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v0.23.0 is here! 🎉

Hopefully this is the last intermediary release before v1.0.0. It is a bit light on new features, but it includes a lot of bug fixes and minor improvements! Also, the latest Docker tag will point to this release until we release the next stable one. Users wanting to use the bleeding edge k6 features can do that via the new master docker tag, which is pushed by every CI build of the git master branch.

Thanks to @sherrman, @ofauchon, @AndriiChuzhynov, @entone, @mariolopjr, and @tkbky for contributing to this release!

To see what's left for the v1.0.0 release, check out this milestone!

Also, have a look at our roadmap for what's up ahead, beyond the v1.0 release.

New Features!

New option: No Cookies Reset (#729)

A new option has been added that disables the default behavior of resetting the cookie jar after each VU iteration. If it's enabled, saved cookies will be persisted across VU iterations. For the moment there's no CLI flag for this option, instead it can only be set via the noCookiesReset key from the exported script options or via the K6_NO_COOKIES_RESET environment variable.

k6/http: New options to discard the response body or to specify its type (#742 and #749)

You can now specify what the type of an HTTP response's body should be with the new responseType request option. The possible values for it are text (the default), binary and none. The default text response type is backward-compatible, it doesn't change the current k6 behavior of returning the body attribute of the http/Response object as a string. It's well suited for working with web pages, text-based APIs and similar HTTP responses, but it can be unsuitable when dealing with binary files.

That's mostly because JavaScript strings are encoded with UTF-16 and converting binary data to it will frequently mangle some of the data. The new binary response type allows us to avoid that, it causes k6 to return the HTTP response's body as a byte array. This allows us to deal with the binary data without mangling it:

import http from 'k6/http';
import { sha256 } from 'k6/crypto';

export default function () {
    const expectedLogoHash = "fce7a09dde7c25b9822eca8438b7a5c397c2709e280e8e50f04d98bc8a66f4d9";

    let resp = http.get("", { responseType: "binary" });
    let logoHash = sha256(resp.body, "hex");
    if (logoHash !== expectedLogoHash) {
        throw new Error(`Expected logo hash to be ${expectedLogoHash} but it was ${logoHash}`);
    }"", resp.body);

Saving HTTP response bodies is generally useful, especially when we need to use them (or parts of them) in subsequent requests. But in many cases it makes little to no sense to spend memory on saving the response body. For example, when requesting static website assets (JS, CSS, images etc.) or web pages without needed information, the actual file contents rarely matter when running load tests.

For cases like that, the value none for the responseType option allows k6 to discard incoming data on arrival, in order to save CPU cycles and prevent unnecessary copying of data. When enabled, the actual HTTP response body would be fully downloaded (so that the load test and all HTTP metrics for that request are still accurate), it just won't be saved in memory and passed on to the JavaScript runtime at all - the response.body attribute would be null:

import http from 'k6/http';
import { check } from "k6";

export default function () {
    const url = "";
    let resp = http.get(url);
    let cssFile = resp.html().find("link[rel='stylesheet']").attr("href");

    check(http.get(`${url}/${cssFile}`, { responseType: "none" }), {
        "body was empty": (res) => res.body === null,
        "response code was 200": (res) => res.status == 200,
        "timings are present": (res) => res.timings.duration > 0,

For convenience, there's also a new global config option that causes k6 to discard response bodies by default by switching the default responseType value to none. It can be enabled via the --discard-response-bodies CLI flag, the K6_DISCARD_RESPONSE_BODIES environment variable, or the discardResponseBodies script option:

import http from 'k6/http';
export let options = {
  discardResponseBodies: true,
export default function () {
  let response = http.get("", { responseType: "text" });
  // ... do something with the response, but ignore the contents of static files:

Thanks to @sherrman for reporting the binary handling issues that prompted the addition of the responseType option! And thanks to @ofauchon for implementing both of the discard response body options, of which the local per-request one was later transformed into the responseType=none value!

k6/http: The Response.json() method now supports selectors

The selectors are implemented with the gjson library and allow optimized lookups and basic filtering of JSON elements in HTTP responses, which could be especially useful in combination with k6 checks:

import http from "k6/http";
import { check } from "k6";

export default function () {
	let resp = http.get("");

	let currentYear = (new Date()).getFullYear();
	check(resp, {
		"falcon heavy": (r) => r.json("#[flight_number==55].rocket.second_stage.payloads.0.payload_id") === "Tesla Roadster",
		"no failure this year": (r) => r.json("#[launch_success==false]#.launch_year").every((y) => y < currentYear),
		"success ratio": (r) => r.json("#[launch_success==true]#").length > 10 * r.json("#[launch_success==false]#").length,

Thanks to @AndriiChuzhynov for implementing this! (#766)

New option: disable the summary at the end of a test (#729)

A new option that disables the end-of-test summary has been added. That summary is often superfluous when k6 tests are run in a distributed execution mode, or when the generated metrics are piped to an external output like InfluxDB or Load Impact Insights. The option can be enabled with the --no-summary CLI flag or the K6_NO_SUMMARY environment variable. When both it and the and the --no-thresholds option are enabled, k6 won't store any generated metrics in-memory, making the test execution a bit more efficient.

New option: set a minimum iteration duration (#821)

You can now specify the minimum amount of time a single iteration should take via the new minIterationDuration option. It's also configurable via the --min-iteration-duration CLI flag and K6_MIN_ITERATION_DURATION environment variable. This setting only applies for full iterations, so any interrupted iterations due to ramping down of VUs from a stage or at the end of the tests can still be shorter.


  • Added a warning when the maximum number of VUs is more than the total number of iterations (#802)


  • Cloud output: improved outlier metric detection for small batches. (#744)
  • Use 20 as the default values of the batch and batchPerHost options. They determine the maximum number of parallel requests (in total and per-host respectively) an http.batch() call will make per VU. The previous value for batch was 10 and for batchPerHost it was 0 (unlimited). We now also use their values to determine the maximum number of open idle connections in a VU. (#685)
  • Due to refactoring needed for the redirect fixes, the NTLM authentication library k6 uses is changed from this to this. (#753)
  • Switched the default CircleCI tests and linting to use Go 1.11.2, but we still maintain 1.10 compatibility by running all of the tests with Go 1.10.3 too. Official k6 standalone builds will also be done with Go 1.11+ from now on. (#813)
  • Automated docker builds of the git master branch will now tag the resulting docker image as master as well. The latest docker tag will point to the latest stable official release, so it will be equivalent to v0.23.0 until we release the next k6 version. (#846)

Bugs fixed!

  • UI: The interactive k6 login influxdb command failed to write the supplied options to the config file. (#734)
  • UI: Password input is now masked in k6 login influxdb and k6 login cloud. (#734)
  • Config: Environment variables can now be used to modify k6's behavior in the k6 login subcommands. (#734)
  • HTTP: Binary response bodies were mangled because there was no way to avoid converting them to UTF-16 JavaScript strings. (#749)
  • Config: Stages were appended instead of overwritten from upper config "tiers", and were doubled when supplied via the CLI flag. (#759)
  • HAR converter: Fixed a panic due to a missing array length check. (#760)
  • HTTP: http.batch() calls could panic because of a data race when the batchPerHost global option was used. (#770)
  • Docker: Fixed the grafana image in the docker-compose setup. Thanks @entone and @mariolopjr! (#783)
  • Config: Stages configured via the script options or environment variables couldn't be disabled via the CLI flags. (#786)
  • UI: Don't report infinities and extreme speeds when tests take 0 time. Thanks @tkbky! (#790)
  • HTTP: Correct metric tracking when HTTP requests are redirected. (#753)
  • HAR converter: Added escaping for page IDs and names in the generated scripts. (#801)
  • Setup data: Distinguish between undefined (when there is no setup() function or when it doesn't return anything) and null (when setup() explicitly returns null) values for the setup data that's passed to the default function and teardown(). (#799)
  • Setup data: Prevent data races by having each VU have its own independent copy of the setup data. (#799)
  • HAR converter: Support HAR files that don't have a pages array. (#806)
  • Setup data: The property names of some of the internal k6 objects like http.Response weren't properly encoded when they were returned from the setup() function. (#804)
  • UX: Instead of panicking on some operations in the init context, we now return an error that the given action is not supported; this includes making HTTP requests (batched or not), websockets, adding to custom metrics, making checks and groups, or initializing cookie jars. (#811)
  • Cloud execution: properly send specific environment variables to the cloud option validation endpoint when running k6 cloud. Most notably this includes K6_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID. (#829)
  • Cloud execution and archive running: Fixed an issue when files were imported or opened with their full paths and they were in the users' home folders. (#823)
  • Script: Fixed a panic when group() is called without a callback function. (#841)

Breaking changes

  • Metric names are now restricted to only allow Unicode letters or numbers, spaces, and the following special characters: ._!?/&#()<>%-. They also need to be between 1 and 128 characters. Previously practically anything was a valid metric name. (#810)