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Yandex Tracker action

This action allows you to automatically move tasks on the board. Move the task on Yandex Tracker board.

By default, it parses commits of the form "[RI-1] implement something" and takes the task number, which in this case is RI-1.

You can also set tasks directly in the action, for example, by specifying the output from previous job.

If there are multiple commits with different task keys in the pull request, they will both be moved on the board.

It is also possible to specify multiple tasks in an action. See documentation below.

Please be free to any issue.



By default, commit messages such as "[RI-1] awesome-feature" will be parsed, where "RI-1" will be the feature key. You can specify a specific task key. You can use the logic from the previous job step.

- uses: evrone-erp/yandex-tracker-action@v1
    token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    yandex_org_id: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_ORG_ID }}
    yandex_oauth2_token: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_OAUTH2_TOKEN }}

Add specific task key

You can specify task numbers separated by commas.

- uses: evrone-erp/yandex-tracker-action@v1
    token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    yandex_org_id: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_ORG_ID }}
    yandex_oauth2_token: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_OAUTH2_TOKEN }}
    tasks: RI-218 # or RI-218,RI-11

Add ignore tasks

You may need to ignore some long lifecycle tasks. Add tasks separeted by comma.If you have long-running tasks that you do not want to automatically move, then you can ignore them.

- uses: evrone-erp/yandex-tracker-action@v1
    token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    yandex_org_id: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_ORG_ID }}
    yandex_oauth2_token: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_OAUTH2_TOKEN }}
    ignore: RI-1 # or RI-1,DI-8

Comment PR with task url

If true - a comment will be set to the current PR with the task address of the form in the PR description

- uses: evrone-erp/yandex-tracker-action@v1
    token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    yandex_org_id: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_ORG_ID }}
    yandex_oauth2_token: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_OAUTH2_TOKEN }}
    task_url: true

In what state move the task

By default, if the PR is open, the task will go into the in_review state. If the PRs are merged, the state is resolve. You can specify a human readable name or endpoint name.

Get all available states:

curl -H "Authorization: OAuth <oauth2-token>" -H "X-Org-ID: <org-id>" -H "Content-Type: application/json"<task-key>/transitions | jq ".[].id"

Also you can see output of the action and find these states there.

- uses: evrone-erp/yandex-tracker-action@v1
    token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    yandex_org_id: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_ORG_ID }}
    yandex_oauth2_token: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_OAUTH2_TOKEN }}
    to: 'На ревью' # or 'in_review'

One move if PR is opened and one move if is merged

You can move an issue when opening a PR and when merging a PR into different transitions. See default state names above.

- name: Move Task When PR Opened
  if: github.event.action != 'closed'
  uses: evrone-erp/yandex-tracker-action@v1
    token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    yandex_org_id: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_ORG_ID }}
    yandex_oauth2_token: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_OAUTH2_TOKEN }}
    to: 'in_review'

- name: Move Task When PR Merged
  if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
  uses: evrone-erp/yandex-tracker-action@v1
    token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    yandex_org_id: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_ORG_ID }}
    yandex_oauth2_token: ${{ secrets.YANDEX_OAUTH2_TOKEN }}
    to: 'merged'



Optional Ignored tasks separated by comma.


Optional The task key to be moved on board.


Optional The default value is false. Set to true if you want to comment on a PR with the task URL.


Optional Specify where you want to move the task. The default is in_review for open PRs and resolve for merged PRs.


Required Github token


Required Yandex oauth2 token. You need to register an OAUTH2 application and then get a user token. Documentation.


Required ID of organization registerd in Yandex Tracker.