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Welcome, these are my experiments with Hierarchial Temporal Memory (HTM). HTM is a computational model of neurons in the mammalian cerebral cortex. For more information about the theory, see:

Written by David McDougall, 2017.

Installation Notes:

  1. Clone this repository to local computer.
  2. Install all packages in requirements.txt.
  3. In the HTM_experiments directory, run the command: $ ./ build_ext --inplace

MNIST Experiment Notes:

The MNIST dataset contains small images of the numbers 0-9. The dataset is split into 60,000 training and 10,000 testing images. The goal of this experiment is to make a program which can look at the labeled training data and then correctly identify the unlabeled testing data.

MNIST is used as a fast check for the spatial pooler and synapse manager code. The command $ ./ --default_parameters should yield a score of at least 0.93 out of a best possible score of 1.00.

Basal Ganglia Experiment Notes:

See file bg_writeup.odt for a detailed description of how this works.
Run with $ ./ --default_parameters.

Eye Experiment Notes:


Image Dataset Notes:

The datasets directory contains tools for creating and manipulating datasets of labeled images. It contains a python3 module and a GUI tool, named The program is used to paint areas of the image with labels for the AI to identify. For help see's in-program help message.

Genetic Algorithm Notes:

All experiments use a simple evolutionary algorithm because tuning these things manually is time consuming and usually results in sub-optimal performance. The code is located in module The evolutionary algorithm creates genetic material for new individuals by mixing up the genetic material of two existing members of the population and sometimes applying a mutation too. A pool of processes evaluates new individuals until you interrupt it (with CTRL-C). You can view a population and statistics about it with the program

Channel Encoder Notes:

These encoders transform inputs such as images into sparse distributed representations. Two requirements for SDRs are that every bit of information represents a range of possible values, and that for every input a certain fraction of bits activate in the SDR. The effects of these requirements are that each bit in an SDR is inaccurate and redundant. This implementation makes every output bit receptive to a unique range of inputs. These ranges are uniformly distributed through the inputs space and the widths are the size of the input space multiplied by the target sparsity. This meets both requirements for being an SDR and has more representational power than if many of the bits represented the same ranges. This design makes all of those redundancies add useful information.

Eye Sensor Notes:

The eye sensor is like a human eye; it is foveated and can move about an image. The eye sensors retina has a receptor dense central fovea and a receptor sparse perifieral vision. It uses the channel encoders to convert hue, saturation, value and edge information into an SDR which has topology defined. Its location is controlled using an SDR and it outputs its positions and movements encoded as an SDR.

Spatial Pooler Notes:

This implementation is based on but differs from the one described by Numenta's Spatial Pooler white paper, (Cui, Ahmad, Hawkins, 2017, "The HTM Spatial Pooler - a neocortical...", in two main ways, the boosting function and the local inhibition mechanism.

Logarithmic Boosting Function:

This uses a logarithmic boosting function. Its input is the activation frequency which is in the range [0, 1] and its output is a boosting factor to multiply each columns excitement by. It's equation is: boost-factor = log( activation-frequency ) / log( target-frequency ). Some things to note:

  1. The boost factor asymptotically approaches infinity as the activation frequency approaches zero.
  2. The boost factor equals zero when the activation frequency is one.
  3. The boost factor for columns which are at the target activation frequency is one.
  4. This mechanism has a single parameter: boosting_alpha which controls the exponential moving average which tracks the activation frequency.

Fast Local Inhibition:

This activates the most excited columns globally, after normalizing all columns by their local area mean and standard deviation. The local area is a gaussian window and the standard deviation of it is proportional to the deviation which is used to make the receptive field of each column. Columns inhibit each other in proportion to the number of inputs which they share. In pseudo code:

mean_normalized = excitement - gaussian_blur( excitement, radius )
standard_deviation = sqrt( gaussian_blur( mean_normalized ^ 2, radius ))
normalized = mean_normalized / standard_deviation
activate = top_k( normalized, sparsity * number_of_columns )

The reason I defined a neurons local neighborhood using normal distributions is because they are both linearly seperable and have rotational symetry. Linearly seperable is a mathematical property which in short, makes gaussian filters very fast to compute. Normal distributions are unique in having both of these properties.

Reinforcement Learning Notes:


TODO: Write this section or copy it from the file bg_writeup.odt

Cython Notes:

The sdr module is written in Cython, a superset of python3 which is compiled into C code and then to binary python3 extension module. Cython adds C types to python3 code and automatically inserts the interfaces needed to go between C types and python3 objects. Code using these C types bypasses the python3 type system and runs at the speed of native C code. For more about Cython see: To build the htm Cython module use: $ ./ build_ext --inplace

Synapse Manager Notes:

The synapse manager class implements an NMDA receptor, which functions as a coincidence detector. NMDA receptors detects when an input activation implies that an output is likely to activate as well.

Profiling shows that notifying each output about which inputs also activated is the one of the more time consuming steps. To facilitate this step, this class keeps an extra index table containing which outputs are connected to by each input. Using this optimization, synapses are only visited if their presynaptic input is active and if the synapse is in a connected state.


Old experiments, use sdr_algorithms repo instead.







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