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Rust API client for openapi


Welcome to's Exchange API and developer documentation. \ These documents detail and give examples of various functionality offered by the API such as receiving real time market data, requesting balance information and performing trades.

To Get Started

Create or log into your existing Exchange account \ Select API from the drop down menu \ Fill out form and click “Create New API Key Now” \ Once generated you can view your keys under API Settings. \ Please be aware that the API key can only be used once it was verified via email.

The API key must be set via the \ X-API-Token\ header.

The base URL to be used for all calls is \

Autogenerated clients for this API can be found here.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

    openapi = { path = "./generated" }

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
PaymentsApi create_withdrawal Post /withdrawals Request a withdrawal
PaymentsApi get_account_by_type_and_currency Get /accounts/{account}/{currency} Receive current account balances
PaymentsApi get_accounts Get /accounts Receive current account balances
PaymentsApi get_deposit_address Post /deposits/{currency} Get a deposit address. Currently only crypto currencies are supported
PaymentsApi get_deposit_by_id Get /deposits/{depositId} Get status about a deposit
PaymentsApi get_deposits Get /deposits Get a list of deposits
PaymentsApi get_whitelist Get /whitelist Get a list of all whitelisted withdrawal accounts
PaymentsApi get_whitelist_by_currency Get /whitelist/{currency} Get a list of all whitelisted withdrawal accounts
PaymentsApi get_withdrawal_by_id Get /withdrawals/{withdrawalId} Get status about a withdrawal
PaymentsApi get_withdrawals Get /withdrawals Get a list of withdrawals
TradingApi create_order Post /orders Add an order
TradingApi delete_all_orders Delete /orders Delete all open orders (of a symbol, if specified)
TradingApi delete_order Delete /orders/{orderId} Cancel a trade
TradingApi get_fees Get /fees Get current fee level
TradingApi get_fills Get /trades Get a list of filled orders
TradingApi get_order_by_id Get /orders/{orderId} Get a specific order
TradingApi get_orders Get /orders Get a list orders
UnauthenticatedApi get_l2_order_book Get /l2/{symbol} L2 Order Book
UnauthenticatedApi get_l3_order_book Get /l3/{symbol} L3 Order Book
UnauthenticatedApi get_symbol_by_name Get /symbols/{symbol} Symbols
UnauthenticatedApi get_symbols Get /symbols Symbols
UnauthenticatedApi get_ticker_by_symbol Get /tickers/{symbol} Price
UnauthenticatedApi get_tickers Get /tickers Price

Documentation For Models

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open
