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React Native Basic App Template 💿 💿 💿 This is the repo of the mobile app for Wasabi Music.

The application was written in React Native. Currently uses a hard coded playlist of our favorite NFT songs as we implement the support to utilize the full catalog of NFT music found at

📱📱📱📱📱 Try the app now on TestFlight for iOS Android coming soon

Folder Structure 📁 📁 📁 📁 App.js - main application


detox test cases src

assets - for all images and test input data components - for screen components navigation - for all navigation objects redux - using redux slices for state screens - a place for all our screens styles - shared styling utils - for all helper functions Running the project 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ iOS Take the following steps to run the application locally for iOS

run yarn install navigate to the iOS folder using a terminal cd ios run pod install run yarn start within the directory in a terminal open the temp.xworspace using xcode run the project using xcode once everything loads Android Take the following steps to run the application locally for iOS

run yarn install run yarn android If you run into any issues, please make sure your development environment is set-up with a fresh react native app.

If your android app runs, but it can't connect to the react native server

Open a new terminal and navigate to the project Run adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 Run yarn start Run yarn android Running Test Cases 🧪 🧪 🧪 🧪 🧪 🧪 iOS Take the following steps to run the test cases for the application

yarn install navigate to the iOS folder using a terminal cd ios run pos install run detox build -c ios.sim.debug to build the debug version of the app for testing run detox test -c ios.sim.debug to run the test cases Android coming soon If everything is installed correctly, the tests should run