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rangemap: Simple Tools for Defining Species Ranges

Marlon E. Cobos, Vijay Barve, Narayani Barve, Alberto Jimenez-Valverde, and Claudia Nunez-Penichet

R build status

This repository is for the GSoC 2018 project “Species range maps in R”.

Project description

Student: Marlon E. Cobos

Mentors: Narayani Barve, Vijay Barve, and Alberto Jimenez Valverde

The species range maps project is motivated by the importance of information about species distribution for processes of conservation planning and the study of spatial patterns of biodiversity. In the face of multiple threats related to Global Change, protection and mitigation actions are crucial for maintaining the health of the planet, and knowing where species are located constitutes in primary information for starting these efforts. Currently, generation of species ranges maps may take several steps and the use of specialized software. Thanks to the recent development of specialized packages, R is rapidly becoming an excellent alternative for analyzing the spatial patterns of biodiversity. Taking advantage of these packages and the versatility of R, the aim of this project was offering handily and robust open source tools to obtain reliable proposals of species distribution ranges and to analyze their geographical patterns. A large community of students, researchers, and conservation managers can be benefited by this project since these tools will be freely available and will improve the way in which studies of species distributions are developed.

Status of the project

At the moment we have completed all the proposed tasks. Some of the planned functions were not developed since other packages have similar functionalities. Instead, we created other functions not considered initially but that complement this package with useful options for visualization. Next steps include massive testing of this package functions and submitting it to CRAN.

All commits made can be seen at the complete list of commits.

Following you can find a brief description of the produced R package, as well as some examples of its use.

Package description

The rangemap R package presents various tools to create species range maps based on occurrence data, statistics, and SpatialPolygons objects. Other tools of this package can be used to analyze environmental characteristics of the species ranges and to create high quality figures of these maps. All the functions that create species ranges also generate an approach to the species extent of occurrence (using convex hulls) and the area of occupancy according to the IUCN criteria. Shapefiles of the resultant polygons can be saved in the working directory if it is needed.

Installing the package

rangemap is in a GitHub repository and can be installed and/or loaded using the following code (make sure to have Internet connection).

# Installing and loading packages


Using the package functions

Preparing R

The following code chunk installs (if needed) and loads the R packages that will be used to get and prepare some data for performing the example analyses with the rangemap package.

# pacakges from CRAN
pcakages <- c("maps", "maptools", "raster")
req_packages <- pcakages[!(pcakages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(req_packages) > 0) {
  install.packages(req_packages, dependencies = TRUE)
sapply(pcakages, require, character.only = TRUE)

The working directory will also be defined in this part.

# working directory

Simple graphical exploration of your data.

The rangemap_explore function generates simple figures to visualize species occurrence data in the geographic space before using other functions of this package. The figure created with this function helps to identify countries involved in the species distribution. Other aspects of the species distribution can also be generally checked here; for instance, disjunct distributions, general dimension of the species range, etc.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


An example of the use of this function is written below.

# getting the data 
data("occ_d", package = "rangemap")

# simple figure of the species occurrence data
rangemap_explore(occurrences = occ_d)

Same figure with country codes.

# simple figure of the species occurrence data
rangemap_explore(occurrences = occ_d, show_countries = TRUE)

Species ranges from buffered occurrences

The rangemap_buff function generates a distributional range for a given species by buffering provided occurrences using a user-defined distance.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


An example of the use of this function is written below.

# getting the data 
data("occ_p", package = "rangemap")

# species range
buff_range <- rangemap_buffer(occurrences = occ_p, buffer_distance = 100000)

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Buffer 
#>             Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Peltophryne empusa             27   106241.2             65955.85
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                 92
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 27     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      23     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

The function rangemap_plot generates customizable figures of species range maps using the objects produced by other function of this package. Let’s see how the generated range looks like.

# creating the species range figure

For further details see the function help.


Species ranges from boundaries

The rangemap_boundaries function generates a distributional range for a given species by considering all the polygons of administrative entities in which the species has been detected.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


Examples of the use of this function with most of its variants are written below.

Using only occurrences

Following there is an example in which administrative areas will be selected using only occurrences. The rangemap_explore function will be used for obtaining a first visualization of the species distributional range.

# occurrence data was obtained in the first example using
# data("occ_d", package = "rangemap")

# checking which countries may be involved in the analysis
rangemap_explore(occurrences = occ_d, show_countries = TRUE)

# getting an example of SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to be used as polygons
data("adm_boundaries", package = "rangemap")

# species range
bound_range <- rangemap_boundaries(occurrences = occ_d, polygons = adm_boundaries)

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Boundaries 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             55   12217732              4060381
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                176
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           7     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 55     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      44     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

Figure of the generated range.

# creating the species range figure

Using only administrative area names

Following there is an example in which administrative areas will be selected using only the names of the administrative entities known to be occupied by the species. This approach may be useful in circumstances where geographic coordinates or accurate locality descriptions do not exist.

# administrative areas invloved
adm <- c("Ecuador", "Peru", "Venezuela", "Colombia", "Brazil") 

# species range
bound_range1 <- rangemap_boundaries(adm_areas = adm, polygons = adm_boundaries)

#>                          Summary of sp_range object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Boundaries 
#>  Species Range_area
#>  Species   12043257
#> Species range
#> Object of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#> Coordinates:
#>         min       max
#> x -91.66389 -29.84000
#> y -33.74067  13.37861
#> Is projected: FALSE 
#> proj4string : [+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs]
#> Data attributes:
#>   X.Species.           rangekm2      
#>  Length:5           Min.   : 255493  
#>  Class :character   1st Qu.: 909405  
#>  Mode  :character   Median :1135524  
#>                     Mean   :2408651  
#>                     3rd Qu.:1294369  
#>                     Max.   :8448466

Map of the generated range.

# creating the species range figure

Using occurrences and administrative areas

An example of using both occurrences and administrative areas for creating species ranges with the function rangemap_boundaries is presented below. This option may be useful when these two types of information complement the knowledge of the species distribution.

# other parameters
adm <- "Ecuador" # Athough no record is on this country, we know it is in Ecuador

# species range
bound_range2 <- rangemap_boundaries(occurrences = occ_d, adm_areas = adm, 
                                    polygons = adm_boundaries)

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Boundaries 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             55   12473215              4060381
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                176
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           8     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 55     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      44     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

Map of the species range.

# creating the species range figure

Species ranges from hull polygons

The rangemap_hull function generates a species range polygon by creating convex or concave hull polygons based on occurrence data.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


Examples of the use of this function with most of its variants are written below.

Convex hulls

With the example provided below, a species range will be constructed using convex hulls. After that this range will be split based on two distinct algorithms of clustering: hierarchical and k-means. Convex hull polygons are commonly used to represent species ranges, however in circumstances where biogeographic barriers for the species dispersal exist, concave hulls may be a better option.

# occurrences were obtained in prvious examples using
# data("occ_d", package = "rangemap")

# species range
hull_range <- rangemap_hull(occurrences = occ_d, hull_type = "convex", 
                            buffer_distance = 100000)
#> Hull type: convex

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Convex_hull 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             56    4860934              4063262
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                184
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           6     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 56     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      46     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

# disjunct distributions
# clustering occurrences with the hierarchical method

# species range
hull_range1 <- rangemap_hull(occurrences = occ_d, hull_type = "convex", 
                             buffer_distance = 100000, split = TRUE, 
                             cluster_method = "hierarchical", 
                             split_distance = 1500000)
#> Clustering method: hierarchical
#> Hull type: convex

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Convex_hull_split 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             56    2115826              4063262
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                184
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           7     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 56     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      46     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

# clustering occurrences with the k-means method

# species range
hull_range2 <- rangemap_hull(occurrences = occ_d, hull_type = "convex", 
                             buffer_distance = 100000, split = TRUE, 
                             cluster_method = "k-means", n_k_means = 3)
#> Clustering method: k-means
#> Hull type: convex

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Convex_hull_split 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             56    2115826              4063262
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                184
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           7     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 56     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      46     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

Now the figure of the species range.

# creating the species range figure
rangemap_plot(hull_range) # try hull_range1 and hull_range2 as well

Concave hulls

With the following examples, the species range will be constructed using concave hulls. The species range will be calculated as an only area and as disjunct areas by clustering its occurrences using the k-means and hierarchical methods.

# occurrences were obtained in prvious examples using
# data("occ_d", package = "rangemap")

# species range
hull_range3 <- rangemap_hull(occurrences = occ_d, hull_type = "concave", 
                             buffer_distance = 100000)
#> Hull type: concave

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Concave_hull 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             56    4327930              4063262
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                184
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           4     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 56     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      46     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

# disjunct distributions
# clustering occurrences with the hierarchical method

# species range
hull_range4 <- rangemap_hull(occurrences = occ_d, hull_type = "concave", 
                             buffer_distance = 100000, split = TRUE, 
                             cluster_method = "hierarchical", 
                             split_distance = 1500000)
#> Clustering method: hierarchical
#> Hull type: concave

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Concave_hull_split 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             56    1878355              4063262
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                184
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           6     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 56     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      46     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

# clustering occurrences with the k-means method

# species range
hull_range5 <- rangemap_hull(occurrences = occ_d, hull_type = "concave", 
                             buffer_distance = 100000, split = TRUE, 
                             cluster_method = "k-means", n_k_means = 3)
#> Clustering method: k-means
#> Hull type: concave

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  Concave_hull_split 
#>           Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Dasypus kappleri             56    1878355              4063262
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                184
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           6     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 56     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      46     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

Checking the figure.

# creating the species range figure
rangemap_plot(hull_range5) # try hull_range4 and hull_range5 as well

Species ranges from ecological niche models results

The rangemap_enm function generates a distributional range for a given species using a continuous raster layer produced with an ecological niche modeling algorithm. This function binarizes the model into suitable and unsuitable areas using a user specified level of omission (a given threshold value).

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


An example of the use of this function is written below.

# parameters
sp_mod <- raster::raster(list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "rangemap"),
                                    pattern = "sp_model.tif", full.names = TRUE))
data("occ_train", package = "rangemap")

# species range
enm_range <- rangemap_enm(occurrences = occ_train, model = sp_mod, 
                          threshold_omission = 5)

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  ENM 
#>               Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Amblyomma_americanum             89    2824883              3517287
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                356
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range          11     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 89     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      89     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

Let’s see how this range looks like.

# creating the species range figure

Species ranges using trend surface analyses

The rangemap_tsa function generates species range polygons for a given species using a trend surface analysis. Trend surface analysis is a method based on low-order polynomials of spatial coordinates for estimating a regular grid of points from scattered observations. This method assumes that all cells not occupied by occurrences are absences; hence its use depends on the quality of data and the certainty of having or not a complete sampling of the region of interest.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


An example of the use of this function is written below.

# data
data("occ_f", package = "rangemap")
CU <- simple_wmap("simple", regions = "Cuba")

# species range
tsa_r <- rangemap_tsa(occurrences = occ_f, region_of_interest = CU)

#>                       Summary of sp_range_iucn object
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Species range derived from:  TSA 
#>               Species Unique_records Range_area Extent_of_occurrence
#>  Peltophryne fustiger             18       6825             1630.968
#>  Area_of_occupancy
#>                 48
#> Other contents
#>                        Length Class                    Mode
#> species_range           1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> species_unique_records 18     SpatialPointsDataFrame   S4  
#> extent_of_occurrence    1     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4  
#> area_of_occupancy      12     SpatialPolygonsDataFrame S4

Let’s take a look at the results.

# creating the species range figure with a polygon defined by the user
rangemap_plot(tsa_r, polygons = CU, zoom = 0.5)

Nice figures of species ranges

The rangemap_plot function can be used to plot not only the generated species ranges but also the extent of occurrence and the species records in the same map. The species range will be plot on a simplified world map, but users can use a SpatialPolygons object of their choice.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


Examples of the use of this function are written below.

Including extent of occurrence

# creating the species range figure (hull_range5 was gnerated in a previous example)
rangemap_plot(hull_range5, add_EOO = TRUE)

Including occurrences

# creating the species range figure (hull_range5 was gnerated in a previous example)
rangemap_plot(hull_range5, add_occurrences = TRUE)

Including extent of occurrence and species records

# creating the species range figure (hull_range5 was gnerated in a previous example)
rangemap_plot(hull_range5, add_EOO = TRUE, add_occurrences = TRUE)

Using other parameters

# creating the species range figure (hull_range5 was gnerated in a previous example)
rangemap_plot(hull_range5, add_EOO = TRUE, add_occurrences = TRUE,
              legend = TRUE, scalebar = TRUE, scalebar_length = 500, 
              zoom = 0.5, northarrow = TRUE)

Species ranges and environmental factors

Species ranges on environmental factor maps

The ranges_emaps function represents one or more ranges of the same species on various maps of environmental factors (e.g. climatic variables) to detect implications of using one or other type of range regarding the environmental conditions in the area. Figures can be saved using some of the function arguments.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


An example of the use of this function is written below.

# example data
data("buffer_range", package = "rangemap")
data("cxhull_range", package = "rangemap")
data("cvehull_range", package = "rangemap")

vars <- raster::stack(system.file("extdata", "variables.tif",
                                  package = "rangemap"))
names(vars) <- c("bio5", "bio6", "bio13", "bio14")

# plotting
ranges_emaps(buffer_range, cxhull_range, cvehull_range, variables = vars)

Species ranges in the environmental space

The ranges_espace function generates a three dimensional comparison of a species’ ranges created using distinct algorithms, to visualize implications of selecting one of them if environmental conditions are considered.

The function’s help can be consulted using the following line of code:


An example of the use of this function is written below.

# example data
data("buffer_range", package = "rangemap")
data("cxhull_range", package = "rangemap")

vars <- raster::stack(system.file("extdata", "variables.tif",
                                  package = "rangemap"))
names(vars) <- c("bio5", "bio6", "bio13", "bio14")

## comparison
ranges_espace(buffer_range, cxhull_range, variables = vars,
              add_occurrences = TRUE)

# you can zoom in and rotate the figure for understanding it better

Saving this figures for publication can be done using functions from the package rgl (e.g., rgl.postscript() and rgl.snapshot()) .