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Monero wallet

A Monero wallet is a wallet based on the Monero official wallet, by generating Monero spend/view keys, primary address and subaddresses.

Monero wallet factory

A Monero wallet is created using the HdWalletMoneroFactory class.
A HdWalletMoneroFactory class is constructed by specifying the desired network. After the construction, the factory can be used to create wallets with the specified network.

Supported coin enumerative:

Coin Enum
Monero main net HdWalletMoneroCoins.MONERO_MAINNET
Monero stage net HdWalletMoneroCoins.MONERO_STAGENET
Monero test net HdWalletMoneroCoins.MONERO_TESTNET


from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroCoins, HdWalletMoneroFactory

# Create a Monero wallet factory with default parameter (i.e. Monero main net)
hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
# Create a Monero wallet factory by specifying the coin
hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory(HdWalletMoneroCoins.MONERO_TESTNET)

Wallet creation

After a wallet factory is constructed, it can be used to create wallets.
Supported words number:

Words number Enum
12 HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_12
13 HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_13
24 HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_24
25 HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_25

Supported languages:

Language Enum
Chinese (simplified) HdWalletMoneroLanguages.CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED
Dutch HdWalletMoneroLanguages.DUTCH
English HdWalletMoneroLanguages.ENGLISH
French HdWalletMoneroLanguages.FRENCH
German HdWalletMoneroLanguages.GERMAN
Italian HdWalletMoneroLanguages.ITALIAN
Japanese HdWalletMoneroLanguages.JAPANESE
Portuguese HdWalletMoneroLanguages.PORTUGUESE
Spanish HdWalletMoneroLanguages.SPANISH
Russian HdWalletMoneroLanguages.RUSSIAN

A wallet can be created in the following ways:

  • Randomly by generating a random mnemonic with the specified words number (default: 25) and language (default: English):

      from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroWordsNum, HdWalletMoneroLanguages, HdWalletMoneroFactory
      # Create factory
      hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
      # Create randomly (words number: 25, language: English)
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name")
      # Create randomly by specifying the words number (language: English):
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name", HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_13)
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name", HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_24)
      # Create randomly by specifying words number and language
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name", HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_25, HdWalletMoneroLanguages.ITALIAN)
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name", HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_25, HdWalletMoneroLanguages.DUTCH)
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name", HdWalletMoneroWordsNum.WORDS_NUM_25, HdWalletMoneroLanguages.PORTUGUESE)
  • From an already existent mnemonic (language is automatically detected):

      from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroFactory
      # Create factory
      hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
      # Create from mnemonic
      mnemonic = "vials licks gulp people reorder tulips acquire cool lunar upwards recipe against ambush february shelter textbook annoyed veered getting swagger paradise total dawn duets getting"
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateFromMnemonic("my_wallet_name", mnemonic)
  • From a seed. The mnemonic will be automatically computed from the seed:

      import binascii
      from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroFactory
      # Create factory
      hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
      # Create from seed
      seed_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"b12434ae4b055a6c5250725ca100f062ae1d38644cc9d3b432cf1223b25edc0b")
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateFromSeed("my_wallet_name", seed_bytes)
  • From a private spend key. The mnemonic will be automatically computed from the private key:

      import binascii
      from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroFactory
      # Create factory
      hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
      # Create from private key bytes
      priv_skey_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"bb37794073e5094ebbfcfa070e9254fe6094b56e7cccb094a2304c5eccccdc07")
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateFromPrivateKey("my_wallet_name", priv_skey_bytes)
  • From a watch-only wallet (i.e. from a public spend key and a private view key):

      import binascii
      from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroFactory
      # Create factory
      hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
      # Create from private key bytes
      priv_vkey_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"b42c6e744db8c45d1320ba28f79d0a1813b1821358fbf195958de4e19b23aa0b")
      pub_skey_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"aa4e7c95a40fc97b98c4801bee5347842ff0740368cfe0ffcba65ad4270dc45b")
      hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateFromWatchOnly("my_wallet_name", priv_vkey_bytes, pub_skey_bytes)

In case of errors (e.g. construction from an invalid mnemonic, seed or keys) a ValueError exception will be raised.

Generating wallet keys and addresses

After a wallet is created, you can generate keys and subaddresses by simply calling the Generate method.
For generating a wallet, you can specify:

  • acc_idx : Account index (default value: 0)
  • subaddr_num : Subaddress number (default value: 0)
  • subaddr_off : Subaddress offset (default value: 0)


from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroFactory

# Create factory
hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
# Create random
hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name")

# Generate with default parameters
# Specify parameters (it'll generate subaddresses from index 10 to 15 for account 1)
hd_wallet.Generate(acc_idx=1, subaddr_num=5, subaddr_off=10)
# After generated, you can check if the wallet is watch-only with the IsWatchOnly method
is_wo = hd_wallet.IsWatchOnly()

In case of invalid parameters, a ValueError exception will be raised.

Getting wallet data

After keys and addresses were generated, you can:

  • Get the whole data as dictionary:

      # Get wallet data as a dictionary
      wallet_data = hd_wallet.ToDict()
  • Get the whole data as a string in JSON format:

      # Get wallet data as a string in JSON format
      wallet_data = hd_wallet.ToJson()
  • Save data to a file in JSON format using the HdWalletSaver class, to store the generated keys and addresses:

      # Save wallet data to file
  • Get a specific data, see the next paragraph

Getting specific wallet data

For getting specific data, the following methods of HdWalletMonero can be used:

  • GetData(HdWalletMoneroDataTypes) : return the specified data type if existent, None otherwise
  • HasData(HdWalletMoneroDataTypes) : return if the specified data type is existent

The possible data types HdWalletMoneroDataTypes are:

  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.WALLET_NAME : wallet name
  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.COIN_NAME : coin name
  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.MNEMONIC : mnemonic
  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.SEED_BYTES : seed bytes
  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.KEY : generated keys (HdWalletMoneroKeys object)
  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.ACCOUNT_IDX : account index
  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.SUBADDRESS_OFF : subaddresses offset
  • HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.SUBADDRESS : subaddresses (HdWalletMoneroSubaddresses object)

In case of keys, a HdWalletMoneroKeys object is returned. This object has the following methods:

  • ToDict() : return keys as a dictionary
  • ToJson() : return keys as a string in JSON format
  • HasKey(HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes) : get if the specified key type is existent
  • GetKey(HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes) : get the specified key if existent, None otherwise

The possible key types HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes are:

  • HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PRIV_SPEND : private spend key
  • HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PRIV_VIEW : private view key
  • HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PUB_SPEND : public spend key
  • HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PUB_VIEW : public view key
  • HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PRIMARY_ADDRESS : primary address

In case of subaddresses, a HdWalletMoneroSubaddresses is returned, This object has the following methods:

  • ToDict() : return addresses as a dictionary
  • ToJson() : return addresses as a string in JSON format
  • Count() : get the number of addresses
  • __getitem__(addr_idx) : get the address at the specified index using operator []
  • __iter__() : allows to iterate over all addresses

Each subaddress is a string.


from py_crypto_hd_wallet import HdWalletMoneroDataTypes, HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes, HdWalletMoneroFactory

# Create factory
hd_wallet_fact = HdWalletMoneroFactory()
# Create random
hd_wallet = hd_wallet_fact.CreateRandom("my_wallet_name")

# Generate with default parameters

# Print wallet

# Get wallet, coin name and mnemonic
wallet_name = hd_wallet.GetData(HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.WALLET_NAME)
coin_name = hd_wallet.GetData(HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.COIN_NAME)
mnemonic = hd_wallet.GetData(HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.MNEMONIC)

# Get wallet keys
keys = hd_wallet.GetData(HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.KEY)
# Print keys
# Get keys individually
priv_skey = keys.GetKey(HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PRIV_SPEND)
priv_vkey = keys.GetKey(HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PRIV_VIEW)
pub_skey = keys.GetKey(HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PUB_SPEND)
pub_vkey = keys.GetKey(HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PUB_VIEW)
# Get primary address
prim_addr = keys.GetKey(HdWalletMoneroKeyTypes.PRIMARY_ADDRESS)

# Get subaddresses
subaddresses = hd_wallet.GetData(HdWalletMoneroDataTypes.SUBADDRESS)
# Print them
for subaddr in subaddresses: