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pol safe format

This document describes the (current) format of a pol safe.

Magic bytes

Every pol safe starts with the following 18 bytes.

70 6f 6c 0a d1 63 d4 97 7a 2c f6 81 ad 9a 6c fe 98 ab

Note that 70 6f 6c 0a is "pol\n".

Plaintext object

The remaining data is a "simple object" encoded using msgpack. This is called the plaintext object of the safe. A "simple object" is very similar to JSON defined objects. It is recursively defined as following.

A simple object is one of the following:

  • a (byte)string,
  • a 64 bit floating point,
  • a 64 bit unsigned integer,
  • a 64 bit signed integer,
  • a special value nil (null, None, ...),
  • a boolean,
  • a (possibly empty) list of simple objects or
  • an mapping of strings to simple objects.

msgpack is an efficient and widely supported binary encoding of these simple objects.

This is an example of the plaintext object of a safe (in Python notation):

{'block-cipher': {'bits': 256, 'type': 'aes'},
 'block-index-size': 2,
 'bytes-per-block': 128,
 'envelope': {'curve': 'secp160r1', 'type': 'seccure'},
 'group-params': ['+\xf2\x9f\xb7L\x0b\xe9\xd0M\xa8\xd6\x01\x19\x0c\x14h\x06\x0f\x8eW_6Q\xa5A6U\xa5x\x19\xd6\x15!\x8f\xc5\x9f\xec\x1d!zy\x99\x96q<\xa2\xaec"\xfeb\xce\xbd\xf6L?Xi\x1f\xe0_\xff*s\x8d\x81I*\xd9_\xafM\xb7\x8aX\xd1\x1a\xd3]#\xe3\x94O8\xc4(\xb4\x06T\xaf\x83\'\x1c\x87\x15\x0c\x0f\xf4\xd4}\x07J\x12\xbf\x03\xda\x8c\xef\xe3X\xf6\xd8\xb6O\xa6\xe5\x92\xc8\xcaS\x02u\xfa\xd9P\x0f\xc5\x97\x01',
 'key-derivation': {'bits': 256,
                    'salt': '\xab\x8a\x0b\x9fx\x07{\x19\xd8`\x81\x02\xe1\x03L\x87\x7f@\xbc:\x95\xcbR\xb3)\x9fp[\xa5_\x1aM',
                    'type': 'sha'},
 'key-stretching': {'Nexp': 15,
                    'salt': '\x14\xb96Q\xf0\x00\xd5\x87f\xacT\xa55p\x18xCj3f_9\xd8\xe4\xdf\xc8l\x93\xf5Q\xcb\x93',
                    'type': 'scrypt'},
 'n-blocks': 1024,
 'slice-size': 4,
 'type': 'elgamal',
 'blocks': [['\xadC\xa6\xdf\xc1oC 5\xd3g\xc3\xadg)\x1c7yj/\x15~x\xc8:\x7f\x89P\xcf\x11\t\x14\x0f\x14|\xe0\x11\xa6I\x82HX\x0c\x96\xc2Z\xaa\xc0$jV\x15Pi\xa1\xdc\xf3S\xa3\xf6\x0c\xcf\xb2_\xa7_\xd2\x9f\xa9\xa8\r\xa1\xf9\x01\xf3\x99OE\x84R\xd9\x0bRe\xeck\xbc\xaf\x93A\x0b\xa3\xec\x0c\x96\x1eo\xc0\xc4\x1b\xc71\xe7vy\xb9\xb1\xdeUMh\\\x8e=F\x17\xd4\xb3\xb5H\x05l/\xc1\x0b\xa7$9\x01',
         '\xd33\x8dG\x8f\x17\xe4\xcd\xb9\x92\xa3\xa4\xa4\xe9\xc0\x19K\x9bP\xc0CD"D[M}\xeeU\xef\x99\xfb\xf3WRl\x17I\xc7\xc2\x1dM,=\xba\x16:6.\xb1\xb7\xcd\xcaw\xf1w\x0c~\xb5\xc5\xd3Zt\xf8u\xe8S\x9c(\x93\xe1\x83\x15\xd5 \x08H\x12\xcb\xf8Y\x9c\x19\xfcu\x0bk\x05c%P_\xad&f\x97\xaa\xcb\x93\x81z\xab\x9e\x18\x13\xae\xad\xe7\x94{\xa0\x1f#*\xaa\xcbc\x06\x08\x7f\xe2\xa6\xc8\x82\xd6/\xa3#\x01',

Note that we truncated the blocks list.

The pol format is designed to be flexible. It is, for instance, easy to add support for another blockcipher than AES, the current default. The blockcipher that is used, is specified in a mapping under the top-level block-cipher attribute. The block-cipher is a so-called primitive of the safe. The configurable primitives are:

  1. block-cipher. The symmetric cryptography used. The default is AES-256 in CTR. See below for details.
  2. key-stretching. The method to derive a key from a password. The default is argon2d. Again: see below for details.
  3. key-derivation. Used to derive keys from list of strings. The default is based on SHA-256.
  4. envelope. Used to seal messages with public/private key cryptography. The default is based on Elliptic Curve IES on secp160r1.

The format of the safe itself, responsible for the deniable encryption, is also configurable. By default it is based on El-Gamal rerandomization.

First we will give an overview of the format. Then we will go into the details.


A pol safe can have zero or more containers. Each container has a master password. It can have a list-password and an append-password. A containers contains entries. Each entry is a triplet: key, note and secret.

Containers are hidden in a large list of blocks. Typically a safe contains 1024 blocks. Each block belongs to a container or is random junk. We cannot distinguish a block that is random junk from a block owned by a container.

Each block is in fact a quadruple: (c1, c2, pk, m). The pair (c1, c2) is an El-Gamal ciphertext for the private key corresponding to the public key pk. This is true, even if the block is junk. If the block is junk, the plaintext and private key are randomly generated and thrown away. m is a key related to the private key of the block, used to improve performance of finding blocks. See the details below.

To accommodate for the different levels of access each password gives, a container is split into (at most) five slices. Every block that belongs to a container, belongs to one of the five slices. There are three small access slices. One for each password. Then there is a main slice that contains the entries. Finally, there is an append slice that contains the sealed passwords added with the append-only password.

Each slice has a slice key. In the case of the master password access slice, this is the key-stretching primitive applied to the master-password. In the case of the master slice, this is a randomly generated key stored in the list-password and master-password access slices. The El-Gamal private key of a block of a slice is derived deterministically from the slice key with the key-derivation primitive. The El-Gamal plaintext of a block is itself a ciphertext: it is encrypted with the blockcipher primitive using another key derived from the slice key. The first few blocks of a slice, contain the indices of the other blocks of the slice.

Thus, to open a container given a password:

  1. First derive the access slice key from the password using the key stretching algorithm.
  2. Find the access slice by trying to decrypt each block using the appropriate derived key.
  3. Decrypt the first and other blocks of the access slice.
  4. Using the key for the main slice or append slice stored in the access slice, derive the slice key and find the main/append slice as before.

The master slice contains:

  1. A private key used to decrypt entries in the append slice.
  2. A list of (key, note) for each entry.
  3. The ciphertext of the list of secrets.

With a list password one can decrypt the master slice, but you need the master password to decrypt the ciphertext of the secrets in the master slice.

The append slice contains:

  1. The public key used to seal entries.
  2. A list of sealed entries.

Whenever the safe has been accessed, it is rerandomized. We will explain how rerandomization of a block is performed. Recall that El-Gamal encryption is defined as follows:

E(m) = (g ** r, m * (g ** x) ** r) mod p


  • g is a generator of the finite field p
  • r is a random element of the field
  • x is the private key
  • g ** x is the public key

Then given any such ciphertext (c1, c2) one can consider

(c1 * g ** s, c2 * (g ** x) ** s)

for a random s. It is easy to check that is an El-Gamal ciphertext for the same plaintext. We just changed the random number from r to r+s. This is called a rerandomization of the ciphertext. This rerandomization is applied to each block of the safe.

See _eg_rerandomize_block in

Before we discuss the details of the format of a safe, we look at the primitives.



Given an initialization vector and a key, the blockcipher encrypts and decrypts messages by blocks.

The default (and the only supported configuration) is:

{'type': 'aes', 'bits': 256}

This is AES-256 in CTR mode. Its blocksize is 16 bytes. See


The default is argon2d. The key-stretcher scrypt is also supported. The default configuration is:

{'type': 'argon2',
 'p': 4,
 'm': 102400,
 't': 1,
 'v': 19,
 'salt': < a randomly generated 32 byte string > }
  • p is the parallelism parameter.
  • m is the memory_cost parameter.
  • t is the time_cost parameter.
  • v is the version of argon2d to use (19 == 0x13 ~ argon2 v1.3)
  • salt is the salt passed to argon2.

See argon2-cffi's choosing parameters.


The password waasdasdada stretched with the default configuration and salt waasdasdaa, gives the following key in hexadecimal notation:




The key-derivation is basically a hash function from the finite tuples of strings to strings of arbitrary length. Although the key-derivation generates strings of arbitary length, it specifies a natural length.

The default (and the only supported type) is based on SHA2 (sha). The default configuration is:

{'type': 'sha',
 'bits': 256,
 'salt': < a randomly generated 32 byte strong > }
  • bits is the variant of SHA2 to use. Only 256 is accepted.
  • salt is a salt used.

Given a list of string [s1, ..., sn], one can consider the big string

H ( H(s1) | ... | H(sn) | H(salt) | H(s(0)) ) | H ( H(s1) | ... | H(sn) | H (salt) | H(s(1)) ) | ...

Here H stands for SHA-256 and s(i) for the big endian 16 bit encoding of i. One can trunctate this string to any length. This is the default key-derivation. The natural length of this key-derivation is 32 bytes.


The 128 byte key derivation of ['a', 'b', 'c'] with salt c is in hexadecimal notation




The envelope primitive has three operations.

  1. Generate a public/private keypair.
  2. Given a public key, seal a message for that key.
  3. Given a prive key and a sealed message, decrypt it.

The default type is based on seccure, which in turn is based on ECIES. The default configuration is:

{'type': 'seccure', 'curve': 'secp160r1'}
  • curve is the elliptic curve used. Any curve supported by py-seccure is accepted.

Key generation

A private key is randomly generated. Its length depends on the keysize of the curve. A public key is derived using the same method as the commandline util seccure-key uses. The public and private key are represented in the binary format as is used in seccure.

Sealing a message

A message is sealed compatible with the commandline util seccure-encrypt.

Decrypting a message

A sealed message is decrypted compatible with commandline util seccure-decrypt.


An example keypair, in hexadecimal notation, is

004da4d9fc62d0e5f27cc2aac41272e2e94ef04f9c 5ff96fc11a09721d71a844ec2c0ea160ce0aca7ce0

The following


is the sealed message 'This is a very secret message\n' for the private key my private key.

See, py-seccure and seccure.

The safe

Serialization of big integers, block indices and more

In various places, we need to store big unsigned integers. msgpack has no support for these. We serialize a big unsigned integer as a bytestring in little endian. Thus the string hello represents the number 478560413032. See

Also block indices are serialized. In the plaintext object there is an attribute block-index-size. A block index i is serialized with block-index-size bytes in big endian.

The length of a slice is also serialized in big endian. In the plaintext object there is an attribute slice-size to specify how many bytes are used.


A slice consists of a list of blocks. For instance [43, 2, 12]. This slice has three blocks. The first is the block with index 43. The second is the block with index 2. The last block is the block with index 12.

Let Ks denote the key of the slice.

El-Gamal private key

The El-Gamal private key for the ith (starting from 0) block of the safe is

KD([ Ks, KD_ELGAMAL, i])

where KD_ELGAMAL is the string given in hexadecimal notation by


and KD is the key-derivation primitive. Note that i is serialized as a block index depending on block-index-size.

See _privkey_for_block in

Symmetric key

The symmetric key for the slice is

KD([ Ks, KD_SYMM])

where KD_SYMM is the string given in hexadecimal notation by


See _cipherstream_key in


Recall that a block is a quadruple (c1, c2, pk, m), where (c1, c2) is an El-Gamal ciphertext encrypted with the public key pk and we did not yet explain m. m is called the marker. If it is a block of the slice with key Ks and it is the ith block of the safe, then m is

KD([ Ks, KD_MARKER, i])

To check whether a key decrypts a block, it is faster to check the marker, than it is to do a trail decryption or to check pk.

See _marker_for_block in

The El-Gamal group parameters

In the plaintext object the top-level attribute group-parameters is a pair (p, g), that specifies the finite field of order p and generator g that is used for the El-Gamal cryptography.

El-Gamal plaintext

The plaintext of a block is a number. It is interpreted as a string by using the serialization for big integers, as defined above, and truncating to bytes-per-block bytes. bytes-per-block is a top-level attribute of the main object that specifies how many bytes are stored in each block.

See group_to_string in

The first blocks

The El-Gamal plaintext of the first block of a slice begins

KD([ symmetric-key ], blockcipher-blocksize)

Where symmetric-key is the symmetric key for the slice and blockcipher-blocksize is the blocksize of the block-cipher.

It is followed by


again of length blockcipher-blocksize. The remainder of the plaintext of the first block is encrypted using the block-cipher with symmetric-key as key and IV as initialization vector. Call this the blockcipher plaintext.

The blockcipher plaintext starts with


which is encoded in the same way as a block index. See above. This is the number of blocks in the slice. This is followed by number-of-blocks - 1 indices. These are the indices of the other blocks of the slice. It is quite possible the blockcipher plaintext is too small for all the indices. In this case the indices that did not fit continue in the next block of the slice. Et cetera.

After that the size of the slice is serialized. The remainder is the contents of the slice, which should be truncated to the specified size.

See _load_slice_from_first_block in

Compression of the data of a slice

The data of a slice starts with a single format byte.

  • If the format byte is 0, then the remainder is a msgpack encoded simple object.
  • If the format byte is 1, then the remainder is a msgpack encoded simple object compressed with zlib.

See string_to_son in

Access slices

The key of an append slice for a password pwd is


The data of an access slice is the quadruple

( magic, type, key, index )
  • magic is always in hexadecimal

     1a 1a 8a d7
  • type is either

    • 0, then this is an access slice for a master password.
    • 1, then this is an access slice for a list-only password.
    • 2, then this is an access slice for an append-only password.
  • key is

    • The full key of the container when this is a master password access slice.
    • The list key of the container when this is a list-only password access slice.
    • The append key of the container when this is an append-only password access slice.
  • index is

    • The index of the main slice when this is a master or list-only password access slice.
    • The index of the append slice when this is the append-only password access slice.

Key derivation

The list key Klist of a container is derivable from the full key Kfull of a container. Also, the append key Kappend is derivable from the list key Klist. This is done as follows.

Klist     = KD([ Kfull, KD_LIST ])
Kappend   = KD([ Klist, KD_APPEND ])
KD_LIST   = d5 3d 37 6a 7d b4 98 95 6d 7d 7f 5e 57 05 09 d5
KD_APPEND = 76 00 1c 34 4c bd 9e 73 a6 b5 bd 48 b6 72 66 d9

Append slices

The key of an append slice is the append key of the container it belongs to. The data of an append slice is the triple

( magic, pubkey, entries )
  • magic is always in hexadecimal

     2d 50 39 ba
  • pubkey is the public key from the envelope primitive with which the entries are sealed.

  • entries is this list of sealed entries. An entry is a triple

     ( key, note, secret )

that is serialized in the same way as the data of a slice. See above.

Main slices

The key of a main slice is the list key of the container it belongs to. The data of a main slice is the quintuple

( magic, append_index, entries, iv, secrets )
  • magic is always in hexadecimal

      33 65 3e fc
  • append_index is the index of the first block of the append slice of the container.

  • entries is a list of pairs (key, note).

  • iv is the initialization vector with which secrets is encrypted.

  • secrets is the list of secrets, encoded in the same way as the data of an access slice, encrypted with the full key and initialization vector iv.