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InsuloJS components

InsuloJS components are a collection of components designed to rapidly build React-based applications. InsuloJS components are based on the material-ui library. They use React hooks, in terms of state management.

The main InsuloJS library items are: the Menu component and the ProtectedRoute component.

The Menu component offers three operating modes (persistent, temporary and minimized) and provides the functionality of many sub-menu levels. It also allows to create themes and language versions.

The ProtectedRoute component provides an interface for applying a user-defined authentication and authorization mechanism.


  • Menu Sample - an example showing the functionality of the Menu component and the ProtectedRoute component
  • Code sandbox- the above example presented in the sandbox
  • DataTable Sample - an example of the DataTable component. The DataTable component is under development and is likely to be part of the InsuloJS library.

Getting started

The best way to learn about InsuloJS components is to run test applications. To run a test application, you must have the Node.js environment prepared.

Plain JavaScript example:

git clone
cd insulo/cra-demo
npm install && npm start

The TypeScript version (do not use yarn because of problems with some Material UI components compilation):

git clone
cd insulo/cra-demo-ts
npm install && npm start

Additional examples can be found in the samples catalog of cloned repository. Each example has its own README file, with some usage information.


The easiest way of using InsuloJS components is to apply the Create React App with insulo-full template:

npx create-react-app insulo-test-full --template insulo-full
cd insulo-test-full
npm start

or with insulo template:

npx create-react-app insulo-test --template insulo
cd insulo-test
npm start

The insulo-full template contains full functionality of the Insulo library. The insulo template is limited to the basic functionality, but you can enable individual functionalites by removing the appropriate comments. Some code parts are commented out with comments like #Theming(start) / #Theming(stop). In order to use the selected functionality, you will have to remove the comments between the marks, for example between #Theming (start) and #Theming (stop).

Contents of the InsuloJS npm packages

Package Contents
insulo-menu Components:
Menu – a component that supports three variants of behavior, hiding menu items according to authorization, theming, localization,
ApplicationBar – an application bar component with menu button and user-defined title,
MenuLanding – a page placement area compatible with the Menu component,
Landing – a helper component combinig the Menu and MenuLanding components,
Context Providers:
MenuProvider – a context provider that provides menu configuration, including menu operation mode, available modes, lists of items and settings and their visibility and their visibility,
insulo-route Components:
ProtectedRoute – a component that supports the use of routes requiring authorization,
Context Providers:
AuthConfigProvider – a context provider that provides an authorization context for the ProtectedRoute component and for Menu component, as well as providing helper methods for authorization,
RouteConfigProvider – an context provider of the routing configuration used by ProtectedRoute components
insulo-theme-provider Context Providers:
ThemeConfigProvider – an optional context provider that supports themes,
insulo-locale-provider Context Providers:
LocaleConfigProvider – an optional context provider supporting localization.

Repository structure

  • cra-demo is a javascript demo project,
  • cra-demo-ts is a typescript demo project,
  • packages directory contains source code of InsuloJS packages,
  • samples directory contains:
  • templates directory contains source code of insulo template.

Default project structure

In general, the structure of the project is flexible and it depends on you what you will ultimately use. The insulo / insulo-full template will generate the following directory hierarchy:

├── config
│   └── ...
├── containers
│   ├── App.js
│   └── MainLayout.js
└── pages
    ├── routing
    │   └── Routes.js
    ├── Dashboard.js
    └── ...

The starting point of the application is App.js, where InsuloJS providers are defined. Providers' configuration files are located in the config directory, but you can put them in a different location. Routes.js contains the configuration of routing including protected routes, more information in the section Authorization.


InsuloJS components do not provide any authentication or authorization mechanisms. Instead, insulo-route packet provides an interface for user authorization. An example of JWT (bearer tokens) authorization using insulo-route can be found in the menu-with-bearer example.

How the insulo-route authorization interface works

  • The configuration of insulo-route is located in two configuration files by default:
    • src/config/auth/initial.js – authorization configuration,
    • src/config/routing/initial.js – routing configuration,
  • The first step is to set the authorization value for the current session, which can be done by:
    • directly - using action SET_AUTH_VALUES of AuthContext from insulo-route package,
    • indirectly (which is the preferred way) - using setCredentials action helper from the insulo-route package,
  • Comparision of both methods you can find in the cra-demo project.
  • Action helper setCredentials calls the method indicated by the property setCredentials of the athorization configuration file.
  • This method is a user-defined method, taking an input parameter of type object, containing property credentials (user-defined type) and additionalProps (user-defined type), and returning a user-defined value
  • The value (let's call it "authValues") returned from above method is used in:
    • ProtectedRoute components - to determine the availability of a given route,
    • in the menu component to define the visibility of the menu item.
  • For comparison with authValues are taken:
    • property authProps of the ProtectedRoute component,
    • property authProps of individual items, defined in the items object, which is a property of the menu component configuration object, defined in the menu configuration file (src/config/menu/initial.js by default).
  • The following functions are responsible for the comparison authValues and authProps:
    • for the ProtectedRoute component it is the function indicated in property getPageVisibility of the routing configuration file - returned value true means that the specific ProtectedRoute is available,
    • for the menu component it is the function indicated in the property getItemVisibility of the menu configuration file - returned value true means that the specific menu item is visible.

For authorized access to individual pages, use the ProtectedRoute component from the insulo-route package.

<ProtectedRoute exact path="/item1" 
    getPageVisibility={getPageVisibility} />

ProtectedRoute uses following parameters to configure authorized access to a given route:

  • component – the target React functional or class component,
  • componentProps – (optional) properties passed to the target component,
  • authProps – user-defined route access conditions; the type of authProps parameter is defined by the user, according to the authorization mechanisms used, for example it could be a string or an object or an array,
  • getPageVisibility – (optional) user-defined function which returns true for athorized access to the route or false when access is denied; ProtectedRoute pass authProps and authValues to the getPageVisibility function as input parameters. It's an optional parameter. Te use of RouteConfigProvider eliminates the need to specify the getPageVisibility parameter in ProtectedRoute components. RouteConfigProvider injects the getPageVisibility value to all ProtectedRoute components. User-defined permission validation function is passed to the RouteConfigProvider via the property getPageVisibility of the initValue parameter.

Example of using providers needed for authorization:

<RouteConfigProvider initValue={routingConfig}>
    <AuthConfigProvider initValue={authConfig}>
        <MenuProvider initValue={menuConfig}>
            <MainLayout />

AuthConfigProvider provides an action SET_AUTH_VALUES, by which InsuloJS components obtain information about current user's credentials. Values set by SET_AUTH_VALUES are used in ProtectedRoute component to determine availability of specify private route. The authorization values, set by the SET_AUTH_VALUES action, are compared to the authProps ProtectedRoute's property in the getPageVisibility function, which returns true for an available route and false for an unavailable route.

AuthConfigProvider allows using authorization helpers setCredentials and clearCredentials, which simplify authorization management. An example of using authorization helpers can be found in the Login.js file in cra-demo project.

Authorization in InsuloJS components is shown in the example samples/route-only or samples/menu-with-auth. You can also test the authorization with the Insulo template as shown in Authorization provider functionality test.

Hiding menu items

Authorization values set by the action SET_AUTH_VALUES, in addition to being used by the ProtectedRoute component, are used by the Menu component to determine the visibility of individual menu items.

Menu items may be hidden according to the application user's credentials. Equivalent to parameter authProps from ProtectedRoute component is property authProps of MenuProvider initValue parameter, assigned to a given menu item. Values provided by the authorization mechanism are provided to Menu component by AuthConfigProvider SET_AUTH_VALUES action, in the same way as used in ProtectedRoute. Permission verification function is defined as getItemVisibility property of MenuItemsProvider initValue parameter.

Managing the visibility of menu items in Menu component is shown in the example samples/menu-with-auth. You can also test the menu item visibility management with the Insulo template as shown in Authorization provider functionality test.


InsuloJS theming is based on material-ui theming. The insulo-theme-provider is responsible for theming. Theming parameters are defined in insulo-theme-provider initValue parameter. You can define array of several themes. The props property of the items in this array corresponds to the material-iu theme properties. The insulo-theme-provider initValue parameter has the type property influencing the presentation of the menu. Is sets the current theme type to dark or light. The theme array elements have backgroud and selected properties which affect menu colors.

Theming in InsuloJS components is shown in the cra-demo project. You can also test theming with the Insulo template as shown in Theming provider functionality test.


The insulo-locale-provider context provider is responsible for the localization functionality of the InsuloJS components. The initValue parameter of the insulo-locale-provider defines appropriate strings used in Menu component for selected language. The initValue also contains locales symbol conversion tables between used in InsuloJS components and symbols known from HTML or symbols used in the material-ui. The insulo-locale-provider context provider uses javascript navigator object to determine the language used. If the value of the language property is in the format "en-US", then insulo-locale-provider looks for string definitions first in the US property, then in the en property, and then uses the default language.

You can test the language management with the Insulo template as shown in Localization provider functionality test.


The project is generally licensed under the MIT license, with the exception of the InsuloJS packages located in the packages directory, which are licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.