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SCALE: software-oriented material


Although compelling for a variety of reasons, leaning about side-channel (and fault) attack techniques using real targets (in real scenarios) can present a range of challenges. For example, doing so may

  • require equipment (e.g., an oscilloscope) which is hard to scale beyond a small number of users (e.g., one researcher vs. a cohort of students),
  • require special-case (e.g., a specific micro-controller) equipment that, independently from the attack, presents a steep(er) learning curve,
  • demand configuration (e.g., an isolated network) that is awkward to work with (e.g., due to space or requirements for privileged access),
  • add complicating factors (e.g., low signal-to-noise ratio) that present too high a challenge at an introductory level

and thus, in combination, detract from a focus on the fundamentals. As a result, and in certain cases, use of simulated targets can represent an attractive alternative. Although more contrived, they provide a simpler, controlled environment in which to explore a particular technique; having done so, one can then confidently apply any lessons learned to the real targets.

This repo. captures a suite of software-based, CTF-like challenges along these lines; It has a strict remit, namely educational use (e.g., as a lab. exercise or assignment), which to some extent determines goals, design decisions, and, ultimately, the content. Each challenge fits into a fairly general model, in the sense it relates to a scenario depicted as follows:

      indirect input
        direct input  +---------+
     ---------------->|         |---+
E                     |    D  +-+   | computation
     <----------------|       |k|<--+
        direct output +-------+-+
      indirect output

The basic idea is that

  • the attack target D houses some (potentially security-critical) data k (e.g., some key material),

  • an adversary E interacts with D by providing

    • direct input (e.g., some plaintext), and
    • indirect input (e.g., a glitched voltage or clock signal),

    which D uses via some computation to produce

    • direct output (e.g., a ciphertext), and
    • indirect output (e.g., side-channel leakage such as execution time),

    such that

  • by adaptively selecting inputs and using the resulting outputs, E is challenged to mount an attack (e.g., to recover k) on the underlying cryptography and/or how D implements it.


  • Install any pre-requisites, e.g., support for Git Large File Storage (LFS) (without this, some content will appear as a set of pointers to data vs. the data itself).

  • Clone the repo.

    git clone ./scale-sw
    cd ./scale-sw
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    source ./bin/
  • Create and populate a suitable Python virtual environment based on ${REPO_HOME}/requirements.txt by executing

    make venv

    then activate it by executing

    source ${REPO_HOME}/build/venv/bin/activate
  • Build the material:

    • execute

      make --directory="${REPO_HOME}/src/scale" build-step1
    • execute

      make --directory="${REPO_HOME}/src/scale" build-step2
  • Make use of the material in, e.g., the archive
