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Spring PetClinic microservices running on Istio service mesh

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Spring PetClinic on Istio

Derived from Spring PetClinic Cloud.

For general information about the PetClinic sample application, see


The basic idea is that there's a ton of "cruft" inside tons of files in spring-petclinic that relate to "spring-cloud": configuration for service discovery, load balancing, routing, retries, resilience, etc.. None of that is an app's concern when you move to Istio. So we can get rid of it all. And little by little our apps become sane again.


On a Mac running Docker Desktop or Rancher Desktop, make sure to give your VM plenty of CPU and memory. 16GB of memory and 6 CPUs seems to work for me.

  1. Deploy a local K3D Kubernetes cluster with a local registry:

    k3d cluster create my-istio-cluster \
      --api-port 6443 \
      --k3s-arg "--disable=traefik@server:0" \
      --port 80:80@loadbalancer \
      --registry-create my-cluster-registry:

    Above, we:

    • Disable the default traefik load balancer and configure local port 80 to instead forward to the "istio-ingressgateway" load balancer.
    • Create a registry we can push to locally on port 5010 that is accessible from the Kubernetes cluster at "my-cluster-registry:5000".
  2. Deploy Istio:

    istioctl install -f istio-install-manifest.yaml

    The manifest enables proxying of mysql databases in addition to the rest services.

  3. Label the default namespace for sidecar injection:

    kubectl label ns default istio-injection=enabled

Deploy each microservice's backing database

Deployment Decisions:

  • We use mysql. Mysql can be installed with helm. Its charts are in the bitnami repository.
  • We deploy a separate database statefulset for each service
  • Inside each statefulset we name the database "service_instance_db"
  • Apps use the root username "root"
  • The helm installation will generate a root user password in a secret
  • The applications reference the secret name to get at the db credentials

Preparatory steps

  1. Add the helm repository:

    helm repo add bitnami
  2. Update it:

    helm repo update

Deploy the databases

Now we're ready to deploy the databases with a helm install command for each app/service:

  1. Vets:

    helm install vets-db-mysql bitnami/mysql --set auth.database=service_instance_db
  2. Visits:

    helm install visits-db-mysql bitnami/mysql --set auth.database=service_instance_db
  3. Customers:

    helm install customers-db-mysql bitnami/mysql --set auth.database=service_instance_db

Wait for the pods to be ready (2/2 containers).

Build the apps, create the docker images, push them to the local registry

  1. Compile the apps and run the tests:

    mvn clean package
  2. Build the images and publish them to the local registry:

    mvn spring-boot:build-image

Deploy the apps

The deployment manifests are located in the folder named manifests.

  1. The services are vets, visits, customers, and the frontend. For each service we create a Kubernetes Service Account, a Deployment, and a ClusterIP service.
  2. routes.yaml configures the Istio ingress gateway (which replaces spring cloud gateway) to route requests to the application's api endpoints.
  3. timeouts.yaml configures a 4s timeout on requests to the visits service, replacing the previous resilience4j based implementation.
  4. sleep.yaml is a blank client Pod that can be used to send direct calls (for testing purposes) to specific microservices from within the Kubernetes cluster.

To deploy the app:

kubectl apply -f manifests/

Wait for the pods to be ready (2/2 containers).

Visit the app

To see the running PetClinic application, open a browser tab and visit http://localhost/.


Test database connectivity

Connect directly to the vets-db-mysql database:

MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default vets-db-mysql -o jsonpath="{.data.mysql-root-password}" | base64 -d)
kubectl run vets-db-mysql-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image --namespace default --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD --command -- bash
mysql -h vets-db-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"

Test individual service endpoints

  1. Call the "Vets" controller endpoint:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl vets-service:8080/vets | jq
  2. Here are a couple of customers-service endpoints to test:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl customers-service:8080/owners | jq
    kubectl exec sleep -- curl customers-service:8080/owners/1/pets/1 | jq
  3. Test one of the visits-service endpoints:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl visits-service:8080/pets/visits\?petId=8 | jq
  4. Call petclinic-frontend endpoint that calls the customers and visits services:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl petclinic-frontend:8080/api/gateway/owners/6 | jq

Test resilience and fallback

The original spring-cloud version of petclinic used resilience4j to configure calls to the visit service with a timeout of 4 seconds, and a fallback to return an empty list of visits in the event that the request to get visits took longer.

Spring cloud was removed and the timeout was replaced with an Istio configuration.

See the file manifests/timeouts.yaml which configures a 4-second timeout for calls to the visits service.

The fallback in PetClinicController.getOwnerDetails was retrofitted to detect the Gateway Timeout (504) response code instead of using a resilience4j API.

To test this feature, the environment variable DELAY_MILLIS was introduced into the visits service to insert a delay when fetching visits.

Here is how to test the behavior:

  1. Call visits-service directly:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl visits-service:8080/pets/visits\?petId=8 | jq

    Observe the call succeed and return a list of visits for this particular pet.

  2. Call the petclinic-frontend endpoint, and note that for each pet, we see a list of visits:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl petclinic-frontend:8080/api/gateway/owners/6 | jq
  3. Edit the deployment manifest for the visits-service so that the environment variable DELAY_MILLIS is set to the value "5000" (which is 5 seconds).

  4. Once the new visits-service pod reaches ready status, make the same call again:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl -v visits-service:8080/pets/visits\?petId=8

    Observe the 504 (Gateway timeout) response this time around (because it exceeds the 4-second timeout).

  5. Call the petclinic-frontend endpoint once more, and note that for each pet, the list of visits is empty:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl petclinic-frontend:8080/api/gateway/owners/6 | jq

    That is, the call succeeds, the timeout is caught, and the fallback empty list of visits is returned in its place. Tail the logs of petclinic-frontend and observe a log message indicating the fallback was triggered.

Leverage workload identity

Workloads in Istio are assigned a SPIFFE identity.

Authorization policies can be applied that allow or deny access to a service as a function of that identity.

For example, we can restrict access to each database exclusively to its corresponding service, i.e.:

  • Only the visits service can access the visits db
  • Only the vets service can access the vets db
  • Only the customers service can access the customers db

The above policy is specified in the file authorization-policies.yaml.


  1. Use the above Test database connectivity instructions to create a client pod and to use it to connect to the "vets" database. This operation should succeed. You should be able to see the "service_instance_db" and see the tables and query them.

  2. Apply the authorization policies:

    kubectl apply -f authorization-policies.yaml
  3. Attempt once more to create a client pod to connect to the "vets" database. This time the operation will fail. That's because only the vets service is now allowed to connect to the database.

  4. Also verify that the application itself continues to function because all database queries are performed via its accompanying service.

Observe Distributed Traces

All boot apps are configured to propagate trace headers using micrometer-tracing, per the Istio documentation.

See the application.yaml resource files and the property management.tracing.baggage.remote-fields which configures the fields to propagate.

To make testing this easier, Istio is configured with 100% trace sampling.


  1. From the Istio distribution directory, deploy Istio observability samples:

    kubectl apply -f samples/addons/prometheus.yaml
    kubectl apply -f samples/addons/jaeger.yaml
    kubectl apply -f samples/addons/kiali.yaml
    kubectl apply -f samples/addons/grafana.yaml

    Wait for the observability pods to be ready:

    kubectl get pod -n istio-system
  2. Start the jaeger dashboard:

    istioctl dashboard jaeger
  3. Call petclinic-frontend endpoint that calls the customers and visits services:

    kubectl exec sleep -- curl petclinic-frontend:8080/api/gateway/owners/6 | jq
  4. In Jaeger, search for traces involving the services petclinic-frontend, customers, and visits.

    There should be a new trace with six spans showing the full end-to-end request-response flow across all three services.

    Distributed Trace Example

The Kiali dashboard can likewise be used to display visualizations of such end-to-end flows.