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Before You Run The Provision Tool

  • (Recommended) Run to get the system ready to deploy Omnia. Alternatively, ensure that Ansible 2.12.9 and Python 3.8 are installed on the system. SELinux should also be disabled.

  • To provision the bare metal servers, download one of the following ISOs for deployment:

    1. Rocky 8
    2. RHEL 8.x
  • To dictate IP address/MAC mapping, a host mapping file can be provided. If the mapping file is not provided and the variable is left blank, a default mapping file will be created by querying the switch. Use the pxe_mapping_file.csv to create your own mapping file.

  • Ensure that all connection names under the network manager match their corresponding device names.

    nmcli connection

In the event of a mismatch, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<nic name> using vi editor.

  • All target hosts should be set up in PXE mode before running the playbook.
  • If RHEL is in use on the control plane, enable RedHat subscription. Not only does Omnia not enable RedHat subscription on the control plane, package installation may fail if RedHat subscription is disabled.
  • Users should also ensure that all repos are available on the RHEL control plane.
  • Ensure that the pxe_nic and public_nic are in the firewalld zone: public.


  • After configuration and installation of the cluster, changing the control plane is not supported. If you need to change the control plane, you must redeploy the entire cluster.
  • If there are errors while executing any of the Ansible playbook commands, then re-run the playbook.

Input Parameters for Provision Tool

Fill in all provision-specific parameters in input/provision_config.yml

Name Default, Accepted Values Required? Additional Information
public_nic eno2 required The NIC/ethernet card that is connected to the public internet.
admin_nic eno1 required The NIC/ethernet card that is used for shared LAN over Management (LOM) capability.
admin_nic_subnet required The intended subnet for shared LOM capability. Note that since the last 16 bits/2 octets of IPv4 are dynamic, please ensure that the parameter value is set to x.x.0.0.
pxe_nic eno1 required This NIC used to obtain routing information.
pxe_nic_start_range required The start of the DHCP range used to assign IPv4 addresses. When the PXE range and BMC subnet are provided, corresponding NICs will be assigned IPs with the same 3rd and 4th octets. Ensure that these ranges contain enough IPs to be double the number of iDRACs present in the cluster.
pxe_nic_end_range required The end of the DHCP range used to assign IPv4 addresses. When the PXE range and BMC subnet are provided, corresponding NICs will be assigned IPs with the same 3rd and 4th octets. Ensure that these ranges contain enough IPs to be double the number of iDRACs present in the cluster.
ib_nic_subnet   optional If provided, Omnia will assign static IPs to IB NICs on the compute nodes within the provided subnet. Note that since the last 16 bits/2 octets of IPv4 are dynamic, please ensure that the parameter value is set to x.x.0.0. When the PXE range and BMC subnet are provided, corresponding NICs will be assigned IPs with the same 3rd and 4th octets. IB nics should be prefixed ib.
bmc_nic_subnet   optional If provided, Omnia will assign static IPs to IB NICs on the compute nodes within the provided subnet. Note that since the last 16 bits/2 octets of IPv4 are dynamic, please ensure that the parameter value is set to x.x.0.0. When the PXE range and BMC subnet are provided, corresponding NICs will be assigned IPs with the same 3rd and 4th octets.
pxe_mapping_file_path   optional The mapping file consists of the MAC address and its respective IP address and hostname. If static IPs are required, create a csv file in the format MAC,Hostname,IP. A sample file is provided here: examples/pxe_mapping_file.csv. If not provided, ensure that pxe_switch_ip is provided.
pxe_switch_ip   optional PXE switch that will be connected to all iDRACs for provisioning. This switch needs to be SNMP-enabled.
pxe_switch_snmp_community_string public optional The SNMP community string used to access statistics, MAC addresses and IPs stored within a router or other device.
node_name node required The intended node name for nodes in the cluster.
domain_name   required DNS domain name to be set for iDRAC.
provision_os rocky, rhel required The operating system image that will be used for provisioning compute nodes in the cluster.
iso_file_path /home/RHEL-8.4.0-20210503.1-x86_64-dvd1.iso required The path where the user places the ISO image that needs to be provisioned in target nodes.
timezone GMT required The timezone that will be set during provisioning of OS. Available timezones are provided in provision/roles/xcat/files/timezone.txt.
language en-US required The language that will be set during provisioning of the OS
default_lease_time 86400 required Default lease time in seconds that will be used by DHCP.
provision_password   required Password used while deploying OS on bare metal servers. The Length of the password should be at least 8 characters. The password must not contain -,, ',".
postgresdb_password   required Password used to authenticate into the PostGresDB used by xCAT. Only alphanumeric characters (no special characters) are accepted.
primary_dns   optional The primary DNS host IP queried to provide Internet access to Compute Node (through DHCP routing)
secondary_dns   optional The secondary DNS host IP queried to provide Internet access to Compute Node (through DHCP routing)
  • { mount_point: "", desired_capacity: "" }
optional User defined disk partition applied to remote servers. The disk partition desired_capacity has to be provided in MB. Valid mount_point values accepted for disk partition are /home, /var, /tmp, /usr, swap. Default partition size provided for /boot is 1024MB, /boot/efi is 256MB and the remaining space to / partition. Values are accepted in the form of JSON list such as: , - { mount_point: "/home", desired_capacity: "102400" },

Running The Provision Tool

  1. Edit the input/provision_config.yml file to update the required variables.


The IP address 192.168.25.x is used for PowerVault Storage communications. Therefore, do not use this IP address for other configurations.

  1. To deploy the Omnia provision tool, run the following command

    cd provision
    ansible-playbook provision.yml
  2. By running provision.yml, the following configurations take place:

    1. All compute nodes in cluster will be enabled for PXE boot with osimage mentioned in provision_config.yml.

    2. A PostgreSQL database is set up with all relevant cluster information such as MAC IDs, hostname, admin IP, infiniband IPs, BMC IPs etc.

      To access the DB, run:

      psql -U postgres
      \c omniadb

      To view the schema being used in the cluster: \dn

      To view the tables in the database: \dt

      To view the contents of the nodeinfo table: select * from cluster.nodeinfo

      id | servicetag |     admin_mac     |         hostname         |   admin_ip   | bmc_ip | ib_ip
      1 |            | 00:c0:ff:43:f9:44 | node00001.winter.cluster | |        |
      2 |            | 70:b5:e8:d1:84:22 | node00002.winter.cluster | |        |
      3 |            | b8:ca:3a:71:25:5c | node00003.winter.cluster | |        |
      4 |            | 8c:47:be:c7:6f:c1 | node00004.winter.cluster |   |        |
      5 |            | 8c:47:be:c7:6f:c2 | node00005.winter.cluster |   |        |
      6 |            | b0:26:28:5b:80:18 | node00006.winter.cluster |   |        |
      7 |            | b0:7b:25:de:71:de | node00007.winter.cluster |   |        |
      8 |            | b0:7b:25:ee:32:fc | node00008.winter.cluster |   |        |
      9 |            | d0:8e:79:ba:6a:58 | node00009.winter.cluster |   |        |
      10|            | d0:8e:79:ba:6a:5e | node00010.winter.cluster |   |        |
    1. Offline repositories will be created based on the OS being deployed across the cluster.

Once the playbook execution is complete, ensure that PXE boot and RAID configurations are set up on remote nodes. Users are then expected to reboot target servers to provision the OS.


  • If the cluster does not have access to the internet, AppStream will not function. To provide internet access through the control plane (via the PXE network NIC), update primary_dns and secondary_dns in provision_config.yml and run provision.yml

  • All ports required for xCAT to run will be opened (For a complete list, check out the Security Configuration Document).

  • After running provision.yml, the file input/provision_config.yml will be encrypted. To edit file, use the command: ansible-vault edit provision_config.yml --vault-password-file .provision_vault_key

  • To re-provision target servers provision.yml can be re-run. Alternatively, use the following steps:

    • Use lsdef -t osimage | grep install-compute to get a list of all valid OS profiles.
    • Use nodeset all osimage=<selected OS image from previous command> to provision the OS on the target server.
    • PXE boot the target server to bring up the OS.


Once xCAT is installed, restart your SSH session to the control plane to ensure that the newly set up environment variables come into effect.

Adding a new node

A new node can be added using one of two ways:

  1. Using a mapping file:

    • Update the existing mapping file by appending the new entry (without the disrupting the older entries) or provide a new mapping file by pointing pxe_mapping_file_path in provision_config.yml to the new location.
    • Run provision.yml.
  2. Using the switch IP:

    • Run provision.yml once the switch has discovered the potential new node.

After Running the Provision Tool

Once the servers are provisioned, run the post provision script to:

  • Configure iDRAC IP or BMC IP if bmc_nic_subnet is provided in input/provision_config.yml.

  • Configure Infiniband static IPs on remote nodes if ib_nic_subnet is provided in input/provision_config.yml.

  • Set hostname for the remote nodes.

  • Invoke network.yml and accelerator.yml to install OFED, CUDA toolkit and ROCm drivers.

  • Create node_inventory in /opt/omnia listing provisioned nodes.

    cat /opt/omnia/node_inventory service_tag=XXXXXXX operating_system=RedHat service_tag=XXXXXXX operating_system=RedHat service_tag=XXXXXXX operating_system=Rocky service_tag=XXXXXXX operating_system=Rocky


Before post provision script, verify redhat subscription is enabled using the rhsm_subscription.yml playbook in utils only if OFED or GPU accelerators are to be installed.

To run the script, use the below command::

ansible-playbook post_provision.yml