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This README details what native dependencies are required to execute the HdfJavaPrototype.

(1) You must download and install the HDF binaries for HDF5 from
(2) You must download the pre-built binaries for the HDF Java products from 
Inside of this tar file will be three directories: UsersGuide, bin, and lib. The bin directory contains a shell script for 
launching the HDFView Java application. The lib directory contains the JAR files required create Java applications with HDF, 
which are included in the deps directory in this bundle. The lib also contains a directory called <operating system>. 
The <operating system> directory contains the JNI wrappers for your OS. You can put these anywhere you like, but in order 
for any Java code to use these, you must launch it with -Djava.library.path=<PATH TO WRAPPER>. On a sample Linux system that 
would be /usr/lib64, for example.

The Javadoc location for the classes used in this prototype is at

Note that the Java Native Interface for HDF5 has many unsupported functions. This list can be found at