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Gym 🏋️‍♂️

Задачата за тази седмица ще моделира фитнес, с неговите потребители и тренировките им.


В пакета bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym създайте публичен клас Gym, който има конструктор

public Gym(int capacity, Address address)

и имплементира интерфейса GymAPI:

package bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym;

import bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym.member.GymMember;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;

public interface GymAPI {

     * Returns an unmodifiable copy of all members of the gym.
     * If there are no members, return an empty collection.
    SortedSet<GymMember> getMembers();

     * Returns an unmodifiable copy of all members of the gym sorted by their name in lexicographic order.
     * If there are no members, return an empty collection.
    SortedSet<GymMember> getMembersSortedByName();

     * Returns an unmodifiable copy of all members of the gym sorted by their proximity to the
     * gym in increasing order. If there are no members, return an empty collection.
    SortedSet<GymMember> getMembersSortedByProximityToGym();

     * Adds a single member to the gym.
     * @param member the member to add
     * @throws GymCapacityExceededException - if the gym is full
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException     if member is null
    void addMember(GymMember member) throws GymCapacityExceededException;

     * Adds a group of members to the gym. If the gym does not have the capacity to accept all the
     * new members then no members are added
     * @param members the members to add
     * @throws GymCapacityExceededException if the gym is full
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException     if members is null or empty
    void addMembers(Collection<GymMember> members) throws GymCapacityExceededException;

     * Checks if a given member is member of the gym.
     * @param member - the member
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if member is null
    boolean isMember(GymMember member);

     * Checks if an Exercise is trained on a given day.
     * @param exerciseName - the name of the Exercise
     * @param day          - the day for which the check is done
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if day is null or if exerciseName is null or empty
    boolean isExerciseTrainedOnDay(String exerciseName, DayOfWeek day);

     * Returns an unmodifiable Map representing each day and the names of the members that do this exercise on it.
     * The map should contain only the days on which at least one member is doing this exercise.
     * @param exerciseName - the name of the exercise being done
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if exerciseName is null or empty
    Map<DayOfWeek, List<String>> getDailyListOfMembersForExercise(String exerciseName);


В пакетa bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym.member създайте публичен клас Member, чрез който се моделират потребителите на всеки Gym. Той трябва да имплементира интерфейса GymMember:

package bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym.member;

import bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym.workout.Exercise;
import bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym.workout.Workout;

import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public interface GymMember {

     * Returns the member's name.
    String getName();

     * Returns the member's age.
    int getAge();

     * Returns the member's id number.
    String getPersonalIdNumber();

     * Returns the member's gender.
    Gender getGender();

     * Returns the member's address.
    Address getAddress();

     * Returns an immutable Map representing the workout a member does on the DayOfWeek.
    Map<DayOfWeek, Workout> getTrainingProgram();

     * Sets the workout for a specific day.
     * @param day     - DayOfWeek on which the workout will be trained
     * @param workout - the workout to be trained
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if day or workout is null.
    void setWorkout(DayOfWeek day, Workout workout);

     * Returns a collection of days in undefined order on which the workout finishes with a specific exercise.
     * @param exerciseName - the name of the exercise.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if exerciseName is null or empty.
    Collection<DayOfWeek> getDaysFinishingWith(String exerciseName);

     * Adds an Exercise to the Workout trained on the given day. If there is no workout set for the day,
     * the day is considered a day off and no exercise can be added.
     * @param day      - DayOfWeek to train the exercise.
     * @param exercise - the trained Exercise.
     * @throws DayOffException          if the Workout on this day is null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if day or exercise is null
    void addExercise(DayOfWeek day, Exercise exercise);

     * Adds Exercises to the Workout trained on the given day. If there is no workout set for the day, the day is
     * considered a day off and no exercise can be added.
     * @param day       - DayOfWeek to train the exercise.
     * @param exercises - list of the trained Exercises
     * @throws DayOffException          if the Workout on this day is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if day is null or exercises is null or empty
    void addExercises(DayOfWeek day, List<Exercise> exercises);

и да има следния конструктор:

public Member(Address address, String name, int age, String personalIdNumber, Gender gender)

Полът на даден потребител се моделира от следния enum:

package bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym.member;

public enum Gender {

Адресът на потребителите се моделира от следния record:

public record Address(double longitude, double latitude)

В него имплементирайте метод, който връща разстоянието до друг адрес (за простота ще приемем, че това е разстоянието в Евклидовата равнина) и има следнат сигнатура:

public double getDistanceTo(Address other)

Членовете на фитнеса/Member-ите се идентифицират еднозначно по PersonalIdNumber.


Всеки потребител има тренировъчна програма, при която на всеки ден от седмицата съответства тренировка. Самата тренировка е последователност от упражнения.
Упражнение и тренировка се моделират чрез record-и, намиращи се в пакета bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym.workout:

public record Exercise(String name, int sets, int repetitions)
public record Workout(SequencedCollection<Exercise> exercises)

Упражненията се идентифицират еднозначно по тяхното име.


Спазвайте имената на пакетите на всички по-горе описани типове, тъй като в противен случай, решението ви няма да може да бъде автоматично тествано.

└── bg.sofia.uni.fmi.mjt.gym
    ├── member
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    │      └── (...)
    ├── workout
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    │      └── (...)
    └── (...)

⚠️ Забележки

  • Не променяйте по никакъв начин интерфейсите, дадени в условието.
  • Използването на Java Stream API и/или lambdas не е разрешено. Задачата трябва да се реши с помощта на знанията от курса до момента.