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0. Subject & Guide Link

1. What is Libft?

This project is the implementation of Libc. There is a restriction of using library on carrying out the projects in 42. This is the first library that the Cadets can use.

2. How to archive as static library?

Libft is the static library. There is a Makefile which provides the common rules (all, clean, fclean, re) including bonus rule in the folder.

  • For the Mandatory

make all

  • For the Bonus

make bonus

3. Which are the allowed external functions?

  1. write on <unistd.h>
  2. malloc on <stdlib.h>
  3. free on <stdlib.h>

4. What kind of functions in Libft?

1) Mandatory

Name Parameters Return
ft_atoi const char *s int
ft_itoa int n char *
ft_bzero void *s, size_t n void
ft_calloc size_t cnt, size_t n void *
ft_isalnum int c int
ft_isalpha int c int
ft_isascii int c int
ft_isdigit int c int
ft_isprint int c int
ft_memccpy void *dst, const void *src, int c, size_t n void *
ft_memcpy void *dst, const void *src, size_t n void *
ft_memmove void *dst, const void *src, size_t n void *
ft_memset void *s, int c, size_t n void *
ft_memchr const void *s, int c, size_t n void *
ft_memcmp const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n int
ft_putchar_fd char c, int fd void
ft_put_endl char *s, int fd void
ft_putnbr_fd int n, int fd void
ft_putstr_fd char *s, int fd void
ft_split char const *s, char c char **
ft_strchr const char *s, int c char *
ft_strrchr const char *s, int c char *
ft_strdup const char *s char *
ft_strjoin char const *s1, char const *s2 char *
ft_strlcat char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize size_t
ft_strlcpy char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize size_t
ft_strlen const char *s size_t
ft_strmapi char const *s, char (*f)(unsigned int, char) char *
ft_strncmp const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n int
ft_strnstr const char *s1, const char *set, size_t n char *
ft_strtrim char const *s1, char const *set char *
ft_substr char const *s, unsigned int start, size_t len char *
ft_tolower int c int
ft_toupper int c int

2) Bonus

Name Parameters Return
ft_lstadd_back t_list **lst, t_list *new void
ft_lstadd_front t_list **lst, t_list *new void
ft_lstclear t_list **lst, void (*del)(void *) void
ft_lstdelone t_list *lst, void (*del)(void *) void
ft_lstiter t_list *lst, void (*f)(void *) void
ft_lstmap t_list *lst, void *(*f)(void *), void (*del)(void *) t_list *
ft_lstlast t_list *lst t_list *
ft_lstnew void *content t_list *
ft_lstsize t_list *lst int

5. How does every functions deal with the Undefiend Behaviors?

Every functions in Libft deals with Undefunded Behaviors as similar as How the Mac OS X does.

6. How to include the static library into the other project?

When you are compiling the project, type the command below appropriately.

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -L <directory-name> -l <library-name>

The name of the static library should be started with lib and ends with .a. Also, <library-name> should be typed except lib and .a. When we set the static library name as libft.a, <library-name> should be ft.