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File metadata and controls

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How to setup your MacOS


  • If you already own a mac and just want to use headless haystack you can jump directly to Install Headless Haystack
  • Docker installed
  • If you are on Windows host, install (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and run all commands there

Download and start your docker container

  • To start the docker container the first time run:
docker run -it \
    --device /dev/kvm \
    -p 50922:10022 \
    -p 56176:6176 \
    -p 56443:6443 \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \
    -e GENERATE_UNIQUE=true \
    -e ADDITIONAL_PORTS='hostfwd=tcp::6176-:6176,hostfwd=tcp::6443-:6443,' \
    -e WIDTH=1024 \
    -e HEIGHT=768 \

This command pulls the image from Sickcodes and may take a while. A customized plist is used, that disables the timeout during boot process. It exposes 3 ports to the host machine

  • 50922 for ssh
  • 56176 for the fetchLocation webservice (Android application)
  • 56443 for the headless web UI

The default password for your Mac is 'alpine'

Prepare your Mac for running headless

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Log in with your Apple ID. If you don't have any, create a new one. The default keyboard layout is en_US. If you have another one, change this in the system preferences. Sign in Sign in finished

  • Shutdown your Mac

Do not restart your Mac until the next steps are successfully executed. All steps will be executed on your host, resp. wsl

  • Get the Docker-hash of your container
docker container ls --all

Docker Hash

If you have multiple docker containers , find the one with docker-osx in image name. In this example the correct one will be 89f71e516b9f

  • Stop Docker
sudo systemctl stop docker
  • Goto your container's folder. Change the folder name according to your hash. The folder is longer than the short hash!
sudo su
cd /var/lib/docker/containers/89f71e516b9f_________
  • Disable serial generation and enable headless mode
sed -i 's/GENERATE_UNIQUE=true/GENERATE_UNIQUE=false/g' config.v2.json
sed -i 's/DISPLAY=:0/DISPLAY=:99/g' config.v2.json
  • Restart your docker container in headless mode with your hash
docker start -ai 89f71e516b9f

Install headless haystack

All commands will be executed in MacOs (virtual or real). Make sure Homebrew is installed.

  • Download and unzip latest headless haystack
curl -L -O
unzip -d webserver
  • Install python dependencies
pip3 install cryptography pyobjc six --user
  • Browse to webserver folder, change the password if not 'alpine'
cd webserver
# Change the password in line password = '' at the beginning of the file with
  • Start the fetch-location service
  • Optional: You can now use the android application and fetch your records. If you want to use the web application, kill the fetch-location service and start it it in background
./ &

You have now two options. You can use the application directly at my GitHub-Page or you can host your own application on your Mac.

If you want to use the Github-Pages, you just have to browse to the page and import your JSON-file. All inputs are local only, so no data will be transferred outside your client.

For self hosting you can run a simple HTTP-Server in the 'web'- folder on port 6443

cd web
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 6443

or (if you are on python3)

cd web
python -m http.server 6443

You should now able to browse to http://localhost:56443/ on your host and use headless haystack

Notes on usage on other machines (SSL)

If you want to use Headless Haystack not on the same machine your MacOs is running or you want to use SSL, some extra steps are needed. You need a valid certificate, called certificate.pem in the server's folder (i.e. created with Let's Encrypt ) or you can rename the file rename_me.pem to certificate.pem and use my self signed one. After that restart the service:

mv rename_me.pem certificate.pem

Go to your client where you want to run Headless Haystack and point your browser to your FindMyProxy-Server (i.e. https://myserver:56176). You should see something like that: Certificate error

Go to 'Advanced' and 'Accept the Risk and continue'. You should see a directory listing now. Use Headless Haystack now normally, but change the Fetch location server setting, according to your needs. Use now https instead!


This have to be repeated for every other client once!