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Debugging NativeScript CLI app with the Hybrid (Java and CPP) debugger in Android Studio


  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK (Can be managed through the SDK Manager in AS)
    • Android Platform 23, 24, 25
    • Android Support Repository
    • Build Tools 25.0.2
  • Android NDK 12b - NDK Archives

First Launch

  • Open Android Studio - Click Open an existing Android Studio project
    • Open existing AS project
  • Select the test-cli-app Gradle project and click OK
    • Select project
  • Next configure the path to the Android NDK. This allows compilation and debugging of the native code (the runtime contains predominantly C++ code). File -> Project Structure... (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S)
    • Open settings
  • Set the Android NDK location to point to your 12b extracted NDK package on a hard drive. If prompted - Do not install latest NDK.
    • Set NDK

Configuring the project

  • Build a NativeScript application using the CLI (tns build android)

  • Navigate to my-app/platforms/android/, copy the src directory to test-cli-app/app/

  • Align the to match the one used when building your project (default - highest installed, or one passed with the --compileSdk flag)

    • Set compileSdk
  • Align the support library versions so that the big version (first number) matches that of the compileSdk

    • Align versions
  • IMPORTANT: If the project refers to any gradle plugins (additional support library plugins, sidedrawers, design library, google play libraries, 3rd party libraries etc.) either in my-app/app/app.gradle, or in any of the nativescript plugins installed in the application, those references will need to be included manually in the test-cli-app/app/build.gradle file's dependencies scope.

  • Illustration of the above: using the nativescript-drawingpad in a project, it is required to refer the jcenter "com.github.gcacace:signature-pad" package:

    • 3rd Party libs
  • Build the entire project to ensure everything is setup properly, and the runtime is ready to be debugged - Build -> Rebuild Project

Configuring debug symbols for debugging C++ code

  • Note: The following needs to be done only once. The paths to the binary directories are stored locally. Add the necessary symbols that will allow your applications to break in native (C++) code
  • Click on the app project -> Edit Configurations...
    • Edit configurations
  • On the settings window that opens up click on the Debugger tab
    • Debugger tab
  • Click the + (plus) button and proceed by adding the directories with the symbol tables for x86 and armeabi-v7a ABIs. This will ensure that whether the application debugged is an x86 emulator, or an armeabi-v7a device, C++ breakpoints will be hit.
    • Add Binaries
  • Ultimately the Debugger/Symbol Directories tab should end up looking like this:
    • Final look binaries

Debugging the project

Click the Play/Debug icon beneath the Android Studio Toolbar to run yourNativeScript app using the locally built runtime. Any changes made to theruntime subproject will be reflected immediately on following installations(runs) of the app through the AS UI.

In addition to debugging of the runtime bits, AS provides a clean and usefulUI to monitor the device Logcat. (Alt-6) will open the Android Monitor tool.