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 pgbadger_tools - Tools based on pgBadger binary files

 This program is open source, licensed under the PostgreSQL Licence.
 For license terms, see the LICENSE file.

This program is first used to demonstrate how to deal with pgBadger binary
files to build your own tool. If you don't want to rewrite all, you can
post pull request of this tool with your own option so that pgbadger_tools
will do what your need.

All statistics and data gathered by pgBadger binary file is load into memory
using method load_stat(). To generate a binary file you simply have to set
the output file extension to .bin. Note that if you use incremental mode with
pgbadger it already generate binary file in daily directories.

    example: pgbadger -o out.bin /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log


**Auto explain**

The first option added is --explain-slowest that dump top slowest queries in
an explain analyze statement, ready to be executed. An extended version could
be created to automatically execute those explain statement on the database.

    ./pgbadger_tools --explain-slowest out.bin

You can use several binary file as input, for example from an incremental
output directory:

    ./pgbadger_tools --explain-slowest /var/www/pgbadger/2014/09/03/*.bin

The explain tool is base on an original work of Rodolphe Quiedeville, that was
first sent as a pull request on pgbadger. But we need to keep pgBadger simple
so the place of this kind of addons are more in peripheral tools. It is possible
that in future, the tsung and json output will be removed from pgbadger and put
in pgbadger_tools

If you want to chain tools and HTML report, you can proceed as follow:

    pgbadger -o out.bin /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log
    ./pgbadger_tools --explain-slowest out.bin > explain_top_slowest.sql
    pgbadger -o report.html out.bin

**CSV output**
When using the following option, pgbadger_tools will export top queries section
results in csv format, for example for later analysis. This is an original work
of bricklen.

Here are the supported options, only one of the following is mandatory:

    --csv-time-consuming : generate a CSV file with top time consuming queries
    --csv-slowest        : generate a CSV file with top slowest queries
    --csv-normalized     : generate a CSV file with top normalized queries

        ./pgbadger_tools --csv-time-consuming out.bin

Those options can not be used together. By default the output file is named
out.csv, you can use the --csv-filename option to renamed this file. Ex:

        ./pgbadger_tools --csv-slowest --csv-filename slowest.csv out.bin

Option to limit top queries to minimum duration:

    --max-duration MS : set the number of milliseconds above which queries
                        will not be reported. Use it if you want to auto
                        execute explain statements.

If you want to chain tools and HTML report, you can proceed as follow:

    pgbadger -o out.bin /var/log/postgresql/postgresql.log
    ./pgbadger_tools --csv-slowest out.bin --csv-filename top_slowest.csv
    pgbadger -o report.html out.bin


Feel free to extend pgbadger_tools of new features. To see how to integrate
you Perl code in this  program, search for "Add your own" string in the code
and look at the example searching on explain_slowest.


Gilles Darold