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Software for Thalmic's Myo

File metadata and controls

141 lines (112 loc) · 11.2 KB

By Thalmic

Reviewed by Thalmic




  • MyoBridge - A high-level Arduino library and custom firmware for the HM-11 (CC2541 SoC) to enable direct Myo Armband and Arduino communication


  • MyoAS3 - This is the AS3 framework for working with Thalmic Labs Myo

C# Wrapper

  • MyoSharp - C# Wrapper for the Myo Armband
  • Myo.Net - Wrapper written in C++/CLI of the Thalmic Labs Myo™ SDK
  • Myo-ObjectiveC-OSX - Objective-C wrapper for the c++ Myo OS X sdk

Data collection

  • matMYO - Matlab MYO Libray for Raw Acquiring Sensor Data in Batch Mode
  • Myo - Data collection application to collect IMU (and in the future, EMG) data from two MYO armbands simultaneously. The goal of this project is 2-fold. It is first a part of my thesis work to collect IMU sensor data from forearms, and also some third party Myo developers have been askin


  • myo-ue4 - A Thalmic Myo Plugin for Unreal Engine 4. Latest plugin is bound to beta 9, requires Myos to have firmware 1.5 or later
  • myo-unity - The Unity plugin for Myo by Thalmic Labs.
  • Myo - Myo portion of Flight project TAMU Hack 2015


  • myo-raw - An interface to communicate with the Thalmic Myo, providing the ability to scan for and connect to a nearby Myo, and giving access to data from the EMG sensors and the IMU.
  • myosim - A library for simulating a Thalmic Myo.
  • Myo-MissionControl - Use your Myo to switch between spaces of your Mac
  • MyoU - The handy tools you need to control your YouTube-- hands free!
  • WearablePack-Myo - Salesforce and Thalmic Labs have come together to create a touchless surgery device. During surgery a Dr. will use a Myo controller and a intergration to view images (X-Rays), order additonal post op X-rays, notifly the post op team about the end of surgery, and send notifications to others.
  • myo - MYO armband SDK development
  • myo - Haskell bindings to the Myo's armband
  • Myo - Myo bindings
  • myodaemon - A Websockets daemon for Thalmic Labs Myo
  • Myo - Myo bindings
  • myo
  • myo - pennapps myo
  • myo - The Lumyo is a full stack application (Mobile, Web app, and device) that allows you to view raw and aggregate data from sessions using the Myo EMG Armband.
  • myo - A package which contains bindings to the Myo SDK for the Nim programming language. The Myo is a gesture control armband that lets users wirelessly control a computer by detecting electrical activity in arm muscles.
  • myo_ros - This serves as the ROS-side portion of what is required to get Myo to work on a ROS network. It currently only contains a few custom message definitions to keep the data coming into ROS as raw as possible, but some basic examples should be added to demonstrate how it can be used. The Windows-side portion is myo_ros_windows
  • myo-goclient - A sample Go client that connects to Myo's Websocket API

Gesture recognition

  • MyoIMUGestureController - This library provides gesture detection functionality using almost exclusively the IMU data of the Myo Armband.
  • Myo-Intelligesture - This library expands upon the Myo library provided in the SDK to provide an easy interface to extract meaningful data from the provided data.

Hardware devices

  • Myo-Handball - To simulate a handball experience using myo technology



  • myo-mouse - An example of a method to move a cursor using Myo, similar to the implementation use in Myo Connect. For more information, see this post
  • Myouse - Wrapper API for a Myo to control a system mouse


  • MyoPilot - C# Application for controlling the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 with the Myo armband by Thalmic Labs
  • MyoDrone - Controlling a Parrot AR 2 Drone with Thalmic Labs Myo. PennApps 2015 Spring.
  • myo_drone - Using the Myo armband to control the Parrot AR Drone


  • MyoJS - Thalmic Labs Myo JavaScript Framework
  • myo - JavaScript framework for working with Thalmic Labs Myo.
  • myo-java - Java API for Thalmic's Myo Device
  • myo-java-JNI-Library - C++/C Files required to build a JNI DLL for the myo-java project


  • libmyolinux - A Linux interface for the Myo, for HackUMBC.
  • Dongleless-myo - Replacement for MyoConnect on linux without the official Myo dongle.

Lua scripts

  • MyoScripts - Myo Scripts written in Lua for Myo Connect and the Myo armband
  • MyoScripts - A collection of lua scripts for use with Myo
  • lua-scripts-for-myo - scripts to use with myo connect
  • myo - Lua scrips library for Myo Armband
  • MyoScripts - Scripts for the Myo. I'm not an expert, so use at your own risk.
  • myo - Thalmic Myo? Mario Kart 64? I think yes.
  • myo - Repo for myo armband software exploration

Music software

Max - Pd

  • Myo-maxpd - MaxMSP and PureData objects to get raw EMG data from the Thalmic Myo


  • MyoMapper 1 - Myo Mapper is an open-source application to send Myo data to third audio and visual softwares or hardware able to receive OSC or MIDI messages.
  • Myo-Ableton - Made for working on the Myo Ableton application
  • MyoMusic - WearHacks project for team #33 using the Myo armband.
  • Myo - Myo MIDI controller, reaction test, rock-paper-scissors

Music players

Open Sound Control (OSC)

  • MyOSC - Modular OSC bridge with UI for Myo
  • myo-osc - OSC bridge for the Thalmic Myo gesture control armband (cross-platform)
  • MyoMapper 1 - Myo Mapper is an open-source application to send Myo data to third audio and visual softwares or hardware able to receive OSC or MIDI messages.
  • MyoMapper 2 - Myo Mapper is an open-source application to send Myo data to third audio and visual softwares or hardware able to receive OSC or MIDI messages.

Node JS

  • myo4l - node module to access myo without the myo dongle
  • myo-node - A library for using the Myo in node.js. Currently only works in windows environment
  • myonodebluetooth - Myo bluetooth library for Node.JS using Noble


  • ofxMyo - openFrameworks wrapper for Thalmic's Myo - Supports SDK Alpha 5
  • ofxMyoWebSockets - openFrameworks addon for working with the Myo armband over WebSockets


  • MYO-python - MYO armband wrapped with python
  • myo-python - A ctypes based wrapper for the Thalmic Myo SDK that is compatible with Python 2 and 3
  • PyMyo - pyMyo is an extensible python shell interface that allows quick 'n' dirty scripts to be written to help with common tasks and have them easily integrate with a common shell interface.
  • myomatlab - The Myo MATLAB data streaming interface relies on real time data read from the text files updated by Python. Python is used to communicate with Myo Connect/Myo


  • myo-processing - Contributed library to use multiple Myo's in Processing


  • myo-ruby - Connect to Myo armband in Ruby