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Where do I get Jaybird?


Jaybird 2.2

Jaybird is available on maven (since version 2.2.0), with a separate artifact for each supported Java version.

Groupid: org.firebirdsql.jdbc,
Artifactid: jaybird-jdkXX (where XX is 16, 17 or 18).
Version: 2.2.11

For example:


When deploying to a JavaEE environment, exclude the javax.resource connector-api dependency as this will be provided by the application server.

Jaybird 3.0 for testing

Jaybird 3.0 Beta 1 is available from Maven central:

Groupid: org.firebirdsql.jdbc,
Artifactid: jaybird-jdkXX (where XX is 17 or 18).
Version: 3.0.0-beta-1

For example:


If your application is deployed to a Java EE application server, you will need to exclude the javax.resource:connector-api dependency, and add it as a provided dependency:


If you want to use Type 2 support (native, local or embedded), you need to explicitly include JNA 4.2.2 as a dependency:



Firebird can be downloaded from the Firebird website, under Downloads, JDBC Driver.

Alternatively, you can go directly to GitHub and download Jaybird from the jaybird releases.

Where can I get the sourcecode?

All Jaybird distribution zips contain a jaybird-<version> with the sources used for that specific version. The full Jaybird sourcecode is also available from GitHub in the jaybird repository:

Each release is also tagged in the repository.

How is Jaybird licensed?

Jaybird JCA/JDBC driver is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Text of the license can be obtained from

Using Jaybird (by importing Jaybird's public interfaces in your Java code), and extending Jaybird by subclassing or implementation of an extension interface (but not abstract or concrete class) is considered by the authors of Jaybird to be dynamic linking. Hence our interpretation of the LGPL is that the use of the unmodified Jaybird source does not affect the license of your application code.

Even more, all extension interfaces to which an application might want to link are released under dual LGPL/modified BSD license. Latter is basically "AS IS" license that allows any kind of use of that source code. Jaybird should be viewed as an implementation of that interfaces and the LGPL section for dynamic linking is applicable in this case.

Which version of the LGPL applies?

Current releases of Jaybird do not explicitly specify an LGPL version. This means that you can choose which version applies. Future versions of Jaybird may specify an explicit version, or be released under a different license.

Which Java versions are supported?

Jaybird 3.0 supports Java 7 and 8 and as rudimentary support for Java 9.

Jaybird 2.2 supports Java 6, 7 and 8.

Jaybird 2.2.4 added basic support for Java 8 (JDBC 4.2), although not all JDBC 4.2 features are supported or fully implemented.

Jaybird 2.2.7 is the last version to support Java 5, support has been dropped with Jaybird 2.2.8.

Jaybird 2.2 is the last version to support Java 6, support will be dropped with Jaybird 3.0.

Which Firebird versions are supported?

Jaybird 3.0 supports Firebird versions 2.0 and higher.

Jaybird 3.0 is the last version to support Firebird 2.0. Future versions of Jaybird are not guaranteed to work with version 2.0 and earlier.

Jaybird 2.2 supports all Firebird versions 1.0 and higher. Jaybird 2.2.4 added support for new features of Firebird 3 (eg BOOLEAN support).

Jaybird 2.2 is the last version to support Firebird 1.0 and 1.5. Future versions of Jaybird are not guaranteed to work with these versions.

Can Jaybird connect to Interbase?

Jaybird does not support Interbase, and as far as we know connecting to Interbase 6.0 and later will fail due to Firebird specific changes in the implementation.

Documentation and Support

Where to get more information on Jaybird

Apart from this FAQ, you can get additional information from:

Where to get help


There are several ways you can contribute to Jaybird or Firebird in general:

See also

Reporting Bugs

The developers follow the [email protected] list. Join the list and post information about suspected bugs. List members may be able to help out to determine if it is an actual bug, provide a workaround and get you going again, whereas bug fixes might take awhile.

You can report bugs in the Firebird bug tracker, project "Java Client (Jaybird)"

When reporting bugs, please provide a minimal, but complete reproduction, including databases and sourcecode to reproduce the problem. Patches to fix bugs are also appreciated. Make sure the patch is against a recent master version of the code. You can also fork the jaybird repository and create pull requests.

Connecting to Firebird

JDBC URLs (java.sql.DriverManager)

Pure Java (default)

Default URL format:


This will connect to the database using the Type 4 JDBC driver using the Java implementation of the Firebird wire-protocol. This is best suited for client-server applications with dedicated database server. Port can be omitted (default value is 3050), host name must be present.

The <host> part is either the hostname, the IPv4 address, or the IPv6 address in brackets (eg [::1]). Use of IPv6 address literals is only supported in Jaybird 3 or newer with Firebird 3 or newer.

The <database> part should be replaced with the database alias or the path to the database. In general it is advisable to use database aliases instead of the path of the database file as it hides implementation details like file locations and OS type.

On Linux the root / should be included in the path. A database located on /opt/firebird/db.fdb should use (note the double slash after port!):


Deprecated, but still supported legacy URL format:


The legacy URL format does not support IPv6 address literals.

Open Office/Libre Office (Pure Java)

Jaybird can be used together with OpenOffice and Libre Office Base. To address some compatibility issues (and differences in interpretation of JDBC specifications) a separate subprotocol is used:


Native (using Firebird client library)

Default URL format:


Legacy URL format:


Type 2 driver, will connect to the database using client library (fbclient.dll on Windows, and on Linux). Requires correct installation of the client library and - for Jaybird 2.2 or earlier - the Jaybird native library, or - for Jaybird 3.0 - the JNA jar file.


Type 2 driver in local mode. Uses client library as in previous case, however will not use socket communication, but rather access database directly. Requires correct installation of the client library and - for Jaybird 2.2 or earlier - the Jaybird native library, or - for Jaybird 3.0 - the JNA jar file.

Embedded Server


Similar to the Firebird client library, however fbembed.dll on Windows and on Linux are used. Requires correctly installed and configured Firebird embedded library and - for Jaybird 2.2 or earlier - the Jaybird native library, or - for Jaybird 3.0 - the JNA jar file.

How can I solve the error "Connection rejected: No connection character set specified"

If no explicit character set has been set, Jaybird 3.0 will reject the connection with an SQLNonTransientConnectionException with message "Connection rejected: No connection character set specified (property lc_ctype, encoding, charSet or localEncoding). Please specify a connection character set (eg property charSet=utf-8) or consult the Jaybird documentation for more information." (JDBC-446)

In Jaybird 2.2 and earlier, Jaybird would default to connection character set NONE if no character set had been specified (through lc_ctype/encoding and/or charSet/localEncoding). This can result in incorrect character set handling when the database is used from different locales.

To prevent potential data-corruption, we no longer allow connecting without an explicit connection character set.

To address this, explicitly set the connection character set using one of the following options:

  • Use connection property encoding (or lc_ctype) with Firebird character set names.

    Use encoding=NONE for the 'old' default behavior (with some caveats, see other sections).

  • Use connection property charSet (or localEncoding) with Java character set names.

  • By providing a default character set with system property org.firebirdsql.jdbc.defaultConnectionEncoding. Jaybird will apply the specified character set as the default when none is specified.

    This property only supports Firebird character set names. The property must be set on start up (or at least before Jaybird-related classes get loaded).

    Use -Dorg.firebirdsql.jdbc.defaultConnectionEncoding=NONE to revert to the old behavior (with some caveats, see the Jaybird 3 release notes).

JDBC Support

How much of JDBC is supported by Jaybird?

WARNING The information in this section is not 100% up-to-date

Jaybird 3 follows the JDBC 4.3 specification with some features and methods not implemented as they are not supported by Firebird.

Implemented features:

  • Most useful JDBC functionality ("useful" in the opinion of the developers).
  • Complete JCA API support: may be used directly in JCA-supporting application servers.
  • XA transactions with true two phase commit when used as a JCA resource adapter in a managed environment (with a TransactionManager and JCA deployment support) as well as when used via javax.sql.XADataSource implementation.
  • ObjectFactory implementation for use in environments with JNDI but no TransactionManager.
  • DataSource implementations without pooling.
  • Driver implementation for use in legacy applications.
  • Complete access to all Firebird database parameter block and transaction parameter block settings.
  • JMX mbean for database management (so far just database create and drop).

What parts of JDBC are NOT supported by Jaybird?

WARNING The information in this section is outdated

The following optional features are NOT supported:

The following optional features and the methods that support it are not implemented:

  • Ref and Array types.
    • java.sql.PreparedStatement
      • setRef(int i, Ref x)
      • setArray(int i, Array x)
    • java.sql.ResultSet
      • getArray(int i)
      • getArray(String columnName)
      • getRef(int i)
      • getRef(String columnName)
  • User Defined Types/Type Maps.
    • java.sql.ResultSet
      • getObject(int i, java.util.Map map)
      • getObject(String columnName, java.util.Map map)
    • java.sql.Connection
      • getTypeMap()
      • setTypeMap(java.util.Map map)

Excluding the unsupported features, the following methods are not yet implemented:

  • java.sql.Blob
    • length()
    • getBytes(long pos, int length)
    • position(byte pattern[], long start)
    • position(Blob pattern, long start)

The following methods are implemented, but do not work as expected:

  • java.sql.Statement
    • get/setMaxFieldSize does nothing
    • get/setQueryTimeout does nothing
  • java.sql.PreparedStatement
    • setObject(index,object,type) This method is implemented but behaves as setObject(index,object)
    • setObject(index,object,type,scale) This method is implemented but behaves as setObject(index,object)
  • java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
    • isReadOnly(i) always returns false
    • isWritable(i) always returns true
    • isDefinitivelyWritable(i) always returns true


Does Jaybird support connection pooling?

Jaybird itself no longer provides connection pooling. Earlier versions had a DataSource implementation with connection pooling, but this implementation had severe bugs. This implementation (and all other classes in org.firebirdsql.pool) was deprecated in 2.2 and dropped in 3.0.

Jaybird provides a basic DataSource implementation and a ConnectionPoolDataSource implementation. Contrary to its name the latter does not provide a connection pool, but is intended to be used by a connection pool (as implemented in an application server) to create connections for the connection pool.

If your application is built on a Java EE application server, we suggest you use the connection pooling provided by the application server. Either through the resource-adapter of the JCA implementation of Jaybird, or using the java.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource implementation org.firebirdsql.ds.FBConnectionPoolDataSource.

If you develop standalone applications, or you use an application server without connection pooling, we suggest you use third-party libraries like:

Compatibility notes


When you use Jaybird 3 in Wildfly (or JBoss), you will need to add the module javax.xml.bind.api to your module to get it to work.

The minimal module.xml to use Jaybird 3 under Wildfly is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="org.firebirdsql">
    <resource-root path="jaybird-3.0.x.jar"/>
    <module name="javax.api"/>
    <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
    <module name="javax.resource.api"/>
    <module name="javax.xml.bind.api"/> <!-- Add this -->