is eth0):

nova-manage network create private --fixed_range_v4= --num_networks=1 --bridge=br100 --bridge_interface=eth0 --network_size=255

You'll need to add a route in your router to point to the new network managed by the controller (pseudo command here):

route add gw

You can view the networks by querying nova:

nova network-list

Output should look like this:

| ID                                   | Label   | CIDR          |
| 22aca431-14b3-43e0-a762-b02914770e6d | private | |

Flat Networking Setup for IPv4 + IPv6 (Controller Only)

Before you can add an IPv6 prefix to your OpenStack controller, you will need to configure your router to enable IPv6 on your provider. Your milage may vary by router type and provider. We've found the Asus routers + Comcast to be the easiest to configure: simply navigate to the IPv6 settings and then select 'native' or 'native with DHCP-PD' in your router's admin interface to turn on IPv6.

Note: If your provider doesn't support IPv6 and you have an IPv6 capable router, you can use Huricane Electric's Tunnel Broker to enable IPv6 on your network.

After configuring your router for IPv6, your router interface should show a LAN IPv6 prefix and length. Make note of the address, as you'll use it in a minute to add a prefix to OpenStack.

Now configure IPv6 forwarding support on the controller:


Just in case, restart the Nova services to sync up the network:


Create an IPv4 private network range using sample networks of for IPv4 and 2601:9:1380:821::/64 for an IPv6 prefix (again, assuming the ethernet interface is eth0):

nova-manage network create private --fixed_range_v4= --fixed_range_v6=2601:9:1380:821::/64 --num_networks=1 --bridge=br100 --bridge_interface=eth0 --network_size=255

You'll need to add a route in your router to point to the new network managed by the controller (pseudo command here, using as the controller node):

route add gw

You can view the private network by querying nova:

nova network-list

Output should look like this:

| ID                                   | Label   | CIDR          |
| 22aca431-14b3-43e0-a762-b02914770e6d | private | |

Floating IP Setup (Controller Only)

If you have a block of externally routed IP addresses (public IPs) you may create a floating IP entry for OpenStack:

nova-manage floating create

This example would allow a floating IP address to be assigned to instance from the range of to

If you added it, you can view the available floating pool addresses by querying nova again:

nova floating-ip-bulk-list

Output should look like this (truncated for space):

| project_id | address       | instance_uuid | pool | interface |
| None       | | None          | nova | |
| None       | | None          | nova | |

Finally, edit the /etc/nova/nova.conf file to enable assigning the floating IPs to newly launched instances:


Note: As with the private IP space added earlier, you'll need to configure your router to route the external addresses to the controller's IP address. Your mileage will vary, depending on your current network setup.

Horizon Setup (Controller Only)

Horizon provides OpenStack's managment interface. Install Horizon by typing:


Now reboot the controller rig:


Once the rig comes back up, you should be able to log into your OpenStack cluster with the following URL format (changing the IP of course):

Your user/pass combination will be 'admin' and whatever you entered for a password earlier. If you accidentally run this command before adding the network above, you may see errors in the UI.

Note: If you log into the dashboard and get errors regarding quotas, log out of the UI by clicking on 'sign out' at the top right and then reboot the rig. The errors should go away when you log back in.

Install the StackMonkey Virtual Appliance

StackMonkey is a pool instance of a highly distributed cloud framework. If you elect to install the appliance, this OpenStack node will provide a small portion of its compute power to help build a highly distributed cloud. You will earn Bitcoin doing this.

The virtual appliance setup can be run by typing the following command:


More information about the project can be viewed on the StackMonkey pool's site (requires auth to Google account). There is also a video guide that walks you through setting up your first appliance.

OpenStack Cheat Sheet

An OpenStack Command Line Cheat Sheet is available on Anystacker's site. Commands can be run once the setuprc file has been sourced:

. ./setuprc

Delete the Paste File

The URL created for a multi-rig install is stored on an AppEngine application based on Rupa's sprunge project. You should delete the paste after you are done with your setup for security's sake:

curl -X DELETE

If you have any questions, issues or concerns, please feel free to join IRC, post on the forum, or create a ticket!