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This week covers:

  • More wrangling and plotting in R
  • Statistics

Day 1

Plotting (cont'd)

Combining and reshaping data


  • Read Chapter 21 of R for Data Science on Rmarkdown
  • Do the following exercises:
    • Exercises 1 and 2 on page 426 (try keyboard shortcuts: ctrl-shift-enter to run chunks, and ctrl-shift-k to knit the document)
    • Exercise 3 on page 428, using this file
    • Exercise 1 on page 434

The Anatomy of the Long Tail

Day 2

Intro to stats


Day 3

Intro to stats (cont'd)

Day 4


  • Dan gave a guest lecture on experiments

More stats!

  • Read Chapters 4 and 6 of IST
  • Do the following exercises from IST:
    • Questions 4.1 and 4.2
    • Question 6.1
    • Example 5 in Section 8.3.5
    • Questions 10.1 and 10.2
    • Questions 11.1 and 11.3
  • Read Chapter 2 of Intro to Stat with Randomization and Simulation

Day 5

Hypothesis testing

Stats (again!)