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Chapter 16: Transformers – Improving Natural Language Processing with Attention Mechanisms

Chapter Outline

  • Adding an attention mechanism to RNNs
    • Attention helps RNNs with accessing information
    • The original attention mechanism for RNNs
    • Processing the inputs using a bidirectional RNN
    • Generating outputs from context vectors
    • Computing the attention weights
  • Introducing the self-attention mechanism
    • Starting with a basic form of self-attention
    • Parameterizing the self-attention mechanism: scaled dot-product attention
  • Attention is all we need: introducing the original transformer architecture
    • Encoding context embeddings via multi-head attention
    • Learning a language model: decoder and masked multi-head attention
    • Implementation details: positional encodings and layer normalization
  • Building large-scale language models by leveraging unlabeled data
    • Pre-training and fine-tuning transformer models
    • Leveraging unlabeled data with GPT
    • Using GPT-2 to generate new text
    • Bidirectional pre-training with BERT
    • The best of both worlds: BART
  • Fine-tuning a BERT model in PyTorch
    • Loading the IMDb movie review dataset
    • Tokenizing the dataset
    • Loading and fine-tuning a pre-trained BERT model
    • Fine-tuning a transformer more conveniently using the Trainer API
  • Summary

Please refer to the file in ../ch01 for more information about running the code examples.