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Releases: evilC/UCR

Alpha 0.1.2 - vXbox / ScpVBus Hotfix

11 Oct 21:03
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! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.1.2 - 11th Oct 2016
! Warning! this version is still a little clunky.
  IOClass options (eg to install SCPVBus) do not appear until you add a remapper plugin.
= Fix: vXBox Buttons can now be selected in the OutputButton control.
+ ScpVBus (Required for vXBox) now packaged with UCR.
  I will probably put in a download routine at some point
  But this will do as a stop-gap
+ ScpVBus can be installed / uninstalled from within UCR via the IOClasses > vJoy menu.

Alpha 0.1.1 - Titan One Support Re-Added

09 Oct 22:03
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! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.1.1 - 9th Oct 2016
+ Re-Added Titan One API

Alpha 0.1.0 - Input Output Refactor

02 Oct 22:27
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! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.1.0 - 2nd Oct 2016
! WARNING! Lots of files changed, INI (Settings file) format changed!
! Major back-end changes. Things that worked before may well not work now.
  Please report issues on the forums or on the issue tracker on
! The Titan API has not been re-implemented in this release.
  It will follow. Please continue to use 0.0.x if you need Titan.
+ The vGen API now replaces the old vJoy API and allows vXBox as well as vJoy devices.
  vJoy 2.1.7 or greater is required, you can get it from here:
! Also required for vGen is the SCPVBus driver, which can be found here:
  Download it, uncompress the ZIP, and open a command prompt as admin
  Run install.bat to add the driver, remove.bat to remove it
= Switch Absolute / Relative naming for MouseToJoy

Alpha 0.0.18 - Console output via Titan One API

16 Sep 16:40
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! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.0.18 - 16th Sept 2016
+ Added Console output via Titan One GCDAPI
  You can now output to consoles like you would output to vJoy.
  Hardware device (Titan One) required!

Alpha 0.0.17

11 Sep 20:31
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Alpha 0.0.17 Pre-release
! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.0.17 - 11th Sept 2016
+ There is now a "Main Menu" at the top of the UCR GUI.
  It has limited functionality for now, namely:
  * Minimize To Tray - Hides the Taskbar icon when UCR is minimized
  * Start Minimized - Minimizes UCR when it starts up.
  * Show Joystick Names - Attempts to get the names for your connected sticks.
     Trying to get joystick names was causing a crash for some users... now it is optional and disabled by default.
     This option requires restarting UCR to take effect.
  * Show vJoy Log - Shows a log of the vJoy API loading process.
+ New menu system implemented for Bind Controls.
  It is now much quicker to select Inputs / Outputs, and easier for me to add new options.
+ Added AxisInitializer plugin.
  This can be used to initialize a virtual axis to a specified position.
  Whenever the profile containing the plugin activates, it will set the axis position.
+ All Input / Output GuiControls now have a GUID at run-time
  This GUID is currently not saved between runs, but it can be if needed.
  This allows plugins that subscribe to InputActivity to detect how many buttons are held.
= OneSwitch Pulse plugin fixes:
  The "Choice" InputButton has been removed, as any UCR input coulds as a Choice...
  ... so it served no useful purpose, and could cause problems...
  ... if it and a ButtonToButton in the same profile were both mapped to the same thing.
  Now correctly stops pulsing if a second button is pressed and released...
  ...while one button is held.
  Now correctly suspends pulsing for the <Choice Delay> time on joystick axis activity.

Alpha 0.0.16

14 Aug 16:14
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Alpha 0.0.16 Pre-release
! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.0.16 - 14th Aug 2016
+ The ButtonToButton plugin now has a Toggle mode
+ MouseToJoy plugin enhancements:
  Added Scale Factor to Absolute mode.
  Plugin can now be configured to only take input from a specific mouse.
  You can now use multiple MouseToJoy plugins if you have more than one pointing device.
+ Added "HoldButton" functionality to OneSwitch Pulse plugin.
= InputActivity subscriptions no longer fire if the plugin is not active.
  This only really affects OneSwitch Pulse or any custom plugins using InputActivity.
= Fixed bug that occurred when changing an InputButton plugin from button to hat:
  The old binding was remaining active, this is now fixed.
= Fixed bug that occurred when changing an InputButton from keyboard to vJoy:
  The vJoy selection UI would change selection of various elements in odd ways.
= A bunch of behind-the-scenes changes and fixes.
  Please let me know if stuff that used to work now doesn't.
= MouseToJoy plugin fixes:
  Fixed numerous bugs which made Absolute mode center the stick way too much.
  The Timeout value for Absolute mode now works.

Alpha 0.0.15

24 Jul 16:14
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Alpha 0.0.15 Pre-release
! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.0.15 - 24th July 2016
! All ProfileSwitcher plugins will no longer be bound to a profile.
  You are advised to delete and re-add the plugin.
+ Dialogs to choose name of new Profile / Plugin now appear in the center of the UCR GUI.
+ A new custom GuiControl - the ProfileSelect is now available for Plugin Authors to use.
  This allows you to provide a guicontrol for users to choose a profile.
+ There is now a Text-To-Speech library provided in UCR.Libraries.TTS
+ Added Profile Speaker plugin.
  This can be used to speak something when a profile becomes active.
+ The OneSwitch Pulse plugin now makes a beep on toggle on/off.
+ The OneSwitch Pulse plugin now has a "Timeout Warning" setting.
= The recommended development environment for UCR is now AHK Studio
  Debugging of UCR and it's plugins is now much simpler.
  See the UCR wiki for info on debugging plugins.
  The code is now also split out into one file per class, so should be easier to work with.
= When you enter Bind Mode, the OnInActive() method is now called on all active plugins.
  All plugins should cease all activity on OnInActive() and resume on OnActive()
= The code of the ProfileSwitcher plugin is now vastly simplified.
  Most of it's code was moved into the ProfileSelect GuiControl.

Alpha 0.0.14

19 Jun 12:26
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Alpha 0.0.14 Pre-release
! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.0.14 - 19th June 2016
! INI (Settings) file format changed to 0.0.5. UCR will attempt to upgrade for you.
+ Adds new "Profile Inherits Plugins from parent" option to profiles.
  There is a new checkbox in the Profile Toolbox to turn this on or off for the current profile.
  If this option is on for a given profile, then when the profile is active...
  ... the profile's parent profile (if it has one) will also be active.
  This is useful when doing "Shift States", as it removes the need to duplicate plugins... the "normal" and "shifted" profiles for things that don't change when shift is held.
= The Profile Switcher plugin now allows you to pick a profile for press and release.
  This was needed because two plugins in the same profile cannot be bound to the same button...
  ... so two profile pickers (one for press, one for release) bound tot he same button didn't work.
= Bindings to Mouse Wheel now properly simulate the up (release) event.
  Without this, if you remap mouse wheel to a key, that key is never released
= You can now control multiple vJoy sticks properly.
  Previously, UCR would only control one stick at a time, resulting in weird behaviour.
+ All pop-up windows / dialogs now appear in the center of the GUI.
= Numpad Enter is now bindable

Alpha 0.0.13

21 May 19:56
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Alpha 0.0.13 Pre-release
! : Warning
* : Comment
= : Change / Fix
+ : Added feature

0.0.13 - 21st May 2016
! INI (Settings) file format changed. UCR will attempt to upgrade for you.
  If you have problems, please post on the forums.
= Plugins are now uniquely identified by IDs.
  This does not affect anything now, but it is an enabler for future features.
  eg: Renaming of plugins, moving plugins between profiles, inter-plugin communication.
= All IDs (Profile and Plugin) are now GUIDs generated via windows APIs
+ Status of Input Threads is now show in the Profile Toolbox.
  Blue = current profile, Green = active (eg global), Amber = Loaded but paused
= Fixes to logic for loading / unloading of Input Threads
= Up event for joystick buttons should now properly trigger...
  ... when entering a profile with the button already held.
+ UCR should now wait until done saving if you close the GUI mid-save.
+ Profile Toolbox now has a title in the GUI

Alpha 0.0.12

17 May 19:56
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Alpha 0.0.12 Pre-release
0.0.12 - 17th May 2016
+ The Profile Toolbox is now integrated into the rest of the UI
  The UI is now resizable horizontally, so you can resize the profile toolbox.