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πŸ‘½ Terraform Orchestration Tool for DevOps. Keep environment configuration DRY with hierarchical imports of configurations, inheritance, and WAY more. Native support for Terraform and Helmfile.


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Universal CLI for DevOps and Cloud Automation.


variants is a command-line tool for provisioning, managing and orchestrating cloud infrastructure and Kubernetes clusters.

It includes workflows for dealing with:

  • Provisioning Terraform projects
  • Deploying helm charts to Kubernetes clusters using helmfiles
  • Executing helm commands on Kubernetes clusters
  • Provisioning istio on Kubernetes clusters using istio operator and helmfile
  • Executing kubectl commands on Kubernetes clusters
  • Executing AWS SDK commands to orchestrate cloud infrastructure
  • Running AWS CDK constructs to define cloud resources
  • Executing commands for the serverless framework
  • Executing shell commands
  • Combining various commands into workflows to execute many commands sequentially in just one step
  • ... and many more

In essence, it's a tool that orchestrates the other CLI tools in a consistent and self-explaining manner.

Moreover, variants is not only a command-line interface for managing clouds and clusters. It provides many useful patterns and best practices, such as:

  • Enforces Terraform and helmfile projects' structure (so everybody knows where things are)
  • Provides separation of configuration and code (so the same code could be easily deployed to different regions, environments and stages)
  • It can be extended to include new features, commands, and workflows
  • The commands have a clean, consistent and easy to understand syntax
  • The CLI can be compiled into a binary and included in other tools and containers for DevOps, cloud automation and CI/CD
  • The CLI code is modular and self-documenting

CLI Structure

The CLI is built with variant2 using HCL syntax.

*.variant files are combined like Terraform files.

See variant docs for more information on writing commands.

The CLI code consists of self-documenting modules (separating the files into modules is done for cleanliness):

  • shell - shell commands and helpers for the other modules
  • terraform - terraform commands (plan, apply, deploy, destroy, import, etc.)
  • helm - helm commands (e.g. list)
  • helmfile - helmfile commands (diff, apply, deploy, destroy, sync, lint, etc.)
  • kubeconfig - commands to download and manage kubeconfig from EKS clusters
  • istio - commands to manage istio using istio-operator and helmfile
  • workflow - commands to construct and execute cloud automation workflows


The example folder contains a complete solution that shows how to:

  • Structure the terraform and helmfile projects
  • Configure the CLI top-level module main.variant
  • Add configurations (variables) for the terraform and helmfile projects (to provision them to different environments and stages)
  • Create a Dockerfile with commands to build and include the CLI into the container
  • Combine many CLI commands into workflows and run the workflows to provision resources

In the example, we show how to create and provision (using the CLI) the following resources for three different environments/stages:

  • VPCs for dev, staging and prod stages in the us-east-2 region (which we refer to as ue2 environment)
  • EKS clusters in the ue2 environment for dev, staging and prod
  • ingress-nginx helmfile to be deployed on all the EKS clusters
  • istio helmfile and workflow to deploy istio on the EKS clusters using istio-operator

Configure the CLI

The CLI top-level module main.variant contains the global settings (options) for the CLI, including the location of the terraform projects, helmfiles, and configurations.

It's configured for that particular example project, but can be changed to reflect the desired project structure.

In the example we have the following:

  option "project-dir" {
    default     = "./"
    description = "Terraform projects directory"
    type        = string
  option "helmfile-dir" {
    default     = "./helmfiles"
    description = "Helmfile projects directory"
    type        = string
  • The configurations (Terraform and helmfile variables) are in the config folder - we set that global option in main.variant
  option "config-dir" {
    default     = "../config"
    description = "Config directory"
    type        = string

NOTE: The container starts in the projects directory (see Dockerfile). All paths are relative to the projects directory, but can be easily changed (in the Dockerfile and in the CLI options) as needed.

main.variant also includes the imports statement that imports all the required modules from the variants repo.

NOTE: For the example, we import all the CLI modules, but they could be included selectively depending on a particular usage.

imports = [
  "git::https://[email protected]/cloudposse/variants@modules/shell?ref=master",
  "git::https://[email protected]/cloudposse/variants@modules/kubeconfig?ref=master",
  "git::https://[email protected]/cloudposse/variants@modules/terraform?ref=master",
  "git::https://[email protected]/cloudposse/variants@modules/helmfile?ref=master",
  "git::https://[email protected]/cloudposse/variants@modules/helm?ref=master",
  "git::https://[email protected]/cloudposse/variants@modules/workflow?ref=master",
  "git::https://[email protected]/cloudposse/variants@modules/istio?ref=master"

NOTE: imports statement supports https, http, and ssh protocols.

NOTE: The global options from main.variant are propagated to all the downloaded modules, so they need to be specified only in one place - in the top-level module.

When we build the Docker image, all the modules from the imports statement are downloaded, combined with the top-level module main.variant, and compiled into a binary, which then included in the container.

Run the Example

To run the example, execute the following commands in a terminal:

  • cd example
  • make all - it will build the Docker image, build the variants CLI tool inside the image, and then start the container

Note that the name of the CLI executable is configurable.

In the Dockerfile for the example, we've chosen the name opsctl, but it could be any name you want, for example ops, cli, ops-exe, etc. The name of the CLI executable is configured using ARG CLI_NAME=opsctl in the Dockerfile.

After the container starts, run opsctl help to see the available commands and available flags.

NOTE: We use Cloud Posse geodesic as the base image for the container. geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built entirely from Open Source technologies.

Provision Terraform Project

To provision a Terraform project using the opsctl CLI, run the following commands in the container shell:

opsctl terraform plan eks --environment=ue2 --stage=dev
opsctl terraform apply eks --environment=ue2 --stage=dev


  • efs is the Terraform project to provision (from the projects folder)
  • --environment=ue2 is the environment to provision the project into (e.g. ue2, uw2). Note: the environments we are using here are abbreviations of AWS regions
  • --stage=dev is the stage/account (prod, staging, dev)

Short versions of the command-line arguments can be used:

opsctl terraform plan eks -e ue2 -s dev
opsctl terraform apply eks -e ue2 -s dev

To execute plan and apply in one step, use terrafrom deploy command:

opsctl terraform deploy eks -e ue2 -s dev

Provision Helmfile Project

To provision a helmfile project using the opsctl CLI, run the following commands in the container shell:

opsctl helmfile diff ingress-nginx --environment=ue2 --stage=dev
opsctl helmfile apply ingress-nginx --environment=ue2 --stage=dev


  • ingress-nginx is the helmfile project to provision (from the projects/helmfiles folder)
  • --environment=ue2 is the environment to provision the project into (e.g. ue2, uw2). Note: the environments we are using here are abbreviations of AWS regions
  • --stage=dev is the stage/account (prod, staging, dev)

Short versions of the command-line arguments can be used:

opsctl helmfile diff ingress-nginx -e ue2 -s dev
opsctl helmfile apply ingress-nginx -e ue2 -s dev

To execute diff and apply in one step, use helmfile deploy command:

opsctl helmfile deploy ingress-nginx -e ue2 -s dev

Deploy istio

To deploy istio into a Kubernetes cluster, run the following commands:

opsctl istioctl operator-init -e ue2 -s dev
opsctl helmfile deploy istio -e ue2 -s dev

This will install the istio operator first, then provision istio using the helmfile.

Run Workflows

Workflows are a way of combining multiple commands into one executable unit of work.

In the CLI, workflows can be defined using two different methods:

In the first case, we define workflows in the configuration file for the environment and stage (which we specify on the command line). To execute the workflows from workflows in ue2-dev.yaml, run the following commands:

opsctl workflow deploy-all -e ue2 -s dev
opsctl workflow istio-init -e ue2 -s dev

Note that workflows defined in the environment/stage config files can be executed only for the particular environment and stage. It's not possible to provision resources for multiple environments and stages this way.

In the second case (defining workflows in a separate file), a single workflow can be created to provision resources into different environments/stages. The environments/stages for the workflow steps can be specified in the workflow config.

For example, to run terraform plan and helmfile diff on all terraform and helmfile projects in the example, execute the following command:

opsctl workflow plan-all -f workflows-all

where the command-line option -f (--file for long version) instructs the opsctl CLI to look for the plan-all workflow in the file workflows-all.

As we can see, in multi-environment workflows, each workflow job specifies the environment and stage it's operating on:

    description: Run 'terraform plan' and 'helmfile diff' on all projects for all environments/stages
      - job: terraform plan vpc
        environment: ue2
        stage: dev
      - job: terraform plan eks
        environment: ue2
        stage: dev
      - job: helmfile diff ingress-nginx
        environment: ue2
        stage: dev
      - job: terraform plan vpc
        environment: ue2
        stage: staging
      - job: terraform plan eks
        environment: ue2
        stage: staging

You can also define a workflow in a separate file without specifying the environment and stage in the workflow's job config. In this case, the environment and stage need to be provided on the command line.

For example, to run the deploy-all workflow from the workflows-all file for the environment ue2 and stagedev, execute the following command:

opsctl workflow deploy-all -f workflows-all -e ue2 -s dev


πŸ‘½ Terraform Orchestration Tool for DevOps. Keep environment configuration DRY with hierarchical imports of configurations, inheritance, and WAY more. Native support for Terraform and Helmfile.




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