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336 lines (297 loc) · 18.6 KB


in development

  • Add new OpenStack Keystone authentication backend. [Itxaka Serrano]

0.12.0 - July 20, 2015

  • Add support for script arguments to the Windows script runner. (new feature) [James Sigurðarson]
  • Allow user to filter executions on trigger instance id. [Sayli Karmarkar]
  • By default the following environment variables are now available to the actions executed by local, remote and python runner: ST2_ACTION_API_URL, ST2_ACTION_AUTH_TOKEN. (new-feature)
  • Jinja filter to make working with regex and semver possible in any place that support jinja (improvement)
  • New experimental workflow runner based on the open-source CloudSlang project. (new-feature) [Eliya Sadan, Meir Wahnon, Sam Markowitz]
  • Update all the code to handle all the datetime objects internally in UTC. (improvement, bug-fix)
  • Allow users to use timediff_lt and timediff_gt rule comparison operator with many string date formats - previously it only worked with ISO8601 date strings. (improvement)
  • Allow user to specify new secret attribute (boolean) for each action parameters. Values of parameters which have this attribute set to true will be masked in the log files. (new-feature)
  • API server now gracefully shuts down on SIGINT (CTRL-C). (improvement)
  • Fix a bug with with reinstalling a pack with no existing config - only try to move the config file over if it exists. (bug fix)
  • Support for masking secret parameters in the API responses. Secret parameters can only be viewed through the API by admin users. (new-feature)
  • Single sensor mode of Sensor Container uses --sensor-ref instead of --sensor-name.
  • six library is now available by default in the Python sandbox to all the newly installed packs. (improvement)
  • Dispatch an internal trigger when a datastore item has been created, updated, deleted and when it's value has changed. (new-feature)
  • Fix a bug with st2 execution list CLI command throwing an exception on failed Mistral workflows. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with st2 execution list CLI command not displaying end_timestamp attribute for Mistral workflows. (bug-fix)
  • Add new /v1/packs API endpoint for listing installed packs. (new-feature)
  • Ability to partition sensors across sensor nodes using various partition schemes. (new-feature)
  • Add ability to use action context params as action params in meta. (new-feature)
  • Fix a bug in action container where rendering params was done twice. (bug-fix)
  • Move /exp/actionalias/ and /exp/aliasexecution to /v1/actionalias/ and /v1/aliasexecution/ respectively. (upgrade)
  • Display friendly message for error in parameters validation on action execution. (improvement)

0.11.4 - June 30, 2015

  • Remove unnecessary rule notify_hubot from core.

0.11.3 - June 16, 2015

  • Fix RHEL6 packaging issues

0.11.2 - June 12, 2015

  • Fix a bug with start_timestamp and end_timestamp sometimes returning an invalid value in a local instead of UTC timezone. (bug-fix)
  • Fix to get PollingSensor working again. Sensors of type PollingSensor were not being treated as such and as a result would fail after the 1st poll. (bug-fix)

0.11.1 - June 8, 2015

  • Action aliases are registered by default. (improvement)
  • Repair failing pack installation. (bug-fix)

0.11.0 - June 5, 2015

  • Allow user to configure the CLI using an ini style config file located at ~/.st2rc. (new-feature)
  • Add support for caching of the retrieved auth tokens to the CLI. (new-feature)
  • Throw a more-user friendly exception when enforcing a rule if an action referenced inside the rule definition doesn't exist. (improvement)
  • Fix a bug with the rule evaluation failing if the trigger payload contained a key with a dot in the name. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with publishing array (list) values as strings inside the action chain workflows. (bug-fix)
  • Update CLI so it displays the error at the top level when using run, execution run or execution get when executed workflow fails. (improvement)
  • Action trigger now contains execution id as opposed to liveaction id. (bug-fix)
  • Add new API endpoint for re-running an execution (POST /executions/<id>/re_run/). (new-feature)
  • Rules should be part of a pack. (improvement)
  • Update Windows runner code so it also works with a newer versions of winexe (> 1.0). (improvement) [James Sigurðarson]
  • CLI now has get and list commands for triggerinstance. (new-feature)
  • Validate parameters during rule creation for system triggers. (improvement)
  • CLI now has re-emit command for triggerinstance. (new-feature)

v0.9.2 - May 26, 2015

  • Fix broken action. (bug-fix)

v0.9.1 - May 12, 2015

  • Allow option to bypass SSL Certificate Check (improvement)
  • Fix a bug with alias parser to support empty formats (bug-fix)
  • Return HTTP BAD REQUEST when TTL requested for token > Max configured TTL (improvement)

v0.9.0 - April 29, 2015

  • Report a more user-friendly error if an action-chain task references an invalid or inexistent action. Also treat invalid / inexistent action as a top-level action-chain error. (improvement)
  • Report a more user-friendly error if an action-chain definition contains an invalid type. (improvement)
  • Enable authentication by default for package based installations.
  • Rename all st2 processes to be prefixed by st2. (sensor_container is now st2sensorcontainer, rules_engine is now st2rulesengine, actionrunner is now st2actionrunner) (improvement)
  • Return a user friendly error on no sensors found or typo in sensor class name in single sensor mode. (improvement)
  • Sensor container now returns non-zero exit codes for errors. (bug-fix)
  • Check if internal trigger types are already registered before registering them again. (improvement)
  • Sensor container now can dynamically load/reload/unload sensors on data model changes. (new-feature)
  • Fix a bug in datastore operations exposed in st2client. (bug-fix)
  • Catch exception if rule operator functions throw excepton and ignore the rule. (bug-fix)
  • Remove expected "runnertype not found" error logs on action registration in clean db. (improvement)
  • Clean up rule registrar logging. (improvement)
  • Add -t / --only-token flag to the st2 auth command. (new-feature)
  • register param in packs.install should be passed to packs.load. (bug-fix)
  • Fix validation code to validate value types correctly. (bug-fix)
  • Add ability to best-effort cancel actions and actionchain via API. (new-feature)
  • Add new windows-cmd and windows-script runners for executing commands and PowerShell scripts on Windows hosts. (new-feature)
  • Update runner names so they follow a consistent naming pattern. For backward compatibility reasons, runners can still be referenced using their old names. (improvement)
  • Update all the Python services to re-open log files on the SIGUSR1 signal. (new-feature)
  • Internal trigger types registered using APIs should use auth token. (bug-fix)

v0.8.3 - March 23, 2015

  • Don't allow run-remote-script actions without an entry_point attribute - throw an exception when running an action. (improvement)
  • Fix packs.setup_virtualenv command so it works correctly if user specified multiple packs search paths. (bug-fix)
  • Update sensor container to use auth.api_url setting when talking to the API (e.g. when accessing a datastore, etc.). This way it also works correctly if sensor container is running on a different host than the API. (bug-fix)

v0.8.2 - March 10, 2015

  • Fix a bug with python-runner actions sometimes not correctly reporting the action's stdout. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug in the run-remote-script runner - the runner ignored environment variables and authentication settings which were supplied to the action as parameters. (bug-fix)

v0.8.1 - March 10, 2015


  • Allow user to exclude particular attributes from a response by passing ?exclude_attributes=result,trigger_instance query parameter to the /actionexecutions/ and /actionexecutions/<execution id>/ endpoint (new-feature)
  • Add new /actionexecutions/<id>/attribute/<attribute name> endpoint which allows user to retrieve a value of a particular action execution attribute. (new-feature)
  • Update execution get CLI command so it automatically detects workflows and returns more user-friendly output by default. (improvement)
  • Update run, action execute, execution get and execution re-run CLI commands to take the same options and return output in the same consistent format.
  • Fix a bug with http runner not parsing JSON HTTP response body if the content-type header also contained a charset. (bug-fix)
  • Indent workflow children properly in CLI (bug-fix)
  • Make sure that wait indicator is visible in CLI on some systems where stdout is buffered. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with end_timestamp attribute on the LiveAction and ActionExecution model containing an invalid value if the action hasn't finished yet. (bug-fix)
  • Correctly report an invalid authentication information error in the remote runner. (bug-fix)
  • Throw a more friendly error in the action chain runner if it fails to parse the action chain definition file. (improvement)
  • Fix a bug in the action chain runner and make sure action parameters are also available for substitution in the publish scope. (bug-fix)

v0.8.0 - March 2, 2015


  • Allow user to specify current working directory (cwd parameter) when running actions using the local or the remote runner (run-local, run-local-script, run-remote, run-remote-script). (new-feature)
  • Default values of the parameter of an Action can be system values stored in kv-store. (new-feature)
  • Allow users to specify additional paths where StackStorm looks for integration packs using packs_base_paths setting. (new-feature)
  • Allow user to specify which Python binary to use for the Python runner actions using actionrunner.python_binary setting (new-feature)
  • Default Python binary which is used by Python runner actions to be the Python binary which is used by the action runner service. Previous, system's default Python binary was used.
  • Fix a race-condition / bug which would occur when multiple packs are installed at the same time. (bug-fix)
  • Vars can be defined in the ActionChain. (new-feature)
  • Node in an ActionChain can publish global variables. (new-feature)
  • Allow user to provide authentication token either inside headers (X-Auth-Token) or via x-auth-token query string parameter. (new-feature)
  • Allow actions without parameters. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with rule matching not working for any triggers with parameters. (bug-fix)
  • Require cmd parameter for the following actions: core.remote, core.remote_sudo, core.local, core.local_sudo (bug-fix)
  • Allow user to override authentication information (username, password, private key) on per action basis for all the remote runner actions. (new-feature)
  • Allow user to pass --inherit-env flag to the st2 action run command which causes all the environment variables accessible to the CLI to be sent as env parameter to the action being executed. (new-feature)
  • Cast params of an execution before scheduling in the RulesEngine. This allows non-string parameters in an action. (new-feature)
  • Use QuerySet.count() instead of len(QuerySet) to avoid the caching of the entire result which improve running time of API request. (bug-fix)
  • CLI commands to return non-zero exit codes for failed operations (new-feature)
  • Fix a bug with template rendering, under some conditions, ending in an infinite loop. (bug-fix)
  • Rename ActionExecution to LiveAction. (refactor)
  • Rename ActionExecutionHistory to ActionExecution. (refactor)
  • A separate history process is no longer required. ActionExecution updates are carried at time of update to LiveAction. (refactor)
  • Add new nequals (neq) rule criteria operator. This criteria operator performs not equals check on values of an arbitrary type. (new-feature)
  • Mistral subworkflows kicked off in st2 should include task name. (bug-fix)
  • Add new execution re-run <execution id> CLI command for re-running an existing action. (new-feature)
  • Dispatch an internal trigger when a sensor process is spawned / started (st2.sensor.process_spawn) and when a process exits / is stopped (st2.sensor.process_exit). (new-feature)
  • Update HTTP runner to automatically parse JSON response body if Content-Type is application/json (new-feature)
  • API url /v1/actionexecutions/ is now deprecated in favor of /v1/executions/ (refactor)
  • API url change /v1/history/execution to /v1/executions (refactor)
  • API url change /v1/history/execution/views/filters to /v1/executions/views/filters (refactor)
  • POST to /v1/executions take LiveActionAPI but returns ActionExecutionAPI (refactor)
  • Support for filtering by timestamp and status in executions list. (new-feature)
  • Execution list shows only top level executions by default to see full list use --showall. (refactor)
  • Ability to see child tasks of any execution. (new-feature)
  • Allow sensors to manage global datastore items via sensor_service by passing local=False argument to the get_value, set_value and delete_value methods. (new-feature)
  • Allow sensors to list datastore items using list_values sensor_service method. (new-feature)
  • Allow users to filter datastore items by name prefix by passing ?prefix=<value> query parameter to the /keys endpoint. (new-feature)
  • Fix non-string types to be rendered correctly in action parameters when used in rule. (bug-fix)
  • Allow user to specify default value for required attributes in the definition of action parameters. (bug-fix)
  • When running with auth enabled, correctly preserve the username of the authenticated user who has triggered the action execution. (bug-fix)

v0.7 - January 16, 2015


  • Python runner and all the fabric based runners (run-local, run-local-script, run-remote, run-remote-script) now expose timeout argument. With this argument user can specify action timeout. Previously, the action timeout was not user-configurable and a system-wide default value was used.
  • The time when an action execution has finished is now recorded and available via the end_timestamp attribute on the ActionExecution model.
  • Status code 400 (bad request) is now returned if user doesn't provide a body to API endpoints which require it. Previously 500 internal server error was returned (bug-fix).
  • Refactor local runners so they are more robust, efficient and easier to debug. Previously, local actions were executed through SSH, now they are executed directly without the overhead of SSH.
  • Fix local runner so it correctly executes a command under the provider system user if user parameter is provided. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with a Trigger database object in some cases being created twice when registering a rule. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with child processes which run sensor code not being killed when stopping a sensor container service. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug and allow user to use non-ascii (unicode) values in the parameter substitution values. (bug-fix)
  • Allow polling sensors to retrieve current poll interval and change it using get_poll_interval and set_poll_interval methods respectively. (new-feature)
  • Add support for a standalone mode to the st2auth service. In the standalone mode, authentication is handled inside the st2auth service using the defined backend. (new feature)
  • Timer is not a sensor anymore. It is spun as part of rules_engine process (refactor)
  • Fix a bug with action registration where action with invalid schema for parameters get registered. (bug-fix)
  • Fix a bug with 'default' param values inheritance in runner/actions. (bug-fix)
  • Add new rule criteria comparison operators: iequals, contains, icontains, ncontains, incontains, startswith, istartswith, endswith, iendswith (new-feature)
  • Allow sensors to store temporary data in the datastore using the get_value, set_value and delete_value methods exposed by sensor_service. (new-feature)
  • Allow user to specify TTL for datastore values by sending ttl attribute in the body of a PUT /keys/<key id> request. (new feature)
  • Add new key delete_by_prefix --prefix=<prefix> client command. This command allows deletion of all the keys which name starts with the provided prefix. (new-feature)
  • Add ability to attach tags to Action, Rule and TriggerType.
  • Add ability to query results asynchronously from external services. (new-feature)
  • Action models now use ContentPackResourceMixin so we can get them by ref. (refactor)
  • Add rule_tester tool which allows users to test rules in an offline mode without any services running (new-feature)
  • Fix a bug where trigger objects weren't created for triggers with different parameters. (bug-fix)
  • st2api only requires st2common and dependencies defined in requirements to be available on the pythonpath thus making it possible to run st2api standalone.
  • Add support for 'exists' and 'nexists' operators in rule criteria. (new-feature)

v0.6.0 - December 8, 2014


  • Separate virtualenv per pack. (Pythonic sensors and actions use them by default.)
  • Install pip requirements from requiremets.txt in packs by default.
  • Sensors are now run in their own process for isolation.
  • Python Actions are now run in their own process for isolation.
  • Add Sensor and PollingSensor base classes. (Sensors API change is non-backward compatible.)
  • Separate out rules_engine into own process.
  • YAML support for action, rules and chain meta.
  • Add sensor meta support (JSON/YAML) to specify trigger types.
  • Packs default path moves from /opt/stackstorm to /opt/stackstorm/packs/.
  • Webhooks are not part of a sensor. They are now part of core API. (Authentication may be required.)
  • API URLs are now versioned. All the existing paths have been prefixed with /v1 (e.g. /v1/actions).
  • Audit log messages are now saved in a structured format as JSON in st2actionrunner.{pid}.audit.log log file.
  • Numerous bug fixes.

v0.5.1 - November 3rd, 2014


  • Initial public release