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This filter allows the user to put bibliographies at the end of each section, containing only those references in the section. It works by splitting the document up into sections, and then treating each section as a separate document for pandoc-citeproc to process.


This filter interferes with the default operation of pandoc-citeproc. The pandoc-citeproc filter must either be run before this filter, or not at all. The section-refs.lua filter calls pandoc-citeproc as necessary. For example:

pandoc -F pandoc-citeproc --lua-filter section-refs.lua


pandoc --lua-filter section-refs.lua


The filter allows customization through these metadata fields:

section-refs-level : This variable controls what level the biblography will occur at the end of. The header of the generated references section will be one level lower than the section that it appears on (so if it occurs at the end of a level-1 section, it will receive a level-2 header, and so on).

section-refs-bibliography : Behaves like bibliography in the context of this filter. This variable exists because pandoc automatically invokes pandoc-citeproc as the final filter if it is called with either --bibliography, or if the bibliography metadata is given via a command line option. Using section-refs-bibliography on the command line avoids this unwanted invocation.


This filter requires

  • pandoc version 2.8 or later, and
  • pandoc-citeproc version 0.14.5 or later.