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namin edited this page Jan 14, 2013 · 4 revisions

Nominal logic programming is particularly suited for writing operational semantics, type inferencers, and other programs that must reason about scope and binding.

core.logic.nominal extends core.logic with three primitives for nominal logic programming: fresh, hash and tie. fresh introduces new noms, hash constraints a nom to be free in a term, and tie constructs a binder: a term in which a given nom is bound.


For these snippets, set your namespace as follows:

(ns nominal-tutorial
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
  (:use [clojure.core.logic :exclude [is] :as l]
        [clojure.core.logic.nominal :exclude [fresh hash] :as nom]

Like a unique object, a nom unifies only with itself or an unbound variable:

(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a] (== a a))) '(_0)))
(is (= (run* [q] (fresh [x] (nom/fresh [a] (== a x)))) '(_0)))
(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a] (== a 5))) ()))
(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a b] (== a b))) ()))

Like a variable, a nom in the answer is reified to a canonical form, prefixed by a to distinguish it from a variable:

(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [b] (== b q))) '(a_0)))

A binder unifies with another binder up to alpha-equivalence:

(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a b] (== (nom/tie a a) (nom/tie b b)) '(_0)))))
(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a b] (== (nom/tie a b) (nom/tie b b)) ()))))
(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a b] (== (nom/tie a b) (nom/tie b a)) ()))))

A # constraint ensures that a given term contains no free occurrences of a given nom:

(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a] (nom/hash a a))) ()))
(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a b] (nom/hash a b))) '(_0)))
(is (= (run* [q] (nom/fresh [a b] (nom/hash a (nom/tie a a)))) '(_0)))

Like other constraints, # constraints may get propagated and reified.

(is (= (run* [q] (fresh [x] (nom/fresh [a] (nom/hash a x) (== q [a x]))))
      '(([a_0 _1] :- a_0#_1))))
(is (= (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (nom/fresh [a b] (nom/hash a [x y b]) (== q [a b x y]))))
      '(([a_0 a_1 _2 _3] :- a_0#_3 a_0#_2))))

For simplicity, we only reify # constraints when its nom and variables are reified too:

(is (= (run* [q] (fresh [x y] (nom/fresh [a b] (nom/hash a [x y b])))) '(_0)))

Under the leaky hood

Nominal unification equates alpha-equivalent binders. How does it work when binders of distinct noms contain variables? Let's try it:

(is (= (run* [q]
         (fresh [x y]
           (nom/fresh [a b]
             (== (nom/tie a x) (nom/tie b y))
             (== [a b x y] q))))
      '(([a_0 a_1 _2 _3] :- a_1#_2 (swap [a_0 a_1] _3 _2)))))

This example reads: [a] x and [b] y unify when a#y and swap [a b] x y. The swap [a b] x y constraint represents a suspension: once x and y are bound, we want to check that x unifies with y after swapping all as and bs symmetrically at once. The a#y constraint ensures that since a cannot appear free in [a] x, a should not appear free in [b] y. Symmetrically, we could have used b#x instead. This # constraint prevents unifying [a] b with [b] a, while swapping enables unifying [a] a with [b] b.

What if x==y? Let's try it:

(is (= (run* [q]
         (fresh [x y]
           (nom/fresh [a b]
             (== (nom/tie a x) (nom/tie b y))
             (== [a b x y] q)
             (== x y))))
      '(([a_0 a_1 _2 _2] :- a_1#_2 a_0#_2 a_1#_2 a_0#_2 a_1#_2))))

(Note that the duplication of constraints in the answer is just an inefficiency and deciphering inconvenience.) This example reads: [a] x and [b] x unify if a#x and b#x. Indeed, a cannot appear free in [a] x and b cannot appear free in [b] x.

To summarize the findings from the examples above, nominal unification is specified using nom-swaps and #-constraints.

Two binders t1 and t2 unify when either:

  • t1 is [a] c1, t2 is [a] c2 and c1 unifies with c2
  • t1 is [a] c1, t2 is [b] c2, a#c2, and c1 unifies with the term c2 with all as and bs swapped.

Swapping introduces suspensions, because when we encounter a variable during swapping, we must delay the swap until the variable is bound.

In core.logic.nominal, we implement suspensions as constraints. During swapping of a and b, whenever we encounter a variable x, we replace it with a fresh variable x' and add the suspension constraint swap [a b] x' x. This swap constraint is executed under one of two conditions:

  • x and x' both become bound -- the swapping can resume
  • x and x' become equal -- we enforce a#x' and b#x' and drop the swap constraint