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269 lines (235 loc) · 10.9 KB

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269 lines (235 loc) · 10.9 KB


  • ecolab:
    • Add widget=True argument to ecolab.collapse() for better interactivity.
    • Add ecolab.highlight_html(code) to add syntax highlighting to cell outputs of specific objects.
  • edc:
    • Add contextvars option: Fields annotated as edc.ContextVars[T] are wrapped in contextvars.ContextVars.
    • Fix error when using _: dataclasses.KW_ONLY
    • __repr__ now also pretty-print nested dataclasses, list, dict,...
  • epy:
    • Better epy.Lines.make_block for custom pretty print classes, list,...

1.2.0 - 2023-04-03

  • enp:
    • etree.spec_like support f32,... annotations (when fully defined).
  • etree:
    • Add optree backend.
  • ecolab:
    • Add ecolab.auto_inspect() to allow inspecting all colab outputs.
    • Fix various ecolab.inspect issues (e.g. when used on metaclasses,...).
    • Add ecolab.inspect support for Jupyter notebook (non-Colab).

1.1.1 - 2023-03-20

  • enp:
    • Fix torch==2.0 compatibility.
  • Fix warning during pip install (missing epath-no-tf)

1.1.0 - 2023-03-13

  • enp:
    • Add torch support!
    • Add enp.lazy.LazyArray to lazily check isinstance(array, enp.lazy.LazyArray) without triggering TF, jax,... imports
    • Add skip=['jnp', ...] kwarg to enp.testing.parametrize_xnp to exclude a specific xnp module from tests.
    • Add enp.compat function to fix compatibility issues between Jax, TF, torch, numpy (e.g. x.astype() missing from torch, but working in jax, tf, np).
    • Breaking: Move some functions from enp.linalg to enp.compat.
    • Add more enp.lazy. methods for conversions from/to dtype
  • ecolab:
    • Add ecolab.inspect for interactively inspect any Python objects.
    • Add ecolab.json for interactive expandable JSON display.
    • ecolab.auto_plot_array
      • Add torch
      • Small/large images (height outside 100-250px) are automatically scaled up/down. Can be disabled with ecolab.auto_plot_array(height=None)
      • Can overwrite mediapy default options with show_images_kwargs and show_videos_kwargs
    • Add ecolab.interruptible for graceful interruption of loops.
    • Fixed: Pytype/pylance support for lazy_imports: unlock auto-complete, docstring tooltip, do not trigger linter errors anymore ("xxx" is not definedPylancereportUndefinedVariable).
  • etree:
    • from etils import etree now expose the Python backend (,...). Other backend are still available as previously (,...)
  • epy:
    • Added: epy.splitby to split an iterator in 2, based on a predicate. (e.g. small, big = epy.splitby([20, 1, 30, 1, 2], lambda x: x > 10))

1.0.0 - 2023-01-09

  • etree:
    • Added: etree.stack to stack/batch multiple trees of arrays together.
    • Added: backend (pure Python implementation to avoid installing extra deps).
    • Added: (as convenience to access the corresponding map_structure).
  • enp:
    • Added: enp.batch_dot: Always dot product on the last axis with broadcasting support (while is inconsistent 1-D vs 2-D).
    • Added: enp.angle_between to compute angle between 2 n-dimensions vectors.
    • Changed: enp.project_onto_vector, enp.project_onto_plane supports broadcasting.
    • Fixed: TF accidentally imported when using enp.linalg functions.
  • ecolab:
    • Added: ecolab.patch_graphviz to fix Colab display with graphviz.
    • Added: ecolab.set_verbose to activate stderr logging on Colab.
    • Changed: ecolab.clear_cached_modules accept single str
    • Changed: ecolab.clear_cached_modules has a invalidate=False to not invalidate previous instances of the modules.
  • edc:
    • Added: Expose edc.repr, for functional use or directly assign class members (e.g. __repr__ = edc.repr)
  • eapp:
    • Fixed: eapp.better_logging() do not raise is_borg AttributeError anymore.
  • epath:
    • Fixed: local_path.copy('gs://') uses the correct backend.
  • All:
    • Changed: Better error message when missing import.

0.9.0 - 2022-10-28

  • eapp (Added):
    • Added: .make_flags_parser to define CLI flags through dataclasses.
    • Added: .better_logging to display logs by default, tqdm compatibility,...
  • epy:
    • Added: @epy.frozen class decorator to make class immutable
  • edc:
    • Added: Attributes of @edc.dataclass can be annotated with x: edc.AutoCast[T] (for auto-normalization).
  • ecolab:
    • Added: ecolab.clear_cached_modules to reload modules (useful for interactive development)
    • Added: etils.lazy_imports supports multi-import (e.g. using concurrent also trigger concurrent.futures import).

0.8.0 - 2022-09-12

  • epath:
    • Added: path.stat()
    • Fix performance issues for path.mkdir.
  • ecolab:
    • Added: from etils.lazy_imports import * alias of from etils.ecolab.lazy_imports import *.
    • Changed: Mutating a lazy_import module mutate the original one. This allow to mutate builtins module for example.
  • edc:
    • Changed: .replace only added once (not in subclasses).

0.7.1 - 2022-08-09

  • ecolab: Added dataclass_array to lazy_imports.

0.7.0 - 2022-08-08

  • array_types:
    • Added: More array types: complex64,...
    • Added: An experimental array_types.dtypes.DType to support more flexible dtype expression (AnyFloat, type union,...)
    • Changed: FloatArray, IntArray do supports any float, int without casting.
    • Changed (breaking): Array dtypes (e.g. (f32.dtype) are now array_types.dtypes.DType.
  • ecolab:
    • Added: lazy_imports.print_current_imports to display the active lazy imports (e.g. to add imports before publishing a colab).
  • epy:
    • Added: epy.ContextManager to create yield-based contextmanager class (see discussion)
    • Added: epy.issubclass (like issubclass but does not raises error for non-types)
    • Added: epy.groupby, like itertools.groupby but returns a dict.
    • Added: epy.Lines.make_block helper to create code blocks (function calls,...)
    • Fixed: epy.StrEnum raises better error message if invalid input.
  • epath
    • Added: epath.DEFINE_path for absl.flags support
    • Changed (breaking): Recursive glob (rglob, glob('**/')) now raise an error rather than being silently ignored.
    • Changed: path.as_uri() returns gs:// and s3:// (rather than file:///gs/)
    • Changed: Add __eq__ and __hash__ for resource path.
  • edc
    • Fixed: __repr__ is correctly added in Python 3.10 (#143)
    • Fixed: dc.frozen() compatibility with autograd.
    • Changed: dc.unfrozen()now supports jax.tree_map.
    • Changed: Better dc.unfrozen() repr which display overwritten fields.
  • enp:
    • Added: enp.check_and_normalize_arrays util to dynamically validate array dtype/shape from typing annotations.
    • Added: enp.linalg.normalize util.
    • Added: enp.project_onto_vector and enp.project_onto_plane geometry utils.
  • Other:

0.6.0 - 2022-05-31

  • epath:
    • Remove TensorFlow dependency from epath.Path by default. (For now accessing gs:// still require TF to be installed).
    • Add epath.testing.mock_epath to mock GCS calls.
  • epy.testing:
    • Add epy.testing.subtest for better subtests support.
    • Add epy.testing.non_hermetic to mark non-hermetic tests.
  • oss-kit:

0.5.1 - 2022-05-04

  • array_utils:
    • Now has a __all__ to allow from etils.array_types import *
    • FloatArray and IntArray have dtype to np.float32 and np.int32
  • ecolab:
    • Add with ecolab.adhoc():contextmanager for dynamic code import.
    • More ecolab.lazy_imports
  • enp:
    • Add enp.linalg alias of enp.compat
    • enp.testing.parametrize_xnp now has a restrict kwarg
  • epy:
    • StrEnum is now case-insensitive

0.5.0 - 2022-03-23

  • enp:
    • Expose enp.lazy to the public API to help design code compatible with jax, np, tf
    • Add enp.compat for ops compatibles with both TF, Jax, Np
    • Add enp.tau constant
    • Add enp.testing.parametrize_xnp fixture to test a function with both jax, tf, np
    • Add enp.testing.set_tnp fixture to activate tf numpy mode.
  • ecolab:
    • Add from etils.ecolab.lazy_imports import * to lazy-import common Python modules
    • Rename ecolab.display_array_as_img -> ecolab.auto_plot_array
    • ecolab.auto_plot_array now supports multi-images & video.
  • etree: Add assert_same_structure on the backend
  • epy: Add epy.zip_dict

0.4.0 - 2022-02-03

  • edc: Dataclasses utils
  • etree:
    • etree.spec_like: Inspect a nested structure
  • enp:
    • enp.interp: Scale arrays
    • enp.normalize_bytes2str: Normalize str arrays
  • ecolab:
    • Replace ecolab.collapse_xyz() by unified ecolab.collapse()

0.3.3 - 2022-01-07

  • Add text utils:
    • epy.Lines
    • epy.dedent

0.3.2 - 2022-01-04

  • Automated github release